Chapter Twenty-nine

In the heart of London on another cold gray night down a dodgy street red neon light danced across the rippling puddles. Lined down the sidewalk people stood behind the black velvet rope. Above the black door the name of the club was etched out in blaring red neon 'Rayon'. A staple on the London party circuit recently it had started to attract the majority of the darker side of the social scene. Inside the club it was a sea of black and red. Every surface was red or black the furniture, the lights, even the records the DJ was spinning.

Standing by the railing of the VIP balcony she looked down upon the dancing mass of people in a silk white halter dress and matching pumps with fiery red hair draping down across her bare freckled shoulders. An empty crystal glass in her hand rested on the railing had remnants of the 20-year-old scotch a man at the end of the bar had sent to her. When she'd received the drink the man winked at her. Her face stoic she swiveled around on the black bar stool and walked towards the red spiral staircase to the balcony. As soon as her back was turned two men in sunglasses grabbed the man and had hurled him out of the club.

"How does it feel to have everyone in the room want to get you in to bed?" She knew whom it was, turning around her eyes on the floor, she looked up only to have her dark brown eyes meet the piercing hazel pair that belonged to none other then Blaise Zambini. An up and comer in Riddles organization Blaise has a dominant personality but knew humility in the presence of those like Riddle who could help him to power. He came from a very wealthy family although in the posh British society no amount of money could buy you full acceptance. Despite all that he was very well connected in the club scene on top of that he'd always been a perfectly charming friend to Ginny.

"Mmm Darling you know you're the only one for me" She said playfully grinning. He swooped down as they kissed on each cheek. He leaned against the railing next to her. He was wearing black v-neck t-shirt with black trousers the perfect ying to her yang.

"I love the get up by the way." He said motioning to her outfit.

"What I think it's rather pretty."

"White? Oh come now who are you trying to fool."

"Mr. Zambini! Are you questioning my honor!" she gasped in mock outrage.

"Oh please you're as pure as a muddy puddle."

"Can't blame a girl for trying." She smirked "And you're one to talk!"

"I don't know but the last time I checked your bed had more notches in the bed post then mine." She pushed laughing, she hardly ever laughed anymore.

She smiled pressing a finger to her mouth. They stood quiet for a moment times like these were few and far between now a days. She'd been immersed in the darkest part of the world for quite some time now. It's not that she wasn't happy that void that had filled her since Riddles disappearance had been almost unbearable.

The delicate early gray morning sunrise began to pour in from the windows. Curled up in the large fore poster lay Harry and Hermione. Her head rested on his chest his arm warped around her petite shoulders. Their breath came slowly and peacefully. Harry's hand rested behind his head as he looked up towards the ceiling. A small smile played at the corners of Hermione's pink mouth. She was in-between sleep and waking. She stirred ever so slightly drawing his eyes away from the ceiling to his fiancé. He tenderly kissed the top of her head her eyes opened leisurely. Hermione smiled as she moved so their heads were level they stared in deeply in to each other's eyes. They kissed sweetly for a moment then pulled away. Again with wide smiles on their faces they gazed in to the others eyes.

Hermione was the first to speak never breaking eye contact. "Harry."


"I have a new mission in life."

Intrigued he propped himself up on his elbow looking down at her. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Suddenly serious although still grinning widely "I am determined to list every variation of the color green in your eyes."

Laughing he rolled back on to his back "That is quite a mission, I dare say many have attempted this feet and failed." Hermione shot up holding the sheet in a fisted hand she had always been quite modest. Harry held in his laughter his shoulders shaking with his suppressed giggles. His laughter had almost halted at once as she swung a leg over his mid section straddling him. She bent down low pressing herself against his body her hands entangling themselves in his rowdy black hair. Her face hovered above his with her hair forming an auburn curtain. She tossed her head pulling her hair around one shoulder. Harry tried to kiss her but she pulled just out of reach, she removed one hand from his hair and caressed his cheek.

Hermione looked in to her eyes unblinkingly he hands busying themselves with his hair. After a few moments she spoke.

"Grass green, forest green, apple green, sea green quite a lot of emerald, little flecks of lime green, there's jade around the-" Before she could finish her sentence due to the fact the Harry had rolled her on to her back and muted her with a passionate kiss. She broke for air after a long while playfully pushing Harry off of her she pulled off the sheet wrapped it around herself and walked to the bathroom shutting the door behind her. A few instants later the shower was turned on. Harry found his undergarment and some pajama bottoms before he left the room.

Scratching his head he strode in to the kitchen yawning still euphoric he walked right by the pair of people already seated.

"Morning Mrs. Weasley." He kissed her on the cheek as she cooked up some scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Morning Dear." He went to the fridge pulled out the orange juice as if she read his mind Mrs. Weasley pushed a glass in to his other hand.

"Thanks." He poured himself a glass and started to drink.

"Good Morning Harry." Harry almost choked on his juice he finally noticed the other two occupants of the room. Looking him up and down with a glint in her eye was Alexandria Halliwell and next to her smirking like a fiend was Draco Malfoy. He felt sort of violated the way Dria was surveying his naked upper half. He was very athletic although on the lean side he was very toned.

"Morning Dria." He mumbled going red in the face.

"ooo look Draco he's blushing!" she giggled nudging Draco, Harry thought it impossible but he smirked even more. Harry took a large gulp of his juice but ended up choking on it a bit. "Hermione's upstairs is she?"

