Before Harry.

Disclaimer: Anything you recognize as J.K's or anyone else's probably is theirs, not mine.

Summary: In the books it never says Lily has another child. One before Harry. Well this isn't the books, it's my world. Learn how a teen struggles through childbirth, school and work. Raising a kid is hard work and Lily is about to find that out the hard way.

A/n: I'm working on this fic by myself and trying to do my own grammar so any suggestions and help would be very nice. Also it might take longer for me to update but my updates will be longer than usually. Thanks, Miranda.



How did this happen? Various amounts of alcohol and an incredibly sexy Quidditch player, that's how it happened. Your probably thinking, 'what the hell is she talking about?' Well you see it happened like this:

"Hey Lils, are you going to the wicked sweet party at the White Fox tonight?" Asked Lexine, who is my girl back home.

White Fox is a club down town. You might be wondering how a 15 year old can get into a bar but don't ask. Let's just say I know the manger personally, if you catch my drift.

"Yea, I heard it's going to be the best party all year." Leo, one of my boys says.

"When have I ever missed out on a party?" I asked.

No one bothered to answer was an obvious 'never'. I had never missed out on a party in my life. I even went one time when I was sick. Before you ask, 'how can you get into a party when your sick?' The answer was obvious. Everyone is coughing. Everyone is throwing up. Everyone acts sick when they're drunk. It's just a fact of life.

"Hang on, I'll find a time." Demetre', another one of my boys said. "Nope, can't think of any."

"No that's not the problem, you just don't think." Evan, my final and last boys said.

You might be wondering my girl and my boys are. Hell, your probably wondering who the hell I am. I am Lillian Marrien Evans, Lily for short. I have red or orange (it depends on the way you look at it) hair and fucking awesome green eyes. I have pretty pale skin, like most redheads do and am about 5 foot 8 inches. Not that I measured or anything. I have big breast (I'm not being cocky, it's true) and am far from skinny yet not really fat. Somewhere in the middle(probably closer to fat but hey!). Now that you know what I look like, now on to my boys! You'll get to know me as the story goes on.

Evan Simms. He's the player of the group (excluding me of course). He can never stay with a girl! He has light brown curly hair and brown eyes. Now I usually think that curly hair on a guy is ugly but he is an exception. He's fine, trust me, I would know. He's about 6 foot 2 inches and he has muscle. I'm not talking about a little bit of pathetic muscle guys usually pull off as 'six packs' but I mean real muscle. The ironic part of that is that I have never seen him in a gym and he eats whatever the hell he wants. It annoys me to no end.

Next is Demetre' Glover. He's the sweet heart of the group. He is nice sweet kind and a piece of eye candy. What more could a girl want? He has black shinny hair and chocolate eyes. I mean they really look like chocolate; I could seriously eat them if he let me. No, I am not a cannibal he just has yummy eyes! Anyway... He's the tallest of the group standing at an amazing height of 6 foot 5.

My last boy is Leo Savory. He's funny, and has the over protective brother thing going on. Leo has straight blonde hair and light brown eyes. My boy is also a werewolf. Poor Leo. I feel so sorry that he has to go through with that every month. At least he knows what PMS feels like. He's only a few inches taller than I am.

Now we finally get down to my one and only girl, Lexine Peters. She has wavy dark brown hair almost down to her elbows and brown(almost black)eyes. There are no words that can describe her. She is the best person in the world. She is also a vampire. No, before you ask, she is not immortal. She's only half vampire. That means that she'll age regularly until she's 50, then she'll stop aging and won't die of old age for another 150 years. The only way for her to die before that is for her head to be cut off or be burned to death. She only has to feed every months and she only feeds on criminals.

Now that we have the introductions done, let's get back to the story. We did go to that party. I wore a white spaghetti strapped top and a knee length jean skirt with a belt. Lexine was wearing a dark blue tight T-shirt that had light blue sleeves and matching dark blue track pants. Evan was wearing a light blue muscle T-shirt and dark blue jeans. Demetre' wore a red baggy T-shirt and black shorts. Hey, it's April and his choice, I hope he doesn't freeze to death. Lastly Leo decided on a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans. The greatest thing about Leo's outfit is the dark blue jean jacket to match it. Oh how we make fun of that jacket. He still wears it too! Our opinions matter oh so much to him.

I'm rambling again, sorry. You'll find I do that a lot. Anyway, we went to the White Fox. The outside looked like a beaten up old shack but the inside made up for it. Tthere was three different bars, a dj booth at the back, cages (that had people dancing in them), and a dance floor. That was only the downstairs. Up stairs there was a few heart shaped hot tubs, couches, tables(complete with chairs), and speakers so you could still hear the music. It is even sweeter than it sounds.

Getting back to it. We entered the club and were greeted by catcalls. Sometimes me and Lexine (sorry Lexine and I), dance on the bar and in the cages. That's not the reason for the catcalls. The reason (I'm assuming) is because, unlike most people who dance fully clothed, we are usually not. We get our dinks and get onto the dance floor.

A few drinks later..... I see the incredible sexy James Potter on the dance floor. I met him in Hogwarts but while I'm just in fourth year (but I am 15) he graduated last year. While I'm dancing the sexy Quidditch play (I did mention that James was a Quidditch player didn't I?) comes over to me.

"Lily Evans, right?" He asks like he doesn't know me probably because he doesn't but anyway. He moves closer to me so that we are almost touching, but not quite.

"Yea." I say with a sexy smile. "James Potter, right?"


I turn around to face him and get closer to him. We start dirty dancing (give me a break, we're drunk out of our minds). A few more dinks later we were making out on the dance floor.

"I have a flat down the street. Want to see my Quidditch card collection?" He asks in between kisses.

I giggle because we both know that Quidditch cards don't even exist. I lean over for another kiss, which I think he takes as a "yes" and we're out of there. How we got there I'll never know but we did somehow and that's all that matters. He takes his keys out and after about 5 different tries he finally gets it into the lock.

The only thing I notice in his apartment is the open door with his king sized water bed. To me, at that point in time, is the only thing that matters. From the moment we get in there our lips are stuck together. We somehow made it to his bedroom, where we fall onto the bed.

I rip all the buttons off his white Oxford shirt and praise Quidditch. Damn he has a sexy body. As I push his shirt off his shoulders, he is nibbling on my neck. He pulls me white tank top off and I can tell is delighted to see that I am not wearing a bra. On that note I would like to inform you that I am not a tramp. There was a build in bra in the shirt and that was why I wasn't wearing a bra. Now back to the bedroom....

I'm pretty sure that id we had not been very dunk that there would have been more foreplay but as we were, there wasn't. I undid his dark blue jeans and pull them off. Then I remember about his socks. They are plain white but yet me, as smashed as I am, find them incredible funny. He looks down on me as if to ask, "what was I laughing about?"

"I forgot about your socks." I explain as I take them off.

He chuckles as if he understands why that's funny, which I highly doubt he does. He slips off my skirt and dark purple thong (which amuses him for some reason). Then he rolls me over so that he's on top of me. He very slowly enters me. He probably thinks I'm a virgin. Ha, that's funny.

After meeting his pace he finally increases it. That was the best sex I have ever had. I even moaned when my climax came. One thing about my sex life is I never moan. The most you'll get out of me is a gasp or a grunt if it's really good. I'm not sure why but that's just how it is.

We passed out shortly after our climax. James was still inside me but at that point in time it didn't bother us. Until the next morning that is......