I'm Andrea, sd-1 name adrianalazarey (an Original Character I made (should I write a fic 4 her?)) and this is me first fic, so be kind.
I'm an Aussie (The Land Down Under), but have seen all the episodes on American TV (god bless the man who invented the internet (Al Gore!!))
This is PURE and UTTER sarkney, set after 3:14 Blowback
I used to love S/V, but him leaving after 9 MONTHS sucked. It did. Don't try to tell me otherwise.
I apologise for going mental, but I am (everyone says so), and I now HATE Vaughn.
Sorry for the punctuation, grammar and spelling in advance.
I just want to thank Evonness and her Story 'Salvation', which was the inspiration for this story, and if everyone sarkney fan should read it, it rocks. From that story was the idea for Sark, Sydney, Almost no clothing, and Whipped Cream. (I realise u don't have a clue what that means, but u will when I keep writing.)
If u like it, reply. I will write. I apologise for the short chapter, but it's a prologue, and it 12:16am
This is for no challenge
If u read all of that U R A CHAMPION!!
'It's just a normal day' thought Sydney Bristow as she woke up one morning. 'Full of normal things, getting up, eating breakfast, going to work, leaving for some exotic country, getting some valuable info, trying to take down the organization that took 2 years of my life that I can never get back.....'
"I am Sydney Bristow, and I am going crazy" she says while looking in the mirror. She sighs. "But I had better get started on that list."
She is midway through her breakfast when her beeper goes off. '911- Walk In'. She wonders what is wrong, and rushes to the Joint Task Force (JTF) building.
As soon as she enters she sees Weiss and Vaughn talking. Vaughn's forehead is in crinkle mode. 'This can't be good' she thinks. She walks up to them.
"Syd" they both say at the same time. Sydney frowns slightly. 'What gives him the right to call me that?' she thinks. 'He lost that right.'
"Sydney". Her fathers voice from behind her interrupts her line of thought. "You had better come with me" he says, and starts to lead her way.
"We had two walk in early this morning, and they are asking to speak to you." He states in his even mono-tone, and by now they are outside the conference room. "You can't tell anyone who they are, that's one of their terms."
"Dad," she says as he opens the door and pushes her in the room.
"Miss Bristow" a familiar voice says. Sydney's head whips around. "A pleasure to see you again".
Her eyes narrow. "Sark". She says. She then looks to his right, and is absolutely shocked by who the other person is. Sydney opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.
Well?? Who do you think it is?? Whoever guesses it right will get a mention in the next update.
Hey ya'll, I'm back, and this time with a new update.
Any die-hard fan would have gotten who the mysterious man was wit the clue of 'Pigtails'. Unfortunately, no one got it. Sorry!
I simply ADORE his character. If u don't know who I mean read on.
I forgot a disclaimer: Umgh (clears throat) I do own Alias, so u can see lots of shirt-less me, Syd with Sark, Jack and Irina Action, Vaughn begging for Syd, and Lauren dying repeatedly. I am of course sarcastic. I don't own it.
Oh, and this story (but not this chapter) is smut, okay?
And, by the way has anyone else noticed the character's hair fetish? I have. I mean, its like, 'I like your hair', 'your hair looks good', and lets toast the hair. Get OVA da hair, Mackie.
*************************************************************************** CHAPTER ONE- THE TERMS
"McKenas Cole," she said slowly, as if not believing it. "Pigtails," came his cool reply. Cole studied her for a moment from his position of leaning against the table. "Your hair is shorter. I like it, it looks good".
Any doubt that Sydney had over whether this was indeed Cole was vanished with these words.
"As much as I love a good chit-chat", Sark, and his clipped voice, joined the conversation, "We do have a deal to discuss."
"Mr. Sark," said Sydney, instantly returning to Agent mode. "I realise that it has been a while since your last stay, but I must remind you that we don't make deals with terrorists."
"Touché, Miss Bristow, but this is a deal you can't refuse," was his reply.
"You see Pigtails," Cole said, walking over to her. "We happen to know a certain NSC agent who has been working for the Covenant. They shall remain nameless until our demands are met."
Sydney seemed to consider this for a while. "What, exactly," she said slowly. "Are your demands?"
"See, I knew she'd listen!" said Cole in his excited voice. "You were right Sark; she was the go-to girl."
"Demands?" said Sydney, who was getting impatient with the way Cole was looking at her.
