Me: A very spontaneous and random fic that shows no intellect! YEY!
Shikamaru: *looks to her* Why am I always starting off your fics? -_-
Me: *glomps him*
Shikamaru: Get off of me! I don't want any fangirls!
Me: Oh don't worry! I love you and Neji equally! ^^
Shikamaru: But you're still going to harass me... aren't you -_-
Me: *laughs manically* oh well...
Neji: *walks over* Um... what's going on here?
Shikamaru: Run, stupid Hyuuga, run while you have a ch-
Me: *slaps tape over Shikamaru's mouth and ties him to a chair* Teeheehee.... No need to make the poor boy run away...
Neji: *shivers*
(Someplace else) *ear shattering scream is heard*
Naruto: You hear something?
Rest of the cast: Nope.
"SHIKAMARU!!!" Ino screamed at the top of her lungs, her face burning with enragement.
"Nani?" He gave a lazy yawn; a finger was placed in his ear to make sure he was hearing her. He gave a tired yawn, his eyes half closed as he looked at the obnoxious girl standing in front of him.
"WHERE IS EVERYONE!?!?!?" Ino barked loudly, "My precious Sasuke-kun is gone... and I KNOW you have something to do with it."
His eyes finally focused on her and with that he gave an indignant snort, "How the hell am I supposed to know where the hell Sasuke is!"
"And he's not yours... Ino-pig." Sakura appeared from behind Ino. Another typical day seemed to be occurring besides the fact that half the chuuin exams takers were gone.
"Why didn't you disappear? I bet you did something to MY Sasuke-kun..." Ino gave a narrow glare to her ex-best friend.
"He's not yours!" Electric sparks emitted from the two girls fierce looks.
"Ugh! Will you cut it out already?" Shikamaru finally sighed, "I'm going to be late..." He stuffed his hands into his pockets ready to start walking, but before he could take another step two loud stomps rattled the ground. When he looked up from the path he saw probably the most terrifying female faces.
"AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!?!" They both roared at him, as he shivered, wide-eyed, 'Damn these girls need a break....'
As Shikamaru was being interrogated by the two female Genin, a gathering group of the most unlikely male Genin appeared deep within the forest. A group of them sitting around a fire in a circular pattern. The flames flickered off of their faces as the sun started to set into the depths of the mountains.
"Why are we doing this again?" Sasuke cocked a suspicious eyebrow at the snickering Naruto.
"Cause unless Kakashi-sensei is planning on giving us a really awesome mission, there's nothing fun to do!" He was crouching down and he whispered something to Kiba.
"Ha-ha... this'll be way more interesting!" He laughed back with a large grin, as Akamaru yelped excitedly.
"This is so stupid..." Neji sighed. He was lying on his back, twirling a kunai on his fingers boredly. The last place he wanted to be was here, but even though he didn't admit to it, it would be interesting.
"Let's just forget about it..." Sasuke sighed, resting his head on his hands.
"I would think, you, out of all people would love this... com'on Sasuke, we know you can't stand all those girls hanging on you like that..." Naruto patted Sasuke on the back, as Sasuke gave him somewhat of a death glare that made Naruto step back.
"Although I would like it." Kiba gave a sly grin. After everyone fell quiet you could hear Chouji munching on some random snack.
"Hey Chouji, where's Shikamaru...?" Naruto turned his head backwards to see Chouji sitting somewhat off to the side.
"Ino probably got to him... he's always late and they probably figured out we've been gone... Ya know... Ino, the Sasuke 'patrol'" Chouji added right after he swallowed.
"It's a shame that I cannot show-off my boyish charm to Sakura-chan and ask her to the dance... it'll break her heart," Lee swooned dramatically as everyone else stared at him as though he was an alien from another planet.
"You... keep telling yourself that...." Neji nodded and then turned back to the group slowly.
"I heard that this white day celebration is going to be really big since we finally have peace... and no Anbu needed at all. But it's going to be irritating, do we really have to ask out the girls by the end of the month?" Everyone turned their heads to see an exasperated Shikamaru.
"What happened?" Naruto asked, seeing just how tired Shikamaru was from escaping the clutches of the girls.
"Ino and Sakura... they think I know where Sasuke is or something... I ran... ran the hell away." Shikamaru sunk to the ground leaning against a tree, still breathing heavily, "They really deserve this..."
"So exactly... how do we decide?" Kiba turned to Naruto, panting as heavily as Akamaru would in heat, from excitement.
"This." Naruto help up a paper bag grinning wider than ever, I hope I get Sasuke... then I can ask Sakura to the dance!
