Tease Me part 8

Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, never will etc.

Warnings: Slash, whatnot, un-pure words and the possible killing of a chicken for a meal.


The principal cleared his throat and waited for the cheers and wolf whistles to die down before continuing.

"As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, this kind of behaviour is unacceptable. I cannot condone actions of this type."

He glared through wire rimmed spectacles at the snickering students.

"I knew something was strange when there was an influx of visitors to the school website overnight, but to find pictures of pornographic material within our system is unspeakable!" He pounded the edge of the wooden podium vehemently, his words ground out through gritted teeth.

Laughter bubbled from the middle of the crowd and was immediately hushed by the stern staff.

"And to have this – this DISGUSTING joke aimed at the faculty is a step too far."

Far back, in the midst of numerous entranced pupils, Duo chewed in the end of his braid. Tears were streaming down his reddened cheeks as he tried to ball the explosive laughter in. Beside him, Trowa gazed unblinkingly towards the front, the smallest quirk of his lip the only indication of his satisfaction. Heero smirked, crossing his legs loosely and leaned over to his green-eyed friend, whispering in his direction.

"You've really pissed them off now."

The slightest nod answered him.

"I know."

"And you're not worried about what they'll do if they find out?"

"They won't."

The Japanese teen tilted his head to get a better view of their principal and he shrugged in slow agreement.

"They better not."

"Yeah you – " Duo slapped a hand over his mouth to calm the oncoming giggle fit, his shoulders heaving with the effort. His friends watched him until he regained some composure and his fingers slipped from his face cautiously.

"Yeah, you could get expelled for this."

"I'm fully aware of that."

Duo curled a knee against his chest and leaned back in the chair, flinging his braid over his shoulder. A devious smile broke out on his face as he heard the hissed curse that followed, but he ignored it and shifted to Gambit.

"So what do you think of this entire fiasco, hmm? It's wrong, isn't it? It's downright immoral, yeah?" He argued with over the top sarcasm in the other mutant's ear. Gambit grinned, discarding the paper ball that bounced on to his lap from the row behind.

"Person'lly, I like de picture on de sports page. Very…interestin'."

Duo nodded knowingly, flicking off the wads of paper that were raining down on him. "Wise choice. Oh, they even took the time and effort of writing a small love note to me." He cooed, crumpling the rumpled page back into a ball. "Get bent you mutant cocksucking freak." He recited in a sing song voice. "Aw, you guys."

He turned in his seat and blew a kiss to the guilty party. An immediate show of fingers and obscene gestures flew up at the amethyst-eyed teen who retaliated with a sultry wink.

"Well, at least you know what to use those fingers for." He purred over his shoulder, raising his ass enticingly off the seat.

"Fuck you fag!"

The nearest blond jock shoved his foot into the back of Duos chair, smacking the chestnut head in disgust while his friends guffawed in their mindless way. Duo just smiled wryly, grinding his fists against black jeans.

"…ah, someday…"

Gambit patted the clenched hands soothingly.


The latter bobbed his head slowly, a dark shadow passing through his vivid eyes. "They'll pay."

"Mr. Maxwell!" A commanding voice broke into the private conversation.

Duos head snapped up, a cheery smile already plastered on for the ultimate 'cheese' effect. Any trace of the foreboding mood that had been there instantly vanished. The taller teen rubbed his temple in confusion, his abstract eyes falling to his hand still on Duos now relaxed one. A second. That's all it took for the unbelievable tension to drain from his body. Any other day, Duo would've beaten the jock to a bloody pulp. He glanced up at the teacher who was having an animated – yet heated – conversation with Duo over Trowa and Heero's unfazed heads and was in the process of trying to make Duo leave his seat. Of course, Heero and Trowa's refusal to budge didn't help in the slightest. The teacher beckoned impatiently, an angry scowl growing on her face and the protesting teen gave up.

"Wait for me?" He gushed.

Gambit looked down to their semi-entwined fingers and smiled.

"Oui cher."

Duo grinned and blew another mock kiss before jumping from his seat and being dragged away by the fumbling woman. His absence left a gaping space that was filled as Heero edged inwards, Trowa claimed the Japanese teens abandoned seat. The three of them sat in silence, Duos echoing voice dying away rapidly, their attention focusing back on the principal.

