This story is dedicated to a very good friend of mine who became an unexpected source of strength not just with the story, but with my life as well. There is no one I'd rather walk through hell with. Thanks sis, I couldn't have done it without you.

First of all, every single person who ever left a review deserves to be thanked. Each one left impact and at the very least made my day a bit brighter. Some even helped shape the story! Trust me, what has come out was not what had original started in my mind. Because of all the input I've changed and rearranged and developed new plot lines. It made the whole experience that much more fun. So thank you all for sticking along for the ride. (Bows)


Adalon Ithilriel: Girl, you were one of my first reviewers and have stuck with this throughout the whole thing! I cannot believe your tenacity, and I cannot thank you enough for it. You have helped shape this story so much. Flar is yours girl. A creation of your appreciation and reviews. You've been a tremendous help. Thank you.

vampirehuntr00 aka Moose: You my friend, came in like a damn whirlwind and reviewed every chapter. Your input has been priceless, and your crazy ideas were excellent. Thank you for your humor, support, and time. Hope I got everything right. (winks) Thanks again Moosey.

Rayefire: Your reviews were awesome each and every time! They were thoughtful and honest and I appreciated the little constructive tips you would throw in. Thanks for sticking around, and yes, if we ever meet you can buy me that drink. (Winks)

Azira Morrgaine Vida (who may or may not be Morrgaine): Thank you so much for your reviews! I consider you another faithful reviewer who always had something constructive to say. I appreciate the time and energy and hope you enjoyed the story. ï