Disclaimer: So I don't own anything! Not Elladan, not Elrohir, not Legolas . . . Why? Why?

This is my first story, so please comment on it. I appreciate any and all comments and suggestions.

Chapter 1: Awaited Arrival

The dark-haired elf peered into the distance anxiously, but even his keen silver eyes could not spot the much awaited guest. Elladan continued gazing into the distance ever so intently. Their visitor was nowhere in sight. And . . . Where was Elrohir? The elder twin had a sneaking suspicion that wherever his brother was, this mystery would end with him getting soaked. He peered out once more, and could now just make out a pale horse carrying a fair-haired rider in the distance. "Elrohir!" He excitedly called out. "Come out and greet our guest!"

Swift, silent footfall carried the younger twin to his brother."So he's here?"Elrohir called out.

"Not quite!"

Two pairs of watchful silver eyes gazed at the approaching rider. Each fluid, rippling motion of his galloping steed brought him closer to his destination. Elladan thought brightly of their friends last visit. That had been decades ago of course, not long, yet too long. Or if you asked Elrond, not long enough. A smile crossed his fair face as he remembered the events of that visit. Every imaginable prank had been played, not all of them on the person intended. Ada had been the unintended target of many jokes. The bucket of water Elrohir had meant for him, the bag of flour he had meant for Legolas, the soapy floor Legolas had meant for Elrohir....There had been many more. Of course there were also the countless pranks that had hit their intended targets. The smile that had crawled across his face widened as the fair rider dismounted his steed.

The pale haired elf silently ran to the brothers, who greeted him with open arms. Sapphire eyes shone with joy as his friends embraced him. "It has been far too long!" He cried with great cheer. "'Tis good to be here" He added. Then, with a devilish grin disclosed "Though I'm not sure how lord Elrond feels about my presence." His blue eyes twinkled "How does Lord Elrond feel about my presence?"

The twins exchanged befuddled looks. Unspoken words exchanged between them. Neither spoke, the awkward silence echoing as a light breathe swept through their silky black hair. Elrohir nudged Elladan in the ribs lightly. The elder twin finally spoke "Ada?" He asked quite innocently, casting the burden to Elrohir, who scowled darkly.

"He was.....Uh....Fine!" He said jerkily, once more giving Elladan a dirty look. The younger twin however failed to include word of the mild curses the Lord of Rivendell had muttered under his breath as he rushed off to warn his staff.

The pale haired elf gave his friend a whimsical glance, nodding rather disdainfully. With that, the three elves walked into the Last Homely House.

Unbeknownst to them all, a dark figure peered from behind a grove of trees. All but hateful pale green eyes seemed to be one with the shadows, with the shadows that were pale as freshly fallen snow in comparison to a black heart.

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