Disclaimer: This is a known fact. And for that I should be
saying .. *duh*. Tha-at's right: Not mine
Summary: Basically, Draco owls Hermione for a reason and soon finds himself constantly owling her. Not a good summary but I think you might get what it's about.
A/N: Second Draco/Hermione fic. NOT a one-shot this time and it's told through letters. And yeah, hope you don't find the characters too out of character or anything. This is a short chapter so enjoy a'right?
A letter to Hermione Granger from Draco
Dear Granger,
Actually, it's not 'Dear Granger' as I don't seem to think you as 'dear' to me. You are NOT dear to me in any way. SO. Mudblood,
You're probably wondering why I, Draco Malfoy, a PUREBLOOD Slytherin, am owling you. Knowing you, your eyebrows are raised and your mouth is sort of screwed up and you're wondering whether to read on or throw it into the fire, suspecting that this is all some sort of trick. Well it isn't, I assure you and before you're about to throw this piece of parchment paper into the fire, I'd hate to inform you but I have your Potions spellbook with you and you apparently, have mine. Now, your eyes have probably widened as you read that sentence and you're probably gasping out, "WHAT? But - but how can that be? I'm always careful -"
Mudblood, might I remind you that nobody's perfect in this world. Not even you! Right, I'd have loved to go on about how you can't be so perfect but I don't want to waste my words, my parchment paper and my ink on you. I've given you your book back (though I'd have loved to rip the pages off and feed them to Crabbe's stupid paper-eating potato of his). Now give me my book. Give it to my owl.
Draco Malfoy
A letter to Draco Malfoy from Hermione
Though I hate to say this, thank you for returning my book and not having fed it to that plant. And I don't think that I'm perfect. True, I may be the highest in our year but it doesn't mean that I'm perfect. And might I add that those drawings - the ones that you drew of Harry being tortured in various gruesome ways and slipped them in between pages 167 and 170 - are just pure disgusting and poorly drawn. Honestly, even Crookshanks can draw better than you!
Hermione Granger
A letter to Hermione Granger from Draco Malfoy
Who asked you to look through my book? Who asked you to even open the cover of my book? Who asked you to look through my drawings of Potter? And how dare you criticize my drawings. I don't take criticism. Especially from a mudblood like you. And the drawings are neither disgusting nor poorly drawn. One would've seen it as fine art and nothing else.
Even as you're reading this in your little dormitory in the early morning, I'd be still trying to get rid of the dirt that's all over my book - thanks to you of course mudblood! I'd probably ask my father to get me a new book. If I were you Granger (though it'd seem like some sort of torture for me if I was you) I'd be watching out for myself. Wouldn't like to end up in the hospital wing too soon. The school year's just started hasn't it?
Why am I still writing to you when I have much better things to do?
D. Malfoy
P.S. What's a Crookshanks? No, wait, don't bother in replying back to me Granger because I don't want another letter from you!
A letter to Draco Malfoy from Hermione Granger
Well this is amusing Malfoy. Are you actually threatening me? Are you expecting me to become frightened and paranoid Malfoy? Really, you amuse me to no lengths Malfoy. And you seem to call your drawings fine art??? I'm shaking with laughter as I write this. A stick figure with dark hair, glasses and a scar, being tortured is NOT fine art Malfoy. If you want fine art, I suggest you visit some sort of wizard art museum or something. You'd probably learn loads from there.
And for your information, Crookshanks is my cat. Not that you would happen to know of course. Oh, why am I wasting my time doing this? I suppose this is the last time I'd be owling you. Of course, it helps. For the both of us. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm off to start writing that essay Professor Binns has asked us to do.
H. Granger
A letter from Harry Potter to Hermione
Dear Hermione, Hi. This is Harry here. I know. I know. Summer's over and we're all back at Hogwarts and instead of me writing this letter and asking Lavender to place it on your bed, I should be TALKING to you. Well sorry. You know how Ron and I have to practice Quidditch and with one match coming up (and it's with Slytherin too, bloody hell!), we've been working really, really hard. And you're very busy yourself. Lately, you've been studying alot and going to the library more often. You should stop and to breathe at least Hermione. We'd only be taking our N.E.W.Ts next year in case you've mistaken this year to be our last year at Hogwarts. Sorry this letter's going somewhere else.
What I've really wanted to talk to you about is how often you use Hedwig to send your letters. No, I'm fine with you using Hedwig and Hedwig doesn't mind you using her (though I think she's sort of becoming a little irritated now that you seem to use her almost everyday) Exactly to whom are you sending those letters to? I know it's none of my business but I can't help but feel curious. Write back or at least tell me during lunch or something.
Love, Harry
P.S. It's a Hogsmeade weekend tomorrow. Shall we go then? Just you, me and Ron?