"…and as promised, I will round up and interrogate those who are believed to be involved."

Heero rolled his eyes and leaned over to Gambit. "I think you're on your own today."


"Trowa and I are on the list, we always are. I don't know what they're doing with Duo but I'll see you either later tonight or tomorrow."

The latter nodded, his tousled mop of auburn hair falling about messily. "Okay."

"…starting with Ciara Adams." He glared expectantly at the crowd with beady eyes. "Can Ms. Adams make her way to the back now where Ms. Carpenter and Mr. Kushrenada are standing." He repeated icily.

"Now of course, how could we forget Trowa Barton." His voice was laced with a tinge of glee as the lithe youth stood up quietly and walked towards the back of the room. Heero smirked.

"They have it in for Trowa. Anything technical is blamed on him."

"I'm guessin' he's good wit' computers."

"He's excellent."

"Connor Green, Naomi Harris, John Staunton and Aaron … something-or-other."

The Japanese teen snorted derisively. "Those two can't even open a document."

"And finally…"

"See you later."

The brown-haired youth was already out of his seat and making his way to the end of the row. The principal glared at him.

"… and finally: Heero Yuy." He finished weakly. "Now that that's sorted, there's the matter of school fees."

A loud groan rippled through the auditorium.


The wide corridor bounced the light around leaving a stark glow as the small band of students were herded into an empty room. The teacher, a nonplussed young man, rubbed his face tiredly and waved a hand to the vacant seats, taking his position himself behind the desk.

"Sit. Don't let me hear a word from any of you until your name is called." He droned monotonously. "You'll then be taken to room eighteen where you'll be questioned."

Trowa sat carefully on the creaking chair and folded his arms at the wrist, hunching over the desk sleepily. The man paced the linoleum floor, each foot swinging lazily, and banged the table in front of the emerald-eyed teen loudly.

"And during the time you will be spending here, you will remain awake and attentive."

He glared at them and returned to his place, clasping his hands neatly on the surface. Heero nodded grudgingly at the teacher who was currently examining his nails.

"Baka." He muttered sourly, tapping his foot against the table leg in boredom.

"I'm sorry Mr. Yuy, what was that?"

Heero raised his deep cobalt eyes and stared at the man blankly, the shifting shades of blue creating a hollow void – a look usually reserved to deter the irritating people.

"Yes?" he inquired curtly.

"I said, what was that?"


The nameless teacher frowned. "What you said."

Heero levelled his gaze. "Don't know."

The former cleared his throat loudly, an uneasy expression flitting across his face. Those eyes… they were the problem…

"Just – just don't do it again."

The Japanese teen shrugged and eased his vision back down to the graffiti on the table.

"If you say so."

He sighed, picking at the splintered wood and glanced at Trowa, who shook his head in amusement coupled with a mouthed 'troublemaker'. Heero raised an eyebrow questioningly and was about to reply when a brisk knock rapped on the door. The teacher stood up and went to open it but it was too late. A whirlwind of pink flooded into the room, the sweet scent of perfume clouding in after. The teacher stood back, arms folded over his chest in disbelief as none other than Relena Peacecraft plonked herself delicately as she could manage in an empty seat next to the sullen teenager. She looked around excitedly, light blue eyes bouncing happily and raised a hand.

"Is this where the computered people go, sir?"

"Yes Ms. Peacecraft, but…" he hesitated, contemplating a safe way to phrase his sentence to the girl who just referred to a hacker as a 'computered person'. "… do you belong here."

Relena nodded enthusiastically. "Why yes, Mr. Moretti, I belong here. But I can tell you something," she stated, solemnly waving a finger, "Heero Yuy definitely doesn't belong here."

All eyes slowly turned to the blond girl in disbelief as she prattled on about Heero's innocence.

"…after all, he taught me all I know."

Mr. Moretti ran a hand through his hair. "Just because he taught you everything doesn't mean he's cleared of all charges."

"But sir – "

" – Look, no buts. I'm going out of this room for five minutes so either stay here or go Ms. Peacecraft."

He glared at the bubbily blond questioningly until she beamed back at him and sat firmly in her place. Satisfied – to some extent anyway – with results, he left the room and shut the door after himself. The room remained in silence for a few seconds until the students, as they will, began to talk among themselves.

