It's my first ever CSI fic, so be kind.
Written From Sara's POV
Spoilers: None that I can think of.
It had been a long day at the CSI lab. Greg had spent the day doing his usual flirting. Grissom acted as usual. Nick was out sick and Catherine and
Warrick were out in Waterbury, Connecticut on a consulting case. They
wouldn't be back for at least another day or two. And to make matters worse, it had been a slow week, no, scratch that, it had been a slow month!
The crime rate had almost gone down by half.
Maybe it was the freak cold weather we had been having. The forecast had at
one point even predicted snow. It wasn't going to happen until tomorrow, but something told me otherwise.
I was planning on working over time, but Gil sent me home. Told me to take the rest of the day off. It was a surprise at first. But when he said I had
no choice, I finally took him up on it.
I pulled into my driveway, when I noticed it. My door, open slightly.
Going through my kit, I got some gloves and the little felt things that I put on the bottom of my shoes. Drawing my weapon I entered my home. Going, room by room, taking my time to sweep the area. I should of called for back-
up. Or, at least Gil. I entered my bed room.
I saw her. A kid, no older than fourteen was laying on the ground near a
heating duct.
Pushing her lightly with my foot, I woke her.
"Huh, what? Oh, shit!"
She tried to run, but she tripped and fell. I holstered my gun.
"What are you doing in my house?" I demanded, putting little pull-n-tie straps around her hands. Makeshift hand-cuffs. "My parents kicked me out. And I was cold. I got fired from my job at the little corner store. Sure I didn't make much just marking prices, but it was a job. I'm sorry I broke in, and I promise to pay you back for the broken door and the food I ate, I
I rubbed my temple and sighed. It was a sad story. But she did commit a
crime. I was torn, a real moral dilemma.
"Please don't kill me. Or call the cops! I don't want to go to jail." She
pleaded. I removed my gloves and little booties. "Don't worry about the
door and the food."
"Thanks miss, but your going to have me arrested aren't you?"
"No, just try not to break into any more houses, ok?"
I cut off the ties. She headed for the door.
"Where do you think your going?"
"I was going to leave, you are letting me go, right?"
"Do you have somewhere to go?" "I'll find a place. I hear you get free food and some heat in the alley of
the Pizza Place."
"Why don't you stay here, the couch folds out. We'll sort this whole thing
out in the morning." If anyone found out that I wasn't copping an attitude at the little girl,
they would think that I wasn't the real Sara.
"What is your name?"
"Liz, I'm Liz Sax What's your name Miss?"
"Sara Sidle. You don't need to call me miss."
"Sidle? I've herd that name before."
She dug into her jean pockets, and pulled out an article from the local
news paper.
"Is this you?" She let me read it. It was about how me and Griss solved a thirty year old
case. Though I wouldn't let the news paper show any pictures.
"That's me."
"You're my idol!"
"What a minute, what?"
"You're my idol, I love science, especially bugs."
"Then do I have someone for you to meet. But that's for later. Come on,
I'll set up your bed.
3 Hours Later
On the Phone
"What do you mean she broke into your house? Sara, are you ok?"
Grissom seemed worried. "I'm fine, she's only fourteen. She's going through the same things I went
through at that age." He signed.
"Well, I don't like it but it's your call Sar."
"This might make you like it, she's a bug fan."
He chuckled.
"And she's likes music, games, all sorts of stuff."
"Music, oh no, not another Greg."
"Well anyway, can I bring her in tomorrow, she's got no where to go and I
think everyone will like her."
You could tell he was thinking. "Ok, but given the current track record we know about her, we'll have to
keep her under close watch."
"Then it's agreed."
"Guess so, see you tomorrow Sar, I'm gonna go feed my pets and go to bed.
See you in three hours."
"Bye Griss."
I hung up the phone.
"You like him... don't you?"
I hadn't noticed she was awake.
"Yes, though I don't think he knows it. And if he does, he doesn't show
it." Did I just say that?
"I had a boy friend. I dumped him when I saw him hanging on some other
girl." "Hmm, do you want something to eat? I'm not that well stocked so we can go
"Really.... Um.... Thanks Sara. I'm sorry for breaking in." "Breaking in is a crime, doing what you have to do to survive, that's not."
I flashed her a smile.
"She didn't even know that the spider was on her back!?" Everyone looked at us in the restaurant. We didn't pay attention, we were laughing hard. "Yup,
Cath walked around in the Lab for over an hour with it on her back. She finally found it when so noticed a small web in her hair." More laughter.
"Hay, Sara who's your little friend?" Greg called from a stool in the lab.
We stopped in.
"This is Liz, Liz that's Greg. He's our lab guy. He's also our local concert in a box." Liz snickered and shook his hand. "What-cha working on?"
"Just some fibers." She looked to the flat screen. It showed what Greg was
doing under the microscope. "They look like fiber glass." "Ohh, a smart one. Tell me," He said, giving me a devilish grin. "How does
Sara here find blood?"
"Well, you can look at it, or use Luminal. A UV light also helps."
Greg almost fell out of his chair.
