
Well, I've been writing fanfiction for a long time, but it's a first for me that I would do two stories in a row. The reason I did this was because my last story, Under the Stars, was meant to be my definitive Kuki/Nigel story, but it didn't work out that way and instead it became an anti-Lizzie story. Now as it happens, some people were put off by the nature of Under the Stars. To those people I would like to assure that the following story is nowhere near similar in tone or theme. In fact I intentionally tried to go a more lighthearted route this time.

Anyway, I have a request... if you have ANY criticisms of this fanfic, at all, PLEASE mention them in the review. You see, I am trying to make this the DEFINITIVE Kuki/Nigel fanfic, and I need all the criticism I can get (constructive or otherwise) if I'm going to make it good enough for me to feel it's worthy of this title. Any and all comments and suggestions will be appreciated.


Episode One: A New Flame


No missions.

It was rare, but it happened. The KND Intelligence had discovered that there was a slowdown of adult activity recently, at least in the areas of Numbuhs One through Five. And why shouldn't there be? Those five were currently ranked as one of the top five best KND teams in the world. Their victory over the Delightful Father, chairman of the KND's enemy, the P.T.O.O.E.Y. organization, was a major victory for children the world over. And at least in this town, adults had started to think twice about taking away the rights of children.

But that had been last month. Nigel had no idea what to do with his time anymore. Unlike the rest of the team, he had lived for the missions. To him, nothing was more exciting than finding out all the different ways he could go in and bust some adults, and then, well, going in and busting some adults! He had nothing to look foreward to now except some rest and relaxation. And what could be more boring than rest and relaxation?

All these thoughts came to him while he was sitting on the sofa, next to the others who were all playing a game. All except for Numbuh Three that is. Numbuh One had no idea where she had gone off to...

"Oooof!" Numbuh One oofed as something about his size, slightly lighter, and inargueably female jumped right over the couch and landed right on his lap as she watched the game being played and persistently asked "Who'se winning who'se winning?!"

"Gah!" Numbuh One complained, then looked at her, annoyed. "Numbuh Three!"

She looked back at him, caught off guard, then shook her head and said "You must be mistaken, I'm not even playing."

He growled. "Don't jump on me!"

"Okay! Mind if I bounce instead?" And like that she began bouncing on his lap until, finally, he reached around her and held her down. He didn't realize at first that his current position resembled a hug. Neither did she. Instead she began struggling to get free. "Lemme go!"

"Stop struggling. Just watch the game or something!" He said, continuing to restrain her, but his outburst had attracted some attention.

"Lookie here boys!" Numbuh Five called out loud enough to be heard, "Numbuh One's got his arms around Numbuh Three!"

And then Numbuh One looked at them in shock and then at his own arms, and finally his eyes trailed up to Numbuh Three who, having been hit with this information, now took on a more smarmy look. "No, wait!" He argued, "It's not what it--"

"I love you too, Numbuh One!" Kuki suddenly stated right before she kissed him on the cheek. It didn't stop there, for he was so taken by surprise that he softened his grip on her, and she got up and ran, but not before swiping his trademark shades strait from his eyes!

As she ran to a hallway entrance and stopped, just begging to be chased, Numbuh One smacked his forehead, not believing that he was being caught up in one of her shenanigans. Then he jumped over the sofa, and gave chase, yelling "Give me back my glasses!"

"Catch me!" She challenged as she dashed off down the hallway, followed closely by Numbuh One. Eventually she came to a branch, and took a path to her left which lead up and around on a set of stairs. Always she waited until Numbuh One saw where she had went before she continued running--after all, it would be a boring chase if he lost her--and finally, after having ran through some unclean, unused upstairs hallways, she ducked into what appeared to be a storage chamber.

This, however was her mistake, for this room had only one door.

"That's enough, Numbuh Three," Numbuh One stated as he calmly followed her into the room. "Now please give me back my shades."

Instead, she put them behind her back and backed away as he advanced ever closer. He grinned, "I think I know what your plan is." He told her, right before he reached next to the door and pressed a button, bringing the large steel door to a close behind them. "Now, I hope you weren't thinking of luring me back there and then running past." Finally, he closed in on her as she backed up to a wall. "Now, give me back my shades."

