Fandom: Slam Dunk

Summary: When love blooms at the expense of a despairing heart, how can one side of the triangle bear the agony of defeat on a fine Christmas Eve?

Title: Sonata On Ice

Author: Hana Rui

Genre: Drama

Pairing: Kaede Rukawa x Ayako [RuAya] / Youhei Mito Haruko Akagi [YoHaru]

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."

Semisonic, Closing Time


There is another guy.

I just heard Captain say so a while ago. And I couldnt help but pity him, the poor chap. He's been fawning all over her like some desperate Casanova, tirelessly, devotedly and sometimes even stupidly doing all he could just to please her, and this is what he gets.

She rejects him because of another guy.

Well, I guess that's life. You can never expect to have everything you ask for.

Especially when it's the only thing you ever really ask for.

It sucks like hell, but yeah that's the truth.

You shouldn't expect God to be consistently generous. What with a million other desperate creeps eagerly demanding for his attention. He's a rather busy guy, see. And he can't possibly make everybody lucky. At least, not all at the same time.

Here I am now, shuffling down the snowy streets of Kanagawa, shoving pass the routing teem of excitement brought about by the Christmas rush. And am I feeling lucky? Not quite.

Unless you consider a bunch of annoyingly stupid shineitai shrieking, quivering, and even fainting at the mere sight of your towering presence among the crowd lucky.

"Rukawa-sama!" so went another shriek. That girl standing by the lamppost looked like she's having a seizure. She eventually furled to her knees and made a bigger spectacle of herself by executing a graceful nosedive on the snow.


Why am I putting myself through this much torture anyway? I should be home right now, nestled safely in the comfort of my room. No noisy crowds, no blinding lights and best of all, no despondent psychos resolutely fawning for my attention.


Train of thoughts wretchedly derailed, I turned my eyes to the source of that cheerful call and caught sight of the answer to my unvoiced question bounding up to me, her face decked with a lovely smile that could make even the adamant folks of Rushmore blush.

A slab of marble like me is no exception, of course.

After all, there is indeed another guy.

And that other guy is-