"Our demands, Miss Bristow, are quite simple. We will give you the NSC mole, as well as all evidence pointing to that person as the mole." Sark shared a quick glance at Cole, who nodded, and looked happy. "In exchange, we will get full pardons, with field status, helping you to take down the Covenant."
"What makes you think-" stared Sydney, but was interrupted by Cole.
"You will never believe this. It will blow your mind." He said. "We have, rigged up in a warehouse in Austria, all of the Rambaldi artefacts we could get our hands on; I mean we have literally a whole warehouse full of this guy's stuff. Which we will give to the CIA."
"In addition," added Sark, one again glancing at Cole, before looking back at Sydney. "If the CIA does not accept the offer, we will contact the mole and tell them that they've been made."
"But then you will reveal the mole to us anyway", Sydney said, thinking she had the upper hand.
"But you will not have them in custody" replied Sark quickly.
"No," she agreed. "but we'll have you".
"Agent Bristow" Sark spoke again, stressing the word Agent. "You of all people must realise I allowed for that. We have an escape plan, of course." He looked at Sydney, his eyes burning holes into hers. They stood like that for a full minute, neither one willing to back down.
"Would you two like some private time, 'cuz I could go." Cole's voice broke the spell. Sydney and Sark looked at each other for a moment before an idea popped into Sydney's head. She stepped over to Cole and placed a hand on his upper arm, putting them closer together than should be allowed.
"Only in his dreams." She said sweetly, before turning and walking out of the room. "I'll get an answer for you." She said over her shoulder, and exited the conference room.
Cole and Sark both watched her leave. Once she was gone, Cole spoke. "I LOVE that girl." he said, moving around and gesturing with his arms. "She took out my entire team you know." He was staring at the door she had walked out of, with pride in his eyes, and in his voice. "Plus she seems to like you."
This shocked Sark out of his watchful meditation. "As much as you can like someone you hate." He said dryly, "besides, she seems to have taken more of a liking to you." All the time he thinking that she was right. 'Only in my dreams, Sydney.'
Cole momentary looked at Sark and smiled to himself. 'Geez,' he thought. 'If those two can't see it, then something is wrong.' He looked back at the door. 'Or I'm really smart'. He decidedly liked the latter better.
Meanwhile, Sydney was in Dixon's office, fighting over the decision.
"I can't believe we're going to agree to their terms!" she exclaimed loudly. "Sydney" said Dixon, trying to calm her down. "We still have no idea who the mole is, and they can hand him to us" "But Dixon" she started again, but Dixon cut her off. "No buts Syd." His tone softened. "We need their info. Maybe we can even capture then at a later date, they want to work with us. We have to let them help."
Sydney sighed, defeated. She was still a little wound up from the confrontation from Sark. He had always left her with a strange feeling, but Sydney always thought it to be from the adrenaline rush. 'I mean,' she thought while Dixon lead her out of his office and back to the conference room. 'We always meet in life-or-death situations, it must be the adrenaline.'
When she looked up again she realised she and Dixon were in the conference room, and that she was looking straight into a pair of questioning, yet gorgeous blue eyes. Sark's eyes. 'Gorgeous!' she thought. 'Where did that come from?' She looked at Dixon, then back at Sark. He was still watching her. 'Maybe it is something more...'
"Well, Agent Bristow" Sark said, which started Sydney into realising that she hadn't been listening to what Dixon was saying. "I look forward to working with you. May I suggest somewhere exotic for our first mission, somewhere undercover?" He looked her up and down, sizing her up. "Deep Undercover" he added, still looking at her legs, then returning to her eyes.
'No' she said to herself. 'He's the same, cocky British bastard with his comments and sexual pretences.' "I'd say likewise, but I wouldn't want to lie to the great Mr. Sark." Was her reply, stressing the words great and Mr. Cole looked on in amusement.
"Well, since you've signed, why don't you tell us what you know." Said Dixon.
"Yes, well." Started Sark, who pulled out is phone, and made a call. "Ship the artefacts to the address I gave you know." He said, and hung up the phone. "The artefacts will be delivered to this building, by my men." He said, primarily to Dixon, but without ever taking his eyes off Sydney.
"Yes, yes," replied Dixon, "but we are more interested in the mole."
"I'll tell, can I tell, I'll tell." Cole said. "The mole is one NSC agent Lauren Reed."
Dixon and Sydney looked on in shock, while Sark pulled an envelope out of his suit (Armani, of course). "Here" he said, and handed it to Dixon, who opened it on the desk. {A/N: it was one of those big yellow envelopes.} Documents, photographs, tapes, videos and CD's come tumbling out. "There" started Sark again "is all the evidence you will ever need to put Ms. Reed away."