She shook her head and giggled. He tried to move around to her side, she turned to hide the glasses. He tried to come around the side again, she turned once more. But finally he just grabbed and hugged her with one arm, holding her still. She once more tried to keep the glasses out of his reach, but soon the game was over and he had regained his shades.

"Now, that's enough wild antics for one day!" He informed her, grabbing her arm as his other put his shades back on, and pulling her towards the door. He reached up and pressed the button, waiting for her to try and escape. He had to admit to himself... chasing after Numbuh Three was the only really exciting thing he had done all day. As well as holding her and having her in your lap... Numbuh One shook away these unbidden thought as he heard Numbuh Three say "Why isn't the door opening?"

"Huh?" Sure enough, the door had not opened. He pressed the button again. Nothing. "Great. The door's stuck! This is what happens when you spend money on entertainment rather than essentials." He let Numbuh Three's arm go, and tapped his Super Duper Super Secret Ear Communications Device. "Numbuh Five?" he called.

"Numbuh Five here, what's up boss?"

"You know that old storage room on the floor above where you are now?"


"Well... me and Numbuh Three are in there, and I closed the door, and it won't open again!"

"Okay, we're on it." And then there was another click as communications ended.

"Well, now look at the fine mess you've gotten us into Numbuh Three." He complained, "It's okay though, the others will be right on it A-S-A-P." He looked at her sternly, "But the minute we get out of here I'm gonna..." Whatever he was gonna do, he wasn't gonna do it now, letting the thought trail off as he saw the meek expression on Kuki's face.

"I'm sorry," she began, "It's just that you looked so miserable, sitting there all by yourself..."

"Don't apologize." He told her. ".. Thank you." She looked up at him without understanding, so he explained further "I was feeling down in the dumps before you came along."

"You feeling better now?"

"Well, I got that excitement I was looking for."

"Yay!" And with that, she began happily skipping around the room, digging through the very gimmicks and doodads stored here, many of which were in a state of total disrepair. Numbuh One, on the other hand, sat on a pile and just watched her as she played with a dysfunctional whirly-gig and then toyed with a paddleball that they had never implemented into a weapon. Watching her make the best of being stuck in an old, dirty room made him smile. But soon he leaned back, and rested himself, drifting into thought.

He trid to think of missions, tried to think of things to do to break the monotony, tried to think of something he hadn't done yet. But... it was odd, but he couldn't think about those things. He was instead finding his thoughts drifting to more ordinary things, like swinging on swings, making a sandcastle, watching the clouds go by... thoughts he had not had in a long time, ever since the Kids Next Door became his life. Oh, he had gone to carnivals and went on dates, but... somehow those seemed so dull.

Numbuh One couldn't believe his thoughts. Was he yearning for a simpler life? Or was it something else?

"You sleepy, Numbuh One?"

"Huh?" He opened his eyes. Taking a moment to adjust them, he turned towards the direction of the voice and saw Kuki Sanban seated right next to him. "No. I was just thinking, that's all." And with that statement, he closed his eyes once more as he heard Kuki rustle into a laying position next to him. He opened his eyes and looked at her, only to find that she was admiring him, and their gazes locked.

"Why are you looking at me?" He asked.

"I dunno." With this, she turned over. "I'm just bored. I wanna go pester Wally."

Was this envy he felt as he grabbed her arm? "Why Wally?" He asked, "I'm the bored one here!"

"Well," she was smirking as she turned back towards him, "If you'd rather..."

"Hey, wait!"

But it was too late. Soon she was upon him, and was attempting to tickle his under-arms. Unfortunately, it did not work as he grabbed her arms and said "Sorry, but I'm not ticklish." Then, he reached for her underarms, but she scrambled backwards. He inched closer to her, and tried to tickle again, she she caught his arms.

Now their arms were locked in a fiece grapple--as fierce as it could be between two kids their age anyway. But soon their arms went out to the sides bringing them virtually face to face, at which point Nigel let go and tackled her to the floor. However, he held her there and watched her giggle with excitement... and let off of her. She continued to giggle as he watched her, thinking She's cute...

It was then she noticed he had stopped playing with her. "Something wrong, Numbuh One?"

He smiled. Numbuh One did not want to be overt, at least not yet, for a part of him was uncertain about his feelings. So instead he just chose to be subtle. "I'm just surprised you don't have a boyfriend yet."

