Kyle hated sleeping over at Kenny's house. He pretended it was because of the poor conditions, but that was not the case. Kyle hated it because sometimes the pain was too much to bare. He had stayed over there without Stan and Cartman a rare few times before, and the pain that oozed of Kenny became so great Kyle could hardly look at his friend.

/I'm tired from exploring you/

/I'm sorry you've had some scary days/

/I'm lucky, they had me on a leash/

/Exposing, sometimes you frighten me/

When Kenny slept, he seemed peaceful enough. His chest rose and fell, just like Kyle's. His heart thumped, just like Kyle's. But Kyle knew that on most nights, Kenny would not make it out of bed to great the day. He didn't think it was fair. Who could someone who had been through so much, die every fucking day? It didn't make sense.

/And it's too bad you're so sad/

/Wish you could have had what I had/

Sometimes Kyle would sit in Kenny's room, waiting for him to come in. He would listen to the screams of anger and anguish, the bams and thuds of fists hitting faces and skulls meeting with walls. Kyle would rock back and forth, assuring himself Kenny would be okay. When Kenny finally sulked in with a swollen eye and bloody nose, Kyle knew it would not be so.

/I'm loathing most of your history/

/Hesitation, but then you siphon me/

/Your potential, well I'll indulge in that/

/Violent timing explains the aftermath/

Kyle found himself scared to fall asleep in Kenny's house. He feared Kenny's demons would attack him, that maybe HE would be the one to not wake up in the morning instead of Kenny. Deep down, Kyle knew Kenny would always be the unlucky one. But neither of them wanted it that way.

/And it's too bad you're so sad/

/I wish you could've had what I had/

/And it's so sad, it's too bad/

/Maybe I can make you feel better/

/Oh maybe I'm supposed to make you feel better/

The boys would hold each other through the night. Kyle felt like he was protecting Kenny, ironically when he himself was frightened the most. Kenny felt secure in Kyle's arms, like neither Stuart or Death or anything could touch him but his friend. Kyle would often stay up to watch Kenny fall asleep, then smile knowing Kenny's safe in his arms.

/I want to comfort you/

/Unlike you, I had it easy/

/You're dark blue/

/Stained from previous days/

When they kissed, everything melted away. The pain, the fear, the hate were all gone. But Kyle knew it would all come back to Kenny like that fucking train that had ran him over numerous times. Kyle knew Kenny could never be completely safe, but that didn't him from trying.

/And you're so sad/

/It's too bad/

/I wish you could've had what I had/

/And it's too bad you're so sad/

/Maybe I can make you feel better/

Kyle still hated sleeping over at Kenny's house. He couldn't wait until they were eighteen, so he could help find the young blonde a nice place to live. They could get jobs together, just to make ends meet. He planned this out with Kenny as they laid in his bed. Kenny agreed cheerfully, and Kyle wonders who Kenny can seem so happy all the time. Before he has time to ask, Kenny suddenly coughs violently and his face turns blue, then purple. Before he passes away, he says "I love you." Kyle smiles, "I love you too." Soon Kenny is dead, but Kyle doesn't move his body. He knows Kenny will wake up alive tomorrow. Kyle sighs and falls asleep, holding the now lifeless Kenny in is arms.

/I'm sorry/