Title: Three Little Words

Author: Chickiee-Dee

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I don't own Alias or its characters.

Summary: Sequel to Secrets and Lies. "Vaughn, I'm pregnant." The three words that changed their lives. S/V.

Authors Notes: Oops, forgot to post this. My bad. I was gonna add more onto it, but I'll leave it at this, and hopefully update again soon. For those that aren't aware, I came back from Cairns in November, and worked throughout Christmas at home, and had to move again in February for Uni. That said, my life has been kinda nuts, RL not being very kind, but I'm trying to get into some sort of routine with my writing again. Again my apologies for taking so long.


Chapter 16

"There's one other thing, did you know that your daughter was pregnant?"

Jack looked at him stunned, "Was or is?"

"Was, we estimate that she was only four to five weeks along, but the injuries she sustained caused her to miscarry. I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do." He paused, "If you'll excuse me, I have other patients to check on, I'll let you know when you can see her." Jack sat there stunned; he was still gathering his thoughts on whether he should tell Sydney or Vaughn, knowing how much they'd both grieved over their other lost child. Still unsure of what to do, Jack went up to see Amanda before heading back to check on Vaughn.

There was a young nurse watching over his young granddaughter, who was staring back at her curiously. "Mr Vaughn?" she asked, assuming that Jack was her father. He shook his head, "Jack Bristow, I'm her grandfather."

"Sorry Sir, she's beautiful, would you like to hold her?" He nodded slightly, and she picked Amanda up, carefully depositing her into her Grandfather's arms. Amanda looked up at him with big enquiring eyes, watching him intently. He smiled down at his Granddaughter, glad to finally have her back safe. As the child drifted off in his arms, he thought of his own child, and her current condition. Speaking quietly to the Nurse, so he didn't wake the sleeping infant, Jack left the Nursery slowly, making his way carefully down the stairs to Vaughn's room.

Jack entered the bland hospital room a few minutes later, watching as Vaughn looked over curiously, his eyes instantly brightening when he saw his young daughter nestled safely in her Grandfathers arms. Vaughn shifted a little, trying in vain to sit up to get a closer look at his baby. Noticing Vaughn's struggling, Jack bought Amanda closer, so Vaughn could at least touch her soft skin. "How's Sydney?" he asked, confused as to why she wasn't in the room with him. "She's still in Recovery, there's been complications, but she should be out in a few hours."

"Is it bad? I mean is she gonna be ok?"

"It will take a while, but you'll both be staying here till she's well enough to be transferred and Agent Weiss and I will be here as well."

"How's Amanda? He didn't do anything to her did he?"

"No, she's been checked out buy several doctors and she's just a little undernourished, he didn't do anything."

"Where's Sark?"

"He was taken to Los Angeles, Kendall's keeping him in the Rotunda for a while, but he will eventually be transferred." Jack shifted Amanda closer to her father again, "I'm sorry, I have to take her back to the nursery." Vaughn reached out and ran his fingers over her skin again, "Thank you for bringing her down." Jack didn't reply instead he turned and left the room.

Vaughn watched Jack exit, his baby girl held firmly in his arms. As he lay there alone in the bland hospital room, he couldn't help but think about his fiancé, who he presumed was still unconscious upstairs, and everything that had happened to them over the past couple of years, he thought about their lost child, and how much they both grieved, albeit alone, and how much joy their daughter bought them each and every day. Mostly though, he thought about all the they had time wasted 'Time wasted is not time lived' someone told him once, and he couldn't help but believe how applicable that phrase was at this moment, he decided that him and Sydney had spent too much time thinking about getting married instead of beginning any preparations for the ceremony. They hadn't even set a date yet, 'That's all gonna change though' he told himself, 'As soon as we get out this place, it's gonna happen. I'm gonna make Sydney Bristow my wife.' And as he drifted off into a somewhat drug-induced sleep, he thought of only Sydney, Amanda and their future.

Upstairs in Recovery Sydney lay, still unconscious, although her condition was slowly improving, and her Doctor had decided to move her into ICU within the hour. Shortly after she was transferred out of Recovery, Jack came into see her and he barely recognised his daughter as she lay on the bed. There was a respirator tube aiding her with her breathing, and her skin was as white as the sheets. Wires were coming out of almost every part of her body. Jack could see some of the wounds of her arms that had been inflicted by Sark and his Goons. A thick bandage was wrapped around her head, covering the large cut on the back of her head. Curious, Jack lifted up the sheets and inspected the damage that had been done to her legs, when they'd found her, her legs were a bloody mess, and now they were covered in gauze and the exposed parts of her skin were black and blue, the bruising painfully obvious, especially against the crisp white bandages. The largest of the leg wounds appeared to be on her upper legs, and small spots of blood had seeped through the layers of padding. Unable to look at the damage her only child had sustained, Jack dropped the sheet back down, watching out the corner of his eye to see if there was any reaction from her. He was disheartened somewhat when the monitors showed no reaction at all. Jack left the room almost as quickly as he'd entered it.