
Rath joined Lyn and defeated the attackers at Araphen. However, the Marquess' spite against Sacaens were tested, and he refused to aid Lyndis in her quest because of her Sacaen blood. Later that day, Rath heard the Marquess ranting to himself about his putrid hate for the nomads of Sacae, and made his decision. Resigning his title as Captain, he left Araphen and joined Lyn's forces to reclaim her title in Caelin.

After victory, he was less than comfortable in the halls of Caelin and left unexcused and unnoticed. He went back to his job as a mercenary, agreeing to fight to support himself. A wanderer at heart he was, but Rath was never fully satisfied.

In his nineteenth year, the unexpected had happened. Rath was reunited with Lyn to protect some Lords in battle. He rejoined her group to fight alongside with Lord Eliwood and Lord Hector in what was more than petty Nobles' arguments. He continued to advance further with his skill with the bow, and was praised over and over again for his patience.

He made few friends, but it suited him. Rath became one of the most reliable fighters, and was comfortable in the group. There was even an account when he had actually laughed for the first time since he had left the Kutolah, at a joke that didn't even make sense. And by coincidence, he met a Sacaen swordfighter of Kutolah roots, whose name was Guy.

Nevertheless, his journey soon ended as the Dark Druid, Nergal had been defeated. Perhaps this had been the 'Dark Flame' that the diviner had spoken of, but many agreed that Rath's aid had been strong support in their final battle.

Rath did return to the Sacae, to meet the land of his childhood. He was met by the Kutolah almost by accident, but was welcomed. It was almost a day before they recognized who he was, and there was surprise and great jubilation. His father, the Silver Wolf himself was the most overjoyed as he welcomed his son back. The diviner was no where to be seen.

When he inquired about his teacher, about Laya, many shrugged and said that she had left the tribe years ago without word. Many presumed she was living happily despite the fact that she did indeed have a family in the Kutolah.

Laya died in a foreign land, away from the plains she had loved. But her legacy did live on, she had a husband in the tribe and a child whom she had named Shin. Shin's personality was shockingly like Rath's, he spoke little and was a silent boy as he grew. He learned from his father and eventually became a skilled bowman.

As for Rath, his daughter, named Sue, would serve a task like he had. She grew to be a beauty, her sharp eyesight won her fame as one of the best female archers in the tribe. Rath's suspicion years ago with the Djute tribe had been confirmed, and they had betrayed the Kutolah. But hope was not lost, for there was a time where both Shin, son of Laya and Sue, daughter of Rath would follow on with the legacy of Sacae.

But as far as Rath would ever know, the Dark Flame was indeed quenched.



I drew a picture for this fiction as it draws to a close, if you want to see it, go to the URL