Aaron snickered. "Ha, he said butt!"

Relena bounced around to face Heero and jumped on him, arms flung around his neck.

"Oh I'm so sorry Heero, I didn't know they'd try to do this to you!" she sobbed into his jacket. "It's so unfair!"

Heero wound his arms around the distraught girl, stroking her hair soothingly. A quick intake of air caught his attention and he saw Trowa's one visible eye widen in shock. He scowled, turning his back completely on his friend.

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

Relena sniffed. "I hope so." She traced small patterns on the front of Heero's t-shirt, circling the faded 'bite me' writing. "I don't know what I could do without you!"

Heero stifled the urge to roll his eyes. Under the pink, sugary demeanour, Relena was a sweet girl who was really trying. The only problem was, she was trying a little too hard.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay." He reiterated, holding her chin with his index. "I'm sure I'll be able to survive whatever happens to – "

The room immediately snapped into silence as Mr. Moretti burst in through the door dramatically with a loose sheet in his hand. He tactfully ignored Relena's flight back to her seat and leaned in the edge of his desk.

"Here," he began, waving the page briefly before scrutinising it again. "Is the list of… complaints. We have had someone who has illegally broken into the school website and inappropriately altered some pictures to a pornographic nature. In a further advancement, we have located a certain group where we have found talk of a person named 'HeavyArms' who was believed to have done this. Yes?"

He pointed to a red headed girl at the front.

"How do you know that HeavyArms is the one who attacked this school's site?"

Mr. Moretti smiled wryly. "Because someone named 'Shinigami' was kind enough to leave the name of our fine establishment. Now without further interruptions can Ms. Adams make her way to room 18 while the rest of you stay here."

Trowa subtly looked to Heero and raised an eyebrow at the Japanese teen. Heero sighed and shrugged, indicating that there wasn't much he could do about Duo's slip-up.

"Oh, except for Aaron. You're excused."

The dark haired jock clambered from his seat, a large grin splitting his face as he punched the air.

"Yeah! I am so outta here!"

"Yes, that is the idea." Mr. Moretti replied dryly. He flicked to the bottom of his notes, eyes widening slightly as he tried to make sense of the last order. "And you too… Mr. Yuy. You're free to go."

His voice was laced with puzzlement. It was understandable that the idiot was let go, but the Japanese teen was a genius at anything computer related. Heero himself was utterly surprised. It was unfathomable how he got off the hook so easily… or was it? He turned to see the bright smiling face of Relena beaming at him adoringly.

'That might be the reason' his voice told him matter-of-factly. Well, he wasn't one to complain, better make the most of their mistake.

He stood up and angled himself out from the cluster of desks with Relena in close pursuit and flashed a small confused expression at the placid Trowa. Mr. Moretti followed him the door, a frown covering his face as he shut it with a bang after the two teens left. Heero stood in silence.

"What now?"

Relena latched on to his arm and led him away form the room. "Well, I'm starved, let's go for lunch!"

They wandered down the quiet hallway, although it was beginning to fill with students who finished class a minute or two earlier than the rest, and arrived at the cafeteria. Relena promptly propelled her beloved Heero to her usual table in the centre of the room – which took Heero back to a previous rant from Duo. They'd been lazing in their normal corner while he spewed off the injustices of the school system and how the preps had cleverly angled their spot in the middle of the room; thus symbolising how the rest of the school revolved around them and placed them on a pedestal.

Then again, Duo said a lot of things. Relena honestly didn't seem like that kind of person. She was a ditz alright, but she was…gentle. She cared. And right now, she had just returned from the queue with two trays of food for them.

"So I was thinking, with all the good weather, that you could come over to my house and we'd have some cold drinks and, hang out!"

Heero sighed, pushing some lettuce around with his plastic fork and looked into those bright blue sparkling eyes, shimmering with pure adoration. Sure, he'd never live it down but he wasn't about to give something up because of what anyone else thought. He had never done it before, and now, he wasn't about to start. It was a nasty habit to have.

"Yeah. That would be a good idea," came the stiff reply – still unused to complying with the blond girl.

"Really! That's great! D'you wanna come over after school?"

The corner of his mouth tugged into an unexpected smile. Her child-like simplicity was so different; it was refreshing.

"I'll be there at five."

