This story is dedicated to my friend, Hillary or her pen name is Hillaryfriend! Enjoy!


Raven sipped her cup of herbal tea, reading her book. It was surprisingly quiet; maybe it was because she was up at seven in the morning on a Saturday and her fellow teammates didn't like to wake up early. Well, Starfire usually did but today she must have been really tired because Raven saw no sign of the cheerful red head.

She turned the page when she suddenly heard a voice, "Hey, Raven, didn't know you were the early bird."

Raven almost spilled but managed not to. Turning to face the green boy, Raven glared.

Beast Boy said, "Get it? Early bird? 'Cause raven is a type of...bird..." he drifted off, getting no where.

Raven sighed and just turned back. Before, she would have probably yelled at him for disturbing her but this time, she didn't want to. She glanced back to see his hurt eyes. She felt a stab of guilt. Then a vase exploded. Beast Boy screamed and jumped into her arms, without knowing it.

Raven, who now blushed slightly, said in the hardest voice she could muster, "Beast Boy...get off of me or prepare to be a dead man."

Beast Boy anime sweat dropped and quickly got off, scratching his green hair.

He said a bit nervously, "So...Raven...nice day?" he ended lamely.

Raven raised a perfect eyebrow and said, "Um...sure, whatever."

Beast Boy shifted feet and then blurted out, "Raven, do you want to go to the Clay Aiken/Kelly Clarkson concert with me? I-I got tickets. Front row." (a/n I saw that concert and it was recent so I remember it clearly so that's where he has tickets to go, so don't get mad it's not a different one!)

Raven chocked on her tea and she looked at Beast Boy, surprised. She asked, trying to keep a firm and steady voice, "And you're asking me this...why?"

Beast Boy looked everywhere but her. "I-I just got two tickets and thought it might be...well, fun. And...I know Robin or Cyborg would never go with me. So I thought about taking you."

Raven asked, "And why not Starfire?"

Beast Boy grinned and asked, "Do you really think Robin will let me even near Starfire to ask her to go to a concert with me alone without him? He would kill me!"

Raven forced herself not to smile, not to show emotions and break yet another vase.

Raven looked Beast Boy in the eye and said, "No. Thanks."

Beast Boy's whole face just fell. He averted his eyes and muttered, "Oh...I...I see..."

Just when he turned to go, Raven heard him mutter, "I just thought you would have some fun."

Raven instantly felt bad. She took a deep breath and said, "Beast Boy...I'll...I'll go with the concert..."

Beast Boy looked like a Christmas tree, since he lit up like one, "Really?! Great! Okay, it's tonight, starts at seven, if you could fly us there..."

Raven nodded. "Sure...right now, though...I need to go mediate..."

Beast Boy nodded and Raven left to her room.