A/N. Yea yea I know I know. I have Like a lot of other fanfics I still
gotta update, but hey.. When a fanfic comes to mind.. I am going to write
it down. That way I wont forget..This is another Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfic..
Just came to mind.. And damn.. How many other fics do I hafta finish?
*counts on fingers* 1, 2, 3, 4. Four others.. Damn I am pitifull..I start
them.. Then I don't update them.. Then I make another one..
I do not own any of the Yu Yu Hakusho Characters.. I only own cahadras.. I think I say that to much.. And yes.. In most of my Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfics.. Cahadras will be in them. She is me.. I am her.. You get the drift.. As I said.. I don't own them, but I soon will.Muhahahahahahaha*evil cackle*
Where You Belong
What The Fuck Happened To Me!?!?!?
(Tokyo, Japan)
Sixteen year old Cahadras Fearia opened her apartment door and walked into her living room. She took a glance at the clock to see that it was five thirty.. The time one of her favorite T.V. shows came on.. She Jumped onto the couch and turned onto the t.v. She then turned the channel to Cartoon Network..
As the commercials were on Cahadras got a pen out and started writing on some paper that was on her coffee table.. They were poems about her life and personality.. Most of them told how her parents died..
" Ring, Ring."
Cahadras glared at her phone.. She always hated the thing, but a girl without a phone in Tokyo is like a girl without pants in public.. Cahadras got up and answered the phone..
" Moshi, Moshi.." Cahadras greeted.. She heard the voice on the other line speak to her.. It was her friend Rachael..
" Hi Cahadras!! I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me, Jack, and Daryl in about five minutes?"Rachael announced on the other end as excited as possible..
Cahadras sighed. She hated going to the movies.. They were always to crowded.. She also hated Jack and Daryl. Jack was Rachaels Boy friend so she couldn't do anything about that.. Daryl had a crush on her and was Jack's friend.. Cahadras sighed again and saw her show was about to start..
" Maybe later Rachael I got one of my favorite t.v. shows on.."
" Oh what.. Are you watching Yu-Yu Hakusho Cahadras?" Rachael asked..
" Hn"
" Oh my god. You are.. You are such an idiot.. I think you are one of the only girls in Tokyo that watches anime.. You do know that that is a big turn off on Daryl right?"Rachael said.. Cahadras sighed again.. She could really care less what Daryl thought..
" I could care less Rachael.."Cahadras said in a venomous tone..
" Come on Cahadras it will be fun.. You are so anti social you need to get out more.."Rachael said again..
"' Bye Rachael," Cahadras said.. She then hung up the phone and sat down on the couch and started watching Yu- Yu Hakusho..The phone rang again, but cahadras didn't answer it.
The phone kept ringing.. In annoyance Cahadras ripped the phone cord out.. She looked out the window and saw that it had started thunder storming.. She sighed.. she loved it when it rained.. It was so peacefull..Cahadras started looking at the T.V. again to see that her favorite episode was on.. The episode when Hiei the fire apparition did the dragon of the Darkness flame move.. She always loved that move and she had it in her head that if Hiei was real she probably would be in love with him..
Cahadras shook her head.. She had already promised herself that she would never get a boyfriend or love someone.. Love always slowed you down. It killeds her parents..
Her sopposed parents that is..
It was told that Cahadras' mother and father's last words were that they were sorry, but they were not Cahadras' real parents.. Cahadras never found out the rest cause they died seconds after..
The lightning and Thunder started getting louder and closer to the apartment Cahadras was living in.. Cahadras pulled down the blinds so the flashes of lightning wouldn't put a glare on the t.v.
Right then the TV went out showing nothing , but a blank screen..
" Fuck.. ' Cahadras mumbled.. She got up and started Hitting her tv hoping it would start working again.. It usually always worked..
Not this time though..
" Damn you why wont you work?" Cahadras guestioned the Tv.. It didn't answer her..(duh..)Cahadras went to the back of the tv to see if one of the wires had a jumbled up circuit or something.. It was all fine back there except part of the plug was half way out of the wall.. Cahadras sighed and put her hand on the plug to push it in..
