Chapter 32
: The Hogsmeade Battle"I wonder where Harry is." Draco said to his wife as they sat in the living room with Laura, Fred and George. "He should have been back by now." She sighed. "Granger got away over an hour ago."
"I still can't believe she got by us all." Ginny sneered. "That stupid wench." Ginny looked over at Laura. "I mean she even managed to get by Laura and me. And we are pretty damn powerful, aren't we."
"I agree." Laura hissed. "This is all your fault." Laura said as she looked at Fred.
"My fault." He practically screamed at her. "How is this my fault?"
"This whole stupid game was your idea." She said glaring at him. "If we had just gone along with what Ginny wanted to do then Hermione would still be in the Dungeons right now."
"It was a good idea." George spoke up to defend his brother. "It would have worked if you and Ginny hadn't let her slip past you." George said then he looked at Fred for support.
"That's right, bro." Fred said nodding his head. "I mean come on! It was two against one and you couldn't even manage to knock her out."
"Enough! That's enough!" Ginny stood up and yelled. "Your idea was good, Fred." She said as she looked at him. "But no one should be pointing fingers here. We all failed." She sighed and looked down at her husband. "And now she is probably somewhere with the Order telling them all our secrets." She hissed.
"I wouldn't count on that." Came a voice from the doorway.
Ginny turned her head smirking. "Harry! Where have you been?" She asked as she ran over to him. "And what do you mean 'I wouldn't count on that." Ginny asked him.
"The game is over, Gin and I won." Harry smirked. "And I better be getting some sort of prize." He said before walking past her and into the room to sit down beside Laura. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
"Game over?" Draco asked grinning. "How did you manage to get her?" Draco said as he leaned forward in his seat.
"I headed her off at her muggle home." Harry smirked. "I knew she would go there. No one in the wizarding world knows where she lives except Ron and I." He said as he pointed to himself. "You should have seen her when she saw me." Harry laughed. "See, when she came in I had already tied up her parents and taped their mouths closed. But when I came out of the kitchen she was all like 'Harry you have help!' He said in a mocking voice. "Let's just say that I didn't help and she found out which side I'm supporting."
Draco's eyes went wide. "She knows you're a Death Eater?"
"Well she knew I was one." Harry smirked. "But its to bad that she won't ever get to tell anyone."
"So she is dead then?" Ginny asked with a evil smile on her face.
Harry didn't say anything he just returned Ginny's evil smile with one of his own and nodded his head yes.
"Good. Good. The Dark Lord will be pleased." She said as she walked over to the door. "But I think Draco and I are going to head off to bed." She said as she turned around. "You are all more than welcome to stay here in our guest rooms if you like." Ginny offered.
"Thank you. I think we will take you up on that." Harry said tiredly about Laura and himself.
"Us too." Fred and George said in unison.
"Very well, I shall see you all in the morning." Draco said as he took hold of Ginny's hand and lead her up to bed.
The next morning Draco was awoken by the soft noise of tapping. He sat up in bed and looked over at his window. At his window was a huge black eagle. "Father." She said as he got out of bed and went over to the Owl. Draco grabbed some food and feed his father's eagle then retrieved the letter from his foot. The eagle gave a small hoot then flew away back to Malfoy Mannor.
Draco sat down at his desk and opened the letter.
I have been told to inform you that tonight at 7:00 p.m. another attack will be held at Hogsmeade. We think that this one will be larger than the Diagon Alley one, because they will be expecting it. The Dark Lord has given me specific orders to tell you to tell Harry to make sure that Dumbledore doesn't make it through the battle. We want him dead. That way it will be easier to take Hogwarts. The battle will begin the same as last night with myself shooting off the Dark Mark into the sky.
- Father
After reading the letter he went over to Ginny and nudged her awake.
"What?" She said tiredly as she sat up in bed.
"Father sent this. I think you should read it." He said as he gave the letter to Ginny. "I'm going to get washed and dressed." Draco said as he got up to let Ginny read the note in private.
Ginny read the letter and got up. She headed over to the night table to get her wand. She was to tired to get a full shower so she just performed a cleansing spell on herself and got dressed. Once she was dressed she headed downstairs to get some breakfast in the kitchen.
When Ginny was almost to the kitchen she could smell food being cooked. When she walked inside she found Harry making breakfast. "Harry, you didn't have to." She said as she walked over to him.
"Well I was up. So I figured I would get it done so you wouldn't have to." He said as he grabbed an extra plate and put some food on it for her.
Ginny sat down at the table and Harry put the plate of food in front of her. "Thank you." She said to him and began eating.
Once she was finished she decided to talk about the letter she received this morning. "Harry, there is going to be another attack tonight." Ginny said while looking at him.
"Where at?" He asked before finishing up the last bit of milk in his glass.
