Part X: Afterword
This fanfic started almost a year ago when I thought of something while reading a review about Macross: Do you Remember Love and how Rick and Lisa (Hikiru and Misa in this case) get together a lot sooner in the series. I have since learned by buying DYRL online and watching it that is not the case, yes for they get together sooner. However the movie is totally different then what I had seen at the beginning of this fanfiction. So in that regard I threw even more AU stuff into the Frozen in Time, Hayes being a lot nicer, the SDAC Ship, and all those other things I had thrown into the fanfiction for the fun of it. However I like to mention that I have enjoyed writing this fanfiction and I can't wait to start the next one, and find out what happens to our heroes.
Now, I really like to thank some people who had affected this Fanfiction in some shape or form:
My Mother, who even if she hadn't read this she supported my effort in my writing, and for that I thank her. My mom also managed to fight tooth and nail for my Creative Writing Class in my school and hence I thank her for that as well for that class managed to have a dramatic effect on my writing.
My Step-Father who was another person who supported my writing, granted more vocally then my mother, by supported me nothenless. He also was the one who help me take that first step into Anime and I thank him for that as well as being the supporting father that I had never had since he came along. Thanks!
Two of my teachers who I will not name to protect them from the masses. These two teachers my Language Arts Teachers, and my Creative Writing Teacher supported ever since I started writing fanfiction my freshmen year in High school.
My best friends RX-79(G)BC Man and 9-Breaker Omega who where me every step the way to this fanfiction. BC was the one who helped me teach me writing before I even stepped foot in my creative writing class, and also pre-read many of my Fanfictions and for that I thank him in earnest. 9-Breaker who barely writes at all but still supports me in this endeavor.
Now lastly I like to thank SHAWN, Lord Destroyer, Knights Templar, Pchad and all those I forgot to mention that had stuck with me since I posted that first chapter so long ago. I thank you all for that. I also like to thank all those new reviewers that had just joined us for this. Thank you all! I also like to thank any of those who had read this but never reviewed.
Finally I like to say a few more words before ending this entirely. Frozen in Time for your information is my very first Multi-chapter story beside two others which are one-shot fanfics that I split into chapters format. It is kinda fitting that my first multi-chapter fanfic is of the Robotech Genre for Robotech was one of the very first animes that I had watched and I for one think of that as pretty interesting.
Now I thank you all again and I must take a break from Robotech but don't fret I will be back (I always wanted to say that) and write the much more exciting sequel of Frozen in Time, till then I say farewell!
William R. Woods
aka Deathzealot
3rd Class Okatu (don't ask)