The courtroom was all abuzz upon the return of the trial. Dana Finley was furious, albeit thoroughly cowed. She couldn't believe what had been brought up a mere half-hour earlier, and couldn't rid her mind of the conversatioin she'd had with her client after the recess had been called.
"You no good, stinking whore!" Vince shouted. He was so angry that his face was red, and a huge vein visibly throbbed in his temple. Dana actually wondered if he might just have a stroke.
"Vince, I-"
"Shut up!" McMahon yelled. "If it weren't for you being so cheap and easy, I wouldn't be up shit's creek right now! I'm finished - do you understand me? Finished!"
The woman swallowed hard, knowing the same could be said for her as well. She would never get another case again after this, she knew it. However, she didn't speak a word of this to the enraged man. It wouldn't do any good anyway.
"You were supposed to defend me in this trial - me and Chris Irvine! But you blew it, lady - you blew it!" He pointed a finger right into her face as she instictively shrank back a few inches. "You will never practice law again!" His demeanor calmed a little as the extreme arrogance he normally exuded returned. "I guaran-damn-tee it."
Finley's mouth went ash-dry. She felt tears building behind her eyelids but refused to set them free. Even without Vince making such a threat or promise, she knew his words were true...
... She wished she were dead right about now. She was thoroughly humiliated.
"Your Honor, regardless of the incriminating circumstances regarding the defendants' attorney, we the jury find in favor of the plaintiffs."
The courtroom became noisy as people let out verbal exclamations. Adam and Amy hugged and kissed while Stephanie felt a tiny smile come to her lips. Jay came over and in an instant pulled her into his embrace. Meanwhile, Stacy and Eddy hugged and then broke apart so that the leggy blonde could hug Trish as well.
"Well done," Miles said to Stephanie and then regarded the entire group. "Every one of you who testified did so wonderfully."
"You have got to be kidding me!" Chris shouted, drawing practically everyone's attention.
"Mr. Irvine!" the Judge yelled. "Either calm yourself down or leave my courtroom!"
"This is unfair!" the man cried, his clear blue eyes fixing hatefully on his now former boss. In a 180 degree difference, Vince was completely silent.
"Mr. Irvine, I am warning you!" The judge's voice was stern.
"You're all against me!" Chris yelled, as though he hadn't even heard the judge.
Amy looked up into Adam's eyes, and the tall blond man shook his head with disbelief and disgust. By all counts, Irvine didn't have an ounce of fear of being held in contempt of court. It was unbelievable.
"That does it - guards - take him out of my courtroom!"
The armed men made their way to Chris Irvine, who, strangely, didn't even struggle or put up much of a fight at all. Because Judge Williams hadn't declared he would be held in contempt, they didn't handcuff him but merely escorted him out of the building.
Stephanie approached the judge tentatively, Jay at her side. He had an arm wrapped around her waist.
"Thank you, Your Honor," the brunette said. "I... I feel so overwhelmed, but in a good way."
"You don't have to thank me, Ms. McMahon... You owe it all to yourself - you are a true fighter."
Stephanie smiled.
"Wow... I have so much responsibility on my shoulders now. I am the sole owner of my father's company." She shook her head, glancing from the judge to that blond man at her side. "I don't know if I can do it."
"You can do it," Williams said, offering her a confident smile. "You're a very bright and articulate young woman. And you will shine."
"Thank you." Stephanie felt all wram inside. She turned her head as she felt a new hand on her shoulder. It was her big brother Shane. The two siblings didn't need to express any words as the elder McMahon drew his sister into his arms for a hug.
"Amy, you don't have to do this."
The redhead eyed her husband almost defiantly, filled with fierce determination.
"Oh, yes, I do, Adam," she said. "I really do."
The couple exited the courthouse, Adam filled with concern as his wife suddenly broke free from his hand that had been holding hers. He lingered just behind her by no less than a foot as she did the unthinkable and approached Irvine.
The blond man looked at her abruptly as she uttered his name. He'd been so despondent, but now, something else came into his blue eyes - something that, not too long ago, would have had Amy quaking with fear.
"... I will not be a victim of you any longer... I hope you rot in hell!" she spat, chasing her words with a sharp slap to his face.
Stephanie's voice suddenly sounded off to her left, before Chris could even react.
"Oh, and Chris? You're fired!" She walked a few steps and neared her father, who seemed to be verbally berating his cowed-looking lawyer in hushed tones. "Daddy, the same goes for you - you're fired!" She turned around at the soft touch on her shoulder, right into a passionate kiss from Jay. The brunette relaxed and ardently kissed him back in front of the very shocked Vince McMahon.
"It's over..." Amy said as she smiled up at Adam. "... It's really, really over!"
The tall blond man gazed at her with love and wonder. He admired her greatly for what she'd done a moment ago, as he knew it took so much courage.
"You're amazing," he said. "And I love you." He lowered his head to capture his wife's lips, loving the feel of her small hands tangling in his hair as she kissed him.
/ END /