I don't own Neon Genesis or any of its characters. If you want to use any ideas in the fiction just drop me an email




MSN - wonga316(at)hotmail(dot)com
YAHOO – wonga316(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
AIM – wonga316

This is my first attempt at a Neon Genesis Evangelion fan fiction, so please be gentle. This scenario doesn't take into account the final two movies / episodes and Touji never lost his limbs during this activation test. Some of the guys may seem OC to the die-hard fans. Sorry about this but I hope my ideas will make it worthwhile.

"…" Normal speech

'…' Thoughts

(…) Computer / phone / other chat (you will know what I mean…)


"I understand… Run the tests again." Chairman Keel spoke into the phone and then abruptly hung up.

"Not good news I presume." Ritsuko Akagi said between cigarette puffs. NERV's chief scientist had a pretty good idea what Keel was told. The chairman looked at Fuyutsuki who was on the other side of the conference room table.

"That was the lab. Results were inconclusive for Ikari and his son." He said to the other two people in the room. The former commander's body had undergone an autopsy in order to try and find some answers. Some blood and samples were also taken from Yui and Shinji for comparisons but reveal nothing.

"We just don't know enough about these new series of Angels. We don't have the luxury of time like GERHIN had either." Keel referred the previous organisation and the almost ten years they had to prepare and research.

"So what you are saying is that we can't help him?" Kozou asked directly without wasting anytime.

"That's not the case. We have to all the data in front of us. We are not just looking hard enough." Ritsuko said while snubbing out the remainder of her cigarette in a nearby ash tray. Her comment caused the two men to look at her. "I believe Shinji knows more than he's letting on."

The NERV commander then remembered to the exchange of words he had with Kaworu in the car park. She was right. Shinji definitely knew more then he was telling everyone.

"Suppose you are right." Keel said. "But Shinji isn't in any condition to tell us anything."

The chairman was right. The young man had gone through a physical and mentally traumatic experience. They all knew that Shinji's was already emotionally frail and the death of his father was enough to send over the edge. And all signs pointed that it already pushed him beyond his limits.

Keel picked up a remote which activated a large monitor. It showed a direct feed from isolation chamber where Shinji was being held.

The chamber wasn't exactly a prison cell. It resembled something more like a cell for detaining crazed asylum patients. The walls and floor were lightly padded for Shinji's safety and his bed was just a mattress placed in the centre of the room. Anything close to sharp or hard object was removed for his own safety.

But the bed was unoccupied. The monitor switched camera for a different angle and found Shinji huddled in one of the corners. His outward appearance was a definite concern but health monitoring equipment in the room showed at all his vital signs were in normal limits for what he had just experience. At the moment, his brain wave activity showed that he was sleeping.


"So cold… so cold…" Shinji shivered while pulling his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. He didn't know where he was or what was happening. The last thing he had remembered was seeing his father's bloody dead face and then everything went dark. When he woke, he found himself in a black void. There was no nothing around him except for blackness. His senses were no use to him and he was easily disorientated. With the on set of a breakdown, he fought his way up and began calling out help. But it was to no avail. Eventually he collapsed and crawled into a ball.

It was only now that he realised the temperature was dropping. The rising cold took his mind from the sick feeling but it was just replacing one unpleasant experience for another.

'Die…' A little child's voice rang out in his head.

"Who's there!" Shinji asked while still trying to fight the cold.

'You are going to die.' The little voice whispered again still innocent and childlike.

"Die? I don't understand…"

'You will die… The people you love and care will die… Everyone will die… There is nothing you can do and it will be your fault…' the voice finished with a cynically laugh which seemed to echo and hurt Shinji's head. The laughter gradually got louder and the pain increased.



Shinji's eyes snapped open as the piercing and burning pain coursing through his brain caused him to clutch the side of his head with both hands. He began rolling around on the floor and screaming.


"What's going on! What's happening to him!" Chairman Keel demanded through the comm. to his group of scientist monitoring Shinji's vital health signs.

