Akamaru's insistant barking could be heard from down the alley as Kiba broke the corner.

He and his "Best friend" were at it agian,this time something about who was better between

Ino and Sakura on the basis of personallity...but it was soon agreed secretly it was Ino

for reasons undisclosed,but the scent of ramen filled the air and they both lost thier

nerve to talk about girls as they turned into Ichiraku for a bite to eat...

Not to far away,Hinata could be found sitting on the branch of a tree,twidling her

fingers in habitual manner,deeply lost in thought,looking around for something to focus on

as she thought

Soon Kiba and Akamaru had stuffed themselves with ramen,and staggered out of the Ichiraku

turning the direction twards the tree Hinata had perched herself in,Akamaru had brought her

presense to his attention by barking happily to Hinata

She smiled gently as the short haired Kiba looked up to her,her cheeks turned a light pink

as she began twidling with the hem of her jacket "Um,Hello Kiba-kun.."

He smiled and waved to her from his place on the ground "'Ello Hinata! What are you doing way

up there? You ok?"

She nodded at him,turning her face to the side a little to hide her blushing,his concern for

her well being struck her as something all boys should have for girls...but she knew he cared

more than most people about her..

He raised a brow to her constant figeting with her jacket,but knew it was her way of showing

she was nervous "Um...mind if i come up?"

She patted the branch next to her,smiling happily that someone wanted to talk to her...she

scooted over a bit and awaited for him to come and sit

He smiled deviously and thrusted into the air,almost loosing Akamaru from his hoodie,

he grabbed onto the branch and swung up,placing himself on the branch next to her,thier legs

overlaping a little due to the way the branch was positioned "So Hinata-chan,whats on your mind?"

he would question as his faithful pup managed to pull himself back into the hood..

She reached over to scratch Akamaru's forehead to give him a greeting,then turning to Kiba

"Oh...Uhmn...nothing really" She began poking her fingers agianst eachother agian

"Oh? Well you have to be thinking of something,how can you just sit there poking your fingers

together all day?" He chuckled a bit and placed his hand on her left one "Cmon,give it a rest,

theres nothing to be nervous about Hinata-chan" His fingers ran across hers,and he found she was

as cold as ice

Her cheeks blazed a deep crimson as she gazed upon his hand caressing hers "K-Kiba-kun..?"

He smiled softly "Yea? Whats wrong?" He looked to her,noticing she was struggling to keep her

composeure as her hand began to tremble "Hmn? You must really be cold Hinata-chan.." He moved his

fingers between hers,intertwining them "Is that better?"

Her feet began rocking insistantly back and fourth as she allowed his fingers to hold her own

"Y-yes,thank you Kiba-kun..." she managed to choke out..

He relaxed thier hands on her leg and looked out to the falling sun "Wow,thats nice,huh?"

She began to become accustom to his touch "uh huh...its beautiful,Kiba-kun" She scooted closer

to him...she was actually very cold from sitting in that branch all day and she was in need of

some warmth,and Kiba-kun's body heat was the perfect substitute

He felt as she rested her head gently on his shoulder and snuggle agianst him as best she could

as the sun fell over the horizon and darkness spilled the sky until it was compleatly ingulfed

"Hinata-chan,dont you think we should get you back to your place? Its just going to get colder if

we stay out here"

She closed her eyes gently "Kiba-kun..?" She mumbled "Could you..just..hold me for a little


His eyes widened upon hearing her out of character request "Uh..um..sure?" he scooted closer aswell,

wrapping his other hand around her back and allowing her left leg to overlap over his right "What is

this sudden change Hinata? A second ago you were so nervous you were shaking.."

"Im not nervous anymore,Kiba-kun..your warm,and im cold,I just wanted to warm myself with your body

heat" She smiled softly and closed her eyes "..you're so warm..."

He raised a brow and lifted her other leg to him,placing her horizontally in his lap,now knowing

Akamaru had fallen asleep due to his quietness,he draped an arm around her hip and another around her

shoulders to hold her up

"Nmm" She would then bury her face into his shoulder,her nose was just as cold as her fingers on

Kiba's skin "Thank you Kiba-kun...your so kind.."

