Author's Note: Well here I am with my fist Inuyasha High School Fic. I have to admit, there are chapters I like a lot better than others. I've had some of my friends read this, and so far it's okay. I have put everyone except for Shippo. Maybe later. Well enough of my rambling. On with the story.



Kagome's diary or song lyrics

(my notes)

Disclaimer: Sad but true, I don't own Inuyasha, or Kagome or Shesshomaru or… well you get the idea. Oh, and one other thing. This may confuse some people. Koharu is from episode 41-42. Sarah is from episode 133-134. Just thought I'd make that clear. I don't own them either.

Rating: PG-13. Yup. Lots of language and some other stuff.


Dear Diary,

It is I, as always, Kagome Higurashi. Just recently my dad has found a permanent job. He used to just go from city to city, taking my family along with him. Personally, I don't know why mom's still with him. I would have gotten fed up by now if my husband did that. But I'm not one to judge mom's personal feelings. So for my senior year, I'll be spending it at Sakura High. I was fond of my last school. At leased I made a friend, or a boyfriend anyway. His name is Kouga. He's a wolf demon with brown eyes and dark hair. He isn't one of the hottest guys around, but he was rather sweet. But seeing that it is late and that I have school tomorrow, I put my pen down here.

Chapter 1

Welcomes: Friendly and Unfriendly

"Kagome." Sota poked his sleeping sister. "Kagome, Kagome." It was no use. 'How can teenage girls sleep like that?" he asked himself. There was only one thing he hadn't tried. "Oh my God! It's the Muffin Man." (AN// Long story). Kagome opened her eyes instantly. All Sota could do was laugh. His sister was such an airhead when it came to these things. "Urg! Come. Back. Here. You. Brat!" When she spoke like that, it was best that you leave… immediately. "Not on my life, sis," he laughed running to the breakfast table where it was safe. 'Damn, next time I'll kill him.' "Kagome, if you don't take your shower now, you'll be late for school," Mrs. Higurashi called from the stairs. "Holy shit!" Kagome looked at the clock, "I've only got time for a five minute shower!"

It was already 8 o'clock when Kagome headed out the door. Her new high school wasn't that far away. 'Jeez, I hate the first day of school, especially when it's actually your first. But I guess I'm used to being alone.'

Sakura High was big at first look. A four story building with a huge backfield. A large bell hung at the roof of the school. Students mingled outside and some went in. 'Might as well get my schedule.' Kagome stepped inside. Lockers and classrooms lined the walls; it looked like any other hallway. 'Okay, step 1. Finding the office…'

'I'm guessing this is it.' The word OFFICE hung on the door. She stepped inside a large room, with a woman behind a large desk, typing away at her computer. She didn't seem to notice Kagome coming in and she cleared her throat to make her presence known. "Hello dear," the middle aged woman had short blond hair and tiny round glasses looked up from the screen, "what brings you here so early?" "I'm new so I need my schedule." "Sure, what's your name?" "Higurashi, Kagome." It was only about ten seconds until it printed. "Here it is, along with your textbooks. Oh yes, and welcome to Sakura High." "Thanks." Kagome smiled as she left the office.

The school hallways were a lot busier now. 'Let's see… my locker should be somewhere on this floor.' She didn't pay attention to where she was walking and collided into someone. They were both thrown back. Kagome grunted a bit as she sat up. She came face to face with a girl that was almost a mirror image of herself, only a sluttier (AN:/ Is that a word?) version. "Hey, watch where you're going, bitch." The girl spoke angrily. "Don't have a cow, it was an accident." She hatted this girl already. "Say what? No one talks like that to Kikyo." So she was named Kikyo. "Forgive me, I just did." "Kikyo, are you going to let her talk to you like that?" a girl with bluish hair, carrying a flute smirked. "Shut it Sarah." Kikyo held up her arms so that Sarah and one other girl could help her up. "Listen you're new. Take my advice. If you want this year to be pleasant, stay out of my face." "Gotcha." Kagome smiled at a great way to get Kikyo mad again. It was a technique she learned from changing schools so often. "Hey Kikyo," the three girls turned around, "your mascara's running." Students laughed as Kikyo covered her face. She was ready to kill Kagome, but a teacher walked by. 'Next time, bitch, next time.' She stomped away.

Glad to be rid of that slut, Kagome gathered her books that lay scattered on the floor. "Here, lemmie help." A girl with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail offered. "Thanks. Hey, do they always act like that?" "Yeah, that's Kikyo and her Kikyo followers, Sarah and Koharu." "Really, I thought they would have been called the whore squad." They both laughed. "Usually new kids are scared of them." "I was. Did you see how much makeup Kikyo was wearing? But being serious, I've learned to deal with snobs like that. I've changed high schools seven times." "That's insane." "True, but I'm staying here this year. My dad found a permanent job." "Great. By the way, I'm Sango." She held out her hand. "Kagome."

