Okay, I hope this will be a nice ficcie. I love to torture Kai so I just had to write a torture-Kai fic right? So, what will happen? Just read ^^ let's see, how to start this...

Disclaimer: I think you all realize good enough that I don't own a single character. I only own the story but hey, there's only one person who does own them right? So that makes me happy.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A silent pain


chapter 1: the fall.


The wind was moving the green trees from side to side and blew kai's gray hair in his crimson eyes. He glared at the hotel without blinking one single time. Some leafs were blown inside the room next to his because the window was wide-open. A starless sky layed on the scène below the moon, darkening everything that could bring a little light into the life of Kai hiwatari. Kai was holding a little tree and stood on a rock that was even higher then the hotel. The bladebreakers had chosen to spend the night here. It was peacefull, calm and there were no people to disturb them.

Everone could act normal for once without some people taking pictures of them the entire time. Kai would never admit it but he kind of liked this place. No one would talk to him here and they would leave him alone, even if it was for a little while. He sighed a little and closed his eyes, allowing the wind to take him to the world of his deepest thoughts. No one would understand why he preffered being left alone. People had hurt him his entire life and kai learned that he couldn't trust anyone, the hard way. The bladebreakers seemed nice people, but so did his grandfather when he first met him.

--- flashback---

Some people had put Kai in a car and wanted to bring him somewhere else now that his parents were dead. They were crushed by the machine they were working with in the factory but Kai didn't mind at all. They had never been nice to him anyways, they ignored him and made him look for his own food. The only times they talked to Kai were the times that his father brought some friends to Kai's room...

Kai shivered at the thought and closed his eyes. A few minutes later, he felt the car slow down and he opened his eyes again. He lowered the window and put his head outside. The car drove around some trees and stopped in front of the door of a big mansion. In front of the door stood an old man with gray hair and little eyes. His mouth was smiling at Kai and Kai felt reliefed. He thought that his grandfather named Voltaire was different from his parents and when the car stopped, he jumped out and walked over to the old man immediatly. They walked inside and Voltaire layed a hand on kai's back, pushing him inside the cold house.

That night, Kai screamed louder then he ever screamed before. His grandfather was different then his parents, that was true, he never ignored kai but he did the same things that his father and his friends used to do over and over again, making Kai's blood spill on the wooden floor and turning his white sheets red.

--- end flashback---

Kai shivered at the thought and felt how raindrups started to fall from the sky. No clouds were visible but it began to rain harder and harder, as if the sky cried for Kai because Kai was never able to cry. When he would cry, he would be punished again and harder then ever. He remebered how his grandfather taught him that he could never cry and had to be strong.


The young Kai layed on the floor, in the corner of the torture-room. Some other children were laying with him, as badly bruised as he was, bleeding out of every wound. They looked scared but didn't even spill one tear. Kai couldn't understand how they could hold their tears back and began to cry himself, trying to ease the pain with the sault water. As soon as his grandfather saw the tears, he dragged kai to his room and began to humiliate and torture him. He punched him into a wall, making him feel dizzy for a while, but not stopping the tears. He undressed kai completely and threw him on the bed. Then he took of his pants and layed himself on Kai who layed flat face on the sheets. The weight of his grandfather made him cry harder because his wounds couldn't take the pressure. Voltaire whiped away his taers roughly and yelled at him that he should never cry cause that would make him weak. As punishment, he entered Kai and started to trust forward and backward, tearing Kai's entrance. Kai cried and yelled harder and harder. He was used to it but it never hurt as much as it hurt now. His screams were heared in the hallway, scaring every other child, making them bow their heads with sadness.

--- end flashback---

Kai knew well enough that he should never cry, never again. The memories were clear enough to make him think that allways when he was feeling sad. And they came back every night in his nightmares.

Kai couldn't trust anyone ever again, he just couldn't, and he never would. It would make him weak, allowing the others to strike whenever he wasn't paying attention anymore. Kai only tried to save himself and that caused him to back away from every friendship he could possibly have.

The rain was falling harder and harder and behind Kai was forming a little stream. The water was starting to flow harder and harder, and suddenly, kai lost his grip on the rocks and the tree and fell from the rock.

A lightningbolt flashed in the sky and made kai stand up again. He looked terrible. Some glass had made its way in Kai's arms and the smaller rocks had broken some ribs and had torn his cloaths. Some blood was colouring kai's hair red and a stick had gone completely trough kai's leg, making it stand up straight. Blood was streaming over Kai's entire body but he wouldn't give in, he wouldn't cry and he wouldn't scream for help, never again.

Kai pushed himself up and looked at his leg. He gritted his teeth and pulled the stick out of his leg while closing his eyes. When he did that, he looked at his arms and saw the glass sticking in them. Some little corners were still sticking out and kai used them to pull the glass out. Only one had to stay in because kai only managed to push it in even further. He couldn't do anything against his broken ribs or the wound in his head so he decided to go back to the hotel and take a shower to wash off all the blood, wash the blood out of his hair and clean the many other wounds with water, making them invisible for his teammates.

Kai undressed himself and threw the ripped cloaths in the garbage. He was thankfull that he brought other cloats, actually the same, but those weren't ripped to shreds. Kai stepped inside the shower and made the water stream over his body. It hurt like hell and the wounds started to ache badly. He tried to pull out te piece of glass one last time but failed again. Kai sighed and washed his hair while gritting his teeth. The blood kept coming an Kai realized he couldn't stay in the shower forever so he stepped out, dried himself, put some bandages around his wounds and put on different cloaths. When he did all this, he layed himself in his bed carefully and fell asleep, worried about the long trip he would have to make tomorrow.


Now...that was chapter 1. What do you think?

Please review, the more reviews I get, the faster I update, I promise