Lightning struck.. And without Cahadras knowing, the lightning struck the Tv cable that was outside getting her channels.. The wires started glowing blue and cahadras felt a sharp pain go through her fingers..
" OWW!! WHAT THE FUCK!!" Cahadras yelled.. She started to pull her fingers off the cord, but found that they were stuck to it.. She started pulling.. They still didn't budge..The electric pain was starting to get unbearable in her fingers and Cahadras started to scream in pain..
While she was screaming she noticed that her whole body started fading in and out and she got this tingly feeling all throughout her body.. Just then.. Another electric shock went through the wires causing her to scream in pain again..
Her eyes started seeing black..
" AHHH!!!!!!" Cahadras screamed hoping someone would hear her and come and help..The pain became to unbearable and she blacked out..
Just then the landlord came running in to see what she was screaming about.. What he saw would make him have to go to an insane asylum..
Cahadras body was fading right into the wires of the tv.. And soon her whole body disappeared into the wire.. The landlord screamed and started staring at the spot where Cahadras was last seen.. Then.
The TV turned back on.
It was of Yu- Yu Hakusho, but it was showing Hiei in a fight with a demon that looked a lot like cahadras..
The landlord screamed and feinted.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Cahadras opened her eyes. Rain was pouring onto her face and she felt drenched.. She sat up and felt a wave of nausea run through her. She layed back down.. She started to think over what had happened.
Her eyes snapped wide opened.. She sat up straight and ignored the dizziness. She checked her body to make sure she wasn't hurt.. thankfully. She wasn't.. She looked at her body again.. Right on the left side of her is where she looked.. She gasped..
Resting right there on her left side was a clean shiny Katana.
" What the fuck.." Cahadras mumbled.. She stood up and looked around.. She found herself in an alleyway with lots of broken mirrors all around.. Cahadras took the Katana and looked at it's sheath.. It was beautiful to her..
" Where am I anyway.?" Cahadras asked outloud.. Her only answer was thunder and Lightning..
" Peachy.. I have no fucking clue where I am or what happened to me.." Cahadras punched at a wall in her frustration.. The week wall crumbled and made a huge whole.. Cahadras gasped..
" What the hell?" Cahadras looked at her hand and saw that hitting the wall didn't hurt at all.. She was confused now.. She looked at the wall and could see all the way into the other side. The other side was a base ment..
Cahadras turned around and started walking down the alleyway.. She glanced left and right to take a look at her surroundings.. She glanced into a mirror and saw that her once brown hair was Blue with silver highlights.. She stopped and looked in the mirror again.. She gasped..
She had fox ears on top of her head to.. And a tail.. Both were blue..She noticed that there was a head band on her forehead too.
" What the hell happened to me..?" Cahadras asked herself.. She slowly went and reached for her head band. She grabbed the silken fabric and pulled it off.. She tried her best to stifle a scream..
She had a blue third eye right on her forehead.
She stood there for a few moments.. Breathing in deep and trying not to panic.. Her breathing started getting ragged.. She put the head band back on her head.. She heard voices start walking up into the alleyway.. She turned her head and saw a group of girls wearing school uniforms staring at her..
Cahadras gulped..
The girls stared at her before.
" AHHH!!! IT'S A MONSTER!!!" The girls screamed and ran off.. cahadras turned and ran.. She noticed that she was running way faster than normal.. A lot more faster.. She took pleasure in how fast she was running.. She loved moving fast..
She saw a ladder on a fire escape up ahead and she jumped onto it and began climbing up.. Not even breaking a sweat she got to the roof of the tall building.. She walked over to the edge of the roof and looked around.. She was still in the Tokyo she knew, but there was still something going on that she didn't know.. Cahadras put her hand on her fox ears and rubbed them..
" What,. The,.. Fuck,.. Happened,.To, .Me?" Cahadras asked herself.. A single tear running down her cheek..
