Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot on this fanfic and a couple or more characters you certainly won't find in either animes so when I say anything I mean anything! Heck, I don't even own this computer! I'm just renting it until I get my own. So please bear with me if my updates are slow? ^___^;;;

Spoilers: You'll know 'em when you see 'em! ^o^v!!!

Author's Note: Enjoy!!! ^__~*



Takatori Reiji shook with rage as he stared at the man before him. The man himself was shaking at the look of pure, unfettered rage in the older man's eyes.

"It's true, Takatori-sama! Some reporter has seen you in that human cockpit game and took pictures. My information told me that, at first, he thought it was just a social engagement, but he caught everything and is now going to expose you!" the man said, sweat beading down on his back soaking his blue suit's armpits.

Takatori clenched his fists and was seriously thinking of shooting the guy where he stood.

As though reading his mind, a handsome man younger than himself approached him, the fading sunlight from the large, ornately decorated window glinting off his glasses making his eyes invisible to anyone else.

"If what he is saying is true then you don't need another reason to pull in the negative side of the press on yourself especially not with election already nearing."

Bit by bit, the politician gained back sanity, at least on the outside. He stared icily at the man who was practically shaking on his knees and drowning in his own sweat. "You may leave now."

The man bowed low. "Hai, Takatori-sama."

As soon as the man was outside, Takatori faced his top bodyguards and assassins. They all stared back without any concern on their faces.

"Well? Do you have any idea who this reporter is?" he asked.

A tall man with unruly orange hair smiled smugly as he placed one of his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I saw his face in your lackey's mind. It'll be easy to find him."

The man with the glasses calmly spoke. "We will keep it as quiet as possible, Mr. Takatori."

The old man nodded. Pleased. "You do that, Crawford. And you do it quickly! I don't care what method you use but bring me back those pictures!"

Crawford adjusted his glasses a bit, his voice still soft. "Hai."