(All his vital signs are normal. From what we can tell he's having a nightmare or night terror) One of the scientist replied but the tone in his voice carried some uncertainty


"Vice Commander!" Kensuke said fully surprised at the appearance of Shinji's mother in the cages. He and the others were on orders from the Commander to take steps to ensure that Unit One would not reactivate on its own again. They were doing everything they could except for the dismantling and removing the core. NERV still had the foresight to make sure that their strongest weapon against the Angels wasn't made completely useless. The young scientist saw the strain on the mother's features but she still managed to uphold her presence and authority without showing any weakness.

"Have much longer do you have to go?" She asked while staring up at Unit One's armoured plated skull.

"I can't give you a time frame I'm afraid… We are having some problems issuing commanding to the Unit." Kensuke told her. For some unknown reason Unit One was not accepting any remote commands from his team. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence and at times some of the other Units would react this way but eventually they would be able to find a way for the Eva to accept.

"I see… I want you and your team to leave me alone with Unit One." Yui told him which only got a strange look from Kensuke. It was a strange request and with what everything that has been happening lately, it was even more reason to act sceptical.

"But Vice Commander…" Kensuke tried to get in a word but was cut off.

"I gave you an order Mr. Aida. Don't make me ask you again." She threatens almost like her former husband and Commander. Kensuke felt like he was a young child getting in trouble from his parents.

"I understand…" he replied shyly and closed his laptop terminal. After calling over one of the technicians assisting him with his task, he relayed the Vice Commander's orders. They all downed tools and quickly made their way to the nearest exit. Kensuke was last to leave and double checked that all the safety procedures made been meet. He looked back one last time at Yui and still found her just staring up at Unit One's eyes.

"Kensuke…" She called out to him without turning around.

"Thank you for helping my son. You are a good friend." She complemented him which surprised the spectacle wearing young man.

'Does she know that I've been digging around the MAGI for information? If so why hasn't she said anything? And why does she still allow me to do so?'


"DAMN IT! STUPID THING!" Asuka's cursing was followed by the sound of the laundry machine slamming shut. It was so loud that the steel door almost fell off their hinges. She had been absolute foul mood since returning from the SEELE facility. Asuka lashed out angrily at everything and everyone. She was quickly becoming the angry young girl all those years ago.

"Hey! Try not to break that one. This month's budget for maintenance and repairs is already stretched." Misato stuck her head from around the corner after hearing the loud bang.

"Well, I wouldn't have to slam it if NERV wasn't a cheap skate about things." Asuka delivered a swift kick to the side of the washing machine which left a sizable dent.

"That's right… putting a boot to it will fix everything." The major rolled her eyes at her charges antics.

"Shut up! You don't even know how to use the machine. It's not as if your two dollar hooker outfits need washing anyway!" Asuka still criticised the way her guardian fashioned herself.

"HEY!" Misato took objection to it and shouted. "That's enough! Just because you have the shits doesn't give you right to take it out on everyone else!"

"Like you can talk… Miss morally high I'll let Kaji screw my brains out."


Asuka had over stepped the mark. The redhead didn't feel Misato approach and could only stand there while an open hand connected with the side of her cheek. There was a moment of silence as both women seethed in their own anger.

"Go wash your face and come to the kitchen." Misato ordered and then left her alone in the laundry room. Her words didn't leave any room for objection. Asuka reluctantly did as she was told. Her mouth stung as the metallic taste of blood was washed away by the cold tap water from the bathroom.

When she entered the kitchen, Misato was sitting down in the middle of her second beer.

"Put this on. It'll help with the swelling." Misato handed her a tea towel with some ice cubes inside.

"Thanks…" Asuka took the makeshift cold pack and sat down opposite her former guardian and superior.

"I'm sorry for slapping but what you said was out of line." Misato opened the dialogue.

"Well, I'm not." Asuka replied like a smart ass which Misato ignored.

"You know with everything that has been happening lately, it has made me think and I've come to realise something." Katsuragi changed to subject to something out from left field which caught Asuka by surprise.

"Do I really have to listen to this? I'm sorry for being a bitch, okay. Can we drop it?" Asuka said while still holding the ice pack to the side of her face.

"I wasn't finished…" Misato persisted with the topic. "I love Shinji but I know that anything can ever happen between us and I'm not upset about that but rather glad."