"Hogsmeade at 7 tonight." She said flatly. "And I have been given orders to tell you that you must kill Dumbledore tonight." She said. She wasn't sure how he was going to take it, because they hadn't really talked much about Dumbledore recently.
"I figured this was going to happen sooner or later." Harry spoke after a couple seconds. "But I'm ready to do it. I think I can defeat him."
"Good." Ginny said as she stood up from the table. "Well I have a lot of things I need to get done before the attack tonight. So I'll just leave you to think about what your going to need to do tonight."
Harry nodded his head and watched Ginny exit the room.
"Good afternoon, Ginny." Said the voice of her brother Ryan Riddle. She hadn't seem him in a while and had decided to pay him a visit.
"Hello Ryan. So what have you been up to? I haven't seen you in forever." She said as she sat down on his couch.
"I've been busy recruiting new members." He replied.
"Will you be there tonight?" She asked. "Because everyone misses you."
"I wouldn't miss the death of Dumbledore for the world." He smirked. "If anyone can do it, Potter can." Ryan said confidently. "And what a surprise it will be when Dumbledore sees him."
"Personally I hope I'm there the moment he realizes that Harry is a Death Eater" She smirked. "It's going to be priceless."
"It will." He said "But I'm sorry to cut this meeting short. I promise to see you tonight." He said as he stood up. "But father wants me to prepare my group for tonight." He sighed. "Trust me I'd rather be here catching up with you."
"I know. I know." She smiled. "I have to get going too." She looked down at her watch. "I'm supposed to meet my group in ten minutes. Well see you sometime tonight." She smirked before apparating out of his house.
"Hi, Harry." Ginny said as she entered The Three Broomsticks. "How long have you been here?" She asked.
"Not that long." He replied. "I just didn't feel like waiting outside."
"I saw you threw the window outside and thought I would come in and see how you are doing." He said as she sat down across from him. "Are you ready for tonight?" She asked.
"I am." He replied flatly. "Have you seen Draco?" He asked.
"No, why?" She said with a hint of worry in her voice.
"Nothing to worry about." He smiled. "He just told me to tell you that he would see you at home later tonight." He told her. " He, Fred and George are waiting up by the train station." He smirked. "A train is due around seven. So they are going to attack those passengers."
"Sounds fun." Ginny answered quietly. "Well It is almost seven now. So I'm going to head out." She said as she stood up. "I see you tonight. Good luck." She said before walking out of The Three Broomsticks and leaving Harry by himself at the table.
It was now nine at night and the battle had already been going on for two hours. Harry was running along the path to the shrieking shack when he saw Professor Dumbledore up ahead of him.
"Professor Dumbledore." Harry said as he approached him from behind. "Long time no see." He smirked and watched as Dumbledore turned around smiling.
"Why Harry. I haven't seen you since you graduated." Dumbledore said as he walked towards him. "How have you been? Where have you been?" He asked.
Harry thought that this was going way to easily for him. Dumbledore was not a stupid man. And he figured that he was up to something. "I've been fine and I haven't really been anywhere." Harry answered. "I've just been busy."
Around Harry and Dumbledore the battle continued, but neither of them had drawn their wands on each other yet. "Very good, then." Dumbledore answered. "Harry, how come you haven't been to any of the Order meetings in the last couple years." He asked. "You just stopped coming one day."
Harry let a smile creep up on his face. Dumbledore was about to find out what he has been up to these past couple years. "Well lets jus say I've been attending another Order's meetings."
Dumbledore's eyes didn't widen nor did his mouth gape open. He just stood there staring at Harry with disappointment in his eyes. "How could you Harry?"
"It's easy. I realized that all the Order ever did was use me. The only reason people cared about me was being I was 'The boy who lived" He sneered. "Now I'm respected and no one dares to use me."
"Harry don't you see that you are being used. The Dark Lord uses you everyday." Dumbledore replied calmly. "And no one respects you. They fear you."
"And it serves them right to fear me." Harry said as he took his wand out of his robe and pointed it at Dumbledore. "Do you fear me Professor?"
"I don't fear you, boy." Dumbledore responded. "But I do fear for you." He said as he pulled out his wand defensively.
Harry just laughed at Dumbledore's last comment. And a second later he casted his first spell at his old mentor. "Expelliarmus!"
Dumbledore managed to counter Harry's curse and instead of Dumbledore's wand flying out of his hand Harry's did. But Dumbledore never tried to harm Harry back. He just looked at him with pity.
Harry quickly scrambled to get his wand. He then pointed it at Dumbledore. "Stupefy!" Once again Dumbledore reflected the curse off of him.
Dumbledore decided to teach Harry a lesson. To knock him off his high pedistal. With regret in his eyes Dumbledore spoke. "Stupefy."
Harry went flying backwards and into a wall, but seconds later got up and came charging at Dumbledore. "Tarantallegra!"
