
A/N: Ok, fellas this is my first fic with an actual plot. Please note that I´m not a native englishspeaker, so please excuse typos or expressions that are unusual and tell me about them in your reviews, so I can remove the errors. I´ll also use english and american expressions alike, cause I don´t really know the difference, so it may sometimes seem a bit odd. Flame me if you want to, I won´t care anyway. If you like it please review!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I don´t own anyhing but the plot!! Don´t sue me, I have no money to give you and I get none out of this. This is purley for amusment , it´s just one of the many free pleasures in live!!!

Surprise was the expression on Hermione´s face, as she opened the door of her -small but cozy- appartment. For the person standing on the other side of the door was infamous Pansy Parkinson, Queen of Slytherin herself and the next producer of heirs to the equally infamous Malfoy clan. In short she had already fullfilled her greatest dreams by becoming Draco´s fiancee.

Hermione had not thought that she, as a lowly born mudblood with however much magical ability and fame, would ever again enjoy a conversation with one of the most pure blooded (and by her behaviour probably inbred) witches. She noticed her thoughts and immediatly identified them as bitter and fed up with racism and bloodism, life at university had already left traces in Hermione Granger. School had finnished almost two years ago, but Hermione nevertheless was glad she hadn´t met more former members of the Slytherin house at Spellcraft University, not surprising since most of them already were married and had some job at their familie`s companies or in the Ministry. Spellcraft truly was an eliterian university just a few miles out of London, without very good grades or very rich parents there was no chance to attend here.

"What do you want here, Pansy?" voiced Hermione her surprise, while she looked at her ex-schoolmate very closely. Pansy had become exactly what was supposed of her, a sophisticated, snobbish "lady of society". The change came as a surprise, since Hermione had always thought of Pansy as very very ugly and very very dumb, but in truth she had been a child back then, trying to see her enemies as bad as possible. Pansy´s blonde hair was flowing to her shoulders, without any curl or wave, sleek and shiny, while her face bore no sign of visible make up. So she had given up on ridiculous pink lipstick and horrifying green eye shadow up to her eyebrows. She was wearing a very stylish, dark green dress, that reminded Hermione slightly of the more common wizarding robes, though much more fitting and revealing. A bit slutty even, she added as a nasty afterthought.

"Will you let me in? I need to talk to you in private and this" she gestured at the doorway as if it was the most dirty and run down place in the whole wide world, "is not the place for it." How had she managed to get the famous Malfoy drawl in such a short time? Hermione raised an eyebrow ( she had worked hard to get the expression right and it seemed an appropriate answer to her visitors attitude) and then opened the door for the other women with a sigh.

Hermione led her in a small kitchen and motioned her to take a seat at an equally small table. Pansy calmly seated herself, although she looked like wanting to ask if Hermione had ever considered burning the interior of her flat. She searched her small, trendy and of course matching handbag for an unknown object. For an instant Hermione tensed, she hadn´t contemplated Pansy attacking her, but Mrs. Malfoy to be produced cigaretts and the wizard equivalent of a lighter.

"You don´t mind if I smoke, do you?" she asked as she lit a cigarette. Not that anything like smoke could heighten the uglyness of this place, the raised eyebrow seemed to add ( she learned that skill much earlier than Hermione) .

Her hostess just shrugged, her shock was replaced by courisity, and she didn´t want to start an argument with her unusual guest in the very first minute of their encounter.

"May I offer you a drink, Pansy?" remembered Hermione her duty to the "Grand-Dame-to-be-of society". "Oh yes, a glass of Beauxbaton Chardonay would be most comforting." accepted Pansy her offer graciously.

"You seeking comfort in alcohol and cigarettes? What happend to good old mudblood bashing? After all it´s not even midafternoon. And I´m very sorry I don´t have Chardonay. All I can offer you is either a Tequila or a glass of wine." Hermione spontaneously tossed her good intentions aside.

"Then I´ll have a glass of wine, thank you. Oh, and everything loses attraction over time, I´m not an eleven year old anymore. Besides once you hear my story you´ll be surprised I only drink and don´t try the illegal type of potion."

Hermione had already heard of wizarding drugs, some people were doing them on the campus and their effect was as devastating as the one muggle drugs caused. But they were easier to come by, since you only needed to brew them for yourself and the ingredients were mostly legal.

But what had happend to Pansy? Espescially in her new role it didn´t seem appropriate for her to go beyond a mere glass of champane with her guests and a cigarette for the effect.

"What makes you think I´m interested in your story? Do I look like Rita tell-me-the-most-embarrassing-and- secret-details-of-your-sexlife-with-the- Boy-Who-Turned-His-Back-On-The-Dark-Side Skeeter?" Hermione asked hiding her couriosity well behind her oh so cutting sarcasm.

"Wow, Granger, have you developed a backbone over the years? I didn´t think you would give me the rough side of your tongue without The-Boy-Who- Defeated-You-Know-Who-and-Fucked-Every-Witch-This-Side-of-The-Ocean and The- Boy-Who-Made-A-Fortune-As-A-Producer-Of-Quidditch-Merchandise-And-Partner- In-The-Most-Succesful-Jokeproducing-Company-And-Equally-A-Manwhore?"

"You know that neither of your descriptions are exactly insulting? In fact they are rather the opposite."

"I´m well aware of the fact, but thank you for stating the obvious. But I appreciate your effort to make me understand life better very much." replied Pansy nonchalantly. "But do you really think me so rude to offend my gracious hostess for no apparent reason?"

"Well you actually doubted the existence of my backbone and called one of my best friends a manwhore, but I will ignore your lack of manners for now." "Listen, I´m in no mood for verbal exchanges or sarcasm that does not touch me in any way that would hurt, so spare me the torture of staying longer in this horrible little cave you call flat"

Hermione´s face darkened as she heard the words and she was considering several hexes, that would make Pansy look like she had remarkable resemblance to a pug as Pansy spoke on:

"I´m here because I need your help"

A/N: What do you think? Review please!