I'm your daughter...

Disclaimer: All X-Men characters involved in the movie, comic, and books belong to Marvel, except that a couple of new characters that are in my story, are mine, including Logan's estranged daughter, . Don't sue me.

Bold words are memories/flashbacks

Italicized words are thoughts

This story is set after X-Men 2.

Chapter 1- Here comes. . . Dru!

Walking up the steps to the school, Dru takes a deep breathe. All of her memories come rushing back up to her, remembering everything as if it was just yesterday.

Dru hadn't seen her dad, Logan, in over seventeen years. He left right after she was born. After Dru's twelfth birthday, her transformation into a mutant started. She had inherited all of her father's abilities except the blades. Dru's mother abandoned her right after she turned mutant. Reasons were that she couldn't handle having a mutant as a daughter.

But later on, Dru's blades which were made from adamantium were implanted into her by the same man who had also implanted it into her father, Stryker. He had agreed to implant the blades if she would let him tutor her in how to use her abilities to Dru's liking. He had taught Dru in the ways of kung-fu, and tae kwon do. Dru had already learned how to street fight from the couple of months of her being on the street.

Dru had been staying with Stryker at his secret compound for a couple of months now. The reason she stayed, was she needed time to recover from having her blades being inserted in. It wasn't easy as pie to have adamantium inserted all throughout your skeletal system. It hurt like hell. Another reason for staying at Styker's compound was to see if the old man would leak out some information about her father. He did.

From what she learned from Stryker after a couple of months after implanting her claws, her father was last seen in Massachusetts. He wouldn't tell Dru where exactly her father was, since all documents of Dru's father when he was being experimented on was in his computer. A computer which was in his office, guarded by two feriocious dogs.

She had made out a plan of how to get into his office without being eaten by Fifi and Fido. In the dead of night, dressed in all black, Dru went down the hall to Stryker's office. Noticing the dogs at the door guarding the office with their life, she cursed silently. How to get the dogs away from the door was the question, protuding Dru's mind. Remebering, the taste the dogs had for meat, Dru had slipped in her bag two slabs of raw meat, having snatched them from the kitchen. The aroma of the meat wafted towards the noses of the dogs. Their ears perked a bit as they sniffed the air, wanting to know where the scent was coming from.

Carefully, taking out one slab ofmeat from her bag, she scooted out from behind her hiding place. Facing the dogs, it looked as if the dogs were ready to pounce on her any minute. Without hesistation, the meat was thrown towards the dogs, as both of them started to attack the meat. Violently shredding it to bits, Dru had enough time to slip in before the dogs finished eating.

Once she got inside, Dru checked to make sure there wasn't any booby traps that Stryker might have set up. Having a habit of being suspicious of anyone's motive, she searched the room a bit. Having checked forover ten minutes, she found there was no trap, she started to go to work.

Cracking her fingers, Dru moved the mouse, and powered up the computer. Fingers tapping on the table a couple of minutes, Dru waited for the computer to load quickly. Finally, the computer loaded up and noticed the documents could not be open without a password. A small sigh escaped her as she cracked her fingers once more, before she started to type passwords. Having typed in words like death, lust, words that on average where used as passwords on the computer, the files wouldn't open up. Somehow, she knew Stryker was too smart to have an easy password for his documents.

Eyes searched through the room, trying to take a guess of any password, Stryker would find signaficantly. Having spoken of his son a few times, whenever Dru got out of line, she typed in his name. Incorrect Password. Silently cursing a bit, Dru searched through her brain, trying to pick out anything. Aye, his wife's name. Typing in his wife's name, she recited a silent prayer. It seemed her prayer was answered, for within the next ten seconds, the screen lighted up, and entered her into his files.

While giving the computer a rest, she searched through her bag, taking a laptop her mother had given to her for her twelfth birthday. Right away, she took a couple of wires and connected one of the wires to the laptop and the end of it to the back of Stryker's PC. Moving the mouse, she clicked on the Start bar, expanding to show different icons. Eyes fluttering over the icons, she noticed the game icon. Strange for Stryker to have a game icon, never imagining he was the sort of man to idly play Solitaire on his computer. With one click on the game icon, it open. Hot damn. Seems the old geezer was smarter than she thought. No one, but him and now herself, would know all of the files on his mutant experiments would be hidden in the games program. Smirking, she looked through the documents, coming upon her father's in the Backgammon game.

Another click on the Backgammon icon and instead of the game, something else popped up. Hundreds and hundreds of files on her father sprung up. The files seemed to have documented everything about her father, even from his first steps as a baby all the way up to when he was being experimented on. Her eyes even picked up, a section of where he met her mother. This was a subject, she didn't want to wallow in again, she moved along the typed documents. It didn't say where he was residing now and it gave a indication of being spotted in Massachusetts.

