I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR INUYASHA OF SOME SORT! Just wanted to tell you that since I see other people do the same and it makes sense. Thank you for your cooperation. ::bows:: : ) Enjoy!


Inuyasha's Trip to Hogwarts

Chapter 1: The Beginning
A 16 year-old girl with long, black, curly hair a bit below her shoulders rises from her bed in pink bunny pajamas. She rubbed her brown eyes with her hand and takes a look around her room; rays of sunshine come out from her window across the room. Then she noticed something heavy was on her, it was her white cat with orange patches who was settled on top of her.

"Buyo...,"says the girl to her snoring cat with an annoyed yet, happy look. She let out a grin.

"Kagome! Breakfast is ready!" a woman from below the floor yelled.

"Yes, mother!" the so-called-Kagome said as she got out of bed. Buyo got off and groaned since he was woken up and walked out of the room. Then she tidied the bed up; fluffing the pillows and flapping the blankets. She got changed into blue, comfy jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red sweater, throwing her pink pajamas into the laundry basket by the door. She ran out the door, hopping on one foot, trying to put on her white socks at the same time.

"OOMPH!" Kagome said as she crashed into someone smaller than her. "Sota! Watch where you're going!"

Kagome got up and helped a boy who looked similar to her, except he had short hair of course, and Kagome pulled him up by taking his hand and thrusting him up.

He rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, sis! Or should I say Miss Little Ugly! Hahaha!" He pointed to her hair, which was in tangles and clumped up into balls and knots.

"Sota....." Kagome said to her little brother, showing a tightly gripped fist. "Argghh!!!! MOM! Can you tell Sota to stop being an annoying brat!"

A woman looked over from behind a wall down the stairs who had short, black hair that curled on the ends a bit. "Now Kagome, just because you two bumped into each other doesn't give you permission to call your brother a brat."

Kagome sighed. "Yes, mother." Her mother always won when Kagome argued.

Kagome's mom clapped her hands. "Well, breakfast is ready! Lets eat! Your grandpa is already down there. Better hurry or all the scrambled eggs will be gone!" She gave a happy grin.

"Race ya down the stairs, to the dining table where breakfast is, Kagome! I know I'll win! Or are you chicken? Buk-buk-bu-kah!" Sota said, imitating the way a chicken sounds and he flapped his arms up and down and stuck out his tongue.

"Hah! I'm in fit shape! Running from youkais is just what I need to beat you! And don't forget I'm on the track team! There's no way you'll beat me! On the count of three! 1-"Kagome crouched down, just like as if she was in one of her track meets. "2.....3!"

Kagome and Sota raced down the stairs, Sota kept shoving Kagome out of the way. Both of the two bolted down the stairs in seconds then ran down the hall, their mother following from behind, then they fell with a thump onto their seats at the table.

"I WON!" they both declared, then gave each other an evil stare.

"No I WON!" Kagome yelled.

"NO I WO—"Sota said but was interrupted by his mother.

"Please, both of you, just stop, lets eat." She said and sat down between Kagome and Grandpa.

The two settled down and ate quietly not speaking a word during the meal until---

"Oh, Kagome, I forgot to tell you, you got mail. It's very odd though, it does state where you live but also where you sleep!" Kagome's mother says as she passes a yellow parchment letter to Kagome.