"Yes," said Dixon again, who had come out of his shocked stupor. He made a call quickly, and said to Sydney, "We'll have a meeting in 5." She nodded, and watched ad Dixon left, going straight to Marshall for analysis and authenticity.
"Surprised, Agent Bristow?" Sark asked. Sydney just looked at him, seemingly thinking.
"No." She finally replied, looking back o the wall. "Now that I think about it, it makes sense." She looks back up at him. "Thanks," she says, and looks at Cole. "Both of you."
"Of course" says Cole. "I mean, I hate Slone, and SD-6, but I have the UPMOST respect for you."
Sydney allows a small smile. "Thank you." She says, and starts to leave.
"Good Luck Sydney" says Sark suddenly. Sydney frowns and looks at him. "I don't need you to wish me luck." She says, and keeps walking. "That's a wonderful attitude." He says, and Sydney's frown turns into a full-fledged smile, safely knowing that Sark can't see her.
"Syd," says Weiss, almost running into her. "Hey, what are you smiling at?"
"Nothing" Sydney replies quickly, wiping the smile from her face. "Ready for the meeting?"
"Yeah, lets go." Agrees Weiss, and they walk towards the next room. "Do you know what it's all about?"
"I can't say," says Sydney, "but you'll find out soon, okay?" "Yeah" says Vaughn dejectedly.
They walk into another conference room, where Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and Lauren are sitting. Sydney and Weiss take their usual seats.
"Well," starts Dixon. "I'm sorry to keep everyone in the dark, but it was important. This morning we had two walk in's, Mr. Sark, and McKenas Cole." He paused for a second, and Sydney and Vaughn shared a look, which did not go unnoticed by Lauren and Weiss. "It seems that they know the identity of the mole, and have given them up in exchange for a full pardon."
Lauren looked at Dxion worriedly, and pressed her phone to ring. "Excuse me." She said, and stood up. "Please sit down Miss Reed." Dixon said sharply, surprising everyone.
"I have to take this call..." started Lauren, but Dixon again interrupted her. "The identity of the mole takes precedence." He said, and Lauren nodded and sat down, knowing that she had been made.
"What's going on?" asked Vaughn, standing up for his wife.
Just then Marshall ran into the room.
"Mr. Dixon, sir, I mean" he said in his usual eager stutter. "What is it Marshall?" Dixon interrupted his babbling. "All of the information that you received has been verified and authenticated. It's all real, none of it doctored." "Thank you Marshall, you may go now." Marshall nodded, obviously wanting to add something else, but left the room silently.
"The Mole" Dixon started, but then sighed, and tried again. "Lauren Reed has been confirmed as the mole."
Everyone was silent, looking at Lauren. She didn't say anything, just looked at the desk.
"Honey?" asked Vaughn quietly. At this, Lauren stood up. "I won't say I'm sorry, you wouldn't believe me anyway" she said. Then she looked straight at Sydney. "Good Luck" Lauren said mockingly, and left the room, followed by three guards and Dixon. Vaughn was just sitting there, silently, looking down.
"Mike, man" said Weiss, but Vaughn held up his hand. "I need to see Sark" he said shakily.
"Agent Vaughn, that may not be the best idea right now. You're too emotional." Spoke up Jack for the first time in the meeting. "Jack" Vaughn said, but Jack stopped him. "She was not your wife, she was a traitor. Don't confuse Lauren Reed, Mrs. Vaughn, with Lauren Reed the agent. There's nothing you can do now." Vaughn nodded, surprised at the amount of emotion Jack let through. Weiss lead him out, Sydney watching them go.
"Sydney, Sydney" Jack said, finally touching her arm to get her attention.
"Yeah Dad" she said, looking at him, then looking down. "You can't help him, he needs time alone. You have to concentrate on Sark and Cole, and their motives for turning themselves in. You have to be ready to work with them, they both requested you as their handlers."
Sydney finally looked at his face. "I can handle Sark and Cole, Dad." She said, and left the room.
"I hope so" Jack said, mainly to himself. "I hope so".
So what do you think?
Was it good?
Were you surprised??
I know not much happened yet, but the next chapter will be Syd and Sark's first mission. I am not sure how much of Cole I want in it. I love the character, and had some great lines for him here, but I am not sure whether to leave him in, or just have him pop up. What do you think?