He nodded as he felt one of her hands move into his jacket pocket "Hinata-chan,would you mind if we

could go back to your house? Its getting cold for me too.."

She nodded gently and continued resting on his shoulder as he felt him squim off the branh and his

feet hit the ground as he began to walk,holding her in his arms,she kept her arms around his back,tracing

his spine all the way down to the small of his back

He shivered some as her fingers slowly but surely made thier way down his back "Were almost the Hinata

-chan,just around this corner up here"

Her tounge became restless inside her mouth as she let her feelings speak for her "Its ok..take your


He just continued walking at the slow pace her was going "Ok Hinata-chan" He soon came upon the hallway

of doors inside the building "Which is yours Hinata-chan?"

"Its the...last one on the left,all the way at the end of the hall" Her tounge shifted in her mouth,she

out a small purr like noise from her mouth as he creeked open the door to her room,then turned to close it..

"Ok,Hinata-chan,were here" He sat himself upon her bed,laying her next to him,but persistantly she sat up

agian,holding him close "W-what are you doing? Your still cold Hinata-chan?"

"No Kiba-kun..you changed that allready,thank you,but now..." She looked up to him,her silver hues locking

with his animal like ones "now...im just lonely...please,hold me somemore..it would make me feel alot better..."

"Well...I guess it couldnt hurt to just hold you for a while.." He moved closer,laying them back on the bed,

and turning himself on his side,wrapping one arm over her side "need anthing else?"

She shook her head no and buried her head into his firm chest,as her fingers glided along his side "how did you

get so warm Kiba-kun?" she moved her hand to his stomach,rubbing softly

"I have no clue...its my warm hoodie and my other shirt under it i suppose...thats the only reason why im warm.."

He felt her hands move to his stomach as Akamaru's sleeping body rolled out gently on the bed "Hinata,ill be back

in a second ok? Im going to go put this little guy in his bed" He stood off the bed and walked out slowly..

"hehe...he's so cute.." She blushed lighlty and got a small idea "Maybe he'll like me more if i do this.." She

reached up the back of her shirt and unhooked her bra,pulling it out and throwing it to a hidden corner somewhere in

the room as she snuggled agianst her pillow for a Kiba-replacement until he returned

After a few minutes he returned to her,creeking the door open slowly "You still awake Hinata?" He moved in as she

ruffled some and looked at him

"No Kiba-kun...im wide awake" She smiled and patted the matress for him to return to her reach "Cmon...im starting

to get cold agian.."

He lowered himself To her as she resumed snuggling to him and rubbing his stomach "Why are you doing that Hinata?

I thougth I was suppose to be making you warm?"

A small smile was drawn across her lips "Then do it..make me warm Kiba-kun" She smiled as she let her hand rest on

the sheets between them "Please?"

He looked at her a little confused "Uhh...ok.." He moved his hand to her stomach and rubbed agianst her clothes

"Is this ok,hinata-chan?"

"Mmhmm,thats great Kiba-kun..." She snickered a little at his soft touch

He continued moving his hand round and round on her stomach and moved closer agian,tickling her slightly to make her

laugh some "Are you warm yet,Hinata?" He questioned

"Not yet Kiba-kun.." She placed her hand on his and slowly lowered it to the rim of her black t-shirt,themn moving it

up to her bellybutton "Keep going please.."

He became slighly but found no harm in rubbing her stomach anyway,so went on "Ok Hinata-chan"

Her hand was still on his but hers was on the outside of her shirt,guiding his fingers around "Thats already warm...

how bout a little bit further..."

He nodded and his hand moved up a little,beliving she was just cold in a different area of her stomach as her hand moved

his up and up somemore,not stoping where he thought she wanted to be rubbed

"Right there...please Kiba-kun..?"

He looked at her as he felt her place his hand upon her humble brest "H-hinata? What are you doing?"


