Title: Keywords

Author: Occurs ([email protected])

Fandom: Hikaru no Go

Pairing: AkiHika

Category: Humor, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Note: Dedicated to Sydney, the only RPS fanatic I know in the flesh.

"Isn't this going to be great, Akira?!"

"Eh?" The taller boy's head was barely visible over the stack of boxes he

carried, and he had to pause and crane his neck to see where the other

boxes and bags and things best described as 'Shindou's stupid junk' had

landed in the living room from where Hikaru had begun his own version of

unpacking. Stepping over a pair of mismatched sneakers Akira lightly set

his load in the kitchen with a sigh of relief. "Having our own place,

you mean?"

"Well, yeah, of course!" The other pro grinned, kneeling down on the floor

to rummage through a box labeled "Stuff box 1". "Now that we're on our own,

we'll have all kinds of time to do fun stuff whenever we want and..."

"Play go whenever we like. I was thinking the same thing."

"Um, yeah, that too..." Cocking his head Hikaru held up a slightly cracked

porcelain object. "Hey, Akira, do we need a Doremon toothbrush holder?"

Akira opened his mouth to answer when Hikaru's limited attention span

got the better of him and Akira watched in amusement as his rival scrambled

over the floor to a grouping of boxes sitting in the corner of the room.

"Akira! I didn't see this before! Why didn't you tell me you got us a


"Because I didn't get us a computer, my father bought me a computer." The

dark haired boy corrected. "But you're welcome to use it if you like."

"All right!" Akira rolled his eyes as he watched his friend tear at the

cardboard like a child at Christmas, almost not wanting to interrupt Hikaru's

glee but realizing in his infinite practicality that sometimes such things

were necessary.


"Eh?" Hikaru looked up, a piece of tape stuck to his mouth from where the

packaging was proving too stubborn for just his hands.

"Finish unpacking everything else first...we need dishes and sheets and

lamps and such before we should even think about setting up the


"Aw, come on! We've got lots of time for dishes and stuff..."

"Not if you want dinner tonight."

Frowning slightly Hikaru looked between the box he had pulled into his

lap and the serious face of Touya Akira. It really wasn't much of

a contest at all.

"Fiiiiiiine, but just for that you have to cook."

"That suits me," Akira agreed, opening a cabinet and setting a row

of glasses neatly inside. "I didn't want to die of food poisoning my

first night home anyway."

The Next Week

It's not that the Touya-Shindou household was usually quiet (far from

it, especially in matters of tidiness and go), but the cursing and

muttering that had been filling the living room for the better part of

an hour was a bit unusual. Shindou Hikaru was bent over a grey plastic

tower, his nose almost touching the cool plastic and his blonde bangs

brushing the assortment of wires sticking out of the machine. Sheesh,

how hard could this really be? Almost everything was color coded,

he had followed the directions to the absolute letter, and...Dejectedly

Hikaru hit the power button again and watched as decidedly non-powered black

screen looked back at him.


A quiet chuckle made him hop up with a glare that would have made his

flatmate proud had Hikaru been turned so Akira could see it.

"I take it that means no luck, then?"

"What do you think?" Hikaru grumbled, pushing past the taller boy and

stalking into his bedroom and slamming the door in frustration. Akira

smiled, amused, and then walked over to the abandoned electronics. His lips

pursed thoughtfully and his eyes narrowed slightly.


"What?!" Came Hikaru's muffled voice from behind the door. "What are you

yelling about?"

"Just the fact that you're an idiot."

"Hey!" Crossing his arms Hikaru glared again, this time directing it completely

at Akira. "Find then, wonder boy, I'd like to see you do better! Obviously

it's totally broken or something, so,"

In answer Akira hit the power button and the monitor resting on the desk hummed

pleasantly, jumping to life. Hikaru's eyes turned to saucers.

"Okay, Akira, what did you do...Come on, now, Waya always thought you were

a robot, but this making machines do your bidding thing is a little freaky..."


"And I already tried everything, and I had the wires right,"


"So what in the heck..."

"Shindou...I plugged it in." Akira rolled his eyes and pointed to the wall, where

the formerly forgotten plug was now attached to a power source." Did you ever

think of that?"

"I..." Hikaru stopped short, rubbing the back of his head in confusion. "Look,

fine, I didn't think of it, okay? But maybe if you had bothered to help

me with some of the other stuff instead of laughing at me the whole time!"

Akira cut him off with a wave of his hand and stood, dusting off his slacks. "I

have a tutoring session to get to. Are you going to play Internet Go?"

Hikaru shook his head, feeling a small twinge as he sat back in front of

the computer. "No..."

Akira shrugged and pulled on a blazer that didn't quite go with the rest of

his outfit. "You can play around with it, but don't break it!"

Hikaru stuck his tongue out at the suggestion, double clicking on the internet

icon. He heard the door shut as Akira left, and clicked the option for 'search'.

Thoughtfully he tapped his fingers against the desktop, trying to think of

something to look for. He and Akira had played a pro match just last week...