I'm Andrea, sd-1 name adrianalazarey (an Original Character I made (should I write a fic 4 her?)) and this is me first fic, so be kind.
I'm an Aussie (The Land Down Under), but have seen all the episodes on American TV (god bless the man who invented the internet (Al Gore!!))
This is PURE and UTTER sarkney, set after 3:14 Blowback
I used to love S/V, but him leaving after 9 MONTHS sucked. It did. Don't try to tell me otherwise.
I apologise for going mental, but I am (everyone says so), and I now HATE Vaughn.
Sorry for the punctuation, grammar and spelling in advance.
I just want to thank Evonness and her Story 'Salvation', which was the inspiration for this story, and if everyone sarkney fan should read it, it rocks. From that story was the idea for Sark, Sydney, Almost no clothing, and Whipped Cream. (I realise u don't have a clue what that means, but u will when I keep writing.)
If u like it, reply. I will write. I apologise for the short chapter, but it's a prologue, and it 12:16am
This is for no challenge
If u read all of that U R A CHAMPION!!
'It's just a normal day' thought Sydney Bristow as she woke up one morning. 'Full of normal things, getting up, eating breakfast, going to work, leaving for some exotic country, getting some valuable info, trying to take down the organization that took 2 years of my life that I can never get back.....'
"I am Sydney Bristow, and I am going crazy" she says while looking in the mirror. She sighs. "But I had better get started on that list."
She is midway through her breakfast when her beeper goes off. '911- Walk In'. She wonders what is wrong, and rushes to the Joint Task Force (JTF) building.
As soon as she enters she sees Weiss and Vaughn talking. Vaughn's forehead is in crinkle mode. 'This can't be good' she thinks. She walks up to them.
"Syd" they both say at the same time. Sydney frowns slightly. 'What gives him the right to call me that?' she thinks. 'He lost that right.'
"Sydney". Her fathers voice from behind her interrupts her line of thought. "You had better come with me" he says, and starts to lead her way.
"We had two walk in early this morning, and they are asking to speak to you." He states in his even mono-tone, and by now they are outside the conference room. "You can't tell anyone who they are, that's one of their terms."
"Dad," she says as he opens the door and pushes her in the room.
"Miss Bristow" a familiar voice says. Sydney's head whips around. "A pleasure to see you again".
Her eyes narrow. "Sark". She says. She then looks to his right, and is absolutely shocked by who the other person is. Sydney opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.
Well?? Who do you think it is?? Whoever guesses it right will get a mention in the next update.
Hey ya'll, I'm back, and this time with a new update.
Any die-hard fan would have gotten who the mysterious man was wit the clue of 'Pigtails'. Unfortunately, no one got it. Sorry!
I simply ADORE his character. If u don't know who I mean read on.
I forgot a disclaimer: Umgh (clears throat) I do own Alias, so u can see lots of shirt-less me, Syd with Sark, Jack and Irina Action, Vaughn begging for Syd, and Lauren dying repeatedly. I am of course sarcastic. I don't own it.
Oh, and this story (but not this chapter) is smut, okay?
And, by the way has anyone else noticed the character's hair fetish? I have. I mean, its like, 'I like your hair', 'your hair looks good', and lets toast the hair. Get OVA da hair, Mackie.
*************************************************************************** CHAPTER ONE- THE TERMS
"McKenas Cole," she said slowly, as if not believing it. "Pigtails," came his cool reply. Cole studied her for a moment from his position of leaning against the table. "Your hair is shorter. I like it, it looks good".
Any doubt that Sydney had over whether this was indeed Cole was vanished with these words.
"As much as I love a good chit-chat", Sark, and his clipped voice, joined the conversation, "We do have a deal to discuss."
"Mr. Sark," said Sydney, instantly returning to Agent mode. "I realise that it has been a while since your last stay, but I must remind you that we don't make deals with terrorists."
"Touché, Miss Bristow, but this is a deal you can't refuse," was his reply.
"You see Pigtails," Cole said, walking over to her. "We happen to know a certain NSC agent who has been working for the Covenant. They shall remain nameless until our demands are met."
Sydney seemed to consider this for a while. "What, exactly," she said slowly. "Are your demands?"
"See, I knew she'd listen!" said Cole in his excited voice. "You were right Sark; she was the go-to girl."
"Demands?" said Sydney, who was getting impatient with the way Cole was looking at her.