Relena beamed at him with her mega-watt smile, clapping her hands ecstatically.

"Oh, amazing! It's a date!"


The chatter dulled as the school emptied, leaving three figures sitting on a low wall just outside the entrance. Each of them stared expectantly at the trickle of students who leisurely left the building.

"He's taking his time."

"That," Heero stated, momentarily taking his eyes away from the doors to grace Duo with a calculated scathing glare, "Is because some genius named Shinigami made a huge slip-up involving Trowa's alias."

"Hey hey, don't blame me. Blame the lack of security on the web."

"Or I could blame your big mouth." He retorted with just a tad of sarcasm.

Duo pulled a face, his contorted features and piercings combined giving him a grotesque image. "… don't have a big mouth…"

Gambit shrugged nonchalantly. "Sometimes bigger mouths are better."

Duo immediately snapped out of his sullen mood. "Really?"

"Sure," he continued, innocently looking at his boots as they swung lazily and clanked against the wall, "dat way you can eat more…"


"… chicken, pasta, apples. Anyt'in you want, cher."

"Oh…" Duo grinned. "Anything?" His eyes flicked upwards in contemplation, his grin growing wider by the minute. "So what if I want to eat some c-"

" – Trowa's here." Heero interjected swiftly, getting off the wall to greet his friend. The aforementioned was slowly leaving the school, bag slung over his shoulder.

"How'd it go?"

What seemed like a smug smile found its way on to Trowa's normally stoic features.

"Well, it seems that the cause of this atrocity is unknown."

"You know what I'd like to eat?" Duo repeated, ignoring everyone else. He'd be damned if he didn't tell his joke.

"They couldn't pinpoint the source of the trouble so were forced to let everyone go. Albeit with a warning."

"I'd like," He began, snickering, "I'd like to eat some c-"

"- A warning?"

He nodded. "Same old thing. We'd be in deep trouble if they actually caught anyone doing that."

"An' of course you'd never get caught by dem."

"Never." He replied, shaking his head.

"At least you hope." Heero yawned, starting to walk.

"I'd like some – "

" – Bloody hell Duo, let it drop!"

"Alright!" Duo held his hands up apologetically. "Geez, nobody's got a sense of humour these days." He fussed over his hair. "anyway, what are you in such a hurry for?"

His Japanese friend shrugged absentmindedly and slowed his pace as if to prove a point.

"I mean it's not like you've got a date or anything, you woulda said." He joked, elbowing Heero in the ribs.

In the meantime, Heero began to turn an interesting shade of red, his lips pressed into a thin line. There was a collective gasp of recognition and Duo bounced over to the taller boy hyperactively.

"OH MY GOD, YOU'VE A DATE! Hee-chan's going out with someone, ooh! Who could it be?"

"Relena, maybe." Trowa added slyly.

"Ah, she looks like she wants you, mon ami."

"It's Relena!"

"It's Relena." Heero repeated, giving his three friends his patented death glare. "And I don't think it's any of your business." He added sourly.

"Don't be so pissed Hee-chan, we're only kidding."

Duo slapped him on the back amicably. "I may not like her, I may think she belongs at the bottom of the gutter, but this is your choice and I'll back you up."

"That is so kind of you."

"I know, I can be benelephant."

There was a slight pause and three of them turned to look at Duo who still had an arm draped over Heero's shoulder. He had a completely puzzled look as he mouthed the word softly to himself, repeating each syllable with care.

"… did you jus' say 'benelephant'?"

"I don't know." He stared at the ground, memorising the shapes his mouth made.

"Ben-ev-o-lent … Ben-el-e-phant … evolent … elephant… Goddamn Tony! He kept blabbering about elephants today."

"Really?" Heero asked with apparent cynicism. "It's always excuses with you."

"Probably 'cause it's true." He shot back with an equally dry tone.

"Uh-huh. I'm sure. Anything to get the heat off you." He added, walking away.

"Hey, what's that suppose to mean?" Duo marched after him and spun him around.

Dark cobalt eyes followed the hand on his arm down to the shorter owner.

"It means you never own up to anything you do or say. It's always someone else's fault."

Duo let his arm drop, his face shifting subtly as his defensive stance kicked in. "You saying that I don't take responsibility, that I'm just some dumb loser that fucks everyone over?"

