Title:            Fate

Author:         Shinigami195/ R.C.Fox

Summary:      Do you believe in Fate? When Duo Maxwell doubted the powers that fate can offer, he soon discovered a whole new side to himself, one that he wasn't prepared to deal with.

Rating:          PG-13

Warnings:      Yaoi, Angst, magical stuff, AU

Disclaimer:     I don't own the Gundam Wing characters, but the plot idea and the original characters are all mine!!!! And I will kill you if you steal them!!!! (Actually I would be very honoured if you thought they were good enough to steal them!!!)  

Started:        1st March 2004


Notes:          I'm writing two versions of this fic, at the same time. One is Gundam Wing version and the other is an Original Version. I hope you enjoy them both!!! But really the only difference between the two of them will be the characters!

I have tried 2 get this to upload in a nice format… and failed. If it doesn't work this time, then I am really sorry but u'll have 2 put up with it. There should be a line or two gap between prologue and the beginning of the story. If there isn't, it ain't my fault!!!

Fate Prologue/Teaser "Do you believe in Fate?"

He paused with his hand resting just above the door handle and he risked a glance backwards over his shoulder.


"It's a simple question. Do you believe in Fate?"

"No." He gave her a simple answer and put his hand firmly on the door and jerked it open.

"You shouldn't feel the need to run away from me if you don't believe in what I am saying."

Standing in the doorway, he forced his gaze on her with his bright violet eyes.

"I am not afraid of you." He told her.

"Not me, but maybe of what I can tell you, what I can show you, what I could make you believe."

"In Fate? I never believed in the monster under the bed, even when my mother told me about it. I doubt I will believe you and your scary fate tricks."

"You never knew your mother." She spoke and his body froze up at that sentence.

"You know jack shit!"

"I know that you were raised an orphan, living on the streets, stealing what you could when you could. You'll be surprised Duo Maxwell, just how well I know you!"