"You're what?" Asuka was confused. She didn't know why Misato was telling her these things. Every thing started from her trying to get the laundry done.

"Shinji showed me that there is more than one kind of love between a woman and a man." Misato's hand went over her chest where her heart would be. "Before that I thought what I had with Kaji was love but I was wrong. That was more out of lust and comfort."

"I know how you feel about Shinji." Misato's words caused Asuka to look away. "And trashing everything in sight isn't going to help."

"When did you become such an expert on relationships?" Asuka's voice was laced with sarcasm but she still wouldn't look Misato in the eye.

"From Shinji…" When she mentioned his name at the moment, Asuka did look at her.

"We'll if you love him so much, why are you just siting around here getting drunk?" Asuka fired back with a valid point.

"I believe that Shinji will come through this like he always has in the past. He'll come back to us and I'll be here waiting for him." Misato put her light beer down and leaned over the table.

"Do you know how many people would give anything to be you? I know I would. And it just pisses me off that way you still act like a spoilt little girl. So grow up and start being a woman. I know that the both of you have true feelings for each other. Don't waste it."

There silence between the two women after Misato spoke and it was intense. It had been a long time since both of them had this type of talk. The deep and meaningful moment was interrupted by Misato's cell phone ringing on the kitchen bench. She quickly got up and answered it.

"This is Major Katsuragi." Misato listen for a moment and then erupted.

"She did what!" She shouted into the phone. "Forget it! I'll be there immediately with Asuka and Rei. Begin launch preparations for Unit's Zero, Two and Three."

"What's going on?" Asuka asked anxiously. The tension between the two had quickly disappeared with the phone call.

"The Vice Commander has activated Unit One." Misato told her while running towards her bedroom to get some appropriate clothes on. Asuka knew better to ask anyone useless questions.

"I'll get wonder girl and meet you at the car!" the redhead raced outside and collided into someone.

"Woah!" The man was surprised with this rushing young woman and dropped the bags that he was carrying.

"What are you doing!" Asuka half snarled at the person blocking the door way.

"Aya?" Misato had returned from the bedroom. She found George and Aya standing in the doorway with their bags. The couple had returned from closing their personal business like they had said.

"Katsuragi-san. It's good to see you again." Aya bowed politely but wasn't fully sincerely. The two women had left on not real amicable terms, each of them blaming each other for Shinji's situation.

"I was hoping to surprise Shinji and Yui by returning early. We have some good news which I want to tell them. Are they in right now?" It was clear that they were heading towards the Ikari apartment on the same floor and Asuka had just happened to bump into them.

"It might be best that you come with us. I'll try to explain everything on the way." And with those words Misato pushed pass them. She didn't have time to waste right now and had to move.


"What the current situation?" Misato burst into the great room and demanded an update. The bridge crew was already in position and working frantically away.

"All attempts to communicate with Unit One have failed. Holding restraints had been released and it's just siting there." Aoba said while still working at his terminal.

"Are we sure that it's Yui inside? It could have reactivated itself." Misato asked the dumb question just to confirm things.

"Mr. Aida was working on Unit One when he saw the Vice Commander climb into the entry. I'll patch a link to him right now." Maya answered and then brought up a comm. link to Kensuke.

"Kensuke! What the hell is going on!" Misato snapped at him.

(I was ordered by the Commander to disable Unit One when the Vice Commander entered the cages and asked all of us to leave. As I was leaving I saw the Eva Unit's hand move and allow the Vice Commander access to the entry plug.)

'Why did the old man give the order to disable Unit One? It's the strongest Eva we have. Has something bad happen to Shinji?' Misato asked her self as overwhelming concern began to build within her for Shinji's well being.

"Major! Major!" Hyuga called out to her as she began to space out. Misato had let her personal feelings get the better of her for just a moment. "What are your orders?"

(I'm currently prepping Unit Zero, Two and Three. Do you want me to stop?) Kensuke asked Misato which quickly got her mind back on track.

"No keep doing what you are doing and after you done start preparations for Unit 5." Misato told him and then signed off.

"But Pilot Kirashima is still injured and in medical." Maya asked with some concern.

