Light in the Shadows

By: xxlostdreamerxz

Disclaimer: No, I do not own HP.

' more...' whimpered a soft child-like voice in his mind. 'daddy is sad...miss him...' The innocent voice slowly began surround Harry's sprit, and infuse its energy upon him. 'can't stay...weak...pain...' the voice sniffled softly. '...protect you...' A soft gentle glow began surrounding Harry's soul, as a few bright sparks flew off of him. All the while Harry's mind was completely focused upon the timid voice, it was so didn't deserve it's fate in death. After everything that's happened in his short life, Harry felt pretty weak and worthless; however, now was his chance to help prevent another from suffering a similar fate... Harry tried to reach out towards the ghost-like version of himself and surrender his own energy. He was already dead...his power no longer mattered to him. However, this younger version of himself needed it...

'Stop...' cried the voice desperately, 'keep the energy...too weak...can't survive...' Harry blinked in shock when he realized that his power flow had suddenly been blocked, and the child's life energy was flowing into him. Just like blood from an open wound. Unknown to him, the aura of light around him was glowing more prominently by the second. 'No...he can't and wouldn't allow another to die for him! Sirus, Remus, Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and his parents were all more then as dust in the wind, a lost memory... They had all died, in order to ensure his survival...just to protect him. No, he absolutely refused to destroy another life!' he thought frantically, as he tried with all his might to prevent any more energy from entering his now flickering form.

Much to his distaste, Harry soon realized that as a sprit he didn't possess enough power to prevent the power flow of a newly defunct soul. He watched with mounting horror as the child released the last of it's energy, however right at that moment the child turned towards Harry and green met green. '...take care of him...' whispered the child, before the darkness swallowed him completely. If he was in the corporal world at the moment, Harry would have probably fallen into depression or at least broken a few objects at the very least. However, that was not to happen, for in the sprit world such mundane things did not exist. Therefore, Harry was only allowed to curse the universe at large for afflicting such pain upon them...

Harry mentally shook his head, something was slightly off. Dead people don't suddenly start to experience pain...much less start to see. The sprit realm was completely dark, for color was reserved for the living... Suddenly the world tipped over, Harry experienced a sense of falling. It was almost as if someone had pushed him off a cross that...make that a mountain, and now he was descending at a slightly too fast for his taste. It felt like a century had passed, before he crashed painfully against something solid...something a bit too warm for his comfort.


This was something that he hadn't experienced since he'd discovered his father's true identity. That of being Severus Snape. However, with everything going on in his world, he wasn't allowed to change his last name. For it was his very name that brought hope to the wizarding world, it would not do should they discover that he, Harry Potter, was actually the son of an ex-Death Eater. They had played the game well, Dumbledore, his father's, and Remus's plan had actually worked to some degree. That is, until the eve of the final battle when everyone he'd every cared about was slain...and when Voldemort finally discovered the truth of Harry's well as Severus's spying duties for the light. To put it simply, the Dark Lord was not at all pleased. The boy mentally shook off his thoughts, as he futilely tried to push away any memories of his past. A soft cry escaped his lips, as he fought desperately to stay awake alerting the two visitors of his unusual awakening...

For nearly the past hour of so, Severus Snape had been staring desperately at his son...praying that this was all but a nightmare, and that his son would wake up. But he knew that it wouldn't happen, dreams were for fools...however, no matter what, he just couldn't help but try. It was his child lying there, dead as a doornail...and it was all his fault. Had he not foolishly left Harry there with Remus, believing that he would be safe...none of this might have happened. Guilt and pain squeezed at his normally cold heart, as he struggled to accept the terms. His child...was dead...a loving carefree child... Sweet Merlin, he should have been the one to die! Not Harry! But no, that's the way the universe functioned. The only person he'd ever cared about just had to be the one to carry his the sins of his past...

A soft cry jerked him out of his trance. 'It couldn't be...' he thought softly, as he quickly tried to burry the thought. Hope was made him believe to trust...and no matter what, he knew deep in his heart that this once, nothing would turn out right. And yet...he felt something warm move slightly in his arms. Almost moving in slow motion, Severus looked down at the bundle that held his son...emerald green eyes met jet black ones...fiercely intelligent and loyal green eyes flared up at him before it closed slowly. The child yawned lightly, before it snuggled closer towards Severus and fell asleep.

"Albus...?" he asked inquisitively, as he wrapped his arms protectively around his son. Almost as if he was afraid that someone might snatch the boy away. "How..."

The headmaster shook his head slowly, as he moved closer towards the dark-haired pair. Although the man looked far from nervous, his hands trembled slightly as he reached out to claim the boy's magical file. It was this very sheet of paper that would determine whether or not an intruder had possessed Harry. Magically signatures were impossible to duplicate, in the magical world, they were used just like fingerprints were used in the Muggle word to determine one's identity.