Obviously he knew the game by heart, but maybe some of the online sites

would have commentary. It's not like anyone else's opinion really mattered to

him, and he had even managed to pull a win by a half moku, but it was always

fun to look and see what the amateur players had to say. Putting his hands

back on the keyboard he typed in "Shindou Hikaru/Touya Akira" and hit the

enter key.

A few hours later...

"Oh Akira..." Hikaru gasped as his lover licked at his stiff length, raking

a hand through the boy's hair as Akira pleasured Hikaru beyond his wildest

dreams. "Please...more..."

Hikaru felt fairly sure that he had not blinked, nor had his mouth returned

to a closed position, nor had his cheeks stopped being the color of the

tomato since he had clicked that fateful button. Upon opening the first page,

something labeled as "Hikaru and Akira's Hottest Game Yet-RPS", which he didn't

understand but thought maybe it had something to do with some kind of weird go

club, he had choked and exited as fast as he could, realizing too late the

kind of strange goings on that went with his fans on the internet under this

thing called "real person slash". A morbid fascination was what kept him

looking...his mood alternating from amused, to nauseous, to plain out indignant

that there were people in the world who got off on the idea of he and Touya

Akira fucking. Granted (and he would never, ever, ever, ever, in a million

years on pain of death admit it), he himself occasionally got off on the

idea of he and Akira doing, um, stuff...but still, it was him, and he actually

knew Akira besides! This was...well, it was hot, some of it, but it was wrong!

Yes, wrong, and furthermore...

"What are you looking at, Shindou?"

"ACK!" Hikaru jumped from the chair and frantically clicked for the off button,

his face getting even more red than it had been just moments ago. "How many

times do I have to tell you not to scare the shit out of me like that?!

Haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

"It's my apartment." Arms crossed, Akira regarded him coolly, watching the

way Hikaru was fidgeting, unable to look at him. He had a pretty good

idea of what Hikaru was doing, and honestly, if the poor boy was so hard

up he had to find porn on the internet he could just go out and

get a girl or something. And for some reason, that thought made Akira

annoyed and just a tad on the warm side.

With a quick shake of his head the dark haired boy slid off his blazer

and hung it by the door. Well, if Hikaru wanted to be a pervert it

really wasn't any of his business.

"So...how did the tutoring session go?" Hikaru offered weakly, turning

away from the now blank screen.

"It went well; It was Murakami-san, the medical student. He's never

going to be pro-level, obviously, but he uses go to sharpen his

mind and observation...it was enjoyable, I suppose. He did improve."

"Cool." Hikaru ran a damp palm through his bangs, steadying his breathing.

He even dared a glance up as his apartment mate, who was drinking a

glass of water as if nothing in the world was wrong. Sheesh, didn't

Akira know what he had been doing for the past three hours? All those

sweet words and the really hot sex, and now Akira was acting like

none of it had hap...

Oh wait. It hadn't.

With a groan Hikaru stood up. This just would not do at all. How the

heck was he supposed to concentrate on stuff like go and, well, go

when his brain was filled with images of his rival having his way with

him? Or vice-versa...The writers were at least very equal opportunity.

In spite of himself Hikaru wondered if Akira's mouth really

would taste as sweet as they said, and if Akira's self control really

would lend itself to many consecutive rounds not on the goban, and if

you really could do things like that with freezer pops...

"You're staring." Akira pointed out helpfully. "And you look like a fish

with your mouth open like that." He set his glass in the sink and

his brows drew slightly together. "Hikaru,"

Hikaru blinked a little at Akira's sudden familiarity. With quick

strides Akira closed the distance between them and placed his hand on

his friend's forehead. "Are you sick? Some guys at the Go Institute

were talking about a flu..."

Wordlessly Hikaru shook his head no, his already frayed nerves and libido

just about snapping at Akira's overwhelming proximity. This was going to be

a problem. And never let it be said that Shindou Hikaru was indecisive...

or even logical...when it came to his problems.

"Akira...um...please don't take this the wrong way, but I need you

to do something for me."

"Like get you some medicine?"

"Um, no, more like...Wow, there really isn't a good way to put this,

is there?" Akira continued to look at his apartment mate strangely,

attempting to gauge his delirium. Hikaru took that moment to grab


A few more hours later...

"Well you didn't seem that upset when we were doing it!"

"Because you told me we could never play go again if I didn't! You

blackmailed me into sex with go, Hikaru! That's low!"

"Oh, what-ever!" Hikaru tried to get upset, but in his present

more or less glowing and satisfied state of mind he couldn't

really even think of a proper comeback, much less work up some

righteous indignation. So instead he and Akira settled for turning

in the small bed, backs to each other and identical irate

expressions on their faces. They lay that way for a few long

minutes before Akira sighed and rolled back over, wordlessly

pulling Hikaru to his chest. The shorter boy made a small,

confused noise before leaning into the embrace, stretching out

against Akira and trying to find comfortable place to pillow

his head. His brain drifted back to the computer, and he blinked,

realizing something. If all those pages had been stories about he

and Akira...Shindou Hikaru was suddenly really really glad he hadn't

clicked on the page marked "Ochi special edition".