"I know that but we have to be ready for everything. I won't use her unless it's necessary." Major replied and then continued. "Then I want to give Unit One a clear passage to the surface. Make sure it's the longest catapult furthest from the city. I want to avoid a combat situation while still in the Geo Front and hopefully it'll take the path we give it."

"Understood." All three confirmed in unison and followed her orders.

"Major. All three pilots have entered their respective Units." Hyuga reported and brought them up on the monitor and comm. link.

"Listen up everyone." Major addressed her pilots. "The Vice Commander has entered Unit One and released the safety lock."

(My mother…) Rei whispered but hid her shock very well.

(That doesn't make any sense. Shinji's mum is probably upset about what has happen. It's not like she can pilot an Eva. Only we can.) Touji followed up with his thoughts.

"I wish it was that easy. But all communication attempts with the Vice Commander have failed and she is more than capable to pilot Unit One. She was the first test pilot." Misato explained.

(First test pilot? That explains why she fell out of Unit One.) If a light bulb could appear above Touji's head it would have right now.

(Stupid stooge! You never pay attention during the battle theory classes.) Asuka cussed the former jock's dimwittedness.

"Okay enough bickering." Misato quickly stopped the quarrelling before it got out of hand. "Your objective is to immobilise Unit One should it move. And I mean immobilise. We don't want to harm the Vice Commander or damage any of the Eva Units."

'Am I to fight my mother?' Rei questioned herself and the prospect of what she was about to do.

"Rei." Misato addressed the young woman directly. "I want you to provide support with positron rifle. I know that this is difficult but should the situation warrant, I need to know that you will shoot. I'm not asking you for a kill shot. So aim for its legs."

(You better let me be the trigger on this run) Asuka interjected. (We can't have any stuff up)

(No… She's my mother. I'll be the one to bring her back safely) Rei countered. It was almost like the two had renewed their old rival from the days of old.

"Good. Rei has the better numbers on the positron than you Asuka. In any case I need you and Touji to counter Unit One's AT field to allow her to get the shot in." Misato quickly continued before Asuka could get a word in about her lower scores in the sniper range when compared to Rei. "Okay. We're all counting on you. Prepare to launch."


"Lilith! Show yourself!" Yui shouted as she stood on the white sand and the red sea gently over lapped its shores. But the strange scenery was the furthest thing on her mind.

"It has been a long time my friend… I didn't expect to see you again." The corporal figure of Unit One suddenly appeared behind the mother. She had adopted the figure of the grown women with flowing silver hair that she model on Shinji's ideal woman.

"You tell me what is happening to Shinji right now!" Yui stormed over and grabbed her by the throat.

"What do you wish to accomplish by choking me?" Lilith asked calmly without even blinking an eyelid at Yui's sudden actions.

"No more games! You knew that this would happen to Shinji and now I want some answers!" Yui tighten her grip around the neck and threaten again.

"It was as I told you as well as Shinji. He must make some choices…" Lilith remained calm and showed no sign of distress.

"LIAR!" The mother pushed her victim backwards and she landed back on the sand.

"I don't care what role you have to play with mankind and God but it stops now!" Yui was now standing over her.

"Things can not be undone… Please understand… He calls for me even now…" Lilith said with a sad voice and single red tear streaked down the side of her face. Her cryptic answer confused and frustrated Yui.

"Who is calling you?" Yui asked.

"Your son…"


"How is he doing that!" The chairman asked one of his scientists. Himself as well as Fuyutsuki and Ritsuko had moved from the conference room to control platform where SEELE controlled all aspects of the facility. It was similar to the flight deck where NERV conducted its battle against the Angels.

"We have no idea… His blood work showed no angel DNA elements at all." The scientist answered.

"Are we sure the AT field is being generated by Shinji?" Ritsuko asked as she hoped onto a vacant terminal to see what she could do to help.

"It's a positive match… The pattern is orange. The source is definitely coming from the isolation chamber where Ikari is being held." Another scientist said. "I don't believe this…"

Fuyutsuki and Keel hurried around the scientist's monitor to see what had caused such a response. To their shock, they were all taken back but what they saw.

"What is it?" Ritsuko almost demanded and got up from her chair to see what was so shocking.