"That was just an easy one. Here's a tough one. What's jet engine fuel
classified as?"
"From the fuel oil number one family, the accelerants. Mostly used in
lighter fluid and Molotov Cocktails."
"That's right." A defeated Greg admitted.
"Ok, Greg. We're going to go meet the rest of the team."
"Oh, right. See you later Liz. Bye my sweet, sweet, Sara."
"Dream on Greg, dream on." I answered back.
I found a newly recovered Nick in trace. I knocked on the window. He looked
up and came out.
"Welcome back Nick. Have a nice week off?" "No, I was sick. And Cath wouldn't stop asking me when I was coming back.
Who's this?"
"This is Liz. Greg just challenged her."
"Oh she passed. Even beat the Fuel question."
"Wow, she must be good."
"She's up there."
"Hello Liz, I'm Nick Stokes."
Then he whispered in her ear.
"She's nice not but watch her, she can be a slick one."
"I hear that." I socked him in the arm. "See?" He said, rubbing it. Liz
just kept laughing.
"Firing off three shots!" Bobby called out from Ballistics.
Liz covered her ears and began shaking.
It was violent.
Nick grabbed her as she began to fall. I got the first Aid Kit.
Greg noticed the commotion.
He got on the phone, calling for a medic. But Nick didn't notice that.
"Help! Se's in cardiac arrest!"
Three cops and a confused Grissom came running into the hallway.
One of them was carry what I call "The Shocker".
"Everyone get back. Clear!" She had stopped shacking. Greg poked his head out of the lab. "Medics are
one the way."
"We can't wait!" I ran back into trace. I dialed the morgue's extension. "Doc, we need you near trace right now, a little girl just recovered for a
serious cardiac arrest."
He wasn't an actual doctor, but it was as close as we were going to get.
He and the Medics check Liz out. They both said she should be fine. She
just had to relax. She started to murmur something as I sat with her in the break room. I had
given her some water.
"Gun shots. Four of them. Blood. A restaurant. My sister. Dead. Death.
Ghosts. In the night, they won't go away. Yelling, telling me what
happened to them. I can't do anything!" She through the cup across the
room. Luckily it was only a paper one.
I sat next to her, holder her close.
"It's ok Liz. I'm here. I'm here."
She stopped shivering.
"What happened to your sister?"
"She was killed, seven months ago. They never found the killer."
"What was here name?"
"Kelley, Kelley Grand."
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Liz, I worked on that case. The suspect committed suicide."
"So you did get him."
"We did. When did the voices begin?"
"To weeks after her death."
Written From Sara's POV
Spoilers: None that I can think of.
It had been a long day at the CSI lab. Greg had spent the day doing his usual flirting. Grissom acted as usual. Nick was out sick and Catherine and
Warrick were out in Waterbury, Connecticut on a consulting case. They
wouldn't be back for at least another day or two. And to make matters worse, it had been a slow week, no, scratch that, it had been a slow month!
The crime rate had almost gone down by half.
Maybe it was the freak cold weather we had been having. The forecast had at
one point even predicted snow. It wasn't going to happen until tomorrow, but something told me otherwise.
I was planning on working over time, but Gil sent me home. Told me to take the rest of the day off. It was a surprise at first. But when he said I had
no choice, I finally took him up on it.
I pulled into my driveway, when I noticed it. My door, open slightly.
Going through my kit, I got some gloves and the little felt things that I put on the bottom of my shoes. Drawing my weapon I entered my home. Going, room by room, taking my time to sweep the area. I should of called for back-
up. Or, at least Gil. I entered my bed room.
I saw her. A kid, no older than fourteen was laying on the ground near a
heating duct.
Pushing her lightly with my foot, I woke her.
"Huh, what? Oh, shit!"
She tried to run, but she tripped and fell. I holstered my gun.
"What are you doing in my house?" I demanded, putting little pull-n-tie straps around her hands. Makeshift hand-cuffs. "My parents kicked me out. And I was cold. I got fired from my job at the little corner store. Sure I didn't make much just marking prices, but it was a job. I'm sorry I broke in, and I promise to pay you back for the broken door and the food I ate, I
I rubbed my temple and sighed. It was a sad story. But she did commit a
crime. I was torn, a real moral dilemma.
"Please don't kill me. Or call the cops! I don't want to go to jail." She
pleaded. I removed my gloves and little booties. "Don't worry about the
door and the food."
"Thanks miss, but your going to have me arrested aren't you?"
"No, just try not to break into any more houses, ok?"
I cut off the ties. She headed for the door.
"Where do you think your going?"
"I was going to leave, you are letting me go, right?"
"Do you have somewhere to go?" "I'll find a place. I hear you get free food and some heat in the alley of
the Pizza Place."
"Why don't you stay here, the couch folds out. We'll sort this whole thing
out in the morning." If anyone found out that I wasn't copping an attitude at the little girl,
they would think that I wasn't the real Sara.
"What is your name?"
"Liz, I'm Liz Sax What's your name Miss?"
"Sara Sidle. You don't need to call me miss."
