Im such a bad bad author. Im SO sorry it took so long to get this chapter out *sobs* Sorry for any spelling errors.....I didnt have time to spell check. I sorta had writers block and I've been worrying about a whole buncha stuff at school…………….including me almost getting suspended for bringing 2 damn Aspirin 5 months ago because I had a headache………but WHATEVER, you don't care so here's your chapter…..sorry if its not the longest one in the world ^_______^x

Disclaimer: Uhm ok, I don't own Finding Nemo, The song "Into the West" or PotC. Man! I'm poor ;_;

(Oh by the way, this goes back in time a little to the night before, so sorry if it's a little confusing at first)


Bekah stood at the stern of the ship watching the sun sink below the horizon. The reds and oranges and purples reflected off of the blues and greens making the whole scene look like a giant watercolor painting. The entire crew was still out getting drunk so the ship floated empty save for Will and Bekah, anchored at the dock . The sun sank lower and it reminded Bekah of one of her and Dannielle's favorite songs, so she figured since she was alone and no one would really be able to see her more serious side she started singing.

"What can you see,

On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea,

A pale moon rises,

The ships have come

To carry you home…."

But what she didn't know was that she really WASN'T alone after all. Will was standing behind her silently listening to the sad melody she sang. She finished, and he walked up to the railing beside her.

"You have a very beautiful voice Bekah"

Bekah groaned.

"You weren't supposed to hear that"

He wrinkled his forehead.

"Why? Because it actually shows that you can be serious if you try?"

She narrowed her eyes.

"No. I just don't like singing in front of people which is pretty ironic, seeing as I'm in a fudging CHOIR."

"Ah…….I see," Will said unconvincingly as he raised his eyebrows "You cant lie very well….."

Bekah rolled her eyes "yeah……So……."

Will chuckled slightly. "Well, I've got to get back to work. I'll talk to you a little later…"

Bekah sighed once he was out of earshot. "Reality Sucks……" She muttered as she slid down the railing and sat cross legged on the rough wooden floor of the deck. She sighed again and closed her eyes. Soon she felt the nagging feeling off sleep pull her off into dream world.

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A few hours later Will was feeling restless so he headed up to the dock, hoping the cool breezes would clear his thoughts. He stepped onto the deck and listened to the loud gunshots, laughter and yelling that came from the night life on shore. He stood by the railing and stared at the dark waters. After a few minutes his thoughts were interupted by a soft murmer coming from the left of him. He looked over and saw Bekah sprawled on the floor, sound asleep. Will chuckled lightly.

"The sea monkey has my money...."

Bekah murmered which made Will chuckle harder. He debated whether he should leave her there, wake her up or take her somewhere so she could sleep. His confused brain finally decided to take her somewhere else to sleep. At first he thought about taking her to the Crew's quarters but he quickly shook the thought out of his mind. Some of the crew had returned and he felt uncomfortable leaving her there with all the others.....for obvious reasons. The next thought that occured to him, was to take her to Jack's cabin, where she had originally been taken, but THAT thought was ruled out as well. Will DID NOT want Bekah to be sleeping in a room when a drunk Jack Sparrow came back, with whatever whore he was paying for that night. He finally decided to take Bekah to his room. He wasn't very tired anymore anyway.

Will lifted Bekah in his arms and headed for his cabin. When he reached it, he carefully opened the door, walked in and set Bekah on the bed. He sighed and turned to walk away but as he did so his foot struck a loose board which omitted a loud CREAK. Bekah sprang up her eyes wide looking for the source of the noise.

"Calm down, I was just putting you to sleep" Will said akwardly.

"Oh.....mmmkay" And Bekah rolled over and went back to sleep.

Will watched her until he was sure she had resting again.

"Dont do it Will, dont even start to fall for her..." He spoke to himself and he walked out the door.

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The next day sunlight spilled in through the tiny window that bordered Jack's cabin. The light streamed onto Dannielle's sleeping face thus waking her. Last nights "adventure" quickly entered her mind and she moaned. She didnt remember anything except that she had gotten VERY drunk.

"Stupid hangover"

She attempted to sit up but discovered that something was holding her down. A warm something. A something that felt like an arm. She glanced down at the "arm" and saw a black tattoo of a Sparrow in front of a sun. Dannielle's eyes widened.

"Well now, THATS interesting" She mumbled sleepily. She swiveled her head and saw that the arm belonged to a sleeping Jack Sparrow.

"Thats VERY interesting!" She yelped, suddenly realizing that being in bed with the infamous Jack Sparrow could only mean one thing. She attempted to shove the arm off and clumsily succeded. Jack's arm flopped off the edge of the bed and the momentum of the sudden movement caused the rest of his body to follow the arm and he crashed onto the floor.