Sango glanced at Kagome's schedule. "Cool, your locker's next to mine and I've got the same classes." "Great, could you show me around?" "Sure." She showed Kagome her locker and explained the layout of the building. Kagome got her stuff for first period when she heard Sango scream, "Hentai!" Kagome whirled around too see a guy with violet eyes and short brown hair. He wore a purple cloth around his lower right arm and a red hand was imprinted on his face.

"Kagome, meet Miroku, the pervert." Sango fumed, "don't get to close, he might…" Too late. His hand wandered down her ass. "Hentai!" it was Kagome's turn to slap him. "Ah, so your name is Kagome. Lovely, just as are you. So Kagome, would you do the honor of bearing my child?"


"Hell no, I'm still in high school you perverted monk." Miroku decided it was best to leave the two angry women and hurried away. "Who was that asshole?" Kagome glared in the direction her disappeared. "Unfortunately, he's the guy I like." "Tell me you're joking." Kagome hid her laughter. "Fraid not. But let's talk later. We have to get to math." They walked to the math room on the second floor. Both stopped at the doorway to observe the scene in front of them.

A crowd of girls stood around three chairs. The boys on the other side of the class, looking completely miserable. "What's happening here?" Kagome turned to Sango who just looked bored. "Just the 'popular-guys' fan club." "What?" Kagome could see over the shoulders of a few shorter girls. She recognized one. 'How can Miroku be popular?' Sighing, she looked at the other two. Kagome guessed they were brothers, considering they both had long silver hair and golden eyes. One looked more serious and had two crimson stripes on each cheek. 'A youkai, just like Kouga.' The other smiled at his admirers, revealing his fangs. But the thing that got Kagome's attention was the dog-ears on his head.

"Who are they?" Kagome asked Sango in a sort of whisper. "Inuyasha and Shesshomaru. Shesshomaru is the crush of a lot of women at this school, but he never gives anyone a chance. Inuyasha is the complete opposite. Other than Miroku, he's the biggest playboy I've ever met." "I hate those types of guys. Biggest jerks I ever will meet. I despise them already." "Then you'd best keep your distance. They enjoy taking advantage of new students. Girls especially, if you know what I mean." "Warning the new kids, hun, Sango?" They both turned to see another girl with waist-length black hair. "It's great to see you, Rin." Sango hugged her friend.

"Kagome, this is Rin. Rin, Kagome." They shook hands. "So are we going to stand here all day? Let's grab three chairs at the back." Sango pushed her two friends forward. Rin gazed at Shesshomaru as the three walked past the 'fan club'. He didn't turn his head but his eyes followed her for a few seconds and then went back to his utterly bored expression. They took a seat and Kagome spoke first. "I'm guessing someone has a crush on a certain youkai." "It's no secret. Everyone knows." Sango said dully, "of course, she's the only person he'd give a chance." Rin narrowed her eyes, telling Sango to end the topic there. "Would any of them give the sluts a chance?" Kagome asked, pointing towards Kikyo, Sarah and Koharu who had entered the circle. "Definitely NOT!" Sango and Rin answered at once.

"Ooh Miroku. Where did you go this summer? I was supposed to bear your child." Koharu smiled sitting on his lap, one arm around his neck. "Oh…" was the only thing he could say. He 'sweat-dropped'. Obviously this was the only woman he didn't enjoy to have around.

"Shessy, honey, you didn't purposely avoid my calls did you? Sarah sat down on the same chair. "Don't call me that." Shesshomaru pushed her off his seat. 'Damn this bitch is annoying. All women are. Well… most.' His gaze shifted to Rin and then back to the girl that lay at his feet. 'That baka Rin, she's stealing my Shessy.' Sarah scowled.

"Inu-baby, I was hoping we could spend some quality time with each other after school. You know… at your house. To catch up on the two months we didn't see each other. Possibly in bed…" Kikyo pressed her hand on his chest. 'This whore expects me to sleep with her?!' "Not on your life bitch!" "Surely you didn't mean that," pushing herself on him more. She batted her mascara-covered eyelashes wildly. And you thought she couldn't get scarier.

Kagome rolled her eyes. 'Look at Kikyo, forcing herself onto Inuyasha. What a slut. Hasn't she heard of pride? Does she even have any? Not that I care about Inuyasha anyway. He probably likes all that attention.'