"Our demands, Miss Bristow, are quite simple. We will give you the NSC mole, as well as all evidence pointing to that person as the mole." Sark shared a quick glance at Cole, who nodded, and looked happy. "In exchange, we will get full pardons, with field status, helping you to take down the Covenant."
"What makes you think-" stared Sydney, but was interrupted by Cole.
"You will never believe this. It will blow your mind." He said. "We have, rigged up in a warehouse in Austria, all of the Rambaldi artefacts we could get our hands on; I mean we have literally a whole warehouse full of this guy's stuff. Which we will give to the CIA."
"In addition," added Sark, one again glancing at Cole, before looking back at Sydney. "If the CIA does not accept the offer, we will contact the mole and tell them that they've been made."
"But then you will reveal the mole to us anyway", Sydney said, thinking she had the upper hand.
"But you will not have them in custody" replied Sark quickly.
"No," she agreed. "but we'll have you".
"Agent Bristow" Sark spoke again, stressing the word Agent. "You of all people must realise I allowed for that. We have an escape plan, of course." He looked at Sydney, his eyes burning holes into hers. They stood like that for a full minute, neither one willing to back down.
"Would you two like some private time, 'cuz I could go." Cole's voice broke the spell. Sydney and Sark looked at each other for a moment before an idea popped into Sydney's head. She stepped over to Cole and placed a hand on his upper arm, putting them closer together than should be allowed.
"Only in his dreams." She said sweetly, before turning and walking out of the room. "I'll get an answer for you." She said over her shoulder, and exited the conference room.
Cole and Sark both watched her leave. Once she was gone, Cole spoke. "I LOVE that girl." he said, moving around and gesturing with his arms. "She took out my entire team you know." He was staring at the door she had walked out of, with pride in his eyes, and in his voice. "Plus she seems to like you."
This shocked Sark out of his watchful meditation. "As much as you can like someone you hate." He said dryly, "besides, she seems to have taken more of a liking to you." All the time he thinking that she was right. 'Only in my dreams, Sydney.'
Cole momentary looked at Sark and smiled to himself. 'Geez,' he thought. 'If those two can't see it, then something is wrong.' He looked back at the door. 'Or I'm really smart'. He decidedly liked the latter better.
Meanwhile, Sydney was in Dixon's office, fighting over the decision.
"I can't believe we're going to agree to their terms!" she exclaimed loudly. "Sydney" said Dixon, trying to calm her down. "We still have no idea who the mole is, and they can hand him to us" "But Dixon" she started again, but Dixon cut her off. "No buts Syd." His tone softened. "We need their info. Maybe we can even capture then at a later date, they want to work with us. We have to let them help."
Sydney sighed, defeated. She was still a little wound up from the confrontation from Sark. He had always left her with a strange feeling, but Sydney always thought it to be from the adrenaline rush. 'I mean,' she thought while Dixon lead her out of his office and back to the conference room. 'We always meet in life-or-death situations, it must be the adrenaline.'
When she looked up again she realised she and Dixon were in the conference room, and that she was looking straight into a pair of questioning, yet gorgeous blue eyes. Sark's eyes. 'Gorgeous!' she thought. 'Where did that come from?' She looked at Dixon, then back at Sark. He was still watching her. 'Maybe it is something more...'
"Well, Agent Bristow" Sark said, which started Sydney into realising that she hadn't been listening to what Dixon was saying. "I look forward to working with you. May I suggest somewhere exotic for our first mission, somewhere undercover?" He looked her up and down, sizing her up. "Deep Undercover" he added, still looking at her legs, then returning to her eyes.
'No' she said to herself. 'He's the same, cocky British bastard with his comments and sexual pretences.' "I'd say likewise, but I wouldn't want to lie to the great Mr. Sark." Was her reply, stressing the words great and Mr. Cole looked on in amusement.
"Well, since you've signed, why don't you tell us what you know." Said Dixon.
"Yes, well." Started Sark, who pulled out is phone, and made a call. "Ship the artefacts to the address I gave you know." He said, and hung up the phone. "The artefacts will be delivered to this building, by my men." He said, primarily to Dixon, but without ever taking his eyes off Sydney.
"Yes, yes," replied Dixon, "but we are more interested in the mole."
"I'll tell, can I tell, I'll tell." Cole said. "The mole is one NSC agent Lauren Reed."
Dixon and Sydney looked on in shock, while Sark pulled an envelope out of his suit (Armani, of course). "Here" he said, and handed it to Dixon, who opened it on the desk. {A/N: it was one of those big yellow envelopes.} Documents, photographs, tapes, videos and CD's come tumbling out. "There" started Sark again "is all the evidence you will ever need to put Ms. Reed away."
