Seto huffed and puffed, his temper was rising faster by the minute. He threw the bags at the footman and took his seat on the private jet. He crossed both arms around his chest in high fury; he stared at Anzu out of the corner of his eye. 'What's wrong with that crazy woman!? Not only did she make me stop the car for the spoiled brats, she shoved that greasy crap in my mouth.' Seto stuck out his tongue in disgust, 'I can't believe this!'
Anzu got the kids in their seats, all buckled up and ready. "This is turning out easier then I thought," she chirped happily. She scanned the small jet for her seat. There it was, right next to Mr. high and mighty. "Oh, great." She dreaded her fate with every small step she took. 'What am I doing? Well, mother always said women were superior to their husbands. I'm going to march over there and give it to him good.' Anzu marched over to Seto and opened her mouth to scold him for his bad mood.
But before she could say one word, Seto grabbed her arm. "Don't!" He shoved her into her seat. "Don't you dare say another word. I don't know what's up with you lately but I can't stand you right now. So don't do anything more to piss me off for the rest of the week!" Seto quickly looked away and off into space.
For the next three hours, Anzu stared out the window. 'I wonder if my marriage was going to hell before I came here?' Anzu sighed and decided to apologize to Seto. "Um, Seto?" He was lightly snoring. She sighed, "Sleep sounds good right now, too."
All five Kaiba's were sound asleep for the next few hours. When Anzu finally awoke, she found that she was drooling and on a nice blue cotton shirt. Seto was calmly flipping through a magazine, "You hungry?" he asked.
Anzu wiped the drool off the corners of her mouth, "A bit."
Seto signaled to a woman, "Miss, another tray." Not even ten seconds passed before Anzu got a hot steaming plate of royal looking food.
"Is this lobster?" she whispered to Seto, "with caviar?"
Seto looked over his magazine and poked at her food. "Why? What's wrong with it? Do you need another one?"
"No!" she added quickly, "I was just wondering. It's not too often I get lobster and caviar, not the expensive stuff anyway."
Seto gave her a confused look. "We go to La Dora's Sea all the time and you get lobster and caviar."
La Dora's? Anzu knocked her head. La Dora's was the most expensive restaurant on the planet. She had only dreamed about going there. But now she was married to Seto Kaiba, nothing was expensive to him.
"Uh, blond moment?"
Seto shrugged his shoulders and started flipping through his magazine again. "There's just one more hour left until we land."
Anzu sighed. One more hour? That seemed an eternity! She looked down at her bag and found her diaries. 'That would pass an hour. I'll read after lunch.' She was done quickly, especially as Seto ate everything she had discarded. She flipped to the middle of the book.
"Poor Mokuba, he was never picked to play baseball. I heard one kid yell that he was a rich snob and they didn't want him to play because of it. I saw a tear in little Mokuba's eyes but Kaiba is such a good brother! He went and played catch with him. I saw him laugh and actually smile for once in his life. He seemed so peaceful with Mokuba, but of course, Jounouchi had to come over and piss Kaiba off. I don't think I'll forget this day, the day Kaiba seemed human."
'His relationship with Mokuba will never change.' Anzu smiled and looked over at Seto, who looked like he was furious with what he was reading.
"I MIGHT GET ACCEPTED INTO A DANCE LEAGUE!! They want me to audition for a spot. Yippy! And what a perfect person to share my happiness, Mokuba Kaiba! He insisted that I practice before the audition which is in one week and I get to practice in the Kaiba mansion with a personal trainer. For one week! I'm moving into the Kaiba's home for a week! I hope my trainer's cute and a boy, of course!"
Anzu perked with interest.
"His name is Ian! And is he gorgeous?! He's going to be teaching me all different kinds of dance steps. But I found something interesting out as well, the Kaiba boys had to take dancing at one point and time in their lives. And when I was dancing with Ian, Kaiba almost looked jealous, and then it happened, I had to dance with Seto. He's a good dancer. He doesn't have clumsy feet, like I would have thought. That's when he said it – he actually apologized for saying I had no boobs, then he added they were too big for my own good and made me look fat! The nerve! Now I'm ugly, untalented, and fat!"
Anzu's eyes widened. Not only couldn't she see Seto as a dancer, but he called her fat. How the hell did she end up with this boy?
"He did it again; he apologized for calling me fat. And now he said my boob size was just right and that it didn't make me look fat. I swear this boy has breasts on his mind at all times! Typical guy!"
Anzu laughed, she had heard that before.
"5 minutes until landing."
Anzu flipped one more page. "One more entry."
"I don't know how, but it happened. I fell way too deep, in over my head. I fell for the C.E.O of Kaiba Corp, Seto Kaiba himself. I don't know how, but I did. This day has been getting funnier and funnier and now it has to end. Seto said the kindest and greatest words I've ever heard. They were so beautiful that I can't write them down, afraid they will get smudged with hideousness. But they will always be engraved in my head. And so will the event that took place afterwards, I actually ran, not walked, ran up and kissed him. What a kisser! I think I even heard Mokuba snickering in the background but I was too entranced with the kiss to really notice. AND TO TOP OFF MY WONDERFUL DAY, I WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE DANCE LEAGUE! What a day!"