'Someone get me out of here.' Inuyasha looked at his friend, then his brother. They were in similar situations. He looked at the ceiling, then the periodic table of elements (AN: / What's the periodic table doing in a math class? I personally don't know.), anywhere but at Kikyo. His eyes fell on Sango and Rin. More like the girl he didn't know. 'How's Kikyo over there?' he took a better look to see that it was a new student that simply 'resembled' her, from a distance anyway. She was a lot prettier than Kikyo would ever be. 'This should be fun. Let's see what the new girl is like.'

"Oi, bitch, get off." Inuyasha threw her to the floor just as Shesshomaru had done. He was about to walk over when a teacher walked in. (AN:/Too lazy to explain what she looks like). "Everyone, stand up. I've made a seating plan. Groups of two." The class fell silent. "Okay, from the front to back. Sarah, Kagura. Next to them, Naraku, Kikyo…" She went on for some time until she came to the back. "Koharu, Sumi. Beside them Inuyasha and Kagome and lastly, Sango and Miroku. Take your seats this instant!"

'Great, me. Sitting next to the playboy. Jeez, someone up there doesn't like me today.'

'Excellent, time to see what the new girl's all about. Kagome was her name, right?'

She put her books down on her desk, Inuyasha did the same. Before she sat down, he began to circle her. "What are you doing?" she asked eyeing him. "Taking a good look at you. Is that a crime?" "Yes, it is. Now stop, this instant!" She reminded Inuyasha of their strict teacher. "Fine calm down wench."

'Boy, you're asking for it.'

His eyes moved up and down Kagome's body. He stopped just below the collarbone. Kagome realized where he was looking and decided to teach him a lesson.


*Huge lump appears on Inuyasha's head*

*Vein pops in Kagome's hand*

"God, let me tell you, you're almost as bad as Miroku. At leased you didn't use hands. I've been here for two hours and already I know that. Listen…" The teacher cleared her throat. Everyone sat down as she started the lesson. "Listen," Kagome whispered so as the teacher wouldn't hear her, "while you sit next to me, you follow my rules. One, don't look at me, two, don't touch me and three, do not annoy me." She turned her attention to the teacher. 'I guess the teachers here don't waste any time for the first day of school.' 'This girl looks like she can get pissed really easily. I'll push her buttons.'

"Hey Kagome, Inuyasha poked her shoulder with a clawed finger. "I thought I told you not to touch and talk to me." "I just have one question." She didn't answer. He took this as a 'go ahead'; "do you like me?" Kagome stopped writing and put her pen down. She turned her head, narrowing her eyes. If looks could kill, that would do it. "I want this clear Inuyasha, I hate playboys who think love is a game, that going out with seven girls at a time is cool and that sleep with every single pretty women they meet. Therefore, I hate you. Guys like you always get what they want." "How would you know that all guys like me are how you say?" "By letting one take control of you." She turned her head towards the window. "So you've slept with someone before?" She said nothing. Oh how this moment was good to piss her off, "so how good are you?"


The class, even the teacher, turned their heads to the back of the class. Kagome was out of her seat, flames around her. (You know, the anime flames.) Inuyasha sat with a shocked expression of being slapped. "Bastard, it's none of your fuckin' business. Stop bothering me and go screw someone instead!" Kagome stormed out of the classroom. Students' heads followed Kagome then snapped back to Inuyasha. Some started saying, "Oh, Inuyasha, gonna take that?" or something like that. Miroku mouthed, "tell me later," and Shesshomaru sat there, shaking his head. How could he have such an idiot for a brother? Sango excused herself to go get Kagome. Rin sat there, shaking her head in the same manner as Shesshomaru. "Now, now class, settle down. We must continue the lesson." The teacher, who was calm and collective, was still in a bit of shock. The class settled down and resumed.

Kagome was fuming in the girls' washroom, Sango trying to calm her down. 'That baka Inuyasha. I've known him for an hour and I hate him more than anybody I've ever met. That bastard, how dare he ask me those kinds of questions? And to me, of all people. Baka, how can he think that a respectable girl like me would do that? He's such a pervert. God, why do you do this to me? I hate him, I hate him, I HATE HIM!'

'Great, it's the first day of school and already I've been slapped. Usually that's not 'till I break a girl's heart. Oh and a note to you Kagome. I've never done it with anyone. I got morals, you know. And me getting everything I want, that 'aint true either. Because my next challenge, is you. Can I make you fall for me? Prepare yourself, cause all's fair in Love and War.'


Well that's it for chapter 1. It wasn't the best thing I've written but hey, it's only chapter 1. I know anime-obsessed:P has been bugging me to put this story online so I finally did. So there. Well ya. I hope you guys all will review. Pretty please? *_~