Heero stared down into the depths of flickering violet and mulled over the words. They weren't quite what he was thinking, but then again, there was always some truth at the source.

"You said it, not me."

"Can we drop it please?"

"Don't think so, Tro." Duo held up a silencing finger in his friends' direction. "Hee-chan's getting a little tetchy and we're gonna figure out why." He glared at the Japanese teen, narrowing his eyes slightly in question. "Well, why?"

There was a brief moment of quiet until Heero replied bitterly. "'I may think she belongs at the bottom of the gutter.'"

"Oh, so that's what this is. It's about me not liking your fucking little princess!"

"No, it's about you insulting everyone you don't know. You can never just see past the clothes or music – can you Duo? You can't actually see the person or their personality." He spat angrily. "It's about you judging everyone then blaming it on 'The System'. There is no fucking system out to get you; it's just you!"

"There IS a system, and incase you haven't noticed, it fucking hates me!"

"All for a good reason."

"Oh so now I deserve it!"

"Open your eyes. You are the one causing the trouble. I am so tired of having to bail you out of all that shit you start because you can't just ignore the petty minded people of this school."

"What d'you mean I CAN'T ignore them! I'm defending myself from all their goddamn pranks!"

"That's what you say! What pranks have they actually done that you haven't provoked!"

Duo glared at Heero, his fists balling up. "So I'm the root of all problems, eh? I'm causing you too much pain?" He went quiet though his eyes never left his advisory. "What about you, Tro? Have I destroyed your life yet?"

"Please Duo, stop. Heero, just shut-up."

He ignored him, continuing his questions. "Gambit?"


"Have I decimated your life yet? Have I been the source of all troubles?"

"Cher I t'ink Trowa is right. Dis is goin' t' hurt too much."

Violet eyes sparked angrily. "Oh, I think it's a little too late for that. Hee-chan has already made sure of it."

"There you go again, blaming OTHERS!"

"Go FUCK yourself!"

"That's a witty retort. Can't handle the fact that I'm right! Duo, the poor defenceless outcast; the mutant everyone picks on. You are not a victim! Get over yourself!"

"Like you bloody well know! You haven't got a fucking clue! Just get the fuck out of here you prick before I do something I might regret!"

Heero sneered at him. "Yeah. Resort to violence, the only thing you can do. Very original."

Duo scowled. "Fine then. Get out of here before I do something I'd enjoy."

"What?" The latter replied curtly. "Babble at me about preps until I die of boredom?"

"Wipe that smug smile off your fucking face."

Heero dropped his bag and faced Duo completely. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was screaming at the pointless futility of this fight. Duo had been his best friend for years, and now it was being threatened over something petty. But… something just snapped and all the flaws emerged in a surging wave.

There was something surreal about it now. Just looking at his friend… his old friend glaring at him with those glowing eyes. The amethyst bubbling and spitting pure hatred, a faint aura surrounding him. It was a swirling black and purple hue, slowly growing as Duo's anger rose. He sighed.

It was a good friendship while it lasted.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Heero, what are you thinking?"

"The right thing for once." Duo muttered gleefully.

"And you're really gonna hit him?" Trowa pushed his way between them, his back towards Heero and both hands keeping Duo away.

"Do you both realise how stupid this is? You're friends, and you have been for years. Why ruin it now?"

The braided teen glared viciously at Heero whose head was just visible over Trowa's shoulder.

"I'm not looking at a friend."

"Really? What then?"

"This should be stunning."

Trowa kicked backwards. "Be quiet Heero."

"Go fuck yourself you prick! I'm looking at a goddamn punching bag, that's what!"


He shoved past Trowa who was still shouting at him to stop, tackling Heero to the ground in a rush. Everything blurred as he pulled back his fist and stared down into the unmoving cobalt eyes… and paused. It wasn't even that long – probably a fraction of a second – but it gave him just enough time to regret it.

He watched as his fist barrelled past him. He watched the unbelieving look on Heero's face, and then had a sudden falling sensation. Everything went black.

A moment passed before Heero pushed Duo's prone body off his and scrambled out quickly. He looked in shock and the unconscious figure. Things weren't going to be the same again.

He hoisted himself up with Trowa's arm and ran a shaking hand through his hair.

