Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and his little buddies.
Forgetting to Forget You
By Belle Mortis
You Had Me From Hello
Hermione awoke to be imprisoned within tight white sheets. She blinked her eyes sleepily and looked around. There was a white curtain around the bed she was in. She loosened the sheets from around her and sat up. She was wearing a flannel nightgown that wasn't hers. Her head was pounding and she didn't remember what had happened last night. All she could remember was receiving her time-turner and bumping into Neville. She reached up to her neck and rubbed it idly, trying to remember the past events. She didn't feel the coolness of the time-turner chain on her neck… in fact she didn't even feel a chain. Where was her time-turner? Damn!
"I'll go check on her, Albus. I wonder who she is though. Never saw her before," came a voice from outside of the curtain. A hand opened the curtain quickly revealing a stout woman with chocolaty brown hair. She had crisp white robes on and a muggle nurse's hat. Hermione had seen her before, but she couldn't place her finger on it.
"Hello, dear. I see that you are up now," she said with a smile. Hermione nodded absent-mindedly, pushing away a single strand of hair that had fallen into her face. Where's the time-turner, she mentally screamed at herself as the lady gave her a chunk of dark chocolate. She took it and gobbled it down. It cleared her head instantly.
"Who are you?" Hermione asked the woman impatiently.
"Poppy Pomfrey at your service," she responded with a chuckle, "And I'd like to ask the same for you." Hermione looked up into the face of the said Poppy Pomfrey. This wasn't Madame Poppy Pomfrey! She looks too… too, Hermione thought trying to find the word their comparison, young!? Oh, shit!
"Is there something wrong?" Poppy asked in a motherly tone, her eyes twinkling merrily.
"Yes," Hermione choked out, swallowing harshly, "What's the date?"
"Why, it's the fourth of December," Poppy answered to Hermione's shock. But wasn't it the fifth of September? Taking a deep breath she asked another question.
"What's the year?"
"It's 1977. Why'd you ask and what's your name," Poppy answered. Hermione's mouth hung open in shock. She stared at Poppy, her eyes opened wide. Poppy looked at her, puzzled.
"Can I speak with the headmaster please?"
"Why, of course," Poppy answered, walking out. The curtains disappeared, giving Hermione a view of the whole Hospital Wing. Poppy walked into her office through a blue tapestry, her heels clicking on the stone. The Hospital Wing was bigger than she had remembered from the future. It wasn't dusty and the beds weren't rusty. In fact, everything was spotlessly clean and looked very new. In a chair a few meters away from her bed sat a silvery haired old man with sparkling blue eyes. An odd smile was on his face as he looked at Hermione who was still frozen in shock.
"Hello, Miss Hermione Granger," he said, chuckling.
"How… how'd you know my name, sir?" She noticed her robes where piled up in the chair next to him, her head girl badge sitting on top with her name engraved in it. Suddenly, feeling very stupid she said, "Oh… ok. Sir?"
"Yes, Hermione, if I can call you that," he answered.
"You can call me that, sir. I have a problem, you see," she started as the headmaster leaned forward in his chair, "I'm from the future."
"Hmm, the future, eh? That is a problem. By what means did you arrive here in the present or, in your point of view, past?"
"My time-turner broke," she said, sitting up higher in her bed. Her hair hung in chestnut waves around her shoulders. She bit her bottom lip nervously.
"Time-turner?" he began, stroking his silvery beard that lay on his deep purple robes, "That is not good. I don't think you can get back just yet, so you will have to stay here for the time being." Hermione's eyes popped out of her head. Stay in the past! Her mind flashed back to the yearbook she had read in the library with pictures of Harry's parents, the Marauders, and Snape… and it was the year of '77. That means I'll be spending my time stuck with Snape and the Marauders… weird.
"Do you think I could keep my name, sir?" He smiled, yet again. Hermione looked at him, gratefully, with large brown eyes.
"Of course. Are you feeling better?" Hermione nodded, "We'll have to get you some robes, a cauldron, and… you could borrow some of the other girls… er… stuff. What house were you in?" Hermione blushed and ducked her head.
"Gryffindor," she told him.
"Ah, we will have to make room for you in the girls dormitory," he responded, his eyes twinkling so brightly under his half moon glasses that almost all of the blue of his iris was gone, "Lemon drop?"
