Sethra: Hello everyone!!! My name's Sethra Ri-Senzo! This is my first
posted story! I hope you like it!
Kitsu: Of course they'll like it, you moron!!
Sethra: *giggles* Oh, don't mind him everyone. This is my...muse, I guess you could call him. He's a small cat-like creature (called a Dakiin) with blue black fur and these really spiffy purple wings that glow when he gets excited!
Kitsu: AAAHHH!! Sethra!! Stop pulling on my wings, damnit!
Sethra: *still giggling* I will when you make them glow!
Kitsu: Haven't I already told you that I can't make them glow myself?!?! *tries to run away from Sethra; runs into another Dakiin, a female one with sparkling-silver fur and gold wings* Help me, Asha!
Asha: *sits down and begins bathing herself* Help yourself, baka.
Kitsu: Meanie!
Asha: Since Sethra is too busy trying to rip Kitsu's wings off, I guess I'll have to do the disclaimer.
Disclaimer: Sethra Ri-Senzo does not own Inuyasha.
Sethra: But Kitsu, Asha, and the species of Dakiin are solely mine!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Asha&Kitsu: *sweatdrop*
Help Me...Save Me Chapter 1: You're Marrying Him?!
"You little bitch! I told you to fix dinner two hours ago!"
Kagome shudders. 'Mom must be drunk again.' She closes her math book and stands up. As she starts to walk towards her bedroom door, it opens. Her little brother, Souta, walks in. "Have you finished your work, Souta?"
He nods. "Yeah, I just finished. But just to let you know, Mama is really mad. I don't think you should go down there right now." He gazes up at his sister, worry and fear in his eyes. "It's another one of her bad nights. I think she had a fight with her boyfriend or something."
Kagome shudders again. Naraku had been her mom's boyfriend for the past three years. He was the first man her mom had dated since Kagome and Souta's father had died when Souta was little. Until Naraku had come along, they were a normal family. They would go on picnics with their mom. They went to the movies. Their mother had never even raised her voice at them. But now.....
"Damnit, Kagome! Where's dinner!?" Their mom's voice gets louder as she climbs the stairs. "When I get up there, you're in trouble!"
Kagome looks at Souta. "Souta, get in the closet."
"But sis, I-"
"Now!!" Kagome opens up the closet door, shoves her brother in, and closes the door. "Don't make a sound, okay? No matter what you see or hear!" She turns around just as the door flies open. She winces when she sees the look of pure fury on her mom's face. "Hi, Mom. I-" She stops talking when her mother's hand connects with her cheek.
"I told you to fix dinner two hours ago! When I woke up, I went into the kitchen. And what did I find?! No dinner, that's what!!" Ms. Higurashi slaps her daughter again. "Why haven't you done what I told you?!"
"I-I did fix dinner, but you were asleep! You s-said that you would get up later. Then you told me to fix you a plate and put it in the fridge. I fixed you a plate like you said." Kagome massages her cheek. "I'll go heat it up for you, if you want me to."
Her mother nods once. "Fine. Bring it to my room. I'll expect you to-" She glances over at Kagome's desk. "Hmm, what's this?" She walks over and pulls a paper out from under Kagome's math book. "A test?" She glances up at the grade. "You made a 'B'?! No daughter of mine makes a horrible grade like that!!" She grabs Kagome's alarm clock and throws it at the girl. It connects with the corner of Kagome's temple. Kagome falls to the ground, holding her forehead. "You won't be eating for a week. There will be no leaving this room, except to go to the bathroom. You can't talk to your friends on the phone until I decide you can. And you will tell everyone who asks that you recieved that wound when your brother accidentally hit you while opening the door. Oh, and I expect the food to be in my room in fifteen minutes." She walks out and closes the door behind her.
Souta bursts out of the closet. "Sis?! Are you okay?" He kneels down beside her. "Poor Kagome-chan." He pulls a tissue out of the box on Kagome's desk. He slides closer and moves Kagome's hands. "Well, it isn't as bad as the time she actually hit you with the door." He dabs gently at the wound, wiping the blood away. "There. Much better. Just wait here while I get you something to put on that." He starts to get up.