Evacuation and battle proceeds had been completed. The most technological advance city in Japan was now a ghost town. Its bright lights that usually lit up the night darkness were now just a dim comparison. The night seemed to almost swallow up the great city.

"Hey stooge, are you ready?" Asuka signalled the other Eva Unit.

(Yeah…) He replied a little deflated (I can't believe that we're going to take down Shinji's mum…)

"That's not going to happen." Asuka told him with some authority. She was feeling the same as he was except that she had learnt to hide it with her tough demurer. Asuka looked out to her right to see Unit Zero in position with the positron rifle as they planned.

"Can you really do it wonder girl…" She whispered to herself, watching the dull outline of blue mecha just above the ridge of mountains on the city outskirts.

(Unit One is approaching your position!) Misato's voice sounded over the broadcast channel which snapped her back to attention.

Unit One's unmistakable purple hand appeared from the ground and grabbed onto the edge of the catapult entrance. It had slowly climbed its way from the holding cages to the surface, following the path that Misato laid out for it. Slowly the scariest and mysterious Evangelion hauled it self out of the catapult entrance. Its presence now was as threatening as always. When it righted it self onto its feet it just stood still and didn't show any signs of aggression.

(What are you all doing!) Misato's voice sounded over the broadcast channel again (We have an opening! Asuka and Touji expand your AT fields. Rei get ready)


"YOU LEAVE SHINJI OUT OF THIS!" Yui screamed. She had lost what was left of her self control when the Lilith clone mentioned her son's name. "This all stops now! I don't give a damn about your plans for humanity or what ever it is that you are trying to do! We are out! You are not using my family for any more of this!"

"I'm truly sorry… It's too late for that… You made your choice all those years ago…" Eva replied calmly again. She was referring to Yui's early days in Gerhin and the initial Humanity Instrumentality Project.

"Depending on Shinji's choice, this may be the last time we see each other… Farewell… Yui… Ikari…" Lilith's final words gradually disappeared like her body and Yui was left alone. Then everything around her started to shake like a violent earthquake. But this didn't bother the woman standing on the sand.

"LILITH!" Yui screamed in anger and frustration as the inner world of Unit One around was began to collapse into ruins.


"Begin evacuation process for the facility." Keel ordered one of his security members who quickly left the room to rely the command. Fuyutsuki paid little attention to what Keel was doing. He was receiving regular updates from Misato at NERV HQ on the situation which Unit One and Yui.

"Sir? Your orders?" the scientist asked. "We estimate that if the AT field continues to grow at this rate, the contamination will be too much. Ikari has may be ten minutes to live."

"Is the Sentox loaded?" Keel asked.

"Yes." He then pointed to the large activation button on the next terminal. The safety glass cover was still intact over the button.

"Sentox! You don't mean the nerve gas! You're planning on flooding his room! That will kill him!" Ritsuko said completely shocked. After catching part of the conversation between Keel and his men, she had quickly caught onto what Keel had in mind.

"We don't have a choice… The data we have doesn't lie." The old man referred to the AT field signature pattern that Shinji was somehow emitting. The most shocking thing about Shinji's AT field was that it was identified by the SEELE data banks. It was the very first AT field mankind had ever witness. It occurred at the turn of the millennium and was the beginning of everything that lead up to this moment.

"Shinji is now classified as the first Angel… Adam…" Keel told Doctor Akagi who still refused to believe what was happening.

"Run another scan!" She yelled. The woman wasn't going to stand idly by and watch them pump the toxic nerve agent into Shinji's chamber. She was accustomed to Sentox's ability and knew that it was an excruciating final three minutes for the victim as their central nervous system shut down which caused your lungs to cease functioning. Then while you suffocated your internal organs would be to haemorrhage. In military circles, it was nicknamed red tears because victims would have they own blood escape from every possible opening on the body.

"We have already completed three scans!" the scientist answered. "This is the last chance we will have."

Ritsuko must had been hanging around Misato for too long and picked up some bad habits from her. The blonde raised her hand to deliver a slap to the scientist who opted to sacrifice Shinji instead of trying to find another solution.