A letter to Hermione Granger from Draco
You find this amusing don't you? Think that my threat's just a joke isn't it? We'll see who'll be laughing soon mudblood!
Draco Malfoy
Summary: Basically, Draco owls Hermione for a reason and soon finds himself constantly owling her. Not a good summary but I think you might get what it's about.
A/N: Second Draco/Hermione fic. NOT a one-shot this time and it's told through letters. And yeah, hope you don't find the characters too out of character or anything. This is a short chapter so enjoy a'right?
Dear Granger,
Actually, it's not 'Dear Granger' as I don't seem to think you as 'dear' to me. You are NOT dear to me in any way. SO. Mudblood,
You're probably wondering why I, Draco Malfoy, a PUREBLOOD Slytherin, am owling you. Knowing you, your eyebrows are raised and your mouth is sort of screwed up and you're wondering whether to read on or throw it into the fire, suspecting that this is all some sort of trick. Well it isn't, I assure you and before you're about to throw this piece of parchment paper into the fire, I'd hate to inform you but I have your Potions spellbook with you and you apparently, have mine. Now, your eyes have probably widened as you read that sentence and you're probably gasping out, "WHAT? But - but how can that be? I'm always careful -"
Mudblood, might I remind you that nobody's perfect in this world. Not even you! Right, I'd have loved to go on about how you can't be so perfect but I don't want to waste my words, my parchment paper and my ink on you. I've given you your book back (though I'd have loved to rip the pages off and feed them to Crabbe's stupid paper-eating potato of his). Now give me my book. Give it to my owl.
Draco Malfoy
Though I hate to say this, thank you for returning my book and not having fed it to that plant. And I don't think that I'm perfect. True, I may be the highest in our year but it doesn't mean that I'm perfect. And might I add that those drawings - the ones that you drew of Harry being tortured in various gruesome ways and slipped them in between pages 167 and 170 - are just pure disgusting and poorly drawn. Honestly, even Crookshanks can draw better than you!
Hermione Granger
A letter to Hermione Granger from Draco Malfoy
Who asked you to look through my book? Who asked you to even open the cover of my book? Who asked you to look through my drawings of Potter? And how dare you criticize my drawings. I don't take criticism. Especially from a mudblood like you. And the drawings are neither disgusting nor poorly drawn. One would've seen it as fine art and nothing else.
Even as you're reading this in your little dormitory in the early morning, I'd be still trying to get rid of the dirt that's all over my book - thanks to you of course mudblood! I'd probably ask my father to get me a new book. If I were you Granger (though it'd seem like some sort of torture for me if I was you) I'd be watching out for myself. Wouldn't like to end up in the hospital wing too soon. The school year's just started hasn't it?
Why am I still writing to you when I have much better things to do?
D. Malfoy
P.S. What's a Crookshanks? No, wait, don't bother in replying back to me Granger because I don't want another letter from you!
Well this is amusing Malfoy. Are you actually threatening me? Are you expecting me to become frightened and paranoid Malfoy? Really, you amuse me to no lengths Malfoy. And you seem to call your drawings fine art??? I'm shaking with laughter as I write this. A stick figure with dark hair, glasses and a scar, being tortured is NOT fine art Malfoy. If you want fine art, I suggest you visit some sort of wizard art museum or something. You'd probably learn loads from there.
And for your information, Crookshanks is my cat. Not that you would happen to know of course. Oh, why am I wasting my time doing this? I suppose this is the last time I'd be owling you. Of course, it helps. For the both of us. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm off to start writing that essay Professor Binns has asked us to do.
H. Granger
Dear Hermione, Hi. This is Harry here. I know. I know. Summer's over and we're all back at Hogwarts and instead of me writing this letter and asking Lavender to place it on your bed, I should be TALKING to you. Well sorry. You know how Ron and I have to practice Quidditch and with one match coming up (and it's with Slytherin too, bloody hell!), we've been working really, really hard. And you're very busy yourself. Lately, you've been studying alot and going to the library more often. You should stop and to breathe at least Hermione. We'd only be taking our N.E.W.Ts next year in case you've mistaken this year to be our last year at Hogwarts. Sorry this letter's going somewhere else.
What I've really wanted to talk to you about is how often you use Hedwig to send your letters. No, I'm fine with you using Hedwig and Hedwig doesn't mind you using her (though I think she's sort of becoming a little irritated now that you seem to use her almost everyday) Exactly to whom are you sending those letters to? I know it's none of my business but I can't help but feel curious. Write back or at least tell me during lunch or something.
Love, Harry
P.S. It's a Hogsmeade weekend tomorrow. Shall we go then? Just you, me and Ron?
You find this amusing don't you? Think that my threat's just a joke isn't it? We'll see who'll be laughing soon mudblood!
Draco Malfoy