Kagome grabs his wrist. "Thank you, Souta. But I'll be fine." He starts to protest. "Souta, I have to get her food fixed. Otherwise, she might actually knock me out. I don't want that to happen again." She stands up and clutches the desk for support when her legs feel like jelly.
"All right, sis. You fix Mama's food. But then we're gonna clean that wound up. Understand?" He crosses his arms and waits for an answer.
"Sure. We'll do that later. Now, you go back to your room and read or something." She smiles. He sighs and kisses her on the cheek, before heading back to his room. As soon as she hears his door close, she bursts into tears. Why, oh why, did this have to happen to her? She did the best she could to make her mother happy. It was just never enough. Why couldn't her mother love her like she did before Naraku came along? She sighs. "I better hurry up and bring her food to her." She walks out the door.
~ ~ ~
Kagome opens the front door of her house and walks in. "I'm home!" She takes her shoes off. "Hello? Mom? Souta?" She walks into the hall. "Where is everybody?"
"We're in here, Kagome dear!" Her mom's voice echoes from the living room.
" 'Dear?' Mom must be in a good mood." Kagome sighs and fingers the bandage on her forehead. It's been a week since her mom's outburst. "I wonder what's happened now?" She walks into the living room, and stops suddenly when she sees who's sitting on the couch beside her mother.
"Good afternoon, Kagome." Naraky gives her his malicious smile, the one that always makes her feel like he's a hunter and she's the prey. "It's good of you to join us. We have some wonderful news. Why don't you have a seat beside your brother?"
She nods and walks over to her brother with mechanical motions. 'What's he smiling about? Something's about to go terribly, terribly worng. I just know it.' She sits down beside Souta, who scoots closer to her and place his hand in hers. "So what's the news?"
Naraku and her mother look at each other, then back to her and Souta. Her mother smiles. "Naraku and I are getting married in two days. We'll be moving with him to another town after that."
"You're what?!" Souta looks back and forth at his mom and Naraku. "Why?"
Kagome, on the other hand, is speechless. Her mom wants to marry Naraku? Oh no. Please no. Anything but this.
"I'm marrying him because I love him. Besides, he's a very powerful man. He can take care of us. He has promised that you two will go to the best schools in the area that we're moving to." She smiles. "Everything that hasn't been packed by tomorrow stays here. So go get packed."
Kitsu: Of course they'll like it, you moron!!
Sethra: *giggles* Oh, don't mind him everyone. This is my...muse, I guess you could call him. He's a small cat-like creature (called a Dakiin) with blue black fur and these really spiffy purple wings that glow when he gets excited!
Kitsu: AAAHHH!! Sethra!! Stop pulling on my wings, damnit!
Sethra: *still giggling* I will when you make them glow!
Kitsu: Haven't I already told you that I can't make them glow myself?!?! *tries to run away from Sethra; runs into another Dakiin, a female one with sparkling-silver fur and gold wings* Help me, Asha!
Asha: *sits down and begins bathing herself* Help yourself, baka.
Kitsu: Meanie!
Asha: Since Sethra is too busy trying to rip Kitsu's wings off, I guess I'll have to do the disclaimer.
Disclaimer: Sethra Ri-Senzo does not own Inuyasha.
Sethra: But Kitsu, Asha, and the species of Dakiin are solely mine!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Asha&Kitsu: *sweatdrop*
Help Me...Save Me Chapter 1: You're Marrying Him?!
"You little bitch! I told you to fix dinner two hours ago!"
Kagome shudders. 'Mom must be drunk again.' She closes her math book and stands up. As she starts to walk towards her bedroom door, it opens. Her little brother, Souta, walks in. "Have you finished your work, Souta?"
He nods. "Yeah, I just finished. But just to let you know, Mama is really mad. I don't think you should go down there right now." He gazes up at his sister, worry and fear in his eyes. "It's another one of her bad nights. I think she had a fight with her boyfriend or something."
Kagome shudders again. Naraku had been her mom's boyfriend for the past three years. He was the first man her mom had dated since Kagome and Souta's father had died when Souta was little. Until Naraku had come along, they were a normal family. They would go on picnics with their mom. They went to the movies. Their mother had never even raised her voice at them. But now.....
"Damnit, Kagome! Where's dinner!?" Their mom's voice gets louder as she climbs the stairs. "When I get up there, you're in trouble!"
Kagome looks at Souta. "Souta, get in the closet."