"Dr. Akagi." Fuyutsuki called out to her formally which made the woman stop before inflicting any harm. It also got the attention of everyone in the room.

"Release the Sentox…" the Commander said with sad eyes.

Keel didn't need Fuyutsuki's approval nor was he waiting for it. It pained him to this but he had no choice. He used the current NERV Commander's outburst as the opportunity to smash his fist through the safety glass onto the button.


Rei could see two EVA units lying flat on their back from her position with the positron rifle's sniper scope. As soon as Asuka and Touji began to strengthen their AT field, Unit One countered with a massive energy pulse of it's own AT field. The invisible wave was so strong and so quick that it peeled the outside of surrounding buildings like they were paper lanterns. And once the paper was gone, all that remained was the core frame.

Rei's trigger hand began to shake uncontrollably as she debated with her sense of duty as a pilot and love of a daughter to her mother. Ever since Yui had formally adopted her she had experience what it was like to have a real family and a real parent child relationship.

(NO! ASUKA! TOUJI!) Yui's terrified voice called out over her internal speakers. Somehow Unit One was starting communications.

"Mother!" she hailed Unit One.

(REI! You have to stop me!) The mother told her frantically. Just before the inner world of Lilith's consciousness was destroyed, she blanked out for a moment and the next time she opened her eyes she found herself back in the cockpit.

(YUI!) Misato intercepted the transmission (WHAT ARE YOU DOING! EJECT YOUR PLUG RIGHT NOW!)

(Misato! Unit One is not responding to my commands! It has become self aware. You have to stop me!)

(Self aware!) The Major had heard Ritsuko use that term in the past.

(Rei! Please listen to me…) Yui said in voice almost cracking. (You have to stop Unit One no matter what. I'm unable to self destruct. Don't worry about my well being. I know you can do this)

"What you are asking me to do is…" Rei replied quietly trying to keep her composure.

(Please… Shinji is in danger… You must protect him…)

(Shinji? Damn it Yui! What's going on!) The situation was now getting the better of Misato who was usually cool, calm and collected.

Rei sense something wrong with Unit One right then. Instinctively she willed Unit Zero to roll to the side as an AT blast headed in her direction. She had to leave the positron rifle in order to make it out of the way in time. As a result the rifle took the full force of the impact. Its indestructible barrel was peeled back like it was only tin make the weapon useless now.

(REI!) Yui screamed for her daughter as she helplessly watched from within the pilot's cockpit. Before the dust and debris cleared Unit One leapt up and over the majority of Tokyo Three's buildings. Once it had enough room to move clearly, it started in a mad sprint towards its goal.


The little child was now standing over the incapacitated Shinji. His piercing red eyes held a sick fascination to Shinji's pain and torment. He just continued to smile and enjoy the show.

"Why fight? There is no reason to resist. We will soon become one and the same. And then we'll be able to be with brother once again." Adam tried to reason with Shinji. Like the other Angels, he didn't understand why humans continued to fight something that was inevitable.

Shinji was too weak to respond and only caught bits of what Adam had told him. He felt sick to the pit of his stomach. What he was feeling was worst than any pain he had experienced. This was his soul slowly dying away and being replaced by Adam's consciousness.

"Oh you are still alive." Adam mused and then waved his armed in a broad stroking motion next to him which reveal a scene happening outside. Shinji managed to turn his head and through his fading vision managed to catch a glimpse of what was being shown. It was himself in the SEELE chamber. He was rolling around on the floor clutching the sides of his head.

"I thought I would let you know that your friends have abandoned you. They have opted to kill you off like some common pest instead of attempting to save you." Adam told him indirectly that the Sentox gas had been released into his room. He then knelt down next to Shinji and began to whisper into his ear.

"It's not everyday that someone can watch their own death…"

The last thing Shinji saw was him self suffocating on the nerve agent. He moved his hands from the side of his head to around his throat. His body began to twitch and convulse as he fought for air and the remaining internal organs began to turn into liquid.


"Ritsuko!" her Commander called out to the stunned woman who was still over coming what they had done.

"Dr. Akagi!" Fuyutsuki grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "We have to leave right now! Unit One is approaching!"

