First things first

Luna: Thanks for the two reviews, thanks; I didn't realize of that missing r until you and Mystique Angelique told me. I think the kiss-the-hand part was sweet too, when I wrote the first draft, it wasn't on it but then I just put it and I liked it very much. Once again, thanks

Reesespeices88: Thanks and I will

Reesespeices: Thanks, and you will found out

Mystique Angelique: Thanks for pointing that out, I'll explain, promise. Thanks

D'Arcy:  Thanks a bunch

Jade Limill: Thanks, and thanks for the offer, really, but I saw it too late. Thanks anyway.

ReaderChica: Jesse is alive and I'm in the process of clarifying everything.

Akaruiookami: Jesse alive was impossible to resist, and the translations are on their way. Thanks.


Heaven for your light, for that soft caress I'm willing to give up everything I am. There is no point in looking anywhere else, everything I want I find it in you… The heaven in your eyes, every waking hour is where I lose all confusion and when you're not around, I hug you to my mind, my heaven to survive...

Be sure, have no doubts, count with my life and my devotion, I live for loving you, and for me leaving you is like being left without air. I live for loving you…

Ok, so give or take that's the translation of the song Cielo. Now here is Inspiración:


I don't know how to describe this void inside…but there is a voice, inspiration that makes me dream. And I hear again inside of me, that desire to feel, one love that gives life to my beating heart. And with out words you calm me down; you take me there to discover everything that's alive inside of me. And in the silence you love me and I can live out of each sigh that kisses my being…and I'm born again.

I hear in my chest your song, and in your arms I know who am: I'm your love… your reflexion... your passion… And in this peace of your warmth my heart sings again. Your sweet kisses can make me cry. And without words you calm me down, you take me there, to discover everything that's alive inside of me, and in the silence you love me and I can live out of your breath that kiss my being… I'm born again.

Now on with the story:

Chapter three: What I like about you

What I like about you, you hold me tight.  Tell me I'm the only one wanna come over tonight, keep on whispering in my ear tell me all the things that I wanna hear cuz its true that's what I like about you that's what I like about you

What I like about you, you really know how to dance when you go up down jump around talk about true romance, keep on whispering in my ear tell me all the things that I wanna hear cuz its true that's what I like about you that's what I like about you

What I like about you, You keep me warm at night never wanna let you go you know you make me feel alright keep on whispering in my ear tell me all the things that I wanna hear cuz its true that's what I like about you that's what I like about you

Jesse's P. O. V.

We finally make it to Father Dom's office in the rectory, it was six o'clock and I was holding Susannah's hand, my Susannah, I like how that sounds, I was just hoping I get to call her that, mine, for a long, long time. Father D. opened the door, he looked all serious but not angry at us or anything, he just made us come inside and sit down. I was starting to get nervous but then we saw this girl, somewhere between Susannah's and my age

"You know, Dom" she was saying "For a priest you have quite and stash of beer here" when she came into full view she was holding a beer "You don't mind, right?"

"You're too young to drink"

"I'm 19 going on 20, I can drink beer" then she took a swing of the bottle while Father Dom looked at her all serious "I'll get you more, alright?"

"Is not that"

"C'mon, you don't need to save my soul, I'm ok, all good" she was smiling, "I'm not even catholic anyway"

Father Dominic was now looking irritated, he had the kind of look that he sometimes has when he talks with Susannah about her duties as a Mediator "Abigail, get serious"

"Ok, ok" now she put down the beer and stood up still "In the matter of Karmic balance between Hector De Silva, dead since 18-something, and the Universe, here we gather: Mr. De Silva, dead in question; Susannah Simon, Mr. De Silva's lady love, shifter and Mediator; Father Dominic, priest, director of Mission Academy and Mediator; Abigail Stone, Mediator, Equalizer and possible cause of father's D heart attack. May Time hold memory of this day" she said all this in a booming voice, it sort of remind me of my mother, but then she took another swing of her beer and sit down "Happy now?"

Father Dominic just glared at her like if she was crazy, by now I was starting to think she was. "Sorry but, what's an equalizer?" Susannah asked, looking so beautiful as she did so, confusion suits her, everything, really, for that matter…

"Good question" Abigail said taking her sit "See, the universe can't toy around with people as much as one might thing, there has to be a balance, for every good there is a wrong, usually this works perfectly ok on it's own, each time some wrong is made, Universe takes a karmic debt that it repays on it's own. But some times the debt acquired is so big… with so many consequences that you need someone to set the record straight, that's an equalizer. Under certain conditions, I'm allowed to do certain things, like make you win a promotion, find you liver donor… etc…"

"Still, I don't get all of this. I saw everything, first Jesse was dead, then he wasn't, I saw Paul change things, he went back to the past and got Maria and Diego busted…"

"Well, just as shifters are allowed to go back and change the past once in their lifetime, I'm allowed to bring someone back to life, just once" Abigail cut Susannah softly

"But, why me?" I asked

"Well, partially it was my choice, I choose between three candidates provided by the universe, one of the reasons was to vex Slater, but that is no matter of yours, the universe chose you because well, it had some big karmic debt with you: fist you got killed and thought to be a coward son that ran away before of his wedding, then you lost Susannah. Paul had already created a big mess with you're timeline and it had to be fixed; and you did won good points for loving Susannah as much as you do"

"What's the other part?" Susannah asked, she can be assertive when she wants "You said, you chose Jesse partially to vex Slater, what's the other part?"