A/n.. End of chapter 1.. I really like the idea of this story.. There will be more of Yusuke and the gang in the next chapter.. Yusuke and gang.. That sounded like Scooby Doo.. Damn I really gotta think of different things to say..
Review ppl.. Make me a happy demon..
I do not own any of the Yu Yu Hakusho Characters.. I only own cahadras.. I think I say that to much.. And yes.. In most of my Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfics.. Cahadras will be in them. She is me.. I am her.. You get the drift.. As I said.. I don't own them, but I soon will.Muhahahahahahaha*evil cackle*
Where You Belong
What The Fuck Happened To Me!?!?!?
(Tokyo, Japan)
Sixteen year old Cahadras Fearia opened her apartment door and walked into her living room. She took a glance at the clock to see that it was five thirty.. The time one of her favorite T.V. shows came on.. She Jumped onto the couch and turned onto the t.v. She then turned the channel to Cartoon Network..
As the commercials were on Cahadras got a pen out and started writing on some paper that was on her coffee table.. They were poems about her life and personality.. Most of them told how her parents died..
" Ring, Ring."
Cahadras glared at her phone.. She always hated the thing, but a girl without a phone in Tokyo is like a girl without pants in public.. Cahadras got up and answered the phone..
" Moshi, Moshi.." Cahadras greeted.. She heard the voice on the other line speak to her.. It was her friend Rachael..
" Hi Cahadras!! I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me, Jack, and Daryl in about five minutes?"Rachael announced on the other end as excited as possible..
Cahadras sighed. She hated going to the movies.. They were always to crowded.. She also hated Jack and Daryl. Jack was Rachaels Boy friend so she couldn't do anything about that.. Daryl had a crush on her and was Jack's friend.. Cahadras sighed again and saw her show was about to start..
" Maybe later Rachael I got one of my favorite t.v. shows on.."
" Oh what.. Are you watching Yu-Yu Hakusho Cahadras?" Rachael asked..
" Hn"
" Oh my god. You are.. You are such an idiot.. I think you are one of the only girls in Tokyo that watches anime.. You do know that that is a big turn off on Daryl right?"Rachael said.. Cahadras sighed again.. She could really care less what Daryl thought..
" I could care less Rachael.."Cahadras said in a venomous tone..
" Come on Cahadras it will be fun.. You are so anti social you need to get out more.."Rachael said again..
"' Bye Rachael," Cahadras said.. She then hung up the phone and sat down on the couch and started watching Yu- Yu Hakusho..The phone rang again, but cahadras didn't answer it.
The phone kept ringing.. In annoyance Cahadras ripped the phone cord out.. She looked out the window and saw that it had started thunder storming.. She sighed.. she loved it when it rained.. It was so peacefull..Cahadras started looking at the T.V. again to see that her favorite episode was on.. The episode when Hiei the fire apparition did the dragon of the Darkness flame move.. She always loved that move and she had it in her head that if Hiei was real she probably would be in love with him..
Cahadras shook her head.. She had already promised herself that she would never get a boyfriend or love someone.. Love always slowed you down. It killeds her parents..
Her sopposed parents that is..
It was told that Cahadras' mother and father's last words were that they were sorry, but they were not Cahadras' real parents.. Cahadras never found out the rest cause they died seconds after..
The lightning and Thunder started getting louder and closer to the apartment Cahadras was living in.. Cahadras pulled down the blinds so the flashes of lightning wouldn't put a glare on the t.v.
Right then the TV went out showing nothing , but a blank screen..
" Fuck.. ' Cahadras mumbled.. She got up and started Hitting her tv hoping it would start working again.. It usually always worked..
Not this time though..
" Damn you why wont you work?" Cahadras guestioned the Tv.. It didn't answer her..(duh..)Cahadras went to the back of the tv to see if one of the wires had a jumbled up circuit or something.. It was all fine back there except part of the plug was half way out of the wall.. Cahadras sighed and put her hand on the plug to push it in..
Lightning struck.. And without Cahadras knowing, the lightning struck the Tv cable that was outside getting her channels.. The wires started glowing blue and cahadras felt a sharp pain go through her fingers..