Just as she was about to ask him something, the door zoomed open. The two turned to look, to see Hoagie waving at them as Two and Five stood behind, and he said "Well guys, turns out the problem was that rats chewed on the wires. Man, we need to clean this place up!"

As the group was walking back down the hall, Kuki, energetic as usual, went on ahead. And when she did, Numbuh One was surprised when Wallabee's distinctive voice asked him "So, you two have fun in there?"


"Come on, man! A guy and a girl alone! You know what that means!" Wallabee put his hands together, "Kissy kissy!"

Numbuh Two looked at Numbuh One in surprise, "Really, Numbuh One? Man, I never thought you and Numbuh Three..."

"Of course you didn't. We don't have anything going on!"

"Oh yes you do!" Wallabee exclaimed, his tone suddenly taking on an accussing edge. Mockingly he continued "Wanna watch a movie with me, Kuki? Wanna play a game with me, Numbuh Three? Oh Nigel can we go to the video store together?"

"Okay, that's enough out of you!" Numbuh One reprimanded. "Look Wally, I can't help it if you're to insecure to admit you have a crush, but don't go taking it out on me, all right?!"

The outburst was so sudden and loud that Numbuh Three, who had bee waaaay far up ahead, had managed to overhear it, and she stopped and turned, wondering what the boys were arguing about. Meanwhile Wallabee lost his mocking posture and eeped in fear, pulling back from Numbuh One. Two and Five just looked at him with shock, though Five's decipitated first.

Numbuh One sighed. "Come on, let's just go."

Numbuh Three stood there until the group caught up with her, then immediately she began pestering Wally to tell her who his crush was. He, however, remained silent. So Kuki got off of him, saying "Fine. I bet Numbuh Five knows who your crush is!" So Kuki zipped to right in front of Numbuh Five. "Well?"

"Uh-uh hun, Numbuh Five ain't tellin'." She answered with a knowing smile. "If he wanted ya to know, he'd tell ya himself."

And then Kuki gave off a defeated sigh.

Minutes later, they were back downstairs, and Numbuh Three made for the front door. "Wait!" Nigel called to her, "Where are you going?"

"To the playground." And like that, she was out the door. Numbuh One turned his head smirkingly towards Numbuh Four.

"Don't you want to go with her?"


"Oh come on. It would be the perfect opportunity to admit your crush!"

"Oh yea? How about admittin' yours first?!" Wallabee responded with a point.

And for this, Numbuh One just glared at him.

"Fine, maybe you don't have one. Suits me fine!" Wallabe didn't say anything more, instead he sulked to his room, not wanting to be bothered about it any more.

"I'd like to know where he even gets his ideas!" Numbuh One mouthed softly.

"Well, you two do spend a lot of time together," Numbuh Five pointed out.

"And we did catch you hugging her today," Numbuh Two added.

"Gah! Not you guys too! Okay, that's enough of this." He decided aloud as we went for the front door, "I'm going to go to the park with Numbuh Three. At least she won't get on my case about a non-existant secret crush!" With that statement, he slammed the door.

It was easy to determine which playground she had went to, one because there was only one that was within walking distance of the treehouse and two because it was the only one she distinctly referred to as "the playground." When he got there, there were very few others kids and even fewer adults, probably parents. When he saw Numbuh Three she was on a swingset, seeing how high she could go. He wondered how she could enjoy such a simple thing. It was, after all, nothing but going back and forth...

... Then again, Numbuh One thought as he surveyed the rest of the swings, which were all empty. In one right next to Numbuh Three he placed himself, then began kicking, causing the gradual swinging motion to begin. Within moments his distances and heights were expanding, and as he looked and saw the world grow and shrink below him and felt the rush of wind at his sides, he seemed to realize that he was actually enjoying this.

As he did so, he began to think about other things, other pleasures his life had missed. He found it odd that he would watch cartoons about kids going on wild imaginative adventures, or seeing shapes in the sky... or even just swinging on swings like he's doing now, yet even though all this stuff was accessible to him, had he ever done any of it in the last couple of years? Somehow, there seemed to be a part of his life that was missing, which he was just now starting to regain.