"You explain that Dom"

"Jesse had five sisters, right? Well, only one of them got married, she got the ranch, fast forward a few generations Abigail is great-great-granddaughter (or something close) of one of your sisters, her brother still runs the ranch. In this new past we have created, after the whole Maria fiasco, you took a time for yourself, went away and made your life away of your family, still held contact with them by letter but never saw them again, you didn't wanted the ranch so your parents gave it to their only grandson, but left a clause that if you or any of you decedents once appeared, then the whole De Silva Fortune would be divided between all living members"

I couldn't speak "In this new past, and present, the De Silva fortune is divided in three, you, me and Antonio, that's my bro, he loves the ranch… I like it but I rather take it in small doses. Anyway, legally you are our long lost cousin, you live here with Father Dom and go to college and have the normal-average life of any 20 year old. And everything is all good and sweet and fuzzy!" Abigail explained all cheerful, and I notice Susannah was staring at her.

"I can't believe is this easy" she said finally

"I know, bummer, right? One is told to believe that everything is SO complicated and it isn't, but no worries Susannah, is all good and right. Oh, I almost forgot" she said jumping to her feet "To prove" she hand us down a wallet, and we opened, there was a driver's license with my photo and name, School ID, cash and credit card… everything, as if I wasn't a dead that came back to life"

"This sucks" Susannah said taking my driver's license, I didn't understand ¿was she saying that me coming back sucked?, nop, she wasn't, I discovered when moments later she added "You look good, I look like…  in my photo" she catch herself before saying a bad word and hurried the end. I couldn't help but laugh, I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, kissing the top of her hair, laughing all the time.


Suze's P. O. V

Monday, 8:00 a.m.

Jesse has been alive for a full day and two nights… Have I mention how happy am I?

After the explanation, we all talked and laughed… later Abigail went home, she has just moved to Carmel from Connecticut, she was going to College there but is currently in a hiatus state. And Jesse walked me home, we kissed most of the way there, two miles is such short distance (A/N I used to walk around a mile and a half each day from my high school to my gram's house, so isn't that much to me), and then he said he would meet me at the school entrance tomorrow.

So that's why I woke up early and was perfectly on time to go to school, Mom almost didn't let me go, she said I was sick because there was no way I would willingly go to school, least of all in Monday. But I convinced her that everything was fine, and it was.

When I got to school, there was Jesse, dressed in normal cloths, oh, I'm gonna miss his old pants. But whatever, hot-alive-boyfriend-in-regular-jeans is way better than hot-dead-boyfriend-in-tight-pants, but  I'm going to make a mental note on going with him next time he needs clothes, and I will chose his wardrobe (insert evil grin).

He held my hand all the way inside, and walked me to my locker and then to my first class, oh! and he carried my books, really, not any guy that I know carries the books of any girl I know… I'm so lucky!

So, we were making out in the front of my classroom when Paul had to come and try to spoil my day

"What the hell is going on here?" he almost screamed while coming unto us. Jesse broke our kiss and sighed looking like if he was really annoyed, like that time when Gina said Spike was ugly and he shook the mirror on my bedroom. But then he smiled at me and kissed me softly on the lips just as Paul reached us "You're dead" Paul said all angry.

Jesse just turned around and hit him square in the face sending him flying backwards until he hit the floor and laid there flat on his back. "That felt good, as usual. Where were we, querida?" Jesse said smiling and we were kissing again when a voice came… again

"Leave her for a while cowboy," it was Abby, she hates being called Abigail, but Father D. does it anyway "you have her for a lifetime now" we split again and I saw Abby, yesterday when I meet her I didn't thought she looked anything like Jesse, even when she is her great-great-great-grand niece or something, but now I noticed stuff, like that she has the same hair and the same skin color, a family air… I guessed Jesse notice it too, maybe he remembered his family, but then Abby added "O agarra cuarto si es que te urge tanto"

I didn't got that, as she said it in Spanish, but Jesse blushed deep red! He kissed me quickly and walked away yelling "I'll come back by lunch, querida"

Abby and I stood there watching him walk away until he was gone, Paul was still laying in the floor "That is some fine piece of a… too bad I'm related to him"

"Thank God I'm not" I said and we both laughed "What are you doing here?"

"I'm a sub" she said, then the bell ringed "And you're late" then she sort of kicked Paul and turned to enter the classroom "Espero que le duela"

Now I noticed she liked to mutter in Spanish, like Jesse did…

Anyway, my day is starting just right!


So that's it for this story, hope wasn't that bad… Thanks to everyone that read

What the Spanish meant: First "O agarra cuarto…" means "Or get a room if you have the urge" and the second "Espero que le duela" means "Hope it hurts"

Now on with my math's homework, one would think that your teacher getting surgery was a good thing, but oh no! they had to send a substitute. (That's from where Abby came from)