"He was actually going to hit me. That could've killed me."

"Be happy it didn't." The green-eyed teen picked up Heero's bag and threw it at him with a faint angry look. He nodded gratefully at Gambit who was putting his deck of cards back in his pocket. "Thanks for the intervention."

"You're blaming me?"

"No", he replied as he knelt by his fallen friend, "I'm blaming both of you."

Heero exhaled loudly and stared at Duo. "Well, what do we do with him?"

"You mean what do I do with him."

"Or that."

"I'm taking him somewhere where there'll be very few questions as to why he's unconscious, and when he wakes – why he wants to kill you."

"I can take care of dat."


"Got a free house for most of de week. I'll jus' leave him in de spare room til he wakes up, an' den get him nice an' calm."

Trowa propped up the braided teen and checked his pulse. "Okay, that's only if it's no problem."

Gambit noticed Trowa's worried expression as he checked Duo's vitals and knelt beside him.

"Don't worry, I only charged it enough t' knock him out. I'll take him from here."

"Thanks. I'll take the other one from here."


"Yes, get going."

He began walking and gestured for his sulking friend to follow, leaving the taller mutant to take care of the other. Gambit waited until they were out of sight before picking up his ward and walking home.

Nearly an hour later of avoiding nosey people, odd stares and cars, he arrived at his house. With great difficulty he fished his keys out of his pocket, dumping Duo carefully at the foot of the stairs while he went about the house opening windows for fresh air. Leaving his sweat soaked jacket on the table, he went back to the unconscious boy and picked him up again, bringing him upstairs to the empty room. After checking his pulse again and realising he wouldn't be awake for awhile, Gambit left him on the bed and went for a quick shower.


It was to the smell of chicken that greeted Duo when he woke up. Staring at the ceiling as his eyes flickered open, it suddenly dawned on him that he wasn't in his own room, let alone house… and that he had a pounding headache. He slowly became aware of his surroundings; soft music filtered into his hearing and there was a faint sizzling from downstairs. Quiet footsteps padded around the room outside him. He turned his head in the direction of the door and caught a glimpse of red walking into another room.

"What the fuck…" he groaned loudly as he tried to get up, but only succeeded in collapsing feebly back on to the bed. Gambits perpetually tousled head appeared around the corner at the noise and he grinned when he saw that Duo was awake.

"Nice t' have you back."

"How long was I out for?"

"Few hours."

He walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "An' sorry 'bout knocking you out too."

"It was you?"

"Kinda had t', cher."

The events of the day flooded back to his mind and his face darkened. "I can't believe him! Years of friendship thrown away over something trivial – and he blames me! I'm at the source of everything! It takes more than one per- "

Whatever had been running through his head at that particular moment vanished and was replaced by the more confusing – yet enjoyable – thoughts of why Gambit was kissing him. It wasn't something he was about to question but after being so elusive for so long, this sudden change merited an explanation.

He felt an inquisitive hand brush across his cheek and he melted. This was the beginning of a dream come true. And if memory served him right; it was a very hot dream. The red-head pull away tentatively and grinned sheepishly and it was at that point tat Duo noticed the latter was wearing his usual combats. Only. His dream seemed to be happening for definite.

"Sorry. It was de only way I could shut you up. Doctors orders are for you t' be all cool an' calm an' not t' stress yourself."

"Doctors orders?" he queried, barely able to contain the mega watt smile breaking over his face.

"Trowas orders."


"Uh-huh." He nodded feverishly and then grabbed Duos hand. "But let's not t'ink 'bout dat now, let's eat."

He pulled his companion off the bed, down the stairs and into the kitchen where he directed him to the table.

"Sit dere an' I'll get you a plate."

"Okay… d'you know what time it is? I was supposed to be home around 5.30 the latest."

Gambit took a phone from his pocket and flipped it open. "7.45"

"Shit." He banged his head on the table and flung his arms over himself. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble."

"Go home now an' come back for dinner. Say I needed help wit' homework an' you lost track of time."

"Like they're gonna believe that."

"Is dere anyt'in wrong wit' tryin'?"

Duo sighed and lifted his head up. "Spose not."

He reluctantly got up and walked out though the hall to the door, pausing just as his hand reached the handle. "Save me some food if I'm not back." It'll be another excuse to visit, he added mentally.