Soon Numbuh One began to slow down. These thoughts disturbed him. Am I becoming a tragic figure? He asked himself. It sure seemed like it, for he grew to realize that most of the last few years of his life had been... work. Yes, Work. But isn't work something adults do? Yet Nigel remembered that earlier today, he had been miserbale because there was no work. He never even thought of playing! What kind of child am I?

"Hey, Numbuh Three," he called to her as he came to a halt. Her own swing began to slow down, and finally she stopped herself.


"Do you ever feel like being in the Kids Next Door, well, takes away your ability to just go out and have fun?"

Numbuh Three looked at him for a moment, and then shook her head as she said "Nope. Can you give me a push?"

"Sure," he got up and gave her a nudge from behind, starting her off again. "But why do you say no?"

"Well, we're having fun right now, aren't we?"

"Oh yes." He hadn't thought of that. So the problem wasn't the organization, it was himself. That made Nigel feel even worse. Was he forcing himself to grow up?

These thoughts caused him to lose concentration, and Numbuh Three ended up bumping him to the ground. Stopping abruptly, she got up, looked towards him and gasped. As she came to his side, she asked "Are you okay Numbuh One?"

"Yes." she offered to help him to his feet, and he accepted the gesture.

"So why were you asking me about the Kids Next Door?"

"Well... I'm not sure how to explain this... but you know I haven't been on a swing in over two years?"

"Why not?"

His mind went over ways to explain this to Numbuh Three. "Because I've been working too much, I guess." He answered. "Every time I play, I wonder if I shouldn't be doing something more constructive," he continued as he sat in a swing, "And when I'm working on security devices or some such thing, I just wish I was doing something else. Today was the first time I wondered what I've been missing in life, you know?"

"Hold on."

He grabbed the chains, not quite understanding Numbuh Three's commands until she pushed him from behind. "Wait--"

"I always thought you spent all your time working because you thought it was fun." She informed him.

"So did I." He informed her as she pushed him again.

"Well Numbuh One, if you really wanted to play, why didn't you?"

"I... uhh..." Well, now that she mentioned it, why hadn't he?

"If you want to play, just play!" She finally stated as she stopped pushing him, guessing that he had gotten enough height. "Don't be so tragic."

Her response caught him off guard, and for a moment angered him. Dear God, couldn't she understand? This wasn't some problem he could just wish away... or was it? She was right, after all. No one but him was stopping him from just playing. The adults weren't pressuring him to work, obviously. The Kids Next Door had seen to that. And the higher-ups in the KND Organization never said he had to build security systems or work on new devices.

Numbuh One kicked, keeping momentum as a part of his mind realized Numbuh Three was correct. The team had so much equipment that they even had vehicles they hadn't used yet! Why oh why did he always feel compelled to make more? Was he really that desperate to keep working? Lord knew he had more than enough non-work related fun things to do.

So that was it then. He was stopping himself. He'd have no more of that!

After awhile however, he began to think about the other things he could be doing besides swinging. Hmmm. Those see-saws looked nice. Being a little on the adventurous side, Numbuh One decided to simply jump out of the swing, and made towards the see-saws, turning to Numbuh Three to indicate his choice.

However he didn't get a chance to indicate much of anything, because she had seen him jump out of the swings and exclaimed "That looks like fun, let me try!"

"No Numbuh Three, don't!" She was at full height, and it was too late as he yelled his warning. She flew right off the swing and flew through the air, and then landed on her feet, looking safe--and then she fell to her knees and moaned in pain.

"Numbuh Three, what's wrong?"

"My leg hurts!" Tears were in her eye from the pain. "I twisted my ankle!"

"Oh. Can you move it?"

"Yes, but it hurts!" Numbuh One helped her to stand following this answer.

"It's okay. Come on, we better go home." They began walking, but after a few steps he noticed she was limping. He felt embarrassed as he asked his next question, but he asked it anyway, "Umm... would you like me to carry you?"

She accepted this offer by putting her arms around him and saying "Sure. Thanks." With that, he bent dwon and put his other arm beneath her knees--his other was already around her back--and lifted her up. She moaned softly for this caused a slight jolt in her leg. They didn't do a lot of talking on the trip home, but she hugged him tightly.

As she did so, he couldn't help but notice her. He didn't know why, but there was just something about Numbuh Three in his arms that made him smile. "Does it still hurt?" He asked.

