The Orochi's Revival

Disclaimer: This Story is purely for the enjoyment of readers and is purely fictional! I don't own anything of these series. So don't sue me! I am just a poor little kid without any money! This is a rewrite of the first chapter. It also has a new Title. I want to shower my eternal gratitude at the people who created King of Fighters and to Ms. Rumiko Takahashi. The story is set after the Phoenix Mountain incident and the failed wedding attempt. Ranma is about 18 at this time. His mother still doesn't know about the curse of her husband and son. There might be some Lemon/Limish content in this fic but it will be kept at a minimum. If the Characters seem OOC remember that I don't know much about the series and please submit me some info about all the people of King of Fighters especially about the female fighters and Orochi. As for the Orochi episode: It happened and that is why Orochi comes to him. Anyone who likes Crossovers is welcome to send me a review. All characters that will appear are all from the 98 series as that is as far as I know but I am willing to add some of the newer series to it. Just send me a review. As for the inspiration for the fic. I would have to thank Ayanami Rei II and the rest of you people who let me read all those wonderful fics.

A Ranma1/2 / King Of Fighters Crossover

Chapter 1: The Return of Orochi


*Tendo compound*

Ranma was frightened. He wouldn't admit it but he was. He was that way because there was something before him that he would never face. He wouldn't even say a word out of fear of IT. Akane's cooking. It still loked like it came alive and then was killed off. He shivered involuntarily.

"Eat it! I made it especially for you Ranma."

"Why don't you taste it yourself? You Kawaikune Otemba!!" Was what Akane heard but what really was said was: "Akane did you do something with your hair? And would you try it first?"

But she already had whipped out her Mallet and began to prepare for a strike which will send him over Nerima again. She then shouted her battlecry and hit him into the air


*Tendo compound*

She was fuming in anger because he insulted her and her cooking in one sentence. She knew she wasn't the best of cooks but she made sure this time that it was dead. And then she decided that she would go and deliver some rightful feminine justice.

(Author's comment: Yeah right, Like she could actually be feminine. She is just a blind queen of lesbians and into bestiality.)

*Above Nerima*

And there Ranma was once again flying throughout the stratosphere due to Akane's Mallet-Sama. He just landed in a drainage ditch and sat there for a few minutes. After getting on the street again he was thinking about what happened.

*Ranma's Thoughts*

"Just my luck. Why doesn't she eat her own cooking and die of it. I just complimented her on her hair and she begins to scream about her cooking always picking a fight. By the way, I haven't seen Kuno, Mousse and Ryoga today. I wonder what they are up to."

He then walked until he came to a familiar area, and noticed that he was walking towards Dr. Tofu's Clinic.

"I just might check out the doc if he might know something about why she doesn't eat her own cooking."

Then he heard somebody approach him as he walked to the clinic. The person then looked at him and screamed his usual battlecry.


As Ryoga attacked he swung with his large umbrella and after he lost the Umbrella he began to hit with his fists.

As he ducked under the strikes he gave a vicious spin kick against the lost boys head which throwed him into a wall. Ryoga then stood up.


The ground exploded where he jammed his finger in the ground and there was a rumbling to be heard and there were some debris flying through the air towards Ranma all jagged and able to cut through steel.

The debris that flew through the air hit nothing except air.

"As it seems that I cannot beat you on my own I have enlisted the help of you enemy's to help me squash you and make your life hell!"

*Kuno shows up with a katana in his hands and a maniacal gleam in his eyes*

"For the freedom of the Pigtailed Girl and the beauteous Akane Tendo you must be defeated, Scoundrel of the Saotome Clan. Have at thee!"

The katana swipes through the space Ranma just occupied and cut open a trashcan. As he prepares to strike another time a cry can be heard.


*Mousse shows up and first attacks the trashcan and then Ranma with his usual chain combination*

Then the near-blind boy launched a barrage of chains with swords attached to them and hit Ranma with one in the chest.

Then Akane arrived and began to whip out her mallet and proceeded to give him a beating.

"Why are you doing this to me!!"

"Because we all hate you Ranma Saotome!!" They said and began to quarrel over the place of the one who should kill Ranma. Finally Akane decided that she should kill him and began to prepare Mallet-Sama for her biggest strike with all her Gorrilla-like strength as only a scorned lesbian can do.

Akane then hit him over and over with her Mallet.

Then Ranma began to think about it al while he was being hit with the Mallet. "Why should I let them beat on me? Why should I let myself be hit by her Mallet and their fists and weapons. I defeated a Phoenix God and Orochi so I should be the more powerful one."

Then Akane stopped and said to Mousse, Kuno and Ryoga: "You can kill him if you like. He deserves it anyways. He is always cheating on me with his whores. The Perverted Baka."

As he was being kicked and hit by blades, fists and an umbrella Ranma felt something in him stirring. He felt anger building inside of him. He looked up to see some compassion on the faces of his attackers but found only hate and anger.

*Inside Ranma's head*

He began to feel a Presence inside his head. It was a man with a compass-like tattoo or drawing on his chest. The man had white hair and a powerful aura and was wearing a white pair of pants. As he looked closer he saw that the man was covered with bruises and burn marks. Then the man talked to him.

"Would you merge with me to restore my live in this world and to create order in your Chaotical life?"

"Why would you offer me your aid?"

"Because you have a right and just heart and are not afraid to use much power without responsibility as you have proven to me the last time we met."

"Why me and not anyone else?"

"Because when I saw you the last time you were using your power to save the young girl who is a queen of lesbians and who tried to cure a friend."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Orochi. What's Yours?"

