Fate Awaits - A Detour

She was only with him when he was dreaming.

He could picture every detail, the slight curve of her cheekbone when she laughed. The sparkle in her eyes when she was focused a new and challenging goal. Everything about her was so perfect, so precise. She seemed so close to him, yet so far away.

To him, moments together were treasured, savoured. When she caught him looking at her, a slight blush would rise to those perfect cheeks, making her charms even more desirable.

He didn't dare to voice his thoughts. They stayed buried deep within his mind, where nobody could tease or prod him about it. Especially his cousin… if he ever figured out Dom's thoughts for that certain lady-knight, he would be as pestering as a mosquito.

Not that he wasn't normally though.

There was moments when Dom thought that maybe, just maybe, there might be a chance that she felt for him in the same manner. But then she would turn away and not talk to him. It was as if she was running from the inevitable. He knew that someday what was meant to happen would… that this was all set out before they were both mere figments of thought. Before stars shone in the sky.

He rolled over in bed, looking out his window. The stars sparkled back at him, as if to prove his point. How could Kel not feel the same way. He knew that she felt those moments together, the subtle glances, a friendly caress that could mean so much more.

Suddenly, as if a voice not his own went through him, he got out of bed and put on a dressing gown.


It kept repeating, not allowing him to think for himself. Dom stepped into his shoes by the door and walked out into the hall. He knew without thinking where he was headed.

Go on… don't be nervous now. This was meant to happen.

Bless Mithros… if the gods were interfering, then it was truly a moment that should happen. A moment when everything changed.

This is right. This is fate.

Dom walked the halls till he found himself at Kel's door. A knock is all it takes. A slight sound and she would answer. His pulse began to quicken as he brought his arm up to knock on the door. His blood moved hotly through him and he felt as if he might explode with all the emotions inside him.

His ears began to roar as he knocked twice, softly, on Kel's door. Then he waited a moment. He heard moving around inside the room, and then a lock clicked. The door slowly opened.

"Dom?" Kel's voice was soft as she opened the door. "Is something wrong?"

Dom began to smile at the sight of her and his breathing quickened. She was wearing a dressing gown, but she looked as if she had been sleeping. "No… everything's perfect."

"Then…" She trailed off. "I'm glad you're here." She smiled. She quickly brushed a piece of hair back from her eyes. "Would you like to come in?" She blushed, and Dom could scarcely see the faint rosy tinge in the soft light.

Without a word, Dom opened his arms to her, and she gave a soft smile. She stepped into his arms, and Dom knew that from now on, his world would be complete.

Yes. The voice whispered. Fate.