"WHAT THE 'ELL!?!?!" He screamed as his nose made contact with the woven rug layed on the hard ground.

Dannielle bounded from the bed, jumped over Jack and flew out the door leaving a cursing Cap'n Jack Sparrow behind.

"BEKAH! BEKAAAH! WHERE ARE YOU! BEKAH!?!?!? BEK-" But her search was cut short as she charged head on to the person she was looking for. Both girls flew in opposite directions and when they landed, complaints could be heard coming from both of them.

"Owww....head.....bang......floor.....owwwww" Bekah moaned in pain, but that was nothing compared to the almost sobbing Dannielle.


Dannielle staggered up and leaned against one of the ships wooden walls for support, clutching her head in agony. Bekah stood up and stared at Dannielle with her eyebrows raised.

"What's your problem?" She asked slowly. Dannielle moaned again and looked at Bekah with watering eyes.


Amazingly Bekah could piece together the whole story even from just those fragments. I guess thats what happens when your best friends with someone for six years.

"Oh...So you went out last night, drank so much rum that you got drunk, went to bed and woke up by Jack. Your REALLY confused and you have the WORST hangover EVER! Therefore you need some Tylenol....which we DONT have. I get it......Well, isnt that kind of your fault?

Dannielle nodded and groaned as she slid onto the floor. Just then Jack came bounding out of his cabin door looking very disgruntled. Dannielle jumped up and glared at him.

"YOU!" She roared, but seemed to be at a loss for any other words so she just started mumbling fragments again in all hopes that Bekah would translate for Jack.

"Pub....RUM....Bed....YOU!!!" She spluttered. Dannielle then pointed at Bekah and waited. Bekah rolled her eyes.

"She wants to know what the hell happened last night. Including what happened at the pub, how drunk she was, and WHY THE BLOODY HELL was she in your room this morning? But see that's what confuses me....I dont see WHY that would upset her. She dreams about it enough"

Which was followed by laughing from Jack and Bekah getting smacked upside the head by Dannielle. After about five minutes Jack's laughter had subsided enough so that he could give her an acceptable explanation.

"Are ya sure ya want to know?" He asked with a grin. Dannielle nodded vigourosly which only made her head pound more. She groaned again. Jack was enjoying this.

"Sure?" He asked again. Dannielle glared while Bekah stifled a laugh. Jack grinned.

"Absolutley? In front of Bekah too?" He said smirking. Dannielle's eyes flashed and Bekah could no longer hold in her laughter. This annoyed Dannielle further and she finally jumped up, hit Bekah over the head again and started yelling at Jack.


"Ok, love, calm down. We went out n both got drunk. So I was takin' ya back, n we both fell asleep. I didn' mean to....really" He said with another smirk.

Dannielle sighed. Her headache had taken over and she just nodded and waved Jack away. He laughed and said,

"Well! Now that I have your "Permission" to go, I'll be headin off! Lotsa work to do ta keep this ship in workin order..." He winked and he walked away. Bekah then started to help Dannielle up. By this time all the crashing, yelling and laughing had attracted Will. He stepped up behind Bekah.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Bekah laughed. "Nothing really. Dannielle got drunk with Jack last night. It's a long story..." And her giggling was joined by laughter from Will.

Dannielle just scowled and stormed off in search of a dark, cool corner she could rest her head against.

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Later on that day, Jack and Will were talking on deck watching Bekah and Dannielle giggling by the bow of the ship. Will was staring at Bekah and Jack noticed.

"You fancy her don't ya?" He questioned.

Will stared at Jack. "I dont know Jack. I'm really confused right now......" He sighed and Jack raised his eyebrows.

"Don't tell me we came on this trip for nothin?" Jack asked and Will sighed again.

"Well, hey, what about you? You seem pretty keen on Dannielle? You usually dont just take people to pubs and PAY for them...."

Jack laughed. "Y'know mate, I think I do rather fancy her....Amazin how the world works izzin it?"

Will raised his eyebrows and turned back to look at Bekah who was lauging at something Dannielle had just said. Jack grinned, turned around, and headed off to the steering wheel. Leaving a very confused and mad Will Turner behind.....


Well! That took me a while to write. My hand hurts.....*sobs* Fell sorry for me! ^_^x send me reviews to make my hand heal! YAY! Lol sorry the next chapter may not be up for another two weeks....I have to wait for the inspiration to kick in! *Skips off to dream about Blacksmiths and Pirates*

~Pirate Wench~