"Not anymore," she asked, wiggling her leg. Good, it hadn't been a serious injury. "I can walk now."

"No, that's okay." He tightened his grip. "I don't mind." With this statement he proceeded to ignore looks and comments about how cute these two kids looked together until he got home. As his arms were full, he had to use the door on the house below the tree. This was fine by him. As he went inside and saw the innards were relatively empty (his parents were still at work) he placed Numbuh Three on the sofa.

Wallabee was grumpy. He had seen Numbuh One come in through the lower door, and had noted another fact as well.

"What ya'll upset about now?" Numbuh Five asked. "Still think Numbuh One's tryin' to steal your crush?"

"Trying? He has! Numbuh Five, just now I looked out the window, and guess who came in through the lower entrance, carrying Numbuh Three in his arms?!"

And she gasped. "You serious?!"

"Go downstairs and see for yourself."

"Fine then!" She made no hesitation about going down there and seeing for herself. Meanwhile, Wallabee sat on the sofa and pouted about his loss.

"Dude," Hoagie told him, "You know you could always just tell her you love her."

"It won't mattuh."

"Man, it's not like it's too late. They're not goin' out or anything yet."

Wallabee sat in silence for a moment, considering his options. "Fine. Guess I got no choice."

"Your leg seems fine, Numbuh Three." Numbuh One diagnosed as Numbuh Five entered the room.

"I told you it stopped hurting."

"She busted a leg?" Numbuh Five greeted. "Man, Numbuh Four's gonna feel so silly when he hears that."

"Why do you say that?" Numbuh One asked with mild curiosity.

"Because he saw ya'll comin' home and, well--"

"Never mind, I get the idea. And speaking of which Numbuh Five... I have something I wanted to ask you about. You stay here Numbuh Three," he said as he stood up, and walked into his house's kitchen, motioning for Numbuh Five to follow.

"So what is it?" She asked when they got in there.

"Well... Wally's fears that I might have a crush on her... it's just that... with all that's happened today..." He looked at her, "One of the thoughts that came to my mind while we were trapped upstairs together was that she was cute. And then just now, when I had her in my arms... I felt a sort of excitement. Do... do you think I might actually have a crush on her?"

"Man, why you askin' me? I figured you would already know."

"I never felt anything like this with Lizzie."

Numbuh Five seemed to consider that, and thought for a minute. "Then... I would say yea, you have a definite crush."

Much to her surprise, Numbuh One looked shocked, as if someone had just shot his best friend. "Oh my God..."

"What's wrong now?" She asked with a hint of agitation. Numbuh One always made a big deal out of things.

"Well.. what should I do? Should I tell Numbuh Three? No," he held up his hand to prevent an answer, "I know that one. I can't... Wallabee's already mad enough as it is. He would go absolutely ballistic if--"

A hand placed over his mouth shut him up as Numbuh Five answered with "Man, if you like her, I think she has a right to know." She took her hand away, and Numbuh One tried to say something, but then she capped it off with "Besides, the final decision is hers anyway."

And Numbuh One stood still for a moment, before saying "You know what? You're right... Thanks Numbuh Five!" And with that, he made back into the den of his house, just in time to see Wallabee there trying to confess. He came in during the middle of the conversation, and only overheard the following:

"...Anyway, since you wanted to know, my secret crush is... ummm... it's on..."

Just then Numbuh One entered the room. Wallabee looked at him with a look of pure contempt. "Umm, can we talk about this somewhere else Numbuh Three?" The young Australian asked as he grabbed Numbuh Three's left arm and pulled her off the sofa. But just as suddenly, Numbuh One grabbed her right arm.

"Actually, I had something I needed to tell her right here and now."

"You can have her when I'm done--in the year three-thousand!"

"No, you can wait, because I'm your superior!"

"Oh yea? Well I'm pullin' rank!"

"Not so fast!"

"Hey, leggo of 'er!"

As the two boys continued fighting, they didn't notice Numbuh Three become shy and iggle nervously. Numbuh Five noticed this, however, and in fact had been watching this struggle, but only now made her presence known as she asked sarcastically "All right, what are you two doin' to that poor child?"