After they release the Sentox into Shinji's room, SEELE sensors picked a rapid moving target heading their way and it wasn't hard to identify it as the purple mecha.

"Should I initiate the Mass Production Units?" the scientist asked chairman Keel in response to the approaching threat.

"Not yet! I have no doubt that Unit One has come here for Shinji. When it finds out what has happen to him, we have no idea what it will do next." Keel answered and then calmly started walking towards the door.

Ritsuko heard the cold and indifferent way he spoke about Shinji and what to do. It brought back bad memories of her experiences with Gendo and something inside her snapped.

"You bastard! You never really gave a shit about Shinji!" She yelled at him.

"I did what I had to do to save him. You know too well what happens if Adam comes in contact with another Angel. At least this way Shinji had the dignity to die as a human being." The chairman replied calmly without turning around to face the others. Ritsuko didn't want to admit it but the man was right. Shinji was slowly becoming Adam and if he made contact with Unit One then it was spell another impact for mankind. Part of her felt that if she had done more then may they had discovered that this would happen and prevent any of this from happening.

"You couldn't have done anything else. How were we supposed to know this was going to happen? None of us did." The commander told her. He knew what she was thinking.

"Sir! Unit One has just disappeared!" the scientist interrupted and alerted them to the latest development. Then everything in the control centre went dark as the power to the whole facility was lost. Emergency lighting activated and allowed the scientist to see what happen. But they didn't have any time as the whole wall to one side of the control centre came violently tumbling down. The debris was a mixture of sparks, wires and steel fragments which were like shrapnel. Everyone got showered and suffered some moderate cuts and burns.

Through the mayhem came the distinctive black and purple hand of Evangelion Unit One. It had somehow covered the distance from Tokyo Three, avoided SEELE detection for an instant and appeared inside their secret compound. Keel didn't have time to worry about those details or the fact that Unit One was easily turning his headquarters into rumble.

All they could do is watch, Unit One march towards Shinji's cell. When it arrived, it ripped off the top like a child opening their first present on Christmas Day. It didn't care about anything else, just what was inside.

"Has the Sentox been neutralised!" He demanded because the man knew why and what the Eva was here for. Once Unit One released Shinji the gas was no longer contained.

"Yes. The system is automated to vent the Sentox after three minutes." They knew it was three minutes because that what it took for the agent to become effective.


"Shinji… Shinji… Shinji…" Yui repeated her son's name as she watched Eva hold his limp and lifeless body in its giant hand. His face was almost unrecognisable with his own blood smear all over it. His patient gowns were also completely soaked in his own blood. Tears began to flow and quickly dissipated in the LCL. She grabbed the yoke controls again and with everything she had tried to make Unit One move as she wanted.

"SHINJI!" She let out a mournful and heartbroken cry which was mimicked but an Evangelion howl.


"Do you hear that?" Adam held his hand up next to his ear as he continued to torture the poor lad. "That's your mother and my sister crying for you. Well, she's not really my sister. She is a clone after all. Imperfect compared to the rest of us."

His words didn't get a response from Shinji. Adam reached down and grabbed Shinji by his long hair. He pulled him up to his face and inspected his condition.

"It's about time you died. Now we can finally finish the process." He said as the darkness around then disappeared in a flash of white light.


Everyone shielded their eyes as the hand holding Shinji's body was engulfed in a blinding white light which only seem to get brighter and bigger with no sign of stopping. But within the light if you were able to stand the brightness you could make out the faint out line of two figures begin to merge into one.

Adam just wore a wide smirk as their union was almost complete. The lower half of his body was already absorbed and he continued to push his head into Shinji's chest.

All was lost but through the light and death a man's voice spoke out.

'Don't die…' it said clear and concise. It wasn't shouted, just loud enough for Shinji to hear and the young man's eyes snapped open.

"WHAT!" Adam stopped moving as he heard the voice as well. "Who dares interrupt me!"

'Don't die…' the man's voice said again. Shinji had no idea what was going on or how he was even able to hear this voice. He was certain that he given up long ago.

'Don't make the same mistakes as I did. Now live. Live for them and fight.' The voice told him. Then Shinji finally recognised the voice.

"…Father…" he whimpered.

"Impossible! You're dead!" Adam exclaimed.