"My name is Ranma. What kind of powers would I receive?"

"The Power over Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning and some others. But I'll just limit you to the power over the Orochi Fire and the Power of Water. You cannot cure your curse without my help but when we merge you will never be cursed again just because I am a Fallen Demon God and my power still is very strong on this world although I was killed a few years ago. But I'll give you some of the other powers later if you can handle them at that time."

"Wow cool. I'll merge with you on one condition"

"What is the condition?"

"Could you tell me what merging is?"

"A big sweat drop appeared on Orochi's head and continued to grow. He was just thinking about the question when it hit him: the man who trained Ranma was an idiot and would need to be punished severely for having made Ranma stupid."

"We would mold in a different person with the traits of both and You would become the main personality as I would be in the back of your head giving you some advice or tutoring you on school or moves."

"Okay then I don't like the school bit but moves looks okay so lets do it."

Outside of Ranma's head the Rivals were still beating on his body and trying to cave his head in. Then a few people were running towards them screaming something about leaving the boy alone. Their group consisted of: A priestess and a man in black clothes. From the other side two women one with blonde hair and one with reddish hair came running towards the Nerima Wrecking Crew.

The blonde woman said towards her redheaded companion:

"I think that Orochi must be somewhere in this part of Tokyo because I felt his aura in this area and..."

She then spots the Nerima Wrecking Crew beating Ranma up and begins to run towards them with the intention to stop them from beating him up and maybe gain a new love interest in the boy.

Ranma was still lying on the ground as the Nerima Wrecking Crew stopped giving him their beating. The groups approached the Nerima Wrecking Crew from their respective sides and the girl in priestess robes said:

"Why are you giving the poor boy a beating? What has he done to you that he deserves it?"

The Nerima Wrecking Crew said:

"He was a villainous Demon who had control over the beauteous Akane Tendo and the Pigtailed Girl." *stick-boy*

"Because of him I have seen Hell!!" * pig-boy* "He has control of my beautiful Shampoo." * Duck-boy* "He is just a perverted Baka!" *Queen of lesbians*

Then she stalks up to Ranma and bashes him again. And again. And again.

*Inside Ranma's head*

"Do you accept the privilege of Merging with me and becoming another more powerful being?"

"I accept the Merging of our Souls and becoming a more powerful being."

Then there was a blinding flash of light and where once two individuals where there stands one.

The person had his hair in Ranma's traditional pigtail but the hair was white with black streaks instead of normal black. His eyes were a bloody red. He stood 1.95 metres tall and wore a black silk Chinese shirt with a dragon and a demon embroidered on it. The dragon was made of silver threads and on the back and the demon was made of golden threads and on the front side of the shirt. He wore a white pair of white pants and black shoes. He then switched back to his normal form which was his normal attire and had blue eyes. Then he tried switching to another form in which Orochi would get to use his body. His shirt became a bloody Red with a black Demon on the back and a white dragon on the front. His eyes turned White and he grew until he was 1.90 Metres tall. He still wore the black shoes. Then he turned himself back to normal and began to decide what he should call himself.

"I think I should call my self Ranma Orochi because that is my name when I was still two persons."

He then started to show his powers to the world as he changed his appearance in the outer world. Then he felt something weird. It felt like intense Hatred and was burning inside of every cell of his.

"What is happening? Why do I feel so much hatred? Is it because of the merging?" He asked himself. Orochi said to him: "No it is your own Hatred that you feel for it was bottled up inside of you for a very long time. You might even go in a Riot because of my soul inside of you."

Then the only thing he felt was hatred burning and then only saw the colour purple and feeling his Hatred turn into Rage.

*Outside Ranma's head*

"You should stop beating on the poor boy", said the priestess as she tried to get to the boy to heal him, but was stopped by the man in black clothes.

"We should do nothing; the boy must have brought this on himself." "I must heal him Kyo, he might be the one who was emanating that power and I want to ask him some questions." "And maybe gain a new love interest", she thought to herself.

Kyo just shrugged and said: "Just let them kill him. I can see that they hate him and from their reactions he must be a playboy or something. Who else would have so much people angry at him without a good reason. And still..."

Then they all heard a sound coming from the beating of Ranma. It sounded like mad laughter and something burning. Then the Nerima Wrecking Crew was flown away from the beat-up boy who was doing the maniacal laughing. They looked at his form as it was enveloped in purple flames. They suddenly backed away as he looked at them with red eyes and a maniacal grin on his face.


End of the revision of the first chapter of The Orochi's Revival. Let me know if its good or bad and please review. And I want to thank everybody who has sent me a review especially those who helped me revise this chapter with their ideas. Please try to point out some faults in the stories on my ID. Also look at my Sailor Moon Self Insert story if you like them. I'll be working on improvements in Chapter 2 Which shall be called from now on: The Rage of Orochi. It will be largely the same but I'll work on it and expand it a little. I'll try to have it finished around tomorrow. And my thanks are going to Ayanami Rei II for giving me some background info and an idea how to expand the story. Please send some more ideas for Chapter 2 please!!

Please Review I'd like to know your opinion!!!!!!!!!!

The votes for the best person to have a relationship with Ranma are:

Shermie: 5 ( I really like her, she's cute)

Vice: 4 ( somebody please send me a pic of her so I can use it as a decoration)

Mature: 4 ( I like her )

Leona: 6 ( I'll try to get a fairly accurate description of her behaviour and then write it down).

Chizuru: 2 ( please tell me who she likes and don't likes. Haven't got much info on her so).

Kula: 2 ( Please give me some more info on this girl. I don't know anything about her)

Everybody please keep on voting!