Numbuh Three giggled as the boys, in surprise, let go of her arms. "They're fighting over me!" She said to Numbuh Five. "Isn't it romantic?"

"Romantic, hmmm?" Abby questioned, nearing Kuki, "So I guess that means they've told you who they've got a crush on?"

Kuki stopped giggling. "Actually no." And then, seeing the look on Abby's face, added "Oh Numbuh Five, you're not saying..."

"Yep. Face your fans. You're the girl of the hour." As the dark-skinned one said this, she pointed Kuki's head towards the two boys, who were now both blushing and making nervous stances.

And Numbuh Three, too, blushed, and felt like she wanted to say something... but she found it hard to talk.

"Man, yo' all's cheeks are so red it's like bein' in a room full of raddishes!" Numbuh Five commented, and was surprised when this comment seemed to cause Numbuh Three to rush out of the room in a hurry.

The young Asian made a mad dash through the hallway and then up some flights of stairs, finally making it to the inside of the treehouse. She ignored Numbuh Two as he rose his hand to greet her, and ran into her room, jumping and hiding in a pile of toys.

She didn't answer when Numbuh Two knocked on her door and asked if something was wrong.

"Now lookit whatcha' done!" Wallabee accused, "Ya scared her!"

"Calm down guys!" Numbuh Five attempted to cease the debate.

"I scared her! Ha, she knows me too well to be scared off by me!"

"Ha. No one believed me, but it was true the whole time, wasn't it? You did 'ave a crush, didn't ya?"

"Not really..."

"Ha! He denied it! I'll just go tell Numbuh Three that, and then she'll love me for sure!"

"...Not until today, that is!" Numbuh One finished with a smirk.

And then the two boys stared each other down, both with the same goal and both with the same grim determination to see that goal attained. "I think," added Numbuh One, "That there's only one way to solve this."

"I agree," agreed Numbuh Four. "We have to show her who the real man is."

"Yes. There's only one way. We have to do It."

Numbuh Four's eyebrows soared. "It?"

"Yes. The one and only It..."

And then suddenly both grabbed pillows from the sofa, and declared "Pillow Fight!"

Numbuh Five sighed with exhasperation. "That's it, I'm leavin' to check on Numbuh Three. You guys feel free to beat each other brainless." She walked around the two boys, who were, as she said, beating each other brainless. In a few minutes they would have nothing but fluffless pillows to show for it.

Numbuh Five decided to take the elevator back up. She rode it, and emerged on the first floor of the treehouse, where she followed the hallf back into the main room.

"Hey Numbuh Two, did Numbuh Three come through here just now?"

"Yea. She went to her room. Didn't even stop to say hello first. Her face was, like, red. Did something happen?"

"Yea. A lot." She walked over to Numbuh Three's door. "Best I can say is there's a pair of Romeos fighting over one Juliet."

"Oh." Hoagie scratched his head, which Abby's comment had went right over. Abby ignored him for now, being more intent on seeing how Numbuh Three was holding up. Hearing no answer for her knocks, she simply opened the door herself and walked in.

"Numbuh Three?"

No answer. Abby looked around, going towards the girl's bed. No one there either. A pile off to her left rustled a bit, and Abby noticed this out of the corner of her eye and dug through.

"Oh, there you are." Abby reached in and pulled her friend out of the pile. She was still blushing, but the red had faded. "Man, here I thought you'd be glad to know ya had two boyfriend options!"

And then Abby looked at Kuki's face, and understood. "Aww, you're nervous!" She patted Kuki on the back. "It's okay, hun, I understand. So.. ya know which guy you're gonna choose?"

Kuki slowly shook her head.

"Awright. I'm gonna go make a snack. You want anything?"

Again Kuki slowly shook her head.

Having noticed Kuki's unusual silence, Abby then asked "You plan to actually say anything in the next ten seconds?"

And just then, Kuki tried to talk, only to realize she seemed to be having trouble. It was like the brain was too busy doing something else to send the signal to her lips that they were supposed to move, or to her vocal cords that they were supposed to produce a sound. Kuki finally gave up.

And now Abby was worried. "Oh man... findin' out about the boys musta shocked you somethin' good."

Kuki just looked at Abby then, not knowing what to say.

