What My Soul Cannot Hide

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, only the story plot I create. That's why it's called FAN fiction, duh.

This is my first fic, but I have my friends read it and THEY liked it, so give it a try and review! If you guys find any kinds of mistakes, can you tell me?

I want feedback. What do you want to happen in the story? And plot ideas, character pairings? E-mail me. I could always use more ideas! [email protected]


Chapter 1 News of a Journey

"We have a mission in the Land of the Clouds. We leave in two days. We're escorting an architect back here so he can design some new buildings. It's a C level mission." Kakashi announced to Team 7. Sasuke's head snapped up.

"Nani? Land of the Clouds? Are you sure?", the boy inquired. Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Hai, I'm sure Sasuke." he replied. Naruto eyed Kasashi critically.

"You're sure it's actually a C level mission? Remember what happened the last time we escorted an architect?" Sakura smacked him over the head.

"Don't you know anything, baka? Mr. Tazuna only said it was C level mission because he couldn't afford elite ninja! The land of the clouds is a wealthy area." Naruto pouted and rubbed his head. Kakashi watched, the two, amused.

"Ne, let's go home and get ready and rest up for the journey." The four of them set off toward the village. It had been a hard training session for them. Just as they entered the village, they ran into Iruka.

"Hey!" he called, "Naruto, I was just on my way to the noodle bar. Care for a bowl of ramen?" Iruka-sensei watched Naruto's face light up.

"You bet, Iruka-sensei!" he said, finding energy from God knows where and bounding over to his teacher. Iruka smiled.

"Anyone else?" he said, "My treat!" Sasuke and Sakura mumbled about being tired, and continued into the village to go home and to sleep. Kakashi, however, fell into step beside his friend and student.

Naruto slurped noisily on his ramen, looking like there wasn't anything in the world that could make him happier at the moment. A few places down, Iruka was snickering at Kakashi, who had run into a dilemma: How to eat his ramen without removing his facemask. He looked thoroughly disgruntled. Naruto came over with his empty bowl, no doubt looking for more ramen. He sensed Kakashi's mood.

"What's up, Kakashi-sensei?" he asked. Kakashi grunted, but didn't answer. Iruka answered for him.

"Kakashi can't seem to find a way around removing his facemask." Iruka sniggered. Kakashi scowled at Naruto, who laughed too.

"You wouldn't think it was so funny if you were in my shoes, Naruto-baka." He said with irritation.

"Ne, Kakashi-sensei, that's where you're wrong." Naruto answered. "Anything keeping me from eating ramen would have to go. Baka." Iruka laughed harder. Naruto smiled triumphantly. He knew, and he knew Kakashi knew, that Naruto would do almost, if not anything for ramen.

"Hai, what wouldn't you do for a bowl of ramen, dunce?" Kakashi-sensei asked, poking at his ramen as if would tell him how to eat it through the facemask. The ramen, however, just sat there, not coming up with any mystical answer to the problem.

Naruto sat down next to Kakashi.

"Aw, c'mon sensei! You're an elite ninja! You've never lost to another ninja before, right? Are you really going to let this delicious bowl of ramen be your first defeat?" The thought of losing to a bowl of ramen, though not an entirely logical situation, seemed humiliating.

"NE!" he said. "I will eat this bowl of ramen without taking off my facemask!" His voice was laced with determination. Naruto smirked and started slurping down a second bowl.

Kakashi put down his chopsticks and ran his hand irritably through his silver hair. Then he snapped his fingers, sitting up straighter.

"Hai! I've got it!" He fiddled with the knot at the back of his neck. The bottom half of the mask came loose and hung over his mouth. It looked more like a flap now than a mask. Iruka-sensei shook his head, still grinning, and went back to his ramen. Naruto watched Kakashi-sensei feed himself noodles under his mask. He scowled. He was hoping to see Kakashi-sensei without his facemask on.

He sipped the last bit of broth loudly and set his bowl down. Iruka looked over at his former student in the middle of slurping up a noodle. He stopped and stared as Naruto got a third bowl. He raised an eyebrow and finished sipping the noodle into his mouth, shaking his head in amazement. Iruka finished off his noodles and was about to finish the broth... Naruto's chopstick clattered onto the counter and the young ninja leaned forward, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes tightly shut.

Kakashi glanced over at him and remarked, "You don't get brain freeze from ramen, baka." Iruka held up a hand, and Kakashi realized that his student wasn't joking.

Iruka lowered his chopsticks. "Naruto?"


"Nani? What's wrong?" Naruto turned his head slightly, not letting go of his nose or opening his eyes.

"Er, I've got a bit of a headache. Gomen Nasi, Iruka-sensei, Kakashi- sensei, but I have to go. G'night." He turned and walked quickly away, leaving two bewildered teachers, and half a bowl of ramen behind.

Well, what do you guys think? I know you have to have questions on the Japanese words, so I'm working on a Japanese-English reference thingy. Review, or e-mail me. I love e-mail! Thankx!