Before Harry.

Disclaimer: It's in one of these chapters, if you wish to look for it, be my guest.

A/n: Now I've started this chapter quite close to my previous one, which is good for me. I posted on August 5 and its now August 6th so…Hopefully I will have it updated by the time September comes around because who knows when I'm going to update after that. My goal is to finish this story by this time next year because I am moving out then and I'm not sure whether or not my computer is coming with me or not. Oh well, anyway on with the story. P. S. I noticed my email didn't work on the last chapter so here it is theallmightyandpowerfulm. com (take out the space between . and com lol)

james4lily- Haha, I know it surprised me too. Hopefully this one won't take nearly as long.

Hollaback Girl- THANK YOU.

::MzPotter::- Lol. Yea I know I'm sorry but I just had to stop at Monday morning lol. There was actually a reason I did stop at Monday morning. I want this chapter to be in James' point of view so.. lol sorry!

grannyHPfan- Thank you, yea it has, I have a hard time trying to update, although hopefully this one comes sooner.

xxxxParvati-Patilxxxx- You would think it would be but she's doing it more for him than her.

Chapter 8 preview-

The sun was just coming up. It looked so beautiful, almost reassuring me that everything would be ok. Don't I wish I could believe that.

Chapter 9-

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I'm a fucking father! Do you know how god damn scary that is? I ffing hope not, because it's scary. Ok so the baby might not be mine but Lily said that I was the only guy she slept with so who else's would it be? I don't even know why I'm going to the damn appointment. Ok yes I do, because she asked me to. Man I'm whipped, and she's not even my girl, yet. She will be though, I know she will be.

OK, I wasn't nervous before but standing outside Lily's door, I am now. Ok I just have to breathe. In, out, in, out, Ok now I'm ready. I knock on the door, flowers waiting in hand. Someone opens the door, and then they start yelling at me in a foreign language. Then she finally went inside and I relaxed, until she came back with a broom and starting beating it with me.

"Ah, Lady, look, I'm looking for Lily Evans! Do you know where she is?" I tried in vain to reason with this woman. She just looked at me for a second and then started screaming again.

"Who are you?" A big guy with curly hair came out, he almost scared me with his tone but I'm not easily intimidated.

"I'm James Potter, I'm here to pick up Lily Evans for her doctors appointment. Who are you?"

"I'm Evan Simms, hang on just one second. Boys!" He called from the apartment, that didn't sound too good.

Two more angry guys and one actually pretty cute chick came out of the apartment. I'm a little confused why the girl was there because he called for boys but I wasn't about to ask.

"This is Leo." He pointed to a blonde guy. "That's Demetre'." He pointed to a tall guy with black hair. "And last but definitely not least, this is Lexine." He pointed to a brown haired girl.

"Now that that's over with, we only have one bone to pick with you." Evan started.

"I don't know about that." I could have sworn I heard the girl, Lexine, say.

"Lexi, we promised, be nice." The blonde, Leo said. She huffed but didn't say anything.

"Anyway the only thing we have to say is, if you hurt her we will kill you." Evan finally said.

"Quite painfully." Added the tall one, Demetre'.

"I have no intention of hurting her." I reassured them.

"Good, then we won't have any problems then, will we boys?" Leo asked, he seemed to be the one that kept the other three from jumping me so I decided I liked him the best so far. "Now let's go inside before Lily has a shit fit."

I was pulled into the house by Lexi and what a site greeted me. Lily had her hair left down and was wearing a loose white sundress with gold trim. She looked amazing, I couldn't believe that she was going to be all mine. Wait, what if she doesn't want to be mine. Maybe I should say my girlfriend then mine but that's just the way I look at it. Ok, I have to stop being such a girl now, what ever happens will happen I guess.

"Hi James, uhh how are you?" Lily asked me, looking very nervous.

"I'm fine Lily, how are you doing?" She didn't look very good but I could tell her answer would be positive anyway.

"Oh, I'm just dandy. What did these idiots say to you anyway?" She asked as if she didn't want to know the answer. All the guys (and girl) looked at me as if to say "tell her and you die".

"Oh not much, they were just introducing themselves so I'd know who they were before coming in here." I replied and that seemed to make everyone happy and was as close to the truth as I could get without getting my head ripped off.

"Oh ok." Lily seemed a bit better at this answer.

"Oh, I got these for you." I handed her what was left of my flowers, man I feel like I'm a third year again going on my first date.

"Thank you, their beautiful." She didn't seem to be lying about that.

"Your welcome, I was thinking we could stop for a bite to eat before we go, if you want." Man that didn't come out as slick as it was suppose to.

"Sure that sounds great, just let me put these in some water, get my coat and we can go." She said already walking out of the room.

She took awhile to get back and I think it was because she was telling them where she was going. They really weren't that bad, they were just looking out for her. I can appreciate that, I'm sure she dated a lot of assholes in her time. She came back in with a jacket and we left.

"Here, take my hand, I'll take you there."

She seemed a little scared at first but it only takes a second and she looked fine when we landed outside a nice, little restaurant. The restaurant was called "La cachet" and was really fancy. We went in holding hands and I think my heart beat just a little bit faster.

"This is really nice." She whispered in my ear.

A waiter met us and sat us down at a booth by the window. Shortly after he came back and we ordered. She ordered steak, which amazed me because most girls I date just get salad like rabbits or something. I guess she is pregnant but something tells me that she would have ordered that anyway.

"What? Are you impressed by my order?" She asked, clearly amused.

"Well kind of, that's quite a steak they make here, you may not be able to finish it." I replied, trying to sound smooth.

"I'm sure I will, I have a good, healthy apatite. Don't you worry about me." She assured me so seriously I just had to laugh.

"Ok, we'll see about that." Maybe I shouldn't be challenging her already but she doesn't seem to mind.

She just smiled at me, and when the food came, she ate everything on her plate. When she was finished she just smirked at me smugly. I didn't say anything, just smiled and paid the bill. When we got out of the building she looked at me, smiled and said:

"I was also going to get desert but I figured that'd be too much of a shock for you. I didn't want you to have a heart attack, old man."

I just kind of stood there for a minute, shocked. No girl I've ever dated me has actually insulted me before, and I liked it. Not being insulted but maybe by this girl it didn't matter.

"Stop gapping, we're going to be late." She said and skipped along while dragging me behind her.

The hospital was just a block away from the restaurant and I realized that she definitely wasn't quiet. I liked her constant chattering though, it kept me distracted from where we were going and why. I have a feeling she did this more for herself then for me but it still helped. We arrived in no time and I stopped her before she went in.

"No matter what happens in there, I just want you to know that I will always be there for you, ok?" I said, looking at her seriously.

A/n: Ok I'm not sure if I have anymore readers or not, regardless, here is chapter 9. I know it took forever but I was gone all summer and I've been crazy busy before then! Sorry!!!!