"Wow... a bag with slips of paper... how amusing..." Neji sighed sarcastically; he folded his arms behind his head, as Naruto went around from person to person. They slowly shuffled the slips inside the bag and pulled out a random slip.
"Okay... so now we don't get confused, I'll make a list." Naruto pulled out a pen and gave laugh, crouching down.
"You sure you won't lose it?" Shikamaru gave Naruto a funny look. At the same time everyone unfolded the little slips and Naruto looked at all of them and then volunteered to read his off first, "Kiba..." He noted. That would be interesting, especially when he'd have Hinata as a teammate, and she... he couldn't figure out. He only wondered who got Sasuke.
"Sasuke..." Shikamaru groaned, "God... I'll have a group of stalkers... how bothersome..." Naruto, Kiba and Chouji added a 'poor you' laugh as Lee looked up at his rival.
"Lee..." Neji said with someone of an unreadable look, basically meaning that he wasn't particularly happy of his pick but it didn't much matter because they already agreed that they couldn't change it.
"And I got... Neji." Lee looked up at Neji with lowered eyes, clenching his fist as he yelled, "Haha! I get to be the strong one! The only cruelty is that I won't be in my beautiful body. I bet Neji won't be able to keep up with the wonderful Gai-sensei's teachings... I shall miss them so!"
"Um...Lee..." Neji looked back at him with an angry stare, "You realize we can hear you? "
"What! My rival can read my mind! Nooo!!" Lee ran around in circles, "I must train harder!" Everyone stared blankly at 'thick-brows' not even bothering to realize that he in fact was speaking out loud.
"" Sasuke glared at his fellow teammate. This would be more or less interesting in a way. Everyone else read the names off one by one, Kiba becoming Shikamaru, Chouji took the role of Shino and Shino took the role of Chouji. It was pretty simple and they couldn't wait till they could find out just how the girls would react. They all transformed into the name of the person that was on their list
"Alright! We leave here to enter the other's house! Plan starts now!" And with that being said, the new Kiba grinned excitingly and threw a fist up to the air and everyone departed home, ready for the next day to start.
********* Me: R&R... OR ELSE. I'LL SIC ITACHI ON YOU ALL!!!
Sasuke: Do you even have that kind of power...?
Me: Who is the authoress... and remember... the power of my shoujo romance desires ^^
Sasuke: Crap.... What are you going to do to me?
Me: You'll see! ^^
Shikamaru: *looks to her* Why am I always starting off your fics? -_-
Me: *glomps him*
Shikamaru: Get off of me! I don't want any fangirls!
Me: Oh don't worry! I love you and Neji equally! ^^
Shikamaru: But you're still going to harass me... aren't you -_-
Me: *laughs manically* oh well...
Neji: *walks over* Um... what's going on here?
Shikamaru: Run, stupid Hyuuga, run while you have a ch-
Me: *slaps tape over Shikamaru's mouth and ties him to a chair* Teeheehee.... No need to make the poor boy run away...
Neji: *shivers*
(Someplace else) *ear shattering scream is heard*
Naruto: You hear something?
Rest of the cast: Nope.
"SHIKAMARU!!!" Ino screamed at the top of her lungs, her face burning with enragement.
"Nani?" He gave a lazy yawn; a finger was placed in his ear to make sure he was hearing her. He gave a tired yawn, his eyes half closed as he looked at the obnoxious girl standing in front of him.
"WHERE IS EVERYONE!?!?!?" Ino barked loudly, "My precious Sasuke-kun is gone... and I KNOW you have something to do with it."
His eyes finally focused on her and with that he gave an indignant snort, "How the hell am I supposed to know where the hell Sasuke is!"
"And he's not yours... Ino-pig." Sakura appeared from behind Ino. Another typical day seemed to be occurring besides the fact that half the chuuin exams takers were gone.
"Why didn't you disappear? I bet you did something to MY Sasuke-kun..." Ino gave a narrow glare to her ex-best friend.
"He's not yours!" Electric sparks emitted from the two girls fierce looks.
"Ugh! Will you cut it out already?" Shikamaru finally sighed, "I'm going to be late..." He stuffed his hands into his pockets ready to start walking, but before he could take another step two loud stomps rattled the ground. When he looked up from the path he saw probably the most terrifying female faces.
"AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!?!" They both roared at him, as he shivered, wide-eyed, 'Damn these girls need a break....'
As Shikamaru was being interrogated by the two female Genin, a gathering group of the most unlikely male Genin appeared deep within the forest. A group of them sitting around a fire in a circular pattern. The flames flickered off of their faces as the sun started to set into the depths of the mountains.