'Be better than me… My son…' Gendo's voice slowly disappeared leaving Shinji alone but a way to fight back.

"Now… Now… Now… NOW THIS STOPS!" Shinji didn't know what he did or how he did it but Adam's bright circle of light was smashed by burning crucifix that shot up from the middle of Unit One hand. It pierced the ceiling and the many layers of the protection to surface continued up into the night sky.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Adam asked with some fear in his voice as he felt his body and soul being rejected by this force from Shinji. Before he had anytime, the Angel was thrown backwards.

"Who are you! What do you think you're doing!" He said while still lying in the palm of Unit One. Then out from the beam of the crucifix, out walked a figure. All Adam could make out was the silhouette of this person slowly coming towards him.

"Who am I?" The shadowy figure asked with determination and the Angel instantly recognised the voice. This was the first time he had experience fear and it would be the last thing he would take into the after life.

"I'm Shinji Ikari." Shinji told him with authority as his crucifix turned into a giant super nova and blanketed the whole area.

Everyone ducked for cover but there was no need, the super nova had only one target to destroy and that was the first Angel. Adam's physical body quickly disintegrated into nothingness as he was swallowed up. Then just as quickly as the phenomena had occurred, it disappeared.

Yui's eyes were still adjusting to sudden change as she tried to blink away the light spots from her vision. When it was bearable but still blurry to see she tried to find out what was happening.

'Careful, your eyes are still adjusting.' Lilith said who's corporal body had appeared next to her floating in the LCL.

"Shinji! What happened to my son!" She asked frantically as Unit One's system began to come back online in their initial start up.

(YUI! ARE YOU OKAY! WHAT'S GOING ON?) Misato's voice came over the broadcast channel and it was followed by Rei and the other pilot asking all sorts of questions.

'Perhaps this will settle them down.' Lilith closed her eyes and activated the external camera on her body.

(Shi… Shi…Shinji…) Misato's voice quivered.

Yui mistook Misato's reaction and she began to panic but it wasn't called for. Her eyes finally saw what everyone else was seeing. It was Shinji. He was standing tall in the middle of the Evangelion's hand. The tunnel to the surface caused but the crucifix brought a night draft from the top. The air played with his hair giving him that windswept appearance which made him look like a totally different person. There was no sign of his blood any where like before.

"Can you let my mother out, Lilith?" Shinji looked up and asked Unit One like nothing had happen.

'Of course… Shinji…' Lilith said inside the cockpit and flashed the eyes of the Evangelion to acknowledge him.

"Shinji?" Yui asked as Unit One slowly lowered its hand to ground to let Shinji off before ejecting the entry plug for Yui to escape.

"Everything is gong to be fine." He reassured his mother but his words only caused more concern. The young man she was watching before her was definitely her son but something had changed. But it wasn't a change for the worst. He carried himself differently.

"What do you mean! What's going on!" her voice boomed through the external speakers, seeking more reassurance.

"I've decided want I'm going to do." He replied but it just confused and worried her even further.

"I've decided to fight…" he finished and looked directly at her with absolute resolve and no hesitation. He had told them that he would fight the Angels but this was unlike that time where he would have lingering thoughts in the back of mind which could be seen on his face. The concern was gone.

At the moment, Yui discovered what her son had become. He had over come all obstacles and hardships that would have caused any normal person to give up on living. He wasn't angry with the world nor was he was crying on the inside. The Shinji before her had become a man.


Sorry for the delay in update again. Had PC troubles again and had to reload all XP and all my apps again :P Plus I had been working one other EVA fic.

Some readers may get annoyed that there is a pattern occurring, Shinji get beaten to near death and then makes a miracle comeback. I'm always aware of this but the truth will be reveal next chapter when Kaworu reappears.

I hope this chapter makes up for it. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and pretty much got the whole battle scene down in one night. Next chapter will has Shinji explain what is happening. I'm sure many of you want to know why he could hear Gendo's voice :P

And at the time of writing, I was watching the TV series 24. That's where I borrowed Sentox from. Jack Bauer is a bad ass :P

Thanks to Wicker for pre reading and thanks to you for reading and reviewing.
