Shira Yuki no Uta

Chapter Two

"Who are you?' Himeno asked again.

The man ignored the question, "Where is Shin?"

Himeno felt herself unconsciously go into a defensive position. "I don't know. No tell me who you are before I force you to get off of my property."

The man smirked, "Do you think the laws of this world apply to me?"

Himeno glared, "Do you think I care if you're from another world? You're still on my property."

The man raised his hand and a gust of wind blasted at Himeno knocking her back a couple meters. "Idiot, I am Hayate, I am an officer from the Otherworld, in charge of bring back Shin-"

"You won't get him!"

Hayate turned to see Mannen holding a shot gun. "You fool," he said and took a step towards him.

"Get any closer and I'll shoot!" Mannen said as he cocked the gun.

"Do you really think that Earth weapon will hurt me?" Hayate asked now walking towards the boy at a brisk pace. "Now tell me where Shin is and you won't get hurt."

"In your dreams asshole!" Mannen shouted and pulled the trigger, sending an icy blast out of the tip of the gun.

Hayate's eyes widened and he created a shield of wind. The ice bullet shattered upon contact with the shield sending shards flying everywhere. A jet of water also joined in and struck where the bullet did causing barrier to break. The jet then hit Hayate full on and sent him sprawling into the air. He regained his balance soon though and flipped in the air, using the tips of his fingers to send blade like gales at Mannen. Hajime sent several water balls into the air to stop the blades.

Himeno stared at the battle before her. "What's going on?" she wondered aloud. She felt a hand grab hers and looked down to see Shin smiling at her.

"Don't worry, Hayate couldn't take Mannen by himself, much less both him and Hajime. Not in he's state anyways."

Himeno turned back to the battle and was surprised to see that Shin was right. Hajime and Mannen had hardly broken a sweat, Hayate, looking beyond pissed, looked fine, but something told her that he was slowly losing strength. But why . . .?

"It's because he's not used to Earth," Shin answered her unasked question, "But if were back in Otherworld this battle would be much longer and even. Hayate is ancient and strong."

Several balls of fire started to shower down from the sky, Hajime and Mannen put up elemental shields as another young man flouted down from the sky.

"Go!" Mannen shouted angrily, "What are you doing?"

Go didn't say anything. He walked over to Hayate and hit him on the neck, "Just collecting something." Hayate fell limp into Go's waiting arms. "If I were you I would lay low. Things are really messed up right now so don't go around making things even worse."

Mannen scowled, "What do take us for idiots?"

"Just don't get carried away." And he disappeared.

It took a little while for Himeno to bring herself out of her shock. When she did she rounded on the boys and glared, "What the hell was that?"

Himeno was now glaring at the three boys. They were in the kitchen sitting at the table Himeno on one side the boys on the other. "Now tell me what the hell that was."

"Well," Mannen began, "It's complicated."

Shin sighed and popped another piece of candy in his mouth.

"What he means is," Hajime said before Himeno exploded, "Is that we don't know what's going on either."

Himeno slumped back into the wooded chair. "Well can you tell me what's going on?"

"Well, in the Otherworld there's been a," Mannen paused, "not a war, but something similar, a small rebellion and we left before things got things got ugly."

"If it was small than why would things have gotten ugly?"

"Shin had a vision, he's a precog. Anyways he saw this rebellion opening up a lot old wounds and bringing forth a lot of problems that the royal family has ignored for the last . . . forever."

"And who was that Hayate guy, why was he after Shin-chan? And Go who was he?"

"Good question." They turned to Shin who was gazing off lazily as he popped another candy in his mouth. "He's a wood elemental, can control plants and the such, but over than that . . . Well he's the last wood elemental, maybe they don't want him out of the Otherworld." Mannen shrugged.

"Go's a friend of ours," Hajime answered, "He's also a member of the Royal Knights, along with Hayate, but he's sympathetic to the rebellion."

"So what's your stand on the whole thing?"

"We don't have one."

"One more question," Himeno glared at Mannen, "Where did you get the gun?"

"Oh that?" Mannen looked sheepish, "Under your father's bed."


The four of them turned to see Himeno's father walk in the kitchen, "Ah there you are I haven't seen since breakfast." He stopped and looked at the boys, "Where'd the kids come from?"

"Oh, they're just some friends I made while you were on you honeymoon," Himeno lied, "I meet them and their brother Go at the park and we just hit it off."

"Ah that's nice. Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm going out for a bit and if you need me to call me on my cell phone."

"Ok," Himeno smiled. Her dad left, happily saying something or other about his daughter getting a boyfriend, which caused Himeno to go red.

"I hope you aren't hoping he'll go out with you," Mannen smiled, "I don't think you're Go's type."

"Shut up."

Ok I feel really bad about not updating this since March. I'm kinda at a writer's block with a lot of my fics. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one as I brainstorm ideas, suggestions would welcome on whether or not to make this fic dark or not, or whether to include yaoi, I'm kinda found of Kei/Go at the moment I also have some other couples in mind but won't say because even if I don't have them it would still give away plot.