"It's all right," Abby put her hands on Kuki's shoulders. "You jus' need a bit of relaxin'. You'll be fine." Patting her shoulders, Numbuh Five stood up and finished with "Take a nap hun, and come out and join us whenever you're ready." And then she left, knowing she wasn't going to get a vocal response.

As Hoagie saw Abby come back out, he said "Hey, what's up with Numbuh Three?"

As Abby sat down next to him, she answered "Well... both the boys admitted they have crushes on her. And, well... seemed to be a lot more than her little heart could take. She's in shock right now."

"Ya think she'll get better eventually?"

"'Course she will. Shock goes away after awhile."

"That's good."

Just as he said this, Numbuhs Four and One, in that order, came running into the room, Numbuh Four shouting "I won the pillow fight!"

"That doesn't count! You cheated!" Numbuh One complained.

"Where's Numbuh Three?" The Australian asked.

"You guys can't bother her right now. She's in shock." Numbuh Five explained.

"Oh that's nothin', once she knows her real man won--"

"Wait," Numbuh One interrupted. "She's... in shock?"

"Well how would you feel if two of yo' best friends admitted to having crushes on you at the same time?" Granted, that wasn't exactly what happened, but it was close enough. "Poor girl didn't even see it comin'."

"I see..." Numbuh One hung his head.

"Wait," Wallabee question, "What does all this mean?"

"It means we can't talk to her right now. We'll just have to find some way to pass the time until she's ready to talk to us." The two boys looked at each other, and grinned as Nigel continued "You know, I honestly don't think you won that last contest fairly. So..."

"Thumb wrestle!" The boys declared as they locked hands.

Numbuh Five couldn't believe this. Neither could Numbuh Two, who said "Geez, ya know guys, you don't really have to fight over her. One of you could always just give her up. I mean it's not like there aren't other options." With a grin he added, "I mean, Numbuh Five is kinda cute too."

"Oh no! Don't you dare pull me into this!" Numbuh Five exclaimed.

But Wally and Nigel weren't even listening as their thumbs were locked in mortal combat, until finally Nigel managed to keep Wally's down for ten seconds. "Ha, I win!"

"Best two out of three, ya bum!"

And suddenly, there was a shrill scream from down stairs. "What happened to my pillows?!"

"Uh-oh." Went both the boys in unison, knowing they were mutually busted, for the voice had been that of Nigel's mother.

There was, afterwards, an intense interrogation, in which neither of the boys had been able to fess up to the truth of what had happened. There was no way they were going to mention Numbuh Three to Nigel's parents. After all, that would only get her blamed for something she had no part in. That, and admitting a crush around fellow kids was one thing. Around adults it was another. So the story came out (partially with a witness account from Numbuh Five) that the two boys had gotten into a pillow fight.

Finally, Nigel's parents reached a decision.

"Son," said Mr. Uno. "Look, I understand you like to play with your friends and all. But you shouldn't play using furniture! As it is, we'll have to take it out of your allowance to replace the pillows. And furthermore, I'm going to have to seperate you two until you both learn to behave. Is that understood?"

"Yes, father."

"Now, your mother has already contacted Wallabee's parents, and they'll be here to get him shortly."

They'll be.. Wait! Nigel tried to force himself to look guilty, though he wanted to grin. If Numbuh Four is going home... that means....

"I understand, pops." He responded. "Sorry I got you into this, Wallabee."

"Oh that's okay Numbuh One," He said, looking gloomier than ever as he and Nigel left the room. "After all, I bet you're happy now that you get Numbuh Three all to yourself! But mark my words, Numbuh One, that until I come back, I'll be plannin' and schemin' all sorts of ways to get the last laugh! This isn't ovuh yet!"

"Oh go suck an egg." Nigel sneered. "You'll never get the best of me!"

And so it was that Wallabee had to go. Nigel watched him get dragged away, and heard him as he exclaimed "You haven't seen the last of me, I'll be back!"

And then the door closed, and the car drove away.

Tune in next time for Episode II - The Australian Strikes Back!




Whew! Sorry if those last paragraphs seem a little rushed. Unfortunately I was running low on ideas at the time and needed to end the chapter quickly (I'll probably go back and re-write them eventually). I have no idea when the promised next chapter is going to be out. Hopefully soon, but only after I make this chapter perfect.

Once more, please review. And thanks in advance.