Beyblade Fanfiction- My Tourniquet

Anime-Obsessed: Yes my first fanfiction is up!!!!!!!!! So happy!!!:)

O.k. I don't own any of the characters but Arimi and her family. This is kind of yugi-oh too. I took the characters I really didn't like for yugi-oh (e.g., Serenity and Tea) and made them bitchy cheerleaders. Anyway's let's start the story. ^_^ ( the school name and main character's name is from the manga Marmalade boy but her personality was made totally by me)


//italics// thoughts


Chapter 1

I tried to kill the pain But only brought more (So much more) I lay dying And I'm pouring Crimson regret, and betrayal.

Nooo! Don't hurt her. She didn't do anything! STOP!!!!!PLEASE!!

"AAAAHHHH" I woke up screaming and in tears again for the god only knows how many times, luckily it didn't wake anyone up this time especially my dad. I hated calling him that! Though he is my real dad . . .

"Beep! beEP! BEEP!" My alarm clock went off getting louder after every beep. I slammed my hand on it immediately before it could get any louder and wake anyone up. I dragged my self out of bed and walked quietly to the washroom, trying not to make a sound as I stepped on the hard wood floor, it wouldn't be good if I woke up my dad, at this hour he'd kill me, literally. When I was done in the washroom I walked to my sister's room and tapped her lightly on the shoulder to try and wake her up when it didn't work, as usual, I pulled a pillow off her bed and smacked her hard on the head. She jumped up immediately and stared at me angrily

"What the hell was that for?" she said looking at me with her sharp black eyes.

" Oh, did I do that?" I replied half laughing at her hair, then I got out of there before she could kill me and walked silently back to my room.

" Ummm . . . let's see first day at a new school . . . what should I wear?" I asked myself, starting at my closet. " This will do fine." I said holding out a nice black skirt that went just pasted my knees, a red tank top and a jean jacket. I got dressed and then put my long black hair into a bun then held it up with two chopsticks.

I then creped down the stairs slowly making sure not to step on the parts that creaked. Though we've just moved into this house I had already learned where all the creaks and cracks are, so that I would not in anger anyone by waking them up . . . *cough* dad *cough.* I put on my roller blades and headed to my new school, which was only a couple of blocked down, Yokohama High School . . . What kind of name was that?

The school was huge, it was populated with a bunch of spoiled rich kids that got anything they wanted, it made me sick! It was all my dad's fault that I had to come here!

"Hey babe, you new here?" a red-haired kid asked

"Are you talking to me? And did you just call me 'babe'?" I replied kind of annoyed.

"Ya, who else would I be talking about," he said sounding really cocky, "You new here right?" he said putting her hand around my waist.

"Don't touch me!" I said dangerously. When I said that two of he's friends were laughing, I guessed this guys never been turned down. There was one with a bleu hair and a red cap on, another with long hair in a braid and a bandana with the ying/yang sign on it holding his hair out of his face, those two were laughing. The last one had two-toned hair and fins on his face just stood there with his eyes closed, looking kind of bored.

" Awww, come on. How about you and me after school today?" he said pulling me closer to him.

O.k. now I'm mad! This jerk thinks that he can just come around, use me and then just throw me away! I hate these types of guys! There's always at least one in every school. This playboy is so going down!" I though while grabbing his hand and flipping him hard onto the ground. Then I just walked away but I could still hear he's friends laughing at him.

I quickly found my way to the office to get my schedule then headed to my locker." Let's see first period . . . math that should be easy, math has always been no problem for me . . . well every subject has always been no problem for me except of course oral communication . . . " I though while getting all my stuff for the next two classes. The halls were almost empty so I guess I was a little late but I couldn't get in trouble on my first day so why rush?

"Where is room 314 it seems like I've been looking for this room for all eternity!" I yelled out loud while turning a corner."Oh here it is! Finally!" I said as I opened the door surprised to see the same four guys I saw this morning. I just stood there staring at them till the teacher interrupted me.

"Ahem," he cleared his troat to get my attention, "Is there a reason why you here madame?" the teacher asked. He was a fairly old man, wearing an all brown suit.

" I'm new here and this paper says I'm in this home room." I said softly so that hardly anyone heard me and handed him a little slit of paper. He read is and then just nodded.

" O.k. class this is our new student, Arimi Suzuki. Now who would like to show Miss Suzuki around the school this week." Immediately the red head boy raised his hand smirking. He was never the type of person to give up that easily.

" No! Please not him! Anyone but him!" Arimi though to herself.

