Sorry for the wait – but I really didn't know what to do for this chapter. I knew what I wanted to come AFTER it but not how to get there, so figuring that out was a little tricky – but here it is!
Disclaimer: The song lyrics used in this fiction aren't mine – unfortunately. They're from the clip of one of Hilary's new songs, "Crash World". It fit so perfectly for this part of the story (and a later part) – I couldn't resist.
Lizzie sat cross legged on the floor of the recording studio, humming softly to herself with a notepad and pen in hand. It had been a week since her encounter with Gordo, and the words he spoke still lay burning in her mind. "I'm still here." Why did things have to get some complicated? It was like an alternate universe or something. Everyone knew that one day Lizzie and Gordo would become Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and then the happily ever after fairy tale.
Everyone knew that. Only briefly after the prom in high school did anyone doubt that – then everything went back to normal. What changed? She laughed softly; she knew the answer to that. "We did." She whispered to no one in particular. She wasn't that girl in the yearbook photos any more. Nor was she that blonde no name pop singer who did opening acts and soundtrack deals.
She was the Lizzie McGuire she always wanted to be. But it felt so empty, she got everything she ever wanted but some how lost everything that ever meant anything to her. Lizzie scolded herself – that's not true. She had Miranda and Matt, she planned on calling her parents this afternoon. She loved her music. She looked down at her pad of scribbled on paper.
Crash, Ringing in my ears
I still feel the sting of my tears
Someone, wake me
I can't seem to break free
Go on get out of my head
I'm on the wrong side of
A parallel universe
I am alive or just dead?
I've been stumbling in the dark
Living in a Crash World
She crumbled up the paper and threw it in a corner as she got up to leave. She had planned on calling her parents at one and it was now three. Lizzie knew that sub consciously she had been putting it off. It was going to be an interesting conversation… to say the least.
Lizzie left the building, the clip clop of her heeled flip flops breaking the tense silence that surrounded her as she dug through her purse for her cell phone. She slid into the drivers seat of her car and flipped upon her phone. She started driving and dialed the number.
A voice came from the other side. "Hello?" Lizzie mumbled something, "Liz could you speak up please?" she took a deep breath. "Matt, have mom and dad changed their number?" A small laugh came from Matt. "Lizzie, no now stop procrastinating and call them. The longer the wait the more psychotic you'll get." She scoffed a good-bye into the phone and continued driving, placing her phone back in her purse.
It had been about an hour since she left the studio and she drove the last little bit of her venture. Now driving on familiar streets, remembering a million forgotten memories, flooded with a thousand forgotten scents. She parked her car the same way she used to in the same place.
Lizzie held her breath and walked up to the door, she knocked on it lightly. She listened for the scurry of excited feet that was sure to come. The door swung upon, "Oh. Oh. My Goodness. Lizzie?""Hi Mom…"
Haha. Cliff hanger.