He nodded still coughing a bit without another word Dria swiftly left the room. She was almost running down the hall when she abruptly stopped. She had almost run in to George a towel draped loosely on his hips.

"hello there," he moved in to kiss her but she maneuvered away as tempting as a wet half naked George was she had to resist.

"Not now, which was is Harry's room?"

"Down the corridor about second last on your right."

Hermione had just wrapped herself in a towel when she heard the bedroom door burst open. Concerned she walked out to see Dria leering at her.

"You've been keeping secrets."

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"I just saw your lover half naked downstairs and it was a sight to behold, very fetching." Hermione recognized that tone in Dria's voice and gave her a stern look.

"Don't worry I'll just," she paused "admire from afar plus he's much to nice. Anyways I've just been wrangled in to monogamy."

"You're joking." Hermione was dry now she pulled on one of Harry's button up pajama tops that was like a short dress on her.

"I wish. Draco found out about George and some how got me to agree to limit myself to him."

"I'm dying to know how he got you do that, now that is quite an accomplishment I might have send him a card or something." The two girls walked out of the room and found the boys in the living room. Harry, Ron and Bill were all laughing Draco seemed not as amused. Dria took a seat in an unoccupied chair and Hermione walked across the room to curl up on a chaise lounge.

The six of them continued to laugh and talk until Remus and Sirius stood in the doorway. The room grew silent at the grave look on their faces. Harry, Ron, Draco, and Bill all stood as if on cue their eyes transfixed on the two men. Sirius and Remus turned walked out the other men followed them. Dria and Hermione were not ones to be left out and pursued them.

They had entered what looked like a board room that already had other people in it. Sirius stepped in front of the girls before they could further venture in to the room.

"Sorry ladies Order business."

Harry quickly piped up "Sirius let them in they're trustworthy." As Hermione walked around Sirius she recognized many people. Minerva McGonagall headmistress of one of the UK's most prestigious schools (Hermiones' alma mater), Alastor Moody leader of British intelligence, and Nymphadora Tonks the rogue daughter of a famous tycoon who choose a life of secrecy work for British Intelligence straight out of Cambridge to name a few.

After they'd sat down Arthur Weasley came up to them with two pieces of paper and two pens. Smiling at them he placed the items down in front of them. "Return these to Remus Lupin before the start of the meeting."

Hermione scanned the paper it was like a loyalty oath and a confidentially agreement rolled in to one Hermione signed on the dotted line without hesitation and briskly walked over to Lupin who was seated near Harry in-between Sirius and Tonks. He rose when she reached him accepting the paper. He smiled at her his kind blue eyes meeting her brown they shook hands before he relinquished her hand he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"I was wondering when you'd join up." Hermione chuckled at this. He pulled away. "We're very pleased to have you on board." Hermione smiled then turned to go back to her seat. She passed Dria on her way back se looked a little uneasy about making such a life changing decision. After a while it seemed everyone had arrived Harry who had been pouring over many papers sprawled out on the table in front of him stood up.

"For some time we've been anticipating Riddles return," he handed Sirius a stack of papers, he took one then passed it on and so on. "He's back and stronger. But I have confidence in the Order we are prepared this time to take him head on. There is a slight hiccup. Our observers have given us grave news; Ginevra Weasley is once again with Riddle. She knows information about the order seeing as her whole families excluding herself are members it's not hard to let information fall through the cracks. There is no one to blame, we've got to keep security tighter from now on."

After Harry spoke others made their reports. Draco gave his report on the goings on in Riddles organization and of Ginny's indiscretion when it came to killing. Tonks and Moody both gave detailed reports about Riddles and his deatheaters' movements, Kingsley Shacklebolt discussed new tactics and weaponry, andron added on to Kinsley's statements by reporting on the men being trained specifically to hunt down deatheaters and Riddle.

Hermione soaked up the information like a sponge the meeting was over too soon she wanted to know more. Dria on the other hand was more frightened then enthralled. They entered the main hall to find a number of large boxes. Charlie Weasley explained to them that some of the men had gone to their flat and retrieved clothes and personal belongings since it had been decided they would now be staying in Grimmauld Place. Neither of the girls took this well.

"Harry can you please explain why I've just been moved out of my flat!" Hermione demanded.

"Safety precautions."

"Mhmm and what about my job?"

"You'll still work just with more security." He wasn't looking at her he was looking at surveillance photos of Riddle.

"Body guards, metal detectors, security systems, bullet proof glass and cars."

At this point Hermione was having trouble forming words. Harry finally looked at her.

"Hermione I almost lost you once and I'll be damned if I lose you again I don't think I could take it." That was it she'd lost however she didn't like being seen as defenseless. She left Harry's office to find many order members still in the main hall. She tracked down Sirius Black who was talking with McGonagall.

"Miss Granger it's been too long." Said McGonagall Hermione had always been one of her favorites.

"Yes Ma'am it has I'm sorry but could I speak to Mr. Black?" McGonagall complied biding the pair farewell before she left.

"Well now you have me to yourself Miss Granger how may I be of service." The sarcasm in his voice was almost inaudible but Hermione picked up on it.

"Listen I need to learn how to defend myself, and I was you to teach me."

"Are you this is heavy stuff-"

"I'm sure."

"All right then I'll contact you when I'm available next." And with that he left.