" O.k. Mr. (Some1 know his last name?) You many show her around"

"No!" I screamed out loudly and everyone in the class look at me weirdly especially the girls who looked like they'd kill to trade places with me.

"Excuse me Miss Suzuki?" the teacher asked surprised at my out burst.

" Ummm . . . I mean I don't need any help finding my way around. I wouldn't want to bur Mr. (What's his name) here." Arimi answer trying to sound innocent.

"Oh but it's no trouble at all," the red head said, " and you may call me Tala."

"Then it's settled, Mr.(blah blah blah) will show you around, you may take the seat next to him to, Mr. Kon would you mind just moving over to the next seat please?"

" No problem." The boy with the long hair and bandana, from before answered.

I walked over to my seat extremely mad, giving this Tala guy the darkest look I could manage.

The periods after math were horrible! Tala and his friends were in all the same classes as me. Tala had told each teacher that he was "helping" me so I was forced to sit next to him, at least he knew not to touch me again" Lunch time . . . where should I sit?" I though to myself while looking around the room for a place to sit.

" Hey Arimi come sit with us!" yelled Ray from the very far table, which was surrounded by girls(which all looked very mad that Ray had invited me to sit with them).

"Well, I guess it's not that bad a place to sit, at least Tala won't be there," I though while smiling thinking about French class when Tala got detention. He was hitting on me like in all the other classes. He was speaking in English and I was replying in French. He got a little mad cause he didn't exactly understand French, no one in that class did so why the hell did they take the class? Anyway, to make a long story short Tala did something extremely stupid in his rage and gets to spend his lunch cleaning tables. I finally found something fun to do during classes, annoy Tala.:)

I walked slowly to the far table, pushing my way though the crowd of girls surrounding the table. I could hear this extremely bitchy cheerleader talking about me she said it just loud enough so that I could hear.

"Why the hell did, they invite the new bitch to sit with them she's so totally UGLY! And what's with her clothes, it's like totally last season."

It took me all my strength not to go over there and punch that girl out but I promised my mom I wouldn't get in trouble on my first day so I just walked away and sat down at the table.

"Arimi this is Max, Tyson and Kenny," Ray said pointing at the three boys sitting at the edge of the table looking like they were talking about something really important.(Beyblading)

"You already know Kai, so moving on this is Mariam and this beauty is my girlfriend Mariah."

"Hey, your names Arimi?" the girl named Mariah asked in a perky voice. She had pink hair and sharp fangs like Ray's.

"Ya," I answered in a monotone voice. "Obviously, Ray just announced it to everyone in the café!" I though annoyed that she'd ask such a stupid question.

" That's a really cool name."

" Ya, sure." I answered in a dull voice.

" Sooo . . . Where did you move from?" Mariah asked obviously trying to start a conversation, but I wasn't in the mood to talk so I just gave short answers.


" Oh that's cool," Mariam yelled out of no where, "I've been there once, it was so beautiful!"

" Ya, it is . . . " I said. "Man these people are PERKY!" I though to myself wishing I had never came to sit here.

The rest of lunch went pretty much the same and the last two classes two classes were as bad as the others. Teachers making me sit next to Tala, him hitting on me and me rejecting him. Right when the bell rang I ran to my locker trying to ditch Tala. I packed all my books I needed for that load of homework I had gotten on the first day and put on my roller blades.

"Hey, you roller blade?" asked a voice from behind me which I recognized as Tala's. I turned around to see Tala, Ray with his arm around Mariah's waist, Max with his arm around Mariam, Tyson standing with Kenny, and an extremely bored looking Kai standing several feet away from the rest of the group.

"Ya, so what? You have a problem with that?" I answered really annoyed.

"No, you just don't seem like that type of person, you seem more like the type of person that would go out with me."

"What? So I seem like the type of person who checks there hair and make up every five seconds. The type of person that goes around sleeping with everything and anything that moves?"

"That would make things easier for me," he said smirking.

"Fuck off!" I yelled at him as I was about to walk or roll away but then Ray stopped me by putting him arm in front of me.

"Wait, don't mind Tala he's like that with everyone."

" Whatever." I answered, sounding really pissed and glaring at him waiting for him to move his arm out if my way.

" We were wondering if you wanted to hang out at Kai's house with us?"

" No, thanks" I said plainly and pushed his hand out of the way. Though I really did want to go, anywhere in the world would be better then going to my house but my dad would kill me if I didn't get back by four to cook dinner for him. Man he's lazy useless baka. I was getting man just thinking about him.


Sooo....How was it? I based some of Arimi's feelings toward her dad with my feelings towards my dad

Tell me in the it? Hate it? It was O.k...? It will get better in the chapters to come.