
Ginny and Blaise had left Hogwarts as soon as Hermione and Draco started to dance. A horse-less carriage picked them up, at least that was what Blaise thought but Ginny could clearly see two splendid and scary thestrals.

Blaise took her hand and whispered, "Are you ready Gin? We are still in time to go back and forget about it."

Ginny shook her head, "I'm ready Blaise, tonight we will meet Voldemort and we will start our job as spies." She felt her heart flutter, 'Tom I'm coming.'

Blaise understood that there was no turning back and started the exercises to keep the Dark Lord out of his head and to convince him that he would be a faithful servant. He would have been happier if Draco would be there but he knew that his best friend was having the night of his life with Granger.

They arrived at Zabini's Mansion around eight o'clock and Blaise's parents were expecting them in the hall. They smiled kindly to Ginny and introductions were made.

Mr Zabini told the two teens that they would have dinner and then around eleven, they would apparate to meet with the Dark Lord. Ginny's heart fluttered again, she was growing restless, how much more before she would see him again?

The conversation was smooth and she found Blaise's parents very nice and funny, she was surprised that Death Eaters could be so well mannered but after all, the majority of the pureblood followers of Tom were aristocrats.

At eleven they prepared to apparate, Blaise took his father's arm and Ginny took Mrs Zabini's arm. They appararated in a clearing.

There was a circle of Death Eaters all with their black masks on, Blaise was nervously looking around for Severus while Ginny was trying to see Tom.

After a short while, Lord Voldemort apparated inside the circle. Mr and Mrs Zabini took their place with the other faceless Death Eaters, so Blaise and Ginny were left alone with the Dark Lord.

Ginny looked at him and she almost recoiled in disgust, he, although ,she would rather refer to him as a it, had a dark cloak which covered him from neck to toe and he had a green scaly face with red oval eyes in it.

She looked carefully in those eyes and she saw nothing. Just death. He watched her and when he stretched a hand almost to touch her, cold waves of fear washed through her body. She forced herself to stand still and tried not to show her disgust.

He sensed her uneasiness, so he dropped his hand and turned his attention to Blaise, the dark haired wizard had seen the Dark Lord almost reaching for his girlfriend and he had to muster all his self control to stop himself from hexing him.

Voldemort spoke, "Welcome, young Zabini. Your father speaks highly of you. Are you here to take your place within the circle of my loyal servants?"

Blaise kneeled in front of him, kissed the hem of his cloak and with his head bent replied, "Yes, my Lord I'm here wishing to be honoured with your permission to serve you."

The Dark Lord smiled, or al least that what it seemed, being that his mouth was just a thin line in his scaly face. "Very well, Blaise. You will have to prove to be worthy, though. Bring the muggle."

One of the faceless Death Eaters brought a little child of no more of nine in the circle, the child was crying and trying to break free.

A cold chill shook Blaise's heart. He knew that he had to kill the child but he didn't know if he were able to do so. Ginny was near him, still standing, without uttering a single word and he didn't know whether he could kill with her witnessing it.

He dared looking at her and she looked back at him, her eyes were telling him to do what he had to. He sighed stood up and Avada the child.

Lord Voldemort was satisfied, he signalled to Blaise to stand up and to get closer. Blaise prepared himself for the invasion of his mind. The Dark Lord fixed his beady red eyes on him and entered his mind.

Blaise was fighting greatly to keep certain memories out of reach but he was surprised that the Dark Lord was searching for memories of he and Ginny.

The time they stood facing each other seemed an eternity for both Blaise and Ginny but finally the Dark Lord left him free from his prying.

Blaise then rolled the sleeve of his left arm and offered his arm to the dark wizard. Voldemort put one of his scaly fingers on Blaise's arm and started the incantation. The pain was unbearable for Blaise but he refused to scream and stood there waiting for the end of this torture.

After that, another Death Eater brought a mask and a cloak, similar to all the others and Blaise put them on. The Dark Lord said, "Blaise take your place near your father. Today you made him proud of you."