"But sis, I-"
"Now!!" Kagome opens up the closet door, shoves her brother in, and closes the door. "Don't make a sound, okay? No matter what you see or hear!" She turns around just as the door flies open. She winces when she sees the look of pure fury on her mom's face. "Hi, Mom. I-" She stops talking when her mother's hand connects with her cheek.
"I told you to fix dinner two hours ago! When I woke up, I went into the kitchen. And what did I find?! No dinner, that's what!!" Ms. Higurashi slaps her daughter again. "Why haven't you done what I told you?!"
"I-I did fix dinner, but you were asleep! You s-said that you would get up later. Then you told me to fix you a plate and put it in the fridge. I fixed you a plate like you said." Kagome massages her cheek. "I'll go heat it up for you, if you want me to."
Her mother nods once. "Fine. Bring it to my room. I'll expect you to-" She glances over at Kagome's desk. "Hmm, what's this?" She walks over and pulls a paper out from under Kagome's math book. "A test?" She glances up at the grade. "You made a 'B'?! No daughter of mine makes a horrible grade like that!!" She grabs Kagome's alarm clock and throws it at the girl. It connects with the corner of Kagome's temple. Kagome falls to the ground, holding her forehead. "You won't be eating for a week. There will be no leaving this room, except to go to the bathroom. You can't talk to your friends on the phone until I decide you can. And you will tell everyone who asks that you recieved that wound when your brother accidentally hit you while opening the door. Oh, and I expect the food to be in my room in fifteen minutes." She walks out and closes the door behind her.
Souta bursts out of the closet. "Sis?! Are you okay?" He kneels down beside her. "Poor Kagome-chan." He pulls a tissue out of the box on Kagome's desk. He slides closer and moves Kagome's hands. "Well, it isn't as bad as the time she actually hit you with the door." He dabs gently at the wound, wiping the blood away. "There. Much better. Just wait here while I get you something to put on that." He starts to get up.
Kagome grabs his wrist. "Thank you, Souta. But I'll be fine." He starts to protest. "Souta, I have to get her food fixed. Otherwise, she might actually knock me out. I don't want that to happen again." She stands up and clutches the desk for support when her legs feel like jelly.
"All right, sis. You fix Mama's food. But then we're gonna clean that wound up. Understand?" He crosses his arms and waits for an answer.
"Sure. We'll do that later. Now, you go back to your room and read or something." She smiles. He sighs and kisses her on the cheek, before heading back to his room. As soon as she hears his door close, she bursts into tears. Why, oh why, did this have to happen to her? She did the best she could to make her mother happy. It was just never enough. Why couldn't her mother love her like she did before Naraku came along? She sighs. "I better hurry up and bring her food to her." She walks out the door.
~ ~ ~
Kagome opens the front door of her house and walks in. "I'm home!" She takes her shoes off. "Hello? Mom? Souta?" She walks into the hall. "Where is everybody?"
"We're in here, Kagome dear!" Her mom's voice echoes from the living room.
" 'Dear?' Mom must be in a good mood." Kagome sighs and fingers the bandage on her forehead. It's been a week since her mom's outburst. "I wonder what's happened now?" She walks into the living room, and stops suddenly when she sees who's sitting on the couch beside her mother.
"Good afternoon, Kagome." Naraky gives her his malicious smile, the one that always makes her feel like he's a hunter and she's the prey. "It's good of you to join us. We have some wonderful news. Why don't you have a seat beside your brother?"
She nods and walks over to her brother with mechanical motions. 'What's he smiling about? Something's about to go terribly, terribly worng. I just know it.' She sits down beside Souta, who scoots closer to her and place his hand in hers. "So what's the news?"
Naraku and her mother look at each other, then back to her and Souta. Her mother smiles. "Naraku and I are getting married in two days. We'll be moving with him to another town after that."
"You're what?!" Souta looks back and forth at his mom and Naraku. "Why?"
Kagome, on the other hand, is speechless. Her mom wants to marry Naraku? Oh no. Please no. Anything but this.
"I'm marrying him because I love him. Besides, he's a very powerful man. He can take care of us. He has promised that you two will go to the best schools in the area that we're moving to." She smiles. "Everything that hasn't been packed by tomorrow stays here. So go get packed."