Dragon Princess

This is my first fic so please no flames until later.

Suggestions very welcomed.

Disclaimer: me: Evil lawyers!!!! Why can't I have them?!

Lawyers: shoves papers into briefcases

Me: GRRRR... Fine I don't own them as in Inu-yasha. Glares at lawyers

Ch. 1 Shards

Kagome was riding on Inu-yasha's back through a clearing. When suddenly she sensed five shards coming straight for them. "INU-YASHA! FIVE SHARDS, DUE NORTH, COMING STRAIGHT AT US." Kagome whispered loudly so group could hear but not the demon coming towards them.

"Hey wench, get your arrows ready. Got that. Good let's get to it."

They got into position for attack. All of a sudden a dragon came into view but instead of attacking it landed in front of Kagome, and bowed all the way to the ground. Everyone's mouth down dropped to the ground.

"Dear Princess, I have wandered a great many miles in search of you." Everyone blinked many times as the dragon said this.

Kagome finally got her mouth to work; she asked, "Who's your princess? Because I'm certainly not one. Are you Sango?"

Sango replied, "No, I am not one nor will I be one ever."

"Princess Kagome, do you not remember me?" As Kagome shaked her head no, the dragon continued, "Princess, I was your partner, you impressed me at my birth at only the age of one, your bodyguard, and, if I could speak so boldly, my friend. We played the gardens of the southern palace everyday. Please don't tell me; you forgot me, you promised you wouldn't."


You hate me don't you. YYYYYYeeeeeeaaaahhh finally I'm an evil author.

Oh I forgot I don't have lawyers damn.