
It's the last day of school, and James hands her a letter that she misplaces. Three years later, after she has her life together again, she finds it. What does it say?


"Lily, can you believe it? It's the last day of school!" squealed Kali Smith, Lily's best friend.

"I know. I wish it didn't have to end," Lily said. Lily didn't want to leave all her friends. After Hogwarts, she would be going to America to become a teacher.

"Lils, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking. I mean, we aren't going to be here next year, and I won't see any of you for a while, and-"

"Yeah, I guess. But don't worry. We can always visit, and same with you," Kali protested.

"Yeah, but-"

"Stop trying to make me cry. We are going to go and have the best time ever, by pulling the HUGEST prank on Professor McGonagall, considering it's our last day of school," Kali cried out, almost at the top of her lungs. Lily shook her head. "What?"

"Nothing. You just fit the meaning of your name perfectly." Kali's name means Dark Goddess in Hindi. Her mom is Indian, and her Dad is Irish.

"Exactly. And I can't wait. My parents, I mean, they don't really care about what I do, as long as my grandparents aren't manipulating them to get me to marry some dud from their temple. And since they aren't going to be visiting for a while, considering the fact that they are somewhere halfway across the world, I am free to go and live with Siri in his flat," she spit out really fast.

"Jeez. I didn't know you could talk that fast," Lily said as she knelt down to finish packing up her stuff. Kali was all done, but Lily had so many more things, or it felt that way because Lily had her own room, and Kali didn't. Lily was Head Girl, and because of that, she has her own room.

"And you call me your best friend. I mean, god. You act like you don't know what's going on half the time. All you ever do is-"

"I know, I know. You tell me this every day. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. Now hurry up. Use magic. Pack!" Kali said. As soon as she did, all of Lily's items flew into her trunk and neatly placed themselves in a clean order.

"Thanks. I don't-"

"Know where my mind ahs been these days. Yes yes, now come on. WE will be late," Kali said pushing Lily along out of her room into the hall way," We must go meet Siri."

"You mean, YOU must go meet Sirius. I sure as hell don't want to go see him. I will be in my room," Lily said turning around.

"Poop," Kali called after her.

"Whatever," Lily answered back. As Lily was walking back to her room, she ran into a person carrying many books in their hands.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said as she fell to the floor to help pick up the books. She looked up

"Oh, James, it's you." Her eyes fell upon James Potter, one of her best friends. He used to like her, but two years ago, on the last day of term, she made him promise never to ask her out again, and they became friends after then.

"Yeah, it's just me. I feel so special," he said with a smile.

"I'm sorry. I just ... yeah. I don't know what to say," she answered dumbfounded.

"As usual."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you okay Lily?" he asked as he stood up with half the books in his hands," I mean, you've been like this for a while. You seem to be lost, and don't know what's going on. Like a newborn or something."

"Well, I'm fine. I am reassuring you," she said with grace. They were walking to his room to put the books away.

"Well, thanks I guess, for helping me."

"James, why do you have all these books?"

"Dumbledore gave them to me. He wants me to give them to my sister," he said as he put them into his trunk. James' sister, Anna, was a couple years older than them, and a very respectable person in the wizarding community.

"Oh. How is she doing?" Lily asked. Lily had met his sister the summer before, when they saw each other at Diagon Alley.

"She's fine, I guess. Haven't talked to her for a while."

"Why not?"

"She's really busy," he said quietly.

"Oh," Lily said. After that, there was a great silence. Lily was all packed, and sat on the chair, while she watched James put his stuff away.

"So, you're leaving tomorrow?'

"Yeah," Lily answered.

"Where exactly are you going?" he asked her.

"Um, I know that it is a school on the coast of America, the East Coast, but I'm not exactly sure what it's called," she answered softly.

"Oh," he said, and then the silence continued. It continued until Lily got up from the chair, and went into her room. When she left, James just looked right after her.

"Lily, we are leaving, please open the door," Kali said as she banged on Lily's door. She locked herself in there.

"What's wrong?" James asked. He was taking his stuff to the carriages.

"She locked herself in there. Again," Kali explained. James raised an eyebrow.

"Lily, please open the door," James said as he pounded on the door. There was no sound.

"Ugh. I would try to use magic, but I'm-"

"Alohamora!" James said as he pointed his wand at the doorknob. It opened the door.

"Okay, I guess I was wrong," Kali said quietly.

"Lily, c'mon," Kali said shaking her friend.

"I don't want to," she said stubbornly. James picked her up, and threw her over his shoulder.

"C'mon, the train's about to leave," he said as he levitated their stuff. Lily hit him, and he put her down.

"Why did you do that?" she demanded at him.

"Because, you were being a pain in the ass," he said

"Hmph," she said as she tried to go back into her room.

"Lily, c'mon," Kali said as she pulled her friend along.


"Lils, what's wrong?" Kali asked as she pulled Lily into an empty compartment on the train.

"Nothing. I just, I-"

"What is it? Ever since you got that letter, all you-"

"DON'T Talk ABOUT THE LETTER!!!" Lily yelled at her. Kali looked shocked, and Lily was surprised at herself.

"Kali, I, I'm sorry. I just, you want to know about it?" Kali nodded," Fine. The letters, the, the letter, told, told me, that my parents were, were dead." Lily started to sob.

"What? How?"

"It didn't say," she wailed.

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry Lils. I really am. I didn't realize ... "

"It's okay. I just, I, I really don't feel right leaving. I told them to save me a spot, but I feel like I need to stay here," she explained.

"Well, I think you should do whatever you think is right," Kali said as James, Siris Black, and Remus Lupin entered the compartment.

"Hey," Lily said to them softly. Kali used her finger to tell them not to ask her anything about her blotchy face.

"Where's Peter?" Kali asked.

"Who-"James cut Sirius off.

"Bathroom, I think," he said as he looked out the window. Sirius got up, picked Lily up as she smiled, put her in his seat, and sat down where she was sitting.

"That's a little better," he said putting his arm around Kali. Lily laughed, the first all day.

"Was that a smile?" asked Remus. Remus was James and Sirius' best friend.

"Yeah, I think it was. I mean, Lily's name doesn't mean Dark Goddess, so it must've been a smile," James said. Lily rested her head on James' shoulder.

"Yeah, well at least I'm not a-"

"Would you like anything off the cart?" asked the witch who pushed the food cart as she cut off what Kali was about to say.