~ * ~
Hermione walked out of the Hospital Wing that afternoon with a new name and new robes. She felt okay, but she still was perplexed about her current situation. Everything seemed so the same here, but at the same time, completely different. She hadn't seen any of the students here yet. She was a transfer from the Boston School of Witchcraft in America. Her parents had just died and she was sent back to where she was born in London. Why they sent her back to London, she didn't know why. She felt as if butterflies were in her stomach. She didn't know if her classmates would like her or if they would hate her. She bit her lip as she walked through the open doors of the Great Hall where a sea of students sat chatting loudly. She glanced up to the Head Table to see Albus smiling at her. Reassured, she walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down between a red haired girl and a boy with long black hair. She swallowed nervously. Up at the head Table, Albus clapped his hands, gaining the attention of all of the students.
"Good evening, everyone. We will be holding a Christmas Ball this year. It is for fourth years and up. It will be held on the twenty fourth of December. We also have a new student attending. Please treat her with respect," he told the student body, clapped his hands again, and sat back down. Food appeared instantaneously on the silver plates. Guess they didn't feel up to gold… Hermione thought to herself, piling vegetables on her plate. She looked to her right. The black haired boy and three other boys, one of whom looked very alike to Harry, were chatting amiably. The smaller of the boys looked around and took a double take when he saw Hermione.
"Hey, guys. It's the new girl!" He squeaked. The others turned her way and grinned. One of them had sandy brown hair that looked wild and honey colored eyes that sparkled soundly. When he saw her staring at him he blushed and averted his gaze.
"Hi, my name's Sirius," the black haired boy said with a flirtatious quirk of his eyebrow.
"Sirius… as in Sirius Black?" Hermione asked tentatively.
"Yeah, what's your name?"
"Hermione Granger," she told him as he watched her intently. Something mischievous was definitely on his mind as his grin was even wider.
"Hey, m' name's James… James Potter," the messy haired boy answered. He had deep brown eyes behind round glasses.
"Nice to meet you all," and with that Hermione turned around back in her chair. It was very awkward to meet all of them when she knew that three out of the four were dead in the future. Just wait 'til you meet Lily, her inner self chided in. Hermione remembered from the many pictures Harry had of his parents that she had bright red hair and stunning green eyes. She glanced up the Gryffindor table, scanning for red. The red haired girl right next to her looked amazingly like Lily. She had her nose deep into a book that was a level below Hermione's books. Hermione cleared her throat, gaining the redhead's attention.
"Hello, you must be the new girl, I'm Lillian Evans. And you?" She asked Hermione. Her voice was oddly feminine and giggly, very different from what she had heard of Lilly's personality.
"Hermione Granger," she stated, stiffly. Suddenly, smiles broke out on the girls' faces and they both began to giggle uncontrollably as if they had know each other for a long time. When they were finished giggling, they came back up for air. A/n: EW! That just sounded like they were snogging!
"So, where're you from?" Lilly asked. She was fiddling with her hair, twirling a curl around her finger and then letting go.
"I was born in London, but my parents and I moved to America when I got an offer to go to Boston School of Witchcraft," Hermione answered, eating a little bit of her food. Being offered a place in the school wasn't a lie, but the rest was. To tell the truth Hermione had never been to America and didn't have plans to go soon. Go anti-Americans… wait! I can't be that way! I have to a patriot!!!!! ^_^ Damn all of them… it doesn't matter if I'm American! I can still be an anti-American!
"Wow, you got offered a place there? You must be a… genius! I mean, I couldn't get an offer there, at least get in…" Lilly exclaimed enthusiastically. Hermione and her talked through the rest of the meal, stopping at intervals to tell the marauders to shut up.
"Do you want to come help me with the first years?" Lilly asked. And so they went, Lilly showing the first years where things were. When they got to the stairways one kid exclaimed "They're gonna kill us!" making Lilly and Hermione to break down in a fit of giggles. The password of the common room was "Bouncing Ferrets". Hermione laughed uncontrollably, earning an odd look from Lilly, who chose to ignore her. They sat down in a pair of large red chairs by the fire. Two redheaded boys approached them, a bit behind them where the sniggering Marauders. One was small than the other with curly hair and the other had long straight hair.
"Hi?" the smaller boy said, blushing.