'Sounds like a big day. I wonder when it will happen, since I'm so dumb I didn't put dates on the top of the entries' Anzu sighed and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, pencil marks started forming and dates appeared. 'That's convenient! Guess this proves I am in the future, for sure! Summertime. This is all going to take place this summer? Weird. Everyone leaves me alone with Seto Kaiba for the summer and I fall in love with him.'
"Now arriving, United States, California, San Francisco," the captain announced.
'This isn't New York.' Anzu turned and heard Tommy and Mokie cheer, and Seto threw the magazine he was still reading in frustration.
In the airport, it was mobbed. Anzu had placed a sleeping Seta in a stroller and was trying to keep up with Seto who was following a doorman. Tommy stayed behind with Anzu while Mokie was being carried by Seto. "Tommy, where are we going?"
Tommy patted his mother's hand. "We're going to the ship which will take us to all kinds of Disney fun. Don't worry, mom. I'll make sure you don't get lost, we do this every year."
Anzu smiled at Tommy's maturity but when she looked up neither Seto nor the doorman was in sight, "Too late, were already lost." Tommy butted in between Anzu and the stroller, taking control. Nasty comments were thrown at the small boy as he bumped into everybody in his way. Soon they broke through the furious crowd and there stood Seto patiently waiting with a limo.
"See, we're not lost!" Tommy smiled.
Soon Anzu had formed another headache. So much for Tommy's maturity! Once they were in the limo, he and Mokie started fighting like a cat and dog. Their yells woke up Seta and he started to cry over the other loud noises. Seto scooted closer to Anzu, rubbed his hand up her leg, and whispered in her ear, "Soon it'll be just us, and all the kids will be in daycare and fun activities."
Anzu turned her head and whispered back, "How much fun can two adults have on a Disney cruise?"
Seto chuckled, "Who said we have to go outside for the Disney activities to be fun?" He smirked.
"Unbelievable!" Anzu rolled her eyes and looked over at Seto, "You are so transfixed on sex all the time, it's unbelievable. Stop it!" She smacked him in the back of the head only to get more chuckles out of him. 'He truly is a piece of work,' she sighed. 'He jokes around like nothing's happened over the past day, as if we never fought this morning. I'm glad he's back to 'normal.' I like him this way, even if sex is the number one thing on his mind. I'll just keep in mind not to get on his bad side for the rest of my stay. However long that is?'
Anzu stared out the window at the beautiful scenery passing by. It was breathtaking. Nothing could ruin it, not even Seto. It was almost heaven. She shut her eyes trying to absorb everything. The limo started slowing down and when Anzu opened her eyes, there was the biggest ship she had ever seen. Seto looked out the window, "Kind of small this year, huh?"
'I swear you can't take this man anywhere without him complaining!' "It's the perfect size."
It took an hour before they were actually on the ship. It would have taken at least three times that long if they had to actually wait in line, but no, her husband was Seto Kaiba, who was very convenient at times like these. 'Wow, I'm going to have to get used to that!'
They were escorted to their room which was almost three times bigger then her mother and father's house. 'I'm going to have to get used to all of this.'
Tommy and Mokie ran to pick out their rooms for the week. Seto dropped his keys on the kitchen table. "Come on, let's claim our room before it's destroyed."
Anzu started laughing when they got to their room. The three kids had already tried to claim their bed by jumping on it. It seemed like a lot of fun 'The kid part of me is kicking in!' she laughed. Anzu didn't hold back as she ran up and jumped onto the bed as Seta flew up into the air with her.
Seto started laughing from the sidelines, "I always get left out of all the fun, don't I?"
"Come join us, daddy!" Mokie said between breaths.
Seto's grin widened as he jumped on the bed and tackled everybody like bowling pins. The fun kept going on and on until the kids were exhausted and the parents decided they should take a nap before the ship took sail.
Seto and Anzu lay in the bed for about ten minutes without saying anything. Then Seto said, "I'm glad you're back."
"Huh?" Anzu cocked her head to look at him.
"Back to your old self, I mean. You didn't seem right yesterday or most of today. I'm glad you're back."
What could Anzu say? "I'm glad I'm back, too!" Was this normal for her, to be goofy? To be a playful character along with the family?
Seto smiled and twisted his head to kiss her on the lips. It was a small kiss, just a peck on the lips. Then, he got up and walked to the bathroom, taking off his pants on the way.
Anzu quickly looked away, blushing. This was going to be one hell of a week.
YEA! An update!! I'm sorry guys. LoL, so now, who wants to kick my ass?
My computer did break down quite a few times. Then my sister and her boyfriend were in the hospital. Plus I've been very busy with sporting events. And to top it all would NOT let me login.
Sailor Tiamat: Just keep reading her diaries.
Weeping Willow: Wow! Long time! Never got your e-mail though, and sadly my dad is killing me with all these changes. SO! my e-mail, is not going to change. You can e-mail me anytime there, anyone can.
Wee! I finally got my website up!!! It's called broken wings. and the url address is some pictures of Anzu and Seto there. You guys cansee how much I've improved! From'A happy Family' to'A surprized Embrace' It's my first website, so go easy on me!!
So I will try NEVER to hold out on you guys like that AGAIN. I really would like to finish 'When and Where' so I can finish 'The Vampire King'. Then I'll be story free, which won't last too long. So expect a finish on this soon, I'm thinking 3 or 4 more chapters. And I'm off from school…so maybe you guys will get lucky!
Please Review! And Thanks for the great comments, they keep me alive.