NAME: Harold Kelnos Snape

Age: six years old

Parents: Severus Snape and Lily Evens

Blood Type: O

Signature: A onyx dragon with a green lightning bolt. (Don't kill me, I seriously have no idea what magical signatures look like)

Signature Confirmation: Exact

Original Magical Aura: Dark Crimson (High Lord)

Changed Magical Aura: Metallic Blue (Supreme Lord)

Albus dropped the paper in shock. 'It was Impossible! Should the accounts be true, Harry Snape had the potential to become even stronger then himself! Maybe that was the reason why Voldemort had been so determined to destroy the boy. Very interesting indeed,' he mused in a curious fashion. Although the magical signature was practically the same, the only difference lay in the green lightning bolt that was present upon the dragon. Previously, the lightning bolt was a crimson red color... The headmaster's eyes narrowed with suspicion. It was unheard of for a sprit to return to the land of the living, much less in the exact same body. Most deadened sprits would most likely disappear the second they exhaust their magical energy, therefore making it nearly impossible for one of them to return to the living world. Since such a jump requires an extreme amount of energy, and most sprits would burn out before reaching their destination. Only sprits with enough raw power can manage to survive, his eyes strayed off towards the unconscious boy lying protectively in Severus's arms.

He could only pray that it had been Harry that made the transgression across the realms, for if it was anyone else... Dumbledore sighed softly as be plopped a lemon drop into his mouth. Like usual, the candy was sour and bitter however inside it was sweet and delicious. was very much like a person, a sour mask could hide and protect someone's true soul. Just like how a body can be used to hide the true sprit within. For now, he would monitor the boy...gauge his personality and alliances. Until the fated day would come, he shall try to foster the boy's trust...

"How did this happen?" repeated Severus, his voice had returned to it's usually biting tone. However, it did not possess it's usual anger or was just...slightly annoyed. He looked down once again at the child snuggled peacefully against his chest. "I...thought he was dead..." he added in a slightly shaky voice.

Dumbledore shook his head slowly. "Yes, he was dead Severus..." he said solemnly, his eyes devoid of it's usual twinkle. "I don't understand how he managed to return to us though. For there is no spell to reawaken the dead..." The headmaster stared deeply into Severus's pleading ebony ones and hesitated. He knew how much Severus had loved Harry, it would be too cruel to destroy the man's only hope. However, it would also be dangerous for their cranky potion master to not be aware of his son's current 'status'.

The man made a decision at that moment, whatever should happen in the future...he could not deprive one of their only hope. No matter how small and insignificant it seemed to be. In addition, there would be the hell to pay should Severus discover that another soul possessed his son's body. A thin smile graced his lips at that thought, should that happen, the sprit would regret ever coming here in the first place. But, then there was the chance that Harry's sprit had truly returned into it's rightful body. Did he have the right to destroy two lives just because he 'suspected' that it wasn't Harry? The headmaster shook his head slowly. No...he had no right. He was going to let Nature take it's course, and welcome whatever may come in the future. With hope, the young child of power shall pick the right path...the path of the Light...

"But..." he said slowly, very well aware that Severus's eyes were fixed unwavering on his. "The point is that Harry's alive, it would not do to live in the past regretting everything that's happened to him so far." The headmaster plopped another lemon drop into his mouth before continuing, "Severus, you said earlier today, that you wanted a second chance in Harry's life. Correct?" he asked calmly, waiting patiently for a nod of confirmation from his co-worker. After a moment of hesitation, Snape nodded stiffly although his pale cheeks were slightly flushed at the memory of him breaking down. "Now something out there heard your prayer, and granted it. I trust that you won't allow this miracle to go to waste..." stated Dumbledore gently. "Take care of him...just like you've wanted to..."

Snape nodded, his throat was too constricted for him to do anything otherwise. Today had truly been probably one of the most emotional day he'd ever been through. His son had been killed, and then miraculously brought back alive. The man chuckled softly under his breath, ignoring the surprised look that glanced the headmaster's face. 'Nothing ever going to be dull when you're around...' he concluded mentally, as he stared down at the sleeping form that was his child. Unfortunately, Snape had no idea how close he came to the truth...

Albus placed a comforting hand on Severus's shoulder before announcing brightly, "Take care Severus, I have to attend to the Ministry." His bright blue eyes dancing with carefully hidden mirth, causing Snape's lips to curl into a twisted smile. "I dare say that you'll be alright?" he asked cautiously, studying the man for the first time tonight. Severus's eyes had dark bags beneath them, probably due to the lack of sleep. In addition, the man's usual sallow skin was pale...almost translucent. However, the dark man's depressed expression and demeanor had dissipated the moment his son had woken up.

Severus did the one thing that came naturally to him when he was feeling stressed, or tired. Which at the moment was a combination of both, he sneered lightly and replied with a slightly sarcastic tone. "Of course, Albus. I'm feeling just chirpy at the moment." However, the potion master's dark expression stated the opposite.

Thankful that Severus had returned to his usual biting self, the headmaster bid goodbye and walked away. Leaving the two occupants in the room alone...

Snape wrapped his arms tighter around Harry, and strolled over to the fireplace. A strand of the boy's silky hair blew around his face, causing the cold-hearted potion professor to stare down fondly. "I won't fail you this time, Harry," whispered Severus softly to himself. "I'll try to be the best father to you..." The man with unaccustomed gentleness, lightly pushed the strand away from his son's face. "I swear it..."

At that, Severus Snape grabbed a pitch of floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. The last thing that could be heard was a silky voice shouting... "SNAPE MANOR!" before the dark pair disappeared.
