Where Would I Be? Chapter Ten: Spoken Truth, Declared Passion, and Sweet Endings.

Dual-kun: Heh, what's the chappie title say to ya? Yes, as I said in chappie nine, this will be the last. But fear not! I already have a sequel boiling up! So fear not! But the only thing is the sequel will be angst-y. Oh yeah, I wanted to apologize to those hard-core yaoi fans that were expecting explicit yaoi. I'm sorry I just can't do that, really I'm truly sorry. I promise that I will make the sequel filled with yaoi goodness, maybe...Well on to the last chappie! Normal POV.

I don't own Beyblade or any of it's fine, fine characters.


The rest of the week passed by uneventful. Nothing but snow and the cold dry crisp days of winter. The trees had grown barren, the leaves leaving the lone trees behind. People scurried about, finishing their deeds before another snow.

Christmas lights were already hung, placing the date at a week before Christmas. And it was already Friday of that week. Rei loved the snow, he'd decided to take walks everyday of the break, loving the feeling of the crisp winter air on his skin.

He would return home to Kai's smiling face, a nice hot bath, and a warm cup of cocoa. He looked up at the overcast sky; the sun tried to expose itself to the cold dry day, but to no avail.

The thick clouds hung low. Gray and gloomy, but Rei wouldn't let that get him down. He was happy, so happy, that'd he be able to spend his first Christmas at the high school with the one he loved.

He watched as the first stirrings of snow began to lightly fall upon his joyous day. He smiled brightly, making giggling girls who passed by blush and giggle even more. He ignored them; his heart belonged to another. And it wasn't some giggling girl; in fact it wasn't a girl at all.

He wasn't ashamed of who he choose as his love. It really wasn't his place to choose. Rei solely believed in Destiny. Something you can control at times, and others it was entirely upon how Destiny thought your life should go.

Rei felt love had no boundaries, and gender was no exception. And what did it matter? Being gay isn't what it used to be. That's for sure. People learned to except them for who they were, not by the type of lovers they liked.

Meeting Kai gave him a whole new outlook on life. It made him feel good and whole. And he felt blessed he hadn't had his heart broken before, and hoped the time would never come.

He sighed, just as he stumbled on a lone Lee standing solemnly by the largest oak tree on campus. What was its name? The Old Folk Oak? {1}

"Hey Lee!" Rei called, and Lee looked up and turned away.

"Lee I'm sorry," Rei started looking down. "I.... I know you have feelings for me beyond friendship. And I'm sorry, but I can't return them"

"Why?!" Lee said almost yelling as he whirled around facing Rei, lone tears falling from his eyes.

"Because someone else has stolen my heart," Rei said a smile blessing his features. "I love Kai. But remember, you'll always have a special place in my heart."

Kai walked up. Hands stuck in his pockets. He had been looking for Rei for sometime now, he was quite the hard person to find. He looked up. He watched quietly as Lee approached Rei. Rei and Lee's lips touched. Kai gasped silently. They held the position for a minute before moving away. Rei smiled up at Lee.

"I'm sorry," Rei started.

"Don't be" Lee started. "You've done more than enough."

Lee walked away before turning and flashing a brilliant smile at Rei. "Goodbye" he said softly.

"Goodbye, Lee."


Rei walked home. A smile danced on his face. He couldn't be happier. Lee was kind of out of the way, not that he was in the first place, he was just you know, not in the picture.

Rei opened the door. "Kai, I'm home!" he called.

Kai stood there glaring coldly at him. "What's wrong?" Rei asked closing the door. Before he knew it he was pushed tightly up against the door.

"Why'd you do that?!" Kai demanded.

"What?" Rei cried out in confusion trying to fight back, but he found himself weak to Kai's touch.

Kai growled and pushed him harder into the wall. Before stepping back watching Rei slide down the door to the floor. He silently gasped in realization of what he had done to his friend. No more than a friend.

"I'm sorry Kai..." Rei said only above a whisper, but Kai still heard him. "I love you..."

Kai stood there dumbstruck. The boy still cared for him. He fell to his knees holding his face in his hands.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't...I didn't want to loose you!" Kai sobbed as Rei pulled him into a tight hug.

"Shh, it's okay. I understand."

They kissed; lightly at first wondering what to do. They touched, licked, and nipped, looking for that one place. Kai loved the sensation of his lips on Rei's, the way he moaned when he touched him lightly, or by the simple way he'd look at him like he was the world.

Time was no fiend; the world was only a figment of passed on imagination. They cascaded through a world of passion and lust. Yet it was more than some low desire. There were hidden thoughts, hidden emotions be each lingering touch, behind each soft kiss.


Kai watched him now. Rei drifted slowly into a sleep on his lower bunk bed. They were entangled in each other's embrace. Fingers laced together lying on their stomachs. Kai watched Rei fall into his sleep, watched him welcome the happy presence of dreams and desires.

Kai smiled. "I love you" he said quietly before welcoming his own dreams of happiness and unneeded desires, missing the small smile that crept on his kitten's face.

~ Owari.

Dual-kun: And it's over! YAY! So happy! If you didn't get it, I implied that they were and I quote 'making love'. Happy happy, joy joy. Yay for you and yay for me! Don't worry Beyblade fans! There will be, and I promise, a sequel to this lovely fic! It will be called 'Forget Me Not'. What's that tell ya? Huh? Well, what's done is done, and therefore this is done! I'm weird forgive me. I hope you read the sequel!

{1} = I'm soooo corny aren't I?