Chapter 1

"Domin Eley Express!" the news person called out. Ah yes, newspaper day. The day Niomi despised most. The whole staff of the newspaper were all girls, girls who also hated Niomi for not joining their click. They'd usually write untrue lies about Niomi in the paper and Niomi would usually ignore it. However, today was different.
"Paper?" the news person asked Niomi. Niomi was searching through her locker for her books.
"No thanks" Niomi said, still rummaging through her locker. The girl handed it to Niomi. Niomi turned and looked at the newspaper, then the girl. The newspaper was 25 yen. Niomi usually never bothered.
"No. I think you should have it for free. You might want to read it." The girl disappeared into the hallway. Niomi stared down at the newspaper. They wrote a lot of things about her, but never did they actually want her to read them.
Niomi opened the newspaper. She slowly read the first page. She suddenly felt a merge of anger and betrayal. She rolled up the newspaper and stomped down the hall.
Mokuba was tidying his locker like he did after every lunch hour. He was suddenly hit straight off the side of his head. He quickly turned to see an angry Niomi.
"Why did you do that?! I paid attention last night in our study group!" Niomi hit him again, this time across the cheek. Mokuba had his hand on his cheek, blankly from shock.
"We made a vow that we would keep each other's secrets. And just when you think you can trust your best friend, you can't!" Mokuba still was lost and hurt by these words.
"What are you talking about?!" Mokuba finally had the courage to ask.
"Well, why don't you take a look at the school newspaper, traitor!" Niomi shoved it in Mokuba's face. Mokuba took the paper and looked at it. Mokuba fell silent.
"I didn't think that he'd tell?" was all Mokuba could say before Niomi jumped at him and slammed him to the ground. She punch him across his face, and was about to punch him again when the teacher stopped them.
"Miss Gardener and Mr... Kaiba. Fighting is strictly forbidden here. I will have to call your sister and your brother immediately!" A few minutes after, Mokuba and Niomi both sat across from each other, waiting for their older siblings to come. Niomi glared at Mokuba. Mokuba had an ice pack up to his cheek as he stared speechlessly at Niomi.
Both Mokuba and Niomi were holding back tears. They both knew it. Finally Tea and Seto arrived at their school.
"Niomi?" Tea walked in and towards Niomi. Niomi got up and glared at Mokuba while doing so.
"Mokuba." Mokuba's head shot up from Niomi to Seto. Mokuba jumped up to his brother's side. For the first time in his life, Mokuba was scared of Niomi. As they walked out the door Niomi whispered to Mokuba.
"There is no use for this friendship. It is over forever." Niomi walked away, still glaring steadily at Mokuba. Mokuba was gripping Seto's trenchcoat tightly, holding back tears and fear.
Mokuba watched as Niomi got into Tea's car and drove away with the most death-like look ever. Mokuba stopped, watching the car grow tinier and tinier. Suddenly a song he had heard earlier came to him.

Too much of heaven, can bring you under ground...

Heaven...can always turn around... Too much of heaven, a life was all hell bound... Heaven... the killer makes no sound...
"Mokuba." Mokuba turned in surprised when he heard Seto call for him. Now even Seto's regular look (which is an unhappy one) made Mokuba feel worse. Mokuba sat on the other end of the limo away from Seto. He had been banging his head against the window ever since they had entered it. Seto stared blankly at the young boy. Mokuba's forehead was starting to turn red. Mokuba was doing it for a logical reason. First, pain was the key to holding back uprising tears. Next, he wondered how he could ever betray Niomi like he did. And finally, he felt angry knowing Niomi had just dropped him like that. "Mokuba, stop." Just that little command released the awaiting tears. Seto shifted over next to Mokuba and put his arms around Mokuba. Before they could lock around Mokuba's body, Mokuba pushed away. Not even his brother could cure his pain. When the limo stopped, Mokuba ran right out the door and into his room. He locked the door and slammed himself on his bed. He cried like never before. Seto knocked on the door. "Go away. Leave me alone. And go get a life!" Mokuba called back through tears. Seto was drawn back by shock. His own Mokuba had talked back. Seto walked over to the nearest phone and started to dial Tea's phone number. Just as he did, someone was trying to call him. "Kaiba?" "Gardener?" "Is what I think happening?" "Happening?" "Mokuba and Niomi aren't friends anymore. That's gonna lead to bad news." "Look Gardener, Mokuba doesn't need Niomi. He never did. It is the fact that Niomi won't have any friends that is causing Mokuba to act this way." There was a long pause. "You mean, he's talked back to you? I know Niomi would do that to me, but to you?" "Gardener, stay out of my business. Mokuba never needed Niomi. Ever. He was going to ditch her someday or the other." "Kaiba. They've been friends since preschool. They were really close. And I think if Mokuba was ever gonna ditch Niomi, he would've done it by now." Seto hung up. As much as he hated it, she was right. Mokuba really, truly liked Niomi, and needless to say, so did himself. "S-stop c-crying M-Mokuba..." Mokuba struggled to say to himself through thousands of tears. Mokuba tried taking deep breaths. But every deep breath only last for 2 seconds. Mokuba kept gasping for air he was crying so hard. Mokuba finally did one thing that was bound to work. He slapped himself. Immediately Mokuba stopped and all was quiet. 'I can do this. It's not like the end of the world...' Mokuba said to himself, 'But it's only the end of the world if your only love hates you...' ************************************************************* Hopefully this will come out a long chapter. I hope you guys liked the beginning of hell. But there is so much more to this story you can't handle it. I just hope to get down all the chapters I've been missing. Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! please.