"Why are we doing this again?" Sasuke cocked a suspicious eyebrow at the snickering Naruto.
"Cause unless Kakashi-sensei is planning on giving us a really awesome mission, there's nothing fun to do!" He was crouching down and he whispered something to Kiba.
"Ha-ha... this'll be way more interesting!" He laughed back with a large grin, as Akamaru yelped excitedly.
"This is so stupid..." Neji sighed. He was lying on his back, twirling a kunai on his fingers boredly. The last place he wanted to be was here, but even though he didn't admit to it, it would be interesting.
"Let's just forget about it..." Sasuke sighed, resting his head on his hands.
"I would think, you, out of all people would love this... com'on Sasuke, we know you can't stand all those girls hanging on you like that..." Naruto patted Sasuke on the back, as Sasuke gave him somewhat of a death glare that made Naruto step back.
"Although I would like it." Kiba gave a sly grin. After everyone fell quiet you could hear Chouji munching on some random snack.
"Hey Chouji, where's Shikamaru...?" Naruto turned his head backwards to see Chouji sitting somewhat off to the side.
"Ino probably got to him... he's always late and they probably figured out we've been gone... Ya know... Ino, the Sasuke 'patrol'" Chouji added right after he swallowed.
"It's a shame that I cannot show-off my boyish charm to Sakura-chan and ask her to the dance... it'll break her heart," Lee swooned dramatically as everyone else stared at him as though he was an alien from another planet.
"You... keep telling yourself that...." Neji nodded and then turned back to the group slowly.
"I heard that this white day celebration is going to be really big since we finally have peace... and no Anbu needed at all. But it's going to be irritating, do we really have to ask out the girls by the end of the month?" Everyone turned their heads to see an exasperated Shikamaru.
"What happened?" Naruto asked, seeing just how tired Shikamaru was from escaping the clutches of the girls.
"Ino and Sakura... they think I know where Sasuke is or something... I ran... ran the hell away." Shikamaru sunk to the ground leaning against a tree, still breathing heavily, "They really deserve this..."
"So exactly... how do we decide?" Kiba turned to Naruto, panting as heavily as Akamaru would in heat, from excitement.
"This." Naruto help up a paper bag grinning wider than ever, I hope I get Sasuke... then I can ask Sakura to the dance!
"Wow... a bag with slips of paper... how amusing..." Neji sighed sarcastically; he folded his arms behind his head, as Naruto went around from person to person. They slowly shuffled the slips inside the bag and pulled out a random slip.
"Okay... so now we don't get confused, I'll make a list." Naruto pulled out a pen and gave laugh, crouching down.
"You sure you won't lose it?" Shikamaru gave Naruto a funny look. At the same time everyone unfolded the little slips and Naruto looked at all of them and then volunteered to read his off first, "Kiba..." He noted. That would be interesting, especially when he'd have Hinata as a teammate, and she... he couldn't figure out. He only wondered who got Sasuke.
"Sasuke..." Shikamaru groaned, "God... I'll have a group of stalkers... how bothersome..." Naruto, Kiba and Chouji added a 'poor you' laugh as Lee looked up at his rival.
"Lee..." Neji said with someone of an unreadable look, basically meaning that he wasn't particularly happy of his pick but it didn't much matter because they already agreed that they couldn't change it.
"And I got... Neji." Lee looked up at Neji with lowered eyes, clenching his fist as he yelled, "Haha! I get to be the strong one! The only cruelty is that I won't be in my beautiful body. I bet Neji won't be able to keep up with the wonderful Gai-sensei's teachings... I shall miss them so!"
"Um...Lee..." Neji looked back at him with an angry stare, "You realize we can hear you? "
"What! My rival can read my mind! Nooo!!" Lee ran around in circles, "I must train harder!" Everyone stared blankly at 'thick-brows' not even bothering to realize that he in fact was speaking out loud.
"" Sasuke glared at his fellow teammate. This would be more or less interesting in a way. Everyone else read the names off one by one, Kiba becoming Shikamaru, Chouji took the role of Shino and Shino took the role of Chouji. It was pretty simple and they couldn't wait till they could find out just how the girls would react. They all transformed into the name of the person that was on their list
"Alright! We leave here to enter the other's house! Plan starts now!" And with that being said, the new Kiba grinned excitingly and threw a fist up to the air and everyone departed home, ready for the next day to start.
********* Me: R&R... OR ELSE. I'LL SIC ITACHI ON YOU ALL!!!
Sasuke: Do you even have that kind of power...?
Me: Who is the authoress... and remember... the power of my shoujo romance desires ^^
Sasuke: Crap.... What are you going to do to me?
Me: You'll see! ^^