"Hello, I'm Bill and this is Charlie… James and Sirius dared us to do something. Well… Charlie… he's a first year and I'm a third year," the taller boy said proudly, "Come on, Char, do it!" Charlie lifted his head, looking Hermione in the eye.
"Um… er… you're pretty," he said nervously. Hermione smiled at him making an even deeper blush appear on his pale face.
"Come on. Say it like you mean it!" Bill told him. He just said the same way as before. "Do it, Charlie, or I'll tell mum that you're playing with the dragons again… she was furious before!"
"You are pretty," he said forcefully and quickly. He turned and ran up the stairs. Bill stared after him, shrugged, looked at Hermione one last time longingly, and walked towards the Marauders. James took two galleons out of his pocket and gave it to him reluctantly. Hermione turned to Lilly who was laughing silently.
"I guess he likes you… well, they," Lilly stated.
"Too, bad… Boys are just too funny. Dragons?" Hermione asked, "What dragons?"
"Oh, the dragons. Hagrid, the games keeper, keeps them for the Magical creatures class. He would be a great teacher… well yeah… Do you want to go upstairs?" Lilly and Hermione went upstairs to the girls' dormitory and clambered into their beds. They were the only girls in their year so they talked for hours about… 'Girl stuff'.
~ * ~
Hermione woke up early and made her morning trip to the library. A few hours later she made her way to the Great Hall for breakfast. She ate quickly before anyone even arrived, except for a black haired boy leaning over a large book. His hair hung over his eyes, shadowing his face. He got up, the book under his arm. He was very tall, even for a seventh year. He had a very pronounced nose. He walked out the door, without a glance at Hermione. When she was finished, she walked back to the library hoping to get in a little reading before class started. She noticed that the boy was there, skimming through the potions books. She got up from the small table she was siting at to go say hello to him.
She put her book away among the other moldy books, glanced over at him quickly, and averted her gaze before he noticed. He walked closer to her, looking at her in interest. When she glanced toward him he looked away, a blush developing on his pale skin. Plucking up her courage, she moved towards him even more.
"Hello," Hermione said timidly. He turned to her, raising a single eyebrow. He had piercing obsidian eyes with flecks of blue and gold and seemed to swirl towards the pupil like a raging whirlpool. He's really sexy and handsome, Hermione thought smiling to herself.
"Um, hello? I-I'm S-Severus Snape. Who are you?" he mumbled shyly. I just thought of the greasy-git, bastard of a son of a bitch professor as sexy and handsome?!?! I need to go to a neurologist, she thought, looking 'Severus' up and down making him squirm uncomfortably.
"I'm Hermione Granger. Can I call you Severus?"
"Of course you may," he said, gaining his confidence. His voice was as smooth as silk, but was as razor-sharp as the blade of a freshly sharpened knife. His voice sent tingles down her spine and spread out in her toes. He stared at her long and hard. Something was in his eyes that she had never seen before.
"We-we should get to potions class before the teacher takes points away or gives us detention," Hermione said nervously.
~End Flashback~
Potter and Weasley were staring at the young lady next to them, who claimed to be Hermione Granger, in disbelief. Albus was chuckling to himself, most likely remembering the young Severus. Severus was sitting down in his chair a small smile on his face. He was staring at Hermione with the same look as she described in her story.
"Ah, yes. I remember that," Severus said to Hermione, who turned his way, clasping his hand in hers, "You had me from hello." Albus was watching them quietly. Meanwhile Potter and Weasley were glancing back and forth between each other and the couple expressing utter confusion and mild disgust.
"Did she tell you that she was going back… did you even know that she was from the future?" Potter asked.
"She did tell me that she was from the future and she would probably meet her younger self, but, no, she did not tell me that she was going back. And from what I see, it was rather unexpected," Severus snapped. Hermione glared at him
"Maybe I should get on with the story… next was my first class."
A/n: Are you happy, Lama??? You will find out who exactly found her in the next or after that chapter!!!! This is getting old… maybe I should keep babbling… and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling… ^_^ I finished this early, but I couldn't update as I was visiting my uncle and his 'significant other' in New York and they decided they didn't want internet… o well. Review please?!?!?!? I went to Jacque Torez or something like that's chocolate store… he was on TV! ^_^ whatever… um… yeah… REVIEW!