I'm back. I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. I know this chap took forever but now it's here. It's just with the school work and my lack of the ability to type fast it's hard to update. Unfortunately something really bad has happened and it has taken up most of my time and effort. I'm very sorry.

A/N ok just making sure you all know and are aware of this. In this story Voldemort is only a year older then James Potter.


Hermione slowly opened her eyes and gazed around the room. She was lying in a bed inside of a stone room. The door looked like it had about ten locks on it so she dismissed the idea of running away. She attempted to stand but she fell to her feet. She laid back down on the bed and thought about what had happened.

She remembered getting attacked by Voldamort and the Death Eaters. She stopped there. Voldamort attacked the castle. Harry...Ron…..Dumbledore, all of them were there. But where are they now. She felt her heart begin to race as she feared for the worst. She shook her head and told herself that Dumbledore would be able to stop Voldamort. But somehow that wasn't very reassuring.

Hermione was snapped out of her thoughts as the door opened. She felt her breath stop at her throat. While thinking of the others she had not stopped and thought about what happened to her. Standing in the doorway was a Death Eater. She couldn't move… she couldn't even breathe. She could feel her body begin to shake in fear as the figure began to move closer to her. The Death Eater raised its head so Hermione could just make out a sly smile underneath its hood. A smile that said I won.

"You," He said with a little laugh as he shook his head, "Of all people……..you."

Hermione wanted to say something she wanted to ask what was going on or where she was. But she couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she couldn't even think. She didn't know how Harry was able to stand up to Voldemort. She knew that she was doomed. If she couldn't even move how could escape.

"T-t-t-the lord wants to s-s-s-see her n-n-now." The familiar voice had managed to snap Hermione out f her thoughts. Standing at the door was none other then Wormtail.

"Of course," the Death Eater turned towards Hermione. "Come the lord has called for you." Not knowing what else to do Hermione climbed out of the bed and followed him. She wasn't sure just how she was moving since she had no feeling in her legs.

The hall way was dark and cold but what could you expect for a place where Voldemort lives. Hermione looked around helplessly trying to find something she could use to escape. The more she looked around the more she realized that this place looked a lot like the places in her dream. She shook her head and said that it must be nothing. Finally they went into another dark room. Standing in the corner was no other then Voldemort.

Hermione help her breath and tried not to look afraid. But she knew it wasn't working. She could feel her body tremble in fear. Voldemort slowly began to walk towards her. He stopped about a foot away from her and took down his hood.

Harry had told her what Voldemort looked like. He was suppose to look almost like a snake with big red eyes. She was sure that she had even seen his red eyes under his hood at Hogwarts. But he didn't look like that. Not at all. He had neat pitch black that came up to about his ears and fell in his face. He face looked almost, as much as Hermione couldn't believe it, handsome. His eyes were not red but gray. His face was blank. Hermione wondered if he had forgotten how to show emotions.

"Sarah." He whispered as he reached his arm out to her face, but Hermione jerked away. Then she looked at him confused. Maybe he had mistaken her for some one else. But then again was that a good or bad thing. Because if he didn't need her then who knows what he'll do to her.

"You do not remember, do you?" He asked showing a small sign of disappointment. Hermione didn't know what to do. Without even realizing it her head was shaking back and forth saying "no".

"Sarah, you are my daughter." He told her. She just stood there in shock. No there was a mistake, it can't be. She thought, she hoped. But part of her believed it. The same part of her that had those nightmares every night. The same part that nearly killed Draco. So she stood there scared to dead. Her body wouldn't stop shaking and she was pretty sure she was crying now.

"No, no, you're wrong. No." She wasn't really sure who she was telling this to.

"You know that it's true Sarah. Don't try to hide it." He told her; "Admit it" Hermione sank down to the floor. Tears were streaming down her face. She looked up for a second and said;

"I………..I know…..I know"