He unlocked the door and shut it behind him as he stood out on the porch. It was still bright out, the heat was still unbearably humid. Almost clammy. A stray finger rubbed over his mouth where those lips had been, where they had kissed him. It was annoying because he didn't even know if it was purely to shut him up or if he genuinely liked him in that amazingly homoerotic way.

Duo sighed and slapped his hands over his face. Life was a bitch, and definitely got off on messing people around. He plodded down the drive and broke into a run towards his house.

Minutes later he was through his back door and dumping his bag and keys on the table. "Mom? Dad?"

There was no answer in the house apart from light pop music from upstairs so he wandered into the front room and flicked on the CD player to wait for his parents to get home. Browsing through his collection there, he stuck on 'Alice in Chains' and turned it up to drown out the irritating bland pop music that Christine was listening to while switching on the TV. It was an odd habit he had but TV always seemed better when put to music he liked. They didn't cancel each other out, but gave it more depth. The shows would act out the song while the music had more profound outlook instead of a mediocre script … or something to that extent. Well, anyway, it was something he liked to do.

He jumped on to the chair in front of the television, remote in one hand while the other played air guitar along to the song and began switching through channels. It was only till the next song came on that he noticed Christine's impatient tapping. He swivelled around in the chair and lowered the volume minimally.

"Can I help you?"

"Turn off that shit."

"This isn't shit. That lip-synching pop babble you listen to is."

Christine stamped her foot down and flounced over to the stereo, hitting the off button. "There! Problem solved. Now be a good little fuck head and watch something in your league, like Sesame Street."

Duo tapped his fingers along the remote. "Put that back on now."

"Can't, it's out of my hands." She smiled sweetly and grabbed the control before he said anything. "Look, I'll be nice and find the kiddies retard channel for you."

Duo slammed his fists on to the arms of the chair. "Goddamnit Christine, I'm not in the mood for this. Give it back and PISS OFF!"

The blond girl pouted sarcastically. "K, I'll challenge you a bit and put on the news for the dumb instead."

She switched the channel and crossed her arms across her chest triumphantly. "And look, they even put on your favourite topic." She cooed, pinching his cheek patronisingly. Duo smacked the hand away irately, feeling himself slip into his familiar bad tempered mood.

"What?" he snapped, not even bothering to look at the screen.

"Oh all that mutant crap. Y'know, your scum killing people. Same old."

She had barely finished the sentence before he had grabbed the remote and flung it into the television screen with a loud smash.

"I am NOT scum, d'you understand you spoiled little bitch!"

"No!" she shouted back stubbornly. "I can't lie about things that are so obviously true!"

"But you can lie about everything else!"

"I never lie," she prodded him, "Because my parents believe me regardless. They don't need mutant shit like you sucking their money and bringing their name down. We'd all be better off if you and your kind just killed themselves!"

Duo pushed her back roughly. "What do you mean 'me and my kind'!"

"You really are dumb! I mean the mutant kind. Those freaks who listen to that shit so-called music. Basically: you."

"I am NOT a freak! Go fuck yourself you whiney fucking prep!" he bellowed, shoving her to the ground. "You are what's wrong in this world! All you ever do is take up space!"

"Ha! It's you and those stupid friends of yours that clog up our house!"

"You leave my friend's outta this! It's bad enough that you're trying to bang Trowa AND Gambit let alone dragging them into this crap!"

Christine looked up at him slyly. "I can't help it if Remy wants to fuck me." She almost purred over the word. "He's a hot piece of ass who's just begging for it."

Duos eyes narrowed into a slit. "You take that back." He muttered through clenched teeth.

"Why? You like him? Are you a fag as well as a freak?"

"Take it back!"

"Trowa's bangable too with a body to die for. Probably desperate for it so I don't know if I'll stoop that low."

"Don't you dare talk about Trowa."

But I don't think I'd touch that dorky Asian friend, he's too fucked up. That is too low. What's his name? Herpes?"

"He is not my friend. Now shut the hell up."

Christine paused, picking up on the obvious tension. She hit a raw nerve and she knew it, especially since Duo was now livid with rage.