Right away, she took a disc out from her bag and slid it into her laptop, saving the date onto it, waiting a few more minutes to complete. While waiting, Dru clicked on the Pinball icon, and noticed there was a couple of documents on a private boarding school in Massachusetts. It was called Xavier's School For the Gifted Students. Remembering something about it, she saved the school file as well onto the desk, waiting a couple more minutes for it.

Finished getting just her father's files and the school's files onto the disc, Dru dismantled the wires from the laptop to Stryker's computer, she moved the mouse to click onto the internet icon, ready to do something nice for Stryker. The internet loaded up, she typed in a website, she knew Stryker would love to see. Green flashes and red flashes spurted onto the screen, knowing she was now on the site. A few more strokes of the keyboard, and Dru took down the firewall and virus protection off his computer.

Moans and people talking on the computer started and it happened. Viruses started to seep into the computer, a pop-up showing up to inform her of four new viruses showing up onto thecomputer, then seven, eleven. Soon, the Trojan Virus, Kama Sutra virus, and a couple other viruses, taking over the computer. She hoped the computer would be taken by enough viruses and spyware for it to crashed, as she gathered her things back into her bag.

Leaving the computer to its own destruction, Dru started to jot down areas of Massachusetts, where her father might. Having no clue whether he would still be in Massachusetts or not, she gave it a try. Having a couple of cities in mind, she tucked the piece of paper into her pocket, bringing out the letter.

A few minutes to spare, she looked at the letter again. It was an acceptance letter to a boarding school in Massachusetts that came right after Dru's mother left and she came to live with her mother's grandparents. Those grandparents of hers hated having not only a grandchild that came out of wedlock, but for being a mutant as well. They showed how much they despised her; telling Dru, she was an abomination and should have been given up for adoption, when her mother had come to her senses about raising a baby on her own. God, how she hated those years of living under their roof, subjected to their emotional abuse. She had been grateful about the letter coming in the mail.

It came out of the blue. It had only her home address, but no return address. The person signed their name with an X. Though the strangest thing was, Dru had never even sent in a request for an application or anything.

Never had she shown her grandparents. They wouldn't let Dru attend even if they anticipated it as a way to get rid of her. Since Dru's grandparents wouldn't let her attend, she would have to take matters into her own hands. That same day that the letter arrived, Dru started packing any essentials that she would need to get herself to the school at any costs.

Dru had called her boyfriend at the time, who was four years older than Dru, to come pick her up at her house, around midnight and drive Dru to Massachusetts. She offered to pay for the gas money if he would get her there. He agreed but he said that they would have to make a pit stop into Las Vegas because he had to pick up some parts for his motorcycle.

Dru didn't leave a note or anything for her grandparents. She didn't need to explain anything to them. The next day, Dru's grandparents came into her room to wake her up for morning mass and found that her stuff was gone and the only thing that she left behind was her bed and dresser. They didn't at all bother to file a missing person.

Here she was five years later, in Stryker's office and hadn't gotten nowhere near Massachusetts. As soon as Dru entered into Vegas, she got into a fight with her boyfriend. He wasn't planning on taking Dru cross-country to Massachusetts and in reality was planning on running away to Las Vegas but needed gas money to get there. He was planning on moving in with his other girlfriend who was a stripper and worked at a bar in Vegas.

Dru was so pissed that he had another girl that she punched his lights out. Dru took his bike and his wallet. He had over $600 in his wallet. Bastard. He had told Dru that he had only $20, and she had paid for everything. Stupid.

Dru left her ex-boyfriend's uncousious body in the alley and took his leather jacket just because it looked good on her. Even after taking her ex- boyfriend's Harley Davidson, Dru never made it to the school.

Before Dru could register it in her mind, she heard voices. Damn. Dru shut off the computer. She went over to the door and opened it just a bit. Dru saw the dogs were back to guarding the door. Before they could bark, Dru threw another piece of meat towards the dogs. Again, they went after the meat.

She closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. She tip toed back her room. Stryker had made the room especially for Dru when she came to get her blades inserted. Dru had previously packed her things before going into Stryker's office to make a quick getaway. She had also brought the Harley Davidson into her room.

"Dru!" Dru heard Stryker yell.

She had to make her getaway now. She turned on her bike and revved it up. She kicked her bike into high gear and the only way out was through a glass window near the bathroom door. Dru revved up her bike hard and off she went. She broke into the glass and it shattered all around her. Next thing Dru knew, she had escaped and was back on the road again. Off to find her father, the one who had abandoned her.

The only thing that was on her Dru's mind now as she knocked on the door was that would Logan, her father remember his own daughter?

A/N: this is my first story on X-Men, I will make a couple of mistakes but it will be filtered later on.