"Sidle? I've herd that name before."
She dug into her jean pockets, and pulled out an article from the local
news paper.
"Is this you?" She let me read it. It was about how me and Griss solved a thirty year old
case. Though I wouldn't let the news paper show any pictures.
"That's me."
"You're my idol!"
"What a minute, what?"
"You're my idol, I love science, especially bugs."
"Then do I have someone for you to meet. But that's for later. Come on,
I'll set up your bed.
3 Hours Later
On the Phone
"What do you mean she broke into your house? Sara, are you ok?"
Grissom seemed worried. "I'm fine, she's only fourteen. She's going through the same things I went
through at that age." He signed.
"Well, I don't like it but it's your call Sar."
"This might make you like it, she's a bug fan."
He chuckled.
"And she's likes music, games, all sorts of stuff."
"Music, oh no, not another Greg."
"Well anyway, can I bring her in tomorrow, she's got no where to go and I
think everyone will like her."
You could tell he was thinking. "Ok, but given the current track record we know about her, we'll have to
keep her under close watch."
"Then it's agreed."
"Guess so, see you tomorrow Sar, I'm gonna go feed my pets and go to bed.
See you in three hours."
"Bye Griss."
I hung up the phone.
"You like him... don't you?"
I hadn't noticed she was awake.
"Yes, though I don't think he knows it. And if he does, he doesn't show
it." Did I just say that?
"I had a boy friend. I dumped him when I saw him hanging on some other
girl." "Hmm, do you want something to eat? I'm not that well stocked so we can go
"Really.... Um.... Thanks Sara. I'm sorry for breaking in." "Breaking in is a crime, doing what you have to do to survive, that's not."
I flashed her a smile.
"She didn't even know that the spider was on her back!?" Everyone looked at us in the restaurant. We didn't pay attention, we were laughing hard. "Yup,
Cath walked around in the Lab for over an hour with it on her back. She finally found it when so noticed a small web in her hair." More laughter.
"Hay, Sara who's your little friend?" Greg called from a stool in the lab.
We stopped in.
"This is Liz, Liz that's Greg. He's our lab guy. He's also our local concert in a box." Liz snickered and shook his hand. "What-cha working on?"
"Just some fibers." She looked to the flat screen. It showed what Greg was
doing under the microscope. "They look like fiber glass." "Ohh, a smart one. Tell me," He said, giving me a devilish grin. "How does
Sara here find blood?"
"Well, you can look at it, or use Luminal. A UV light also helps."
Greg almost fell out of his chair.
"That was just an easy one. Here's a tough one. What's jet engine fuel
classified as?"
"From the fuel oil number one family, the accelerants. Mostly used in
lighter fluid and Molotov Cocktails."
"That's right." A defeated Greg admitted.
"Ok, Greg. We're going to go meet the rest of the team."
"Oh, right. See you later Liz. Bye my sweet, sweet, Sara."
"Dream on Greg, dream on." I answered back.
I found a newly recovered Nick in trace. I knocked on the window. He looked
up and came out.
"Welcome back Nick. Have a nice week off?" "No, I was sick. And Cath wouldn't stop asking me when I was coming back.
Who's this?"
"This is Liz. Greg just challenged her."
"Oh she passed. Even beat the Fuel question."
"Wow, she must be good."
"She's up there."
"Hello Liz, I'm Nick Stokes."
Then he whispered in her ear.
"She's nice not but watch her, she can be a slick one."
"I hear that." I socked him in the arm. "See?" He said, rubbing it. Liz
just kept laughing.
"Firing off three shots!" Bobby called out from Ballistics.
Liz covered her ears and began shaking.
It was violent.
Nick grabbed her as she began to fall. I got the first Aid Kit.
Greg noticed the commotion.
He got on the phone, calling for a medic. But Nick didn't notice that.
"Help! Se's in cardiac arrest!"
Three cops and a confused Grissom came running into the hallway.
One of them was carry what I call "The Shocker".
"Everyone get back. Clear!" She had stopped shacking. Greg poked his head out of the lab. "Medics are
one the way."
"We can't wait!" I ran back into trace. I dialed the morgue's extension. "Doc, we need you near trace right now, a little girl just recovered for a
serious cardiac arrest."
He wasn't an actual doctor, but it was as close as we were going to get.
He and the Medics check Liz out. They both said she should be fine. She
just had to relax. She started to murmur something as I sat with her in the break room. I had
given her some water.
"Gun shots. Four of them. Blood. A restaurant. My sister. Dead. Death.
Ghosts. In the night, they won't go away. Yelling, telling me what
happened to them. I can't do anything!" She through the cup across the
room. Luckily it was only a paper one.
I sat next to her, holder her close.
"It's ok Liz. I'm here. I'm here."
She stopped shivering.
"What happened to your sister?"
"She was killed, seven months ago. They never found the killer."
"What was here name?"
"Kelley, Kelley Grand."
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Liz, I worked on that case. The suspect committed suicide."
"So you did get him."
"We did. When did the voices begin?"
"To weeks after her death."