Blaise hesitated a moment, looked at Ginny who was very white at the moment, he didn't want to leave her there with the monster but he had no choice. He turned and went to stand beside his father.

Ginny was left facing the creature, which once was Tom Riddle. He apparently smiled and said, "Welcome here my dear Virginia."

She swallowed, he had always used her full name because he told her it was a shame to cut it short and beside, he had told her, she was a woman not a child. She had smiled at him and she had appreciated the fact that he was treating her as a grown-up.

At that time she had been eleven and being the youngest and the only girl in the Weasley's family had been hard for her. Tom had been the first person to give her attention for her mind and not for family ties.

She tried to smile, "Thank you. I don't know how to call you."

He chuckled, "You may call me Tom, you have met me when I was a bit younger and more handsome. I'm afraid that my present form is not of your liking."

She looked at him again very intently, "It's more that I can't see your eyes. That's what is bothering me."

He closed his red eyes and when he opened he had green eyes, looking at her with 'fondness'? She could not say what she felt when she looked at his eyes but the emotion was strong because she whispered, "Tom."

Nobody in the circle was hearing anything of the conversation, Blaise was getting nervous and Severus was quite worried.

Voldemort heard in her voice that she still cared for Tom. He needed an heir and because the Weasley family was known for its fertility he had decided that he would have Virginia.

After the diary's accident he had remembered the bright little witch with almost affection, he could not feel love but he could like or dislike people. And he knew that he liked her.

He raised his hand again and this time she took it. The hand was scaly and cold but Ginny couldn't care less. She wished that what she was feeling was just an induced feeling provoked by some incantation but inside she knew that she really belonged to him.

He tried again to smile at her, "Virginia, I promise you that I will get back my body and then you won't have to look at this scaly thing ever again."

She came closer, "As long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter."

Blaise could not take the scene anymore, when she took the monster's hand he made some steps forward. His father tried to stop him but it was too late.

Blaise said very clearly, "Ginny, are you ok?"

Blaise's voice somehow broke the atmosphere between 'Tom' and Ginny and she took away her hand and turned to look at her boyfriend. She tried to muster a smile and almost failed, "Yes, Blaise everything is fine why don't you go back in the circle?"

But Voldemort was angry, how dare this little wizard, coming and interrupting him and his future wife. His voice was cold when he said, "Blaise, I don't believe I gave you permission to break the circle."

Severus knew that this was not a good sign, Blaise was probably going to pay highly for this mistake and he berated himself, Albus and even young Miss Weasley for causing this mess.

Blaise kneeled again, "I'm sorry my Lord. You didn't give me permission, I will accept the punishment that you retain the best for me."

Ginny then put a hand on Voldemort's arm and said, "Please, Tom. Don't punish him, he was just worried about me. We have been together for a long time and he, as all my older brothers, tends sometimes to be a bit overprotective."

Voldemort looked at her, "Virginia, if I allow disobedience, they will never respect and obey my orders but I won't harm him too much." He turned his attention to Blaise and said, "Crucio!"

Blaise was shot with the Cruciatus curse and his body shook violently, he tried not to scream but the pain was too much and he writhed and screamed on the cold ground.

Ginny could not take it anymore and took out her wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" aiming at Tom's wand. He was too strong but he interrupted the curse and narrowing his once again red eyes said, "Virginia, this is not a behaviour I would expect from my future wife."

Blaise and Ginny gasped. He went on, "I don't like when someone who should be loyal to me try to disarm and disobey me."

The two teens remained silent, they were still shocked by his admission of wanting Ginny as a wife.

Severus sighed, he could not let them die but if he interrupted now he would pay dearly for his act. He sighed again, he was thinking that with Draco Malfoy in the circle even if he was discovered the Light side would still have information.

So he stepped out of the circle and approached the Dark Lord. Voldemort turned to look at the newcomer.

Severus kneeled in front of him and kissed his robes, "My Lord may I speak?"

