Of spies and sugar

By Todd Fan

Disclaimer: "There are several levels of dead. Someone is not dead unless they're completely dead"


Hello, my dear readers. Here we are for the fourth and final chapter of this mad, mad story. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, hope you enjoyed it :D


Chapter 4 - Psychic hotline


It wasn't long before Nemo had managed to gather Skinner and Mina into the war room.

""My friends, we have a dire problem", he said, "it seems that Sawyer has managed to give Mr Hyde some....chocolate"

He was awarded with blank stares. Well....one blank stare and a pair of glasses.

"Please tell me that was your poor attempt at a joke, Captain", said Mina.

"I wish it was", said Nemo, then paused, "what do you mean, 'poor'? I can tell quite a good joke if I need to".

"So, what can we do about it?", said Skinner quickly, before Nemo could launch into his 'An Elephant and a Chicken walk into a brothel' joke, "we can't exactly take down Hyde".

"We'll have to keep them locked in one room until Jekyll's potion wears off", said Mina.

"Have you ever heard of 'locking' Hyde anywhere?", said Skinner, shaking his invisible head, "he'll break the bloody door off".

"Maybe", Nemo mused, "or maybe, in his sugar-high state of mind, he won't think of that".

"The choice word we're working with her is 'maybe'", said Skinner, "besides, Hyde has the keys!"

"Well, if someone could take the keys off him, then it wouldn't be a problem", said Mina, a smirk appearing on her face, "someone who could take them without noticing"

"Someone", Nemo added, "who is already experienced as a pickpocket".

Skinner's coat leapt up in the air as if of it's own accord, the 'empty' sleeves waving madly.

"Oh nonononononono", said Skinner, "not me. I'm not going anywhere near Hyde!"

"But he can't see you", insisted Mina.

"I'm sure he can, you know", said Skinner, "sometimes....he looks RIGHT at me"

"Oh, shut up, Skinner", said Nemo, "you're being paranoid".

"No, I'm not", muttered Skinner, "besides, what's in it for me?"

"The peace of mind knowing you've done an unselfish good deed?", tried Nemo.

".....You don't know me at all, do you?", replied Skinner dryly.

"Oh for pitty's sake", said Mina, "I'll let you rummage around my underwear drawer".

There was silence for a minute.

"I accept those terms"


"You SURE this'll work?"

Hyde and Sawyer, still donning their paper hats, were hunched over a board on the table in their room. The board had letters and numbers scrawled on it, and Sawyer was holding a glass.

"Sure, I'm sure", rpelied Sawyer, tapping the board, "an old voodo lady taught me this back home. All we have to do is put our hands on it and wait for Allan to drop in to say 'Howdy'".

"And you think Allan would come to talk to us?", asked Hyde in wonder, "I mean, I'd have thought he'd be in Afirca"

*This is a foolish piece of....foolerly*, slurred Jekyll.

"Shut up, you".

*Shut up yourself, you're the one doing the talking*

Sawyer smiled, putting the glass on the board, and cleared his throat.

"Allan", he called out, "oh, Allan. You here, buddy?"

There was nothing.

"Maybe we should shout louder?", suggested Hyde, "you know, loud enough to wake the dead and all that"

"Great idea, Eddie!", said Sawyer, "on the count of three, one, two, three"


They both paused...then, suddenly....the glass began to move. It skimmed over a few letters, spelling out 'H-e-l-l-o".

"Oh boy, it worked!!!", squealed Hyde.

"Told you it would!", said Sawyer smugly, "how's things been, Allan?"

'C-a-n-t / c-o-m-p-l-a-i-n'

"Wow, it's just like him, too!", said Hyde, then paused, "...what do we ask him?"

Sawyer's brow furrowed, he clearly hadn't thought this far ahead.

"Errr....", he said, "oh, I know, what's the meaning of life, Allan?"

The glass was still for a long time, before it moved again.


"Wow", said Hyde in awe, before pausing, "I'm bored of this game, what do we do now?"

"Well, we have to destroy the glass", said Saywer.

Neither noticed the keys to the room floating up from Hyde's pocket.

"Do we have to throw it at the ghost?"

The keys dropped.

"...I...think so", said Sawyer, the shrugged, "better safe than sorry"

"He's over there!", said Hyde, pointing directly at the invisible 'ghost'

"I KNEW it!!!", shouted Skinner....bad move.

Sawyer tossed the glass, it hit something solid, smashed, and was followed by a 'thunk' sound on the floor.

"Hey, you nailed that ghost good", said Hyde, before passing out himself.

"Go me!!!!", said Sawyer in triumph, before smacking his head on the table with a snore.


"Skinner hasn't come back yet"

A few hours later, Mina gave a hopefull smile at Nemo's comment.

"Perhaps they've killed him"

"Neither of us are THAT lucky", muttered Nemo, "we had better go and make sure he's all right"

Reluctantly, Mina stood and followed Nemo back to the room. They were greeted by an unsual sight. Jekyll, his potion having worn off, was sleeping on the floor, a paper hat sitting on his head. Sawyer was collapsed on the table, muttering something about a raft. Skinner was nowhere to be found.

"Owww", came a voice as Mina stood on soemthing.

Oh, there he was.

"Skinner?", asked Nemo, looking down, "what happened?"

"They hit me with a glass!!", said Skinner, "stupid bloody idiots"

"Raffles, Raffles come home!", said Jekyll, before blinking awake, "huh?"

"Welcome back, Henry, sleep well?", said Mina icily.

Jekyll winced.

"Head...hurts", he replied, then groaned, "oh no, what did he do? What did you do, Edward?"

*Quiet, sleeping*

Nemo, meanwhile had begun to prod Sawyer at arms length.

"Gaugh!", said Sawyer, opening a single eye, "am I dead?"

Suddenly, his head thwacked forward as if something had it it with great force.

"No, but you will be if you hit me with a glass ever again!", said Skinner.

"Glass?", said Sawyer confused, then winced, "...too much to think..hurts".

With that, he collapsed back on the table and began snoring.

"What should we do with them now?", said Mina.

"Let them sleep it off", said Nemo, then smirked, "I shall give them some really digusting crew jobs later"

The three headed out of the room and down the corridor.

"So, Mina", said Skinner, "when can I peek in your underwear drawer?"

"Never", replied Mina, "you didn't get the keys"

"Awww, not even a little bit?", said Skinner, "I won't tell what you have"

Mina stomped down hard on an invisible foot with a satisfying crunch.

"Shut up, Skinner"



There we go, hope you guys liked this fic, and, who knows, when the mood takes me, I might just write another one ;) Thanks for reading and reviewing, love ya's!.