He swallowed a bit and began rubbing her brest slowly at first "Is...that ok Hinata?" He contined,

as he felt her tremble slighlty

"Mn...thats great Kiba-kun.." She arched agianst his warm grip,feeling herself become aroused more

and more each second,she sighed as she ran her hand threw his hair,tugging slightly

He continued "Is this why you allowed me into your room Hinata-chan?" He gave her a strange look,he

wanted to move away a little but found himself doing the exact opposite,pulling himself in closer to her

"But what about Naruto,Hinata-chan? I thought you liked him.."

She shook her head a bit "n-no Kiba-kun...i realized he prefers Sakura to me..so I gave up trying to

impress him...please Kiba-kun,dont leave me too.."

He scooted closer "I wont..." He smiled at her and leaned over,placing his lips to hers,feeling her

tounge move onto his and letting her play with his own "Mmn..Hinata.."

"Kiba-kun...please...touch me.."

"W-what...? I thoguht I was touching you..what do you mean?" He raised a brow as she moved his hand

off her brest and back down her stomach

"Uhh..." He looked down between them,his figners soon moved over the button of her jeans as she placed

his fingers in the crevace between her legs and brushed up and down "R-right there..."

"O-k-ok Hinata-chan..." His fingers rubbed slowly over the fabric of her jeans

She moved her hand to the button of her jeans as she spread a little for him "I meant in here...not

on my jeans,silly boy..." She unbuttoned them and tugged them down some,right above her knees as she grabbed his

hand agian and placed it on the rim of her silky undergarments

"Hinata?! Are you serious??"


He looked down and his fingers slipped slowly under the underwear "O-Ok.." he locked his eyes with hers

agian,his middle finger was the first to rub over a small bump as he saw her eyes flinch slightly as he stayed silent,

staring back at her..

"Kiba-kun.." she breathed slowly,closing her eyes as his fingers caressed her agian "That..feels...so good.."

He just smiled contently "More?"

"Dont tease me..." she moved her hands to her underwear and brung them down to her knees aswell,then managed

to kick them off to the floor as she spread her legs agian,placing her hand to his agian,guiding him to her entrace..

"I want you inside me..."

He blinked twice and was compleatly staggered by the words she had just spoken,he put two of his fingers

together tightly,slipping them between her legs "Mnn...Hinata-chan.."

She keened slighly,arching into his fingers "Yes...give me more...more.." She grabbed his hand agian,using

her fingers to keep his going in and out "Oh...yes...mmn.."

He continued thrusting them in and out,feeling her fingers moving with his "H-Hinata..." He pushed in agian,

as he felt her hand leave his and place on his stomach agian "What...are you doing...?"

She tugged at his jacket "take it off,please?"

"Mmk" He pulled his fingers out slowly,grabbing the edge of his jacket and undershirt,lifting them over his

head and throwing them to the ground,noticing hinata was in the process of removing the rest of her clothes,removing her

coat and black shirt,throwing them to the ground

She looked down to notice his jeans were still on "Keep going Kiba-kun..."

He nodded and slipped the jeans off slowly,then his underwear "Happy?"

"Yes Kiba-kun...that makes me very happy.." She pulled him closer,rolling herself ontop,pressing agianst him

gently,rubbing agianst his lower body,atimulating herself some

"Hinata-chan...I thought you told me you were gonna stop making me warm and let me warm you up.." He moved his

hands to her hips,helping her rub more agianst him as he felt himself growing "Hinata.."

She lifted up agian and placed her folds at the bottom of his length and moved up it slowly

He rested his head agianst the pillow she slid up him,he grasped her hips agian,moving her up slighly and

placed her at the tip of his member,letting her slide down slowly as he let out a sigh

She Threw her head back and arched into him,moaning loudly at his sudden entry "Oh god!" she would scream at

the top of her lungs as she pressed her hands agianst his chest to hold her weight so she could move on him easier

He gritted his teeth as he felt himself began to tremble under her "Hinata..."

Morining came quickly for them...they went back to class that day,keeping to themselfves about what had happened,

and sat a little more closer to eachother than usual,until next time...ADIOS XD