"Ooh, had a little lovers tiff?" she picked herself off the ground and smirked at her brother. "Fall out over who was on top, eh? Well guess what," her smug demeanour suddenly turned into a cruel sneer, "You are so getting kicked out of this house, fag."

Duo stared up at her from beneath uneven bangs, desperately wanting to throttle that small neck just to shut her up. There was a huge build-up of anger just barrelling around inside him looking for a vent, and she was fuelling it. With each second that he watched those venomous blue eyes, the world around him went quieter until all he could hear was his racing heart pounding in his chest. It was like he was in another world. He could see Christine's mouth still moving but it was in slow motion. Dazed, he waved his hand in front of his face and found himself slightly amused by the waves of purple radiating from it. It was surreal. Or the calm before the storm.

"You might as well just leave 'cause there's no room for scum here." Christine flicked her hair over her shoulder. "We don't need ay mutant freaks."

Duos deadly placid gaze abruptly jerked upwards to meet hers. There were those three keywords again, and that's what triggered the explosion. He balled his fists.

"I AM NOT A FREAK!" he shouted, letting a feral growl slip out. He swept Christine out of his way and she bounced off the floor like a rag doll. His vision completely blurred as he stormed through the room, tearing up anything he could see and smashing them easily beneath his hands. "I AM NOT A FREAK, YOU BITCH!"

Anything she touched was a target for his rage and it was demolished within seconds. He stood amid the debris, slightly hunched over with his arms moving in time with his heaving shoulders. He became vaguely aware of a dry rasping laugh filtering hazily through the thick fog of dying rage in his head, and suddenly it clicked.

Christine wasn't moving.

He stared at the prone body, realising how much trouble he'd be in and then ran. He ran, letting his feet take him along a familiar route and he banged frantically on the door of the house he reached until Gambit answered.

"I did keep some food for y…"

Duo barged in past him and promptly began babbling. "I'm in trouble. I didn't mean to but it happened. She just wouldn't shut up and I really tried but now she's just there and – "

"- hang on, slow down." He slapped his hands on to Duos shoulders to force him to stop pacing. "Wat happened?" he asked slowly.

Large amethyst eyes bore into the back of his head. "I hurt her. She isn't moving."

"Are you sure?"

Duo nodded quickly and began pacing again. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble, they're gonna kill me. I'm never gonna be let out, y'know they'll make sure of it!" He fidgeted with the end of his plait distraughtly. "I'll be locked up for the rest of my natural born life and, y'know, everyone's gonna go down for this. I don't want 'em to, but fuck! We'll all suffer 'cause of that bitch!"

Gambit stood back, hand in his pocket, and surreptitiously took out a card between his index and middle finger. He held it down by his side praying that Duo wouldn't notice the bright pink flash that illuminated it, and waited. Seconds later a small explosion engulfed the braided teen and he crumpled noiselessly into a heap. Gambit sighed and went to pick him up.

"Again, sorry mon ami. It had t' be done."

He lugged Duos unconscious body upstairs to the bed he'd been in earlier and dumped him there, making him as comfortable as possible.

"You're a troublemaker, y'know dat?"

He smoothed the bangs away from Duos face and noticed something he never saw before. His hairline was tinted purple. Not a bruising purple, but a vivid unnatural hue that shouldn't be found on skin. It crept down his forehead like a bad dye job and stopped a centimetre from the scalp. Gambit gingerly rubbed it and inspected his finger. Nothing came off. Worriedly, he checked the rest of the visible parts on Duos body, finding similar cases of singed skin. He sat back feeling unsure of what to do until an idea suddenly bounced up in his head. He exhaled loudly, still messing with Duos bangs, then got up and went to his room to put on a shirt. Grabbing his boots, he went downstairs, left a note for Duo, then went out the door.


Alrighty then, I know it's been about eight months or so and I'm sorry. College was busier than expected, with continuous assessment and whatnot . I'll probably never finish this, I keep changing the plot as I go along and that really doesn't help. I honestly haven't a clue where I want to go with this. And yes I know I always say that but this time it's really really true! I've also noticed that my ficcy has lost its light heartedness. I did originally intend this to be somewhat funny but never got around to it coz, yet again, I changed the plot, so this is what I'm stuck with now. K, thanks to the people who always read this and also, hey to Cajun guy (see you later!) who is more than likely reading this. (for the record, Gambit is GAY!)