" OWW!! WHAT THE FUCK!!" Cahadras yelled.. She started to pull her fingers off the cord, but found that they were stuck to it.. She started pulling.. They still didn't budge..The electric pain was starting to get unbearable in her fingers and Cahadras started to scream in pain..
While she was screaming she noticed that her whole body started fading in and out and she got this tingly feeling all throughout her body.. Just then.. Another electric shock went through the wires causing her to scream in pain again..
Her eyes started seeing black..
" AHHH!!!!!!" Cahadras screamed hoping someone would hear her and come and help..The pain became to unbearable and she blacked out..
Just then the landlord came running in to see what she was screaming about.. What he saw would make him have to go to an insane asylum..
Cahadras body was fading right into the wires of the tv.. And soon her whole body disappeared into the wire.. The landlord screamed and started staring at the spot where Cahadras was last seen.. Then.
The TV turned back on.
It was of Yu- Yu Hakusho, but it was showing Hiei in a fight with a demon that looked a lot like cahadras..
The landlord screamed and feinted.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Cahadras opened her eyes. Rain was pouring onto her face and she felt drenched.. She sat up and felt a wave of nausea run through her. She layed back down.. She started to think over what had happened.
Her eyes snapped wide opened.. She sat up straight and ignored the dizziness. She checked her body to make sure she wasn't hurt.. thankfully. She wasn't.. She looked at her body again.. Right on the left side of her is where she looked.. She gasped..
Resting right there on her left side was a clean shiny Katana.
" What the fuck.." Cahadras mumbled.. She stood up and looked around.. She found herself in an alleyway with lots of broken mirrors all around.. Cahadras took the Katana and looked at it's sheath.. It was beautiful to her..
" Where am I anyway.?" Cahadras asked outloud.. Her only answer was thunder and Lightning..
" Peachy.. I have no fucking clue where I am or what happened to me.." Cahadras punched at a wall in her frustration.. The week wall crumbled and made a huge whole.. Cahadras gasped..
" What the hell?" Cahadras looked at her hand and saw that hitting the wall didn't hurt at all.. She was confused now.. She looked at the wall and could see all the way into the other side. The other side was a base ment..
Cahadras turned around and started walking down the alleyway.. She glanced left and right to take a look at her surroundings.. She glanced into a mirror and saw that her once brown hair was Blue with silver highlights.. She stopped and looked in the mirror again.. She gasped..
She had fox ears on top of her head to.. And a tail.. Both were blue..She noticed that there was a head band on her forehead too.
" What the hell happened to me..?" Cahadras asked herself.. She slowly went and reached for her head band. She grabbed the silken fabric and pulled it off.. She tried her best to stifle a scream..
She had a blue third eye right on her forehead.
She stood there for a few moments.. Breathing in deep and trying not to panic.. Her breathing started getting ragged.. She put the head band back on her head.. She heard voices start walking up into the alleyway.. She turned her head and saw a group of girls wearing school uniforms staring at her..
Cahadras gulped..
The girls stared at her before.
" AHHH!!! IT'S A MONSTER!!!" The girls screamed and ran off.. cahadras turned and ran.. She noticed that she was running way faster than normal.. A lot more faster.. She took pleasure in how fast she was running.. She loved moving fast..
She saw a ladder on a fire escape up ahead and she jumped onto it and began climbing up.. Not even breaking a sweat she got to the roof of the tall building.. She walked over to the edge of the roof and looked around.. She was still in the Tokyo she knew, but there was still something going on that she didn't know.. Cahadras put her hand on her fox ears and rubbed them..
" What,. The,.. Fuck,.. Happened,.To, .Me?" Cahadras asked herself.. A single tear running down her cheek..
A/n.. End of chapter 1.. I really like the idea of this story.. There will be more of Yusuke and the gang in the next chapter.. Yusuke and gang.. That sounded like Scooby Doo.. Damn I really gotta think of different things to say..
Review ppl.. Make me a happy demon..