Dumbledore just shook his head at Harry in shame. He couldn't believe what path Harry had decided to take. All Dumbledore did to counter the curse was mutter something under his breath and the beam of light that had come out of Harry's wand vanished into thin air.
Harry's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that he couldn't even touch Dumbledore. He then casted another spell at him and Dumbledore did the same thing. He made it disappear in front of him.
After a while Dumbledore was growing tired of Harry's lack of skills. So he just pointed his wand at him and said loudly "Inconsciente!"
The moment Dumbledore's spell hit Harry he fell to the ground unconscious. Dumbledore walked over to the young man and looked at him disappointingly.
And within seconds Harry had disappeared into thin air. Dumbledore just stood their for a couple more seconds looking at the now empty space on the ground before apparating out of Hogsmeade.
"Crucio!" Lord Voldemort screamed as he casted an unforgivable curse on the unconscious Harry.
Once the curse hit his body his eyes immediately shot open and he began screaming in pain.
After a couple minutes Lord Voldemort lifted the curse. Harry looked up and saw him standing over him with his son Ryan to the left of him and Ginny to the right of him. Ryan and Voldemort had the same cruel expression while Ginny looked down at him with worried eyes.
"What have you to say for yourself, Potter?" Lord Voldemort asked angrily.
"I have nothing to say." He responded quickly, which caused The Dark Lord to cast the Cruciatus cause back on him again.
"My Lord. My Lord please stop!" Ginny said as she looked at Harry writhing in pain below her. "Father, please!"
Lord Voldemort stopped and looked over at his daughter. "And what do you have to say?" He asked angrily. His anger wasn't really at Ginny, but his whole attitude at the moment prevented him from answering her nicely.
"Perhaps Father that he isn't as skilled as you are to defeat Professor Dumbledore." Ginny said on Harry's behalf.
Dumbledore looked at his daughter with beady little eyes. "So you feel if I want it done, I should do it myself then?" He asked.
"I do." She responded. "And think of the fame and glory you will get for taking down Professor Dumbledore." She smirked. "You will be in history books!"
"I like the sound of that, Ginny. Continue." Voldemort said then looked at Harry and gestured for him to stand.
"Perhaps you should be the one to fight him and Harry just tell you Dumbledore's weaknesses." He added.
"Very well then." Voldemort said shortly then turned to Harry. "What do you know?" He asked.
"Well I know that you are going to have to use advanced magic on him or kill him with your own bare hands." Harry added. "And I suppose you could say that I'm his weakness." Harry smirked. "Keep taunting him with me being your follower and I'm sure that will get under his skin."
Voldemort nodded his head. "Everyone out!" He hissed. "I need time to think. To prepare." He said then stormed out of the small room they were in leaving Ginny, Harry and Ryan by themselves.
"Are you alright there, Harry?" Ryan asked.
"I'm fine." He said shortly. "I think I'm going to go. I'm quite tired and I've got a massive headache. Goodnight." And with that said Harry exited the room.
"Brave thing you did for Harry." Ryan said looking at Ginny. "You lucky father agreed with you or you would have been on the floor screaming next to Harry."
"I know." She sighed. "But all we can pray for now is that father kicks Dumbledore's ass for what he did to Harry tonight." Ginny said enthusiastically.
Ryan laughed and nodded his head. "Well you should get going. I'm sure Draco is waiting for you." Ryan said then gave his sister a hug.
"Goodnight." Was all Ginny said before apparating home.
"Ginny, are you alright?" Draco asked as he heard her apparate into their home.
"I'm fine." She sighed. "So how did tonight go?" She asked.
Draco looked at her with a weird expression on his face. "Ginny, umm…I think you better sit." He said as he guided her over to the sofa and sat down beside her.
"Draco what is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked worried.
"It is Fred and George." Draco said looking to his wife's eyes which were now starting to fill up with tears.
"What about them?" She asked nervously. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.
"They didn't make it out tonight, love." Draco sighed.
"What do you mean?" She said as tears started falling down her face. "Where are they?"
"Fred was killed and George was taken prisoner by one of the aurors." Draco replied and put his arms around Ginny to comfort her.
"Who killed him?" Ginny demanded to know as she cried even harder. "Who did this to him?" She didn't even bother to ask about George because at least he was still alive.
"It was Wood." He replied and pulled her closer to him. "Oliver Wood."
"What?" She asked. "Why?" She stuttered. "How?"
"On the train. It happened on the train." Draco said softly.
Ginny quickly stood up and her arms across her chest. "I just want to go to sleep, Draco. I just want to sleep." She said through tears.
Draco nodded and picked up Ginny so she didn't have to walk all the way up the stairs. Once they got up there he undressed her and placed her under the covers. "Goodnight, my love." He said before kissing her cheek, getting himself undressed and climbing into the covers beside his wife.
To Be Continued…
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