Some things about 'Engaged': it's shounen-ai, meaning it's boy/boy. It's set in Ancient Egypt and is very AU. Mahado doesn't die, Akunadin doesn't go evil, and Pharaoh doesn't disappear. And I'm using the name 'High Priest Kaiba' because it sounds cooler than 'High Priest Seth'. And, everyone knows they're related to each other. So, Akunadin is Seto's father (Seto, I am your faajaah) and Yami's uncle, making Seto and Yami cousins.

[Warnings]: Once again! This is a Seto/Yami fic. That means shounen-ai (boy/boy lovin')!

[Disclaimer]: I OWN YU-GI-OH!! *gets sued* damn it….

No, I don't own yugioh; it belongs to Kazuki Takahashi, Konami, and all those other godly people.

The Kirby dance [(^_^) ( ^_^ ) (^_^)] means some kind of setting/time change

Engaged: Chapter 01

"...what did you say?"

Pharaoh Yami sat at his chair in the throne room, wide-eyed and in a state of complete shock. His six high priests stood around his in a tight semicircle, all staring at him with a determined look in their eyes. Well, all but one. High Priest Seto Kaiba of the Millennium Rod was staring at the floor with a deadly glare.

Mahado steeped forward and placed his hands on the chair's arms, effectively trapping the pharaoh. "It is time for you to provide Egypt with a crown prince."

"..." Yami was speechless (wouldn't you be too?), but his mind was on overdrive. And with his Millennium Eye, High Priest Akunadin saw all of the young king's concerns.

"My Pharaoh, let me address all of your concerns and answer all of your questions. One, we will not force you to marry some one you hate; two, yes you have to marry; three, yes you have to marry a girl..." Yami blushed, Seto choked, Mahado blinked, Ishizu looked confused, and Akunadin continued his rambling. "...four, a girl is already on her way; and five, you cannot marry him."

Yami's head snapped up, his face stained with a blush matching his scarlet eyes. He cast a furtive glance at Kaiba, whose head was tilted toward the floor, his sapphire eyes covered by his bangs. 'I need to stop thinking about him...'

"Yes, you do."

'...especially around Akunadin...'

"Oh, my little nephew. Your thought are simply too tempting to ignore." Akunadin smirked. "Especially when they concern my own s--"

Yami suddenly stood up, causing Mahado to back away from the pharaoh in surprise and effectively silencing the eldest of the High Priests. He briskly walked to the throne room's entrance. "I will be in my chambers for the rest of the day." He turned and glared at his six priests. "And I will not be disturbed."

With that, the pharaoh was gone.

[(^_^) ( ^_^ ) (^_^)]

"Let. Us. In." Mahado was fuming. For the past three hours he had been trying to enter the Royal Chambers so he, along with Ishizu, Akunadin, and Kaiba, could convince the pharaoh that marriage would not be as bad as it seemed. But the two guards in front of Yami's room were a problem.

"No entry allowed."


"No entry allowed."

"Mahado, you're pathetic. Move." Kaiba pushed the blond to the side and glared his iciest glare at the two guards. And yet, still

"No entry allowed."

"And you're calling me pathetic? You can't get everything by glaring at it, Kaiba. You should know that by now, seeing that Yami isn't with you yet."

"Care to say repeat that...outside?" Kaiba spun around and fixed his glare on his fellow High Priest. Both priests stood tall, their faces mere inches apart, eyes narrowed, and millennium items glowing.

"Both of you, STOP IT!!" Ishizu stood between the two boys, glaring a glare that put Kaiba to shame. "Kaiba, put that Millennium Rod to good use and use it on those guards."

With a swirl of purple and white robes, Kaiba turned and face the two totally freaked out guards. He slowly lifted his right arm and brought the millennium rod to the guards' eye-level. With a sudden flash of gold, the glassy-eyes- guards stepped away from the chamber door and ran, full-speed ahead, into a giant pillar.

Mahado quickly stepped past Kaiba and into the royal chamber. "You didn't have to knock them out."

Kaiba just glared at the back of Mahado's head and followed him in, trailed by his father and Ishizu. All four of the high priests stopped in their tracks, gazing awestruck at the pharaoh.

He was standing in the center of the room was Yami. He glowered at the four intruding priests with his flashing ruby eyes. His robes fluttered around him in a non-existent breeze. "I was not to be disturbed."

"Excuse us, Pharaoh." Mahado bowed down on one knee.

"Where are my guards?"

"They are lying on the floor outside, my pharaoh." Ishizu spoke quietly.

"You knocked them out..."

Set smirked. "No, I had them run into a pillar and knock themselves out."

Yami was not as amused. "Get out. All of you."

Mahado was shocked at Yami's uncharacteristic anger. "But Pharaoh--"



Everyone spun toward the speaker and saw an equally angry Seto Kaiba stalk toward the young Pharaoh. Kaiba grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted him a few inches off the ground so they would be on eye level. He growled in a dangerously even voice, "we are not going anywhere until you hear us out."

The pharaoh glared back, but listened quietly.

"You have to think of Egypt's future now." Kaiba placed Yami back onto the ground, and rested his forehead on the pharaoh's. He gazed into Yami's fiery crimson eyes with his own icy cobalt ones. "She needs a pharaoh to follow you."

"I will not marry a woman whom I do not love."

Mahado pushed Kaiba off the pharaoh and stood in front of the young king. "We already have a young woman that Shadi and Karimu and bringing here now. If you do not learn to love her, she will leave and we shall resume our search."

Right on cue, Shadi and Karimu entered the royal chambers, followed by young woman. Her tall, slender body was covered in robes the lightest shade of pink, and her sparkling sapphire eyes were framed by locks of brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She raised her head and smiled at the Pharaoh.

It was Anzu.

Well, there's chapter 01 of my crappy fic. I thought of the plot while practicing for my violin technique test…*shakes head* total random crap…AND IT IS SETO/YAMI!! They just need some more problems in their lives…

I know that Seto Kaiba is called Seth in Egypt, but I think 'High Priest Kaiba' sounds better. So I'm using that. Plus, I don't want to call Yami 'Atem(u)' either. It feels weird.

Would anyone care to inform me of Anzu's part in Ancient Egypt? I heard she was a healer somewhere, and I also heard she was an entertainer…

Lastly, if anyone has Seto/Yami pics: I NEED SETO/YAMI LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE

==Soraki over and out.