Voldemort was very angry and looking at Severus said, "Ah, the Potion Master coming to the rescue of two of his students. May I remind you Severus that your first loyalty is to me?"

Severus replied, "You are right my Lord, I just wanted to say that they are both new and young. They deserve to be punished but I ask you to be lenient. Please."

Voldemort looked at Severus kneeling form for a while. The silence in the clearing was almost overwhelming for all the participants.

It was almost dawn when Voldemort talked again, "My loyal Death Eaters, we have here three Hogwarts' wizards who disobeyed and disrespected me. I would say that one of my Hogwarts' servants is still missing, alas, I have to ruin his honeymoon but I believe young Malfoy should be here too."

After two minutes, Draco appeared in the clearing, with a quick look saw Blaise on the ground, Ginny trembling and white very close to the dark wizard and Severus kneeling. He kneeled as well and kissed Voldemort's cloak.

He then raised and said, "Have you called for me, my Lord? How can I be of service?"

Voldemort then said, "You see my loyal servants? Draco has left his wife as soon as I called him. This is the example of a devoted follower." He then looked at Draco and said, "This three had disrespected me Draco. How would you suggest that I punish them?"

Draco was now feeling his heart clamped by a cold grip. He tried not to think about the fact that he loved Severus and Blaise like they were his family, if they had a chance to get out, the four of them, unharmed, he had to act toughly.

Draco hesitated a second but then said, "I would suggest a Cruciatus for a starter my Lord. Then, I would give them a chance to redeem themselves in your eyes with a duel. Obviously you should choose from the strongest of your followers my Lord."

Voldemort nodded, "Excellent suggestion, we can forego the Cruciatus, as you can see Blaise had already tasted it for tonight. But I cannot have Virginia fight and get hurt. She is my precious future wife."

Draco maintained his expression of seriousness, but inside was shaken. This snake wanted Ginny for himself, was that the reason Blaise had been punished? He felt a surge of anger against Voldemort but he masked it well.

He replied as calmly as possible, "I would think that seeing her boyfriend duelling and getting hurt should be enough for Miss Weasley. After all, being a Gryffindor and not being able to save the day will be a big punishment for her."

Voldemort chuckled, "I see Draco that your Mudblood Gryffindor wife has not softened you yet."

At the mention of Hermione, Draco almost let his feeling out but he recovered quite quickly and sneering said, "That Mudblood bitch is already a nuisance my Lord. But I believe that tonight I taught her a little lesson. She will not forget it soon."

Ginny gasped and Draco turned to her, "What were you expecting Weasley? You should be happy that she is still alive but don't expect much more. Granger is mine to do as I please."

Ginny looked in Draco's cold eyes and she couldn't see a single hint of feelings. She was starting to doubt him. What if he had acted until now and this was his real self?

Draco saw the doubts in her face but couldn't do anything to show her his true colours, they couldn't risk to be discovered.

Voldemort smiled again, "Very well, Draco take Virginia with you and join the circle. I want two volunteers to fight with Severus and Blaise."

Two sturdy men made a step forward, the Dark Lord eyed them and then said, "Very well Nott and McNair, you can pick your opponent."

Blaise and Severus had rose from their position and they were now facing the other two Death Eaters.

Fights between the Death Eaters were very ruthless and sometimes ended with one of the opponent dead. Severus was sure that he could fight back but was concerned about Blaise, who was still too young and didn't know enough curses and hexes.

He turned to look at Blaise, "Try your best to deflect the curses and if you can just use unforgivables on Nott. He will not spare you, he has a grudge against your father and he will try to kill you, just to spite your father."

Blaise nodded, "Thank you, sir. And if I'm not going to make it, please take care of Ginny and tell her that I love her."

The fight started, Ginny was standing near Draco, who had a hand strongly clamped on her arm. She was trying to break free when Draco got near her ear and whispered, "Ginny, please stay still. If you don't interfere we may manage to come back, all of us in one piece. Don't worry, Severus will take care of both of them."