"Yes," said Dixon again, who had come out of his shocked stupor. He made a call quickly, and said to Sydney, "We'll have a meeting in 5." She nodded, and watched ad Dixon left, going straight to Marshall for analysis and authenticity.
"Surprised, Agent Bristow?" Sark asked. Sydney just looked at him, seemingly thinking.
"No." She finally replied, looking back o the wall. "Now that I think about it, it makes sense." She looks back up at him. "Thanks," she says, and looks at Cole. "Both of you."
"Of course" says Cole. "I mean, I hate Slone, and SD-6, but I have the UPMOST respect for you."
Sydney allows a small smile. "Thank you." She says, and starts to leave.
"Good Luck Sydney" says Sark suddenly. Sydney frowns and looks at him. "I don't need you to wish me luck." She says, and keeps walking. "That's a wonderful attitude." He says, and Sydney's frown turns into a full-fledged smile, safely knowing that Sark can't see her.
"Syd," says Weiss, almost running into her. "Hey, what are you smiling at?"
"Nothing" Sydney replies quickly, wiping the smile from her face. "Ready for the meeting?"
"Yeah, lets go." Agrees Weiss, and they walk towards the next room. "Do you know what it's all about?"
"I can't say," says Sydney, "but you'll find out soon, okay?" "Yeah" says Vaughn dejectedly.
They walk into another conference room, where Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and Lauren are sitting. Sydney and Weiss take their usual seats.
"Well," starts Dixon. "I'm sorry to keep everyone in the dark, but it was important. This morning we had two walk in's, Mr. Sark, and McKenas Cole." He paused for a second, and Sydney and Vaughn shared a look, which did not go unnoticed by Lauren and Weiss. "It seems that they know the identity of the mole, and have given them up in exchange for a full pardon."
Lauren looked at Dxion worriedly, and pressed her phone to ring. "Excuse me." She said, and stood up. "Please sit down Miss Reed." Dixon said sharply, surprising everyone.
"I have to take this call..." started Lauren, but Dixon again interrupted her. "The identity of the mole takes precedence." He said, and Lauren nodded and sat down, knowing that she had been made.
"What's going on?" asked Vaughn, standing up for his wife.
Just then Marshall ran into the room.
"Mr. Dixon, sir, I mean" he said in his usual eager stutter. "What is it Marshall?" Dixon interrupted his babbling. "All of the information that you received has been verified and authenticated. It's all real, none of it doctored." "Thank you Marshall, you may go now." Marshall nodded, obviously wanting to add something else, but left the room silently.
"The Mole" Dixon started, but then sighed, and tried again. "Lauren Reed has been confirmed as the mole."
Everyone was silent, looking at Lauren. She didn't say anything, just looked at the desk.
"Honey?" asked Vaughn quietly. At this, Lauren stood up. "I won't say I'm sorry, you wouldn't believe me anyway" she said. Then she looked straight at Sydney. "Good Luck" Lauren said mockingly, and left the room, followed by three guards and Dixon. Vaughn was just sitting there, silently, looking down.
"Mike, man" said Weiss, but Vaughn held up his hand. "I need to see Sark" he said shakily.
"Agent Vaughn, that may not be the best idea right now. You're too emotional." Spoke up Jack for the first time in the meeting. "Jack" Vaughn said, but Jack stopped him. "She was not your wife, she was a traitor. Don't confuse Lauren Reed, Mrs. Vaughn, with Lauren Reed the agent. There's nothing you can do now." Vaughn nodded, surprised at the amount of emotion Jack let through. Weiss lead him out, Sydney watching them go.
"Sydney, Sydney" Jack said, finally touching her arm to get her attention.
"Yeah Dad" she said, looking at him, then looking down. "You can't help him, he needs time alone. You have to concentrate on Sark and Cole, and their motives for turning themselves in. You have to be ready to work with them, they both requested you as their handlers."
Sydney finally looked at his face. "I can handle Sark and Cole, Dad." She said, and left the room.
"I hope so" Jack said, mainly to himself. "I hope so".
So what do you think?
Was it good?
Were you surprised??
I know not much happened yet, but the next chapter will be Syd and Sark's first mission. I am not sure how much of Cole I want in it. I love the character, and had some great lines for him here, but I am not sure whether to leave him in, or just have him pop up. What do you think?