She turned to look at him, his eyes were still cold and unfeeling but his voice had been warm and concerned. She then whispered back, "For a moment back there, I thought you fooled me into believing you had changed and were on our side while still being loyal to Tom. I apologise, I shouldn't have doubted you." And then she stopped struggling.

Blaise was struggling and was deflecting the majority of the curses but once in a while a nasty one would get him, Severus was fending lots of curses from McNair and was trying to keep under check Blaise and Nott. It was taking a lot of effort and he was starting to lose faith that they would make it.

Draco saw Blaise falling and he understood with clarity that Nott was going first with the Cruciatus but would end with an Avada curse. Without thinking he let Ginny arm and with his wand out he shouted, "Stupefy! Petrificus Totalus!" McNair and Nott fell on the ground.

Voldemort reappeared into the circle and snarled, "It seems that Draco is as useless as you two. Draco, how do you dare interrupting the duels that you so eagerly proposed?"

Draco looked at the Dark Lord face and said, "I believe that they have been punished enough. Nott was going to kill Blaise and we are in dire need of Death Eaters. I couldn't allow a waste of a pureblood life for revenge, for we all know that Nott has a grudge with Blaise's father."

Voldemort looked at Draco, "You may be right but you still shouldn't have done it. Avada" and while he shouted the killing curse Blaise put himself in front of Draco "Kedavra!" and Blaise fell in Draco's arms.

Ginny shouted and started running towards Blaise, Severus took the chance to get Draco and Ginny and apparated in the forbidden forest.

They looked at each other for a second and then at the body of the young wizard in Draco's arms. Ginny was crying quietly and Severus after seeing the desperation in Draco's eyes put a hand on his shoulder.

Draco looked at Severus and then lowered his head to look at Blaise. Severus said, "Draco you are not responsible for his death. Before you came, Voldemort had already decided to eliminate him, he was an obstacle to Miss Weasley's heart. He would have killed me too if you didn't intervene. You saved my life."

Ginny put a hand on his arm and said, "Draco, listen to Severus. If someone is responsible is I. I should have known that Tom wanted me for himself and Blaise is dead because he loved me. Now I know that I'm a bad person and I know where I belong to."

Before either Draco or Severus could say anything she disapparated away, they both knew that she had gone back to the Dark Lord and they couldn't do anything anymore for her.

Draco took Blaise in his arms and they started to walk toward the castle. They saw the door of the castle opening and Hermione running toward them.

Severus stopped Draco, took Blaise from him and said, "You need her now. I will take Blaise to the infirmary and then I will brief Albus."

Draco nodded at Severus and then started to run toward Hermione. They finally reached each other and she was crying. "Draco, I'm so happy to see you. I don't know what would I have done if I lost you."

Draco was holding Hermione in his arms and was crying too, "Hermione before I tell you what's happened tonight. I believe that there is one thing that you need to know."

She looked in his eyes and saw what he wanted to say but she let him speak, "I love you. I realised a while ago that you are the most important person in my life and I will do anything to protect you and make you happy."

She hugged him forcefully, "I love you too Draco and we will face everything together."

Severus has heard their words, his eyes glistened with sorrow for the loss of Blaise's life but hope for the future of the wizarding world due to the new couple's love.

The End

AN: I would like to thank everyone that has read and reviewed my story.

I feel very sad at having finished it but I'm satisfied with it. It leaves a lot of open endings, such as what's going to happen to Ginny and whether our Draco and Hermione are going to have a happy life. I could have written more but I somehow think that this is the end I want for it. I'm sorry that I killed Blaise but as in real life I strongly believe that not everything is perfect.

If someone were interested to write a sequel or a side story with Ginny and Tom, please feel free to do so, I would just ask that you let me know.

I want to thank again everyone because of all the support you gave me. I thank all of you who had criticised my story because you helped me to make it better and I think the final chapters are much better than the beginning's ones.

I hope you will read